JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SINCE 1932 DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA,LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● REG.NO. MCS/067/2018-20RNI REGN. NO. 1543/57 JOURNALISMOFCOURAGE THURSDAY,APRIL 30, 2020, MUMBAI, LATE CITY,14PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM FOUR DAYS TO END OF LOCKDOWN Running out of ConsiderablerelaxationsMay4onward,says time to enter Centre,clearsreturnhomeofstrandedmigrants House, Uddhav Curbs to be eased dials PM for help in manydistricts; no movement VISHWASWAGHMODE& Must from containment LIZMATHEW become MUMBAI,NEWDELHI,APRIL29 member of zones, hotspots legislature WITHTHE Maharashtra by May27 Governorsittingonthe state DEEPTIMANTIWARY Cabinet’s recommendation that NEWDELHI,APRIL29 UddhavThackeray be nomi- nomination. He asked forhelp nated to the Legislative Council, saying if it does nothappen he IN AN indication of itsplansaf- the Chief MinisterdialledPrime would have to resign,” asource terMay 3whenthe current MinisterNarendraModi on in Delhi said. According to this phase of the lockdown ends,the Tuesdayevening. source, the PM told Thackeray CentreonWednesdaysaid there Thackeray sought the Prime thathewould look intothe mat- will be “considerablerelax- Minister’s cooperation in resolv- terand getmoredetails. ations” in manydistricts. ing the crisis,sources in New In Mumbai,aseniorShivSena The Union Home Ministry Delhi said.InMumbai, sources leader told The Indian Express: also issuedguidelines formove- in the Maharashtragovernment “Uddhavji discussedthe current ment of strandedmigrant said the Chief Minister hadex- political uncertainty in the state labourers, students, and tourists pressed unhappiness over the with the PM.Heexpressedun- who want to return home. “politics beingplayed” over his happiness over the politics being Sources, however, said this will nomination to the Upper House playedoverhis nomination as notapplytothoseinhotspotsor of the statelegislature. MLCatatime when the stateis containmentzones. Thackeray,who took oath on fighting the coronavirusout- In astatement, the Ministry November 28 lastyear,has, un- break,and is standing with the said, “New guidelines to fight At acremation ground in LucknowonWednesday, ashes await immersion in holyrivers. VishalSrivastav der Article 164(4) of the Centreinthe crisis.” COVID-19 will come intoeffect Constitution,six months to be- Asked howthe PM had re- from 4th May, whichshallgive come amemberofthe stateleg- sponded, the Sena leader said: considerable relaxationsto islature. However, withthe pan- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 manydistricts. Details regarding demic raging,aby-election thisshallbecommunicated in Punjab extendscurfewby2wks, Warning signsemerge in cannotbeheld, and the onlyway BJPNOT INTERESTED comingdays.” to fulfill the requirement isfor IN MAKING Curbs areexpected to be joins Bengal in lifting somecurbs Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar him to be nominated to the BACKDOOR ENTRY: easedindistrictswhere cases are Upper House by the Governor. FADNAVIS tapering. The Health Ministry “He (Thackeray)calledthe has identified129 of the coun- dress, PunjabChief Minister AMITABHSINHA& EXPLAINED Prime Ministertotalk about his PAGE 4 try’s 736districtsashotspots.On KANCHANVASDEV& CORONACOUNT Amarinder Singh said: “The de- KAUNAINSHERIFFM April 15,atthe end of the first ATRIMITRA cision on further course of action PUNE,NEWDELHI,APRIL29 lockdown, 177districtshad been CHANDIGARH,KOLKATA,APR29 31,787 1,008 will be takenafter twoweeks, notifiedashotspots. CASES DEATHS depending on the situation. The WHILE MAHARASHTRA and The order allowing inter- SETTINGApossiblepost-May3 onlysolution is social distancing. Gujarat have been attracting at- statemovement of those template, Punjab on Wednesday 7,797 RECOVERED If it is under control aftertwo tention forthe rapid rise in cases strandedcomes almostaweek became the firststate to an- weeks, we will take acall.” of novelcoronavirus infection, afterstatessuchasUttar Pradesh nounce atwo-week extension of 7,70,764 samples have been Singh asked peopletomain- states in theeasthave, forthe and Madhya Pradesh began lockdown (until May17), but said tested as on April 29 tain discipline and underlined firsttimenow,started to show transporting theirmigrant restrictions will beeasedfor four thatiftheystepout, they must signs that theycould emerge as labour and studentsstuckin hours daily, from 7amto11am, in non-containment zones from wear masks, ensuresocial dis- potentialdanger zones as well. other states. Wednesday’s order in non-containmentzones with May4—including movement of tancing and return to their The latestanalysis of com- said, “Due to lockdown, migrant effect from Thursday. It also de- private taxis and buses in green homes by 11 am.“If we have puter modellingresults by scien- workers, pilgrims, tourists,stu- cidedtoallowopening of shops zones, within adistrict, witha givenrelaxation,that doesnot tists of the Chennai-basedInsti- dentsand other persons are and industriesinthese areas. limited number of passengers. mean youcan call your friends tuteofMathematicalSciences strandedatdifferent places. They Similarly,WestBengal Chief Both stategovernments un- home. Social distancing has to be (IMSc) showthat thoughWest would be allowedtomove.” MinisterMamata Banerjee said derlinedthat the local adminis- ensured,” he said. Bengal,Bihar,and Jharkhandstill Mumbai’sWockhardt Hospital has been sealed. Express Incidentally, at avideo-con- experts and doctors areofthe tration wouldtakethe final call Punjab has reported377 had acombinedcase loadofless REVISITINGCURVE ference meeting with Prime opinion thatthe restrictions on easing curbs. COVID-19cases and 19 deaths so than1,200onApril29,thesethree TOREADLOCKDOWN Minister NarendraModion should continue till May-end, Announcinghis govern- far. While four districts—Patiala, states had the highestrate PAGE 9 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 but announcedsome relaxations ment’s decisioninatelevisedad- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Covid fight: Govt CMC-NEET SC:Minority Labour shortage is Railways readies movement plan, system in front, institution makingPunjab and some states push for special trains private hospitals rights not above be scaledupto1,000,with ade- tancing. TheRailways’detailed Haryana farmers AVISHEKGDASTIDAR, tailedprotocol. protocol also had aparagraph do thedistancing laworabsolute ABHISHEKANGAD& While therehas been no in- stating that states falling in the DEEPMUKHERJEE dication that passenger train routes shouldallowthe move- switch from paddy NEWDELHI,RANCHI,JAIPUR, services will resume before May ment,screening, controlledem- ment hospitals, doctors, nurses ANANTHAKRISHNANG APRIL29 3, the Railwayscarried out an in- barking etc,” asenior govern- PRABHARAGHAVAN, and paramedics—battle the NEWDELHI,APRIL29 ternal exerciseand communi- ment official said. TABASSUM Covid pandemic. WHILETHE Centrehas allowed cated the plan to toplevels in the According to sources, by de- BARNAGARWALA& Behind this areaset of cir- STATINGTHATrightsofreligious ANJUAGNIHOTRICHABA movement of migrantworkers government. ciding on buses instead of trains, ABANTIKAGHOSH cumstances that rangefromthe or linguistic minorities to admin- &HARISHDAMODARAN in buses, severalstateshavede- According to the plan,each the government has strategically NEWDELHI,MUMBAI,APRIL29 natureofgovernmentpolicy on isteraninstitution underArticle JALANDHAR,NEWDELHI, mandedspecial trains, underlin- non-ACtrain will carry 1,000 restricted thenumber of people managing the pandemic to de- 30 of the Constitution“arenot APRIL29 ing the sheer numbers of those people per trip —about half the who can be transported. OF THE thousandsofCOVID-19 cisionstaken by the hospitals above the lawand other stranded. According to sources, usual number —toensureade- “It is justtoallowanoption patients admitted in hospitals themselves. Constitutional provisions”,the COVID-19has openedawindow the MinistryofRailways has also quatesocial distancing. of relief forthe strandedwant- around the country, justaround From beingsealed in the Supreme Courtruled of opportunity to wean away draftedaplan to operate 400 “Eachbus typicallycarries 25 ing to travel to their home states, 800are critical, requiring either early stages aftertheirstaff Wednesdaythat the National farmers in Punjab andHaryana special trains per day, which can people afterfollowing social dis- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 oxygen support, ventilatorsor tested positive,likeWockhardt Eligibilitycum Entrance Test from growing rice to less water- treatment in ICUs in Mumbai or the (NEET)for admission to gradu- guzzling crops suchascotton Sowing cotton in afieldin (Intensive Care PRIVATE private hospital in ateand post-graduatemedical and maize. Sirsa, Haryana. Express Russia under lockdown, India’smanned Units).Private hospi- Bhilwara, to re- and dental coursesis“regula- The driver: Uncertainty over tals,which account AND fusing to admit tory”innatureand in “national the availabilityofanestimated fortwo-thirdsof hos- patients, from interest”toimprove the quality million labourers from Uttar over adecade,been farming space mission trainees confined indoors pital bedsinIndia, ISOLATED suspending serv- of medical education which, it Pradesh and Biharwho under- paddyonhis 13 acres at Uddat and almost80per ices to playing said,has become a“saleable take the bulk of the paddy trans- Bhagat RamvillageinPunjab’s series of eventstriggered by the tive cases,with 972 deaths until centof availableven- AN EXPRESS SERIES safe,private hos- commodity”. planting that begins from mid- Mansadistrict.
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