USOO894.933 OB2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,949,330 B2 Chennamadhavuni (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 3, 2015 (54) SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR (56) References Cited AUTOMATED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 7,143,135 B2 * 1 1/2006 Smith et al. ................... TO9.204 (76) Inventor: Venkata Ramana Chennamadhavuni, 2008/0294624 A1* 1 1/2008 Kanigsberg et al. 707/5 Mumbai (IN) 2009/01 12839 A1 4/2009 Fisher et al. ........... 707/5 2009/0164897 A1* 6/2009 Amer-Yahia et al. ......... 715,703 2010/01 19053 A1* 5, 2010 Goeldi ..................... 379,265.09 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2011/0035211 A1 2/2011 Eden ............................... TO4/10 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2011/0153423 A1* 6/2011 Elvekrog et al. ... TO5, 14.53 2011/0282943 A1* 11/2011 Anderson et al. ............. TO9.204 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 2012.0036015 A1* 2, 2012 Sheikh ........... TO5/14.54 (21) Appl. No.: 13/280,424 2012/0101806 A1* 4/2012 Davis et al. ....................... TO4/9 * cited by examiner (22) Filed: Oct. 25, 2011 Primary Examiner — Jason K. Gee Assistant Examiner — Maung Lwin (65) Prior Publication Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Timberline Patent Law US 2013/OO54693 A1 Feb. 28, 2013 Group PLLC (57) ABSTRACT (30) Foreign Application Priority Data A system for automated recommendations for Social media activities includes a page data extraction module for extract Aug. 24, 2011 (IN) .................................... 2372/2011 ing pre-defined page data parameters in relation to pre-de fined reference parameters; a reference module for providing (51) Int. Cl. reference parameters in relation to each of the pre-defined G06F 15/16 (2006.01) page data; a comparing and correlation module for comparing G06O 10/10 (2012.01) and correlating each of the extracted page data parameters (52) U.S. Cl. with each of the corresponding reference parameters to obtain CPC ...................................... G06O 10/10 (2013.01) a corresponding comparative and correlative score for each of USPC ........................................ 709/204; 705/14.53 the parameters; and a recommendation module for recom (58) Field of Classification Search mending action points based on each of the comparative and None correlative scores for each of the parameters. See application file for complete search history. 23 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets PDEM U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 2015 Sheet 1 of 7 US 8,949,330 B2 FGURE U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 2015 Sheet 2 of 7 US 8,949,330 B2 FGURE 2 U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 2015 Sheet 3 of 7 US 8,949,330 B2 FGURE 3 U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 2015 Sheet 4 of 7 US 8,949,330 B2 FGURE 4 U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 2015 Sheet 5 Of 7 US 8,949,330 B2 FGRE 5 U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 2015 Sheet 6 of 7 US 8,949,330 B2 FGURE 6 U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 2015 Sheet 7 Of 7 US 8,949,330 B2 FGURE 7 US 8,949,330 B2 1. 2 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR analytics data and metadata are not considered and thus can AUTOMATED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR lead to less effective and logical actionable points. Examples SOCIAL MEDIA of Such factors include industry dynamics, socio-political factors, seasonal patterns etc. FIELD OF THE INVENTION Interms of social media elements and platforms, dedicated pages, sites, tools, applications, interfaces, or the like, can be This invention relates to the field of computational systems established for leveraging a business in terms of internet and information systems. Particularly, the present invention presence and related advertisements. But there is no system in relates to the field of network based social media activities. the prior art which recommends a user or a page owner to More particularly, this invention relates to systems and meth 10 modify content in order to increase effectiveness of its social ods for automated recommendations for Social media activi media presence in order to provide better a user-visitor ties. engagement quotient. The present invention in its various embodiments, aims to BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION address the above drawbacks and requirements, and provide 15 effective systems and methods for providing effective inter In the present age, networks of computing devices, for pretation and actionable points in the form of automated example internet, have become a popular and important recommendations for Social media activity. medium for carrying out various day-to-day activities. These activities include the use of network based social media for OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION people to people interaction, online marketing, advertise ments, entertainment, blogs, tweets and file sharing etc. Any An object of the invention is to provide actionable points medium that involves interaction between two or more net for acting in quick time on the shortcomings of social media work users and allow Such activities have now started to come presence by means of a social media page. under the classification of social media, and it is increasingly Another object of the invention is to improve effectiveness becoming more popular, organized and effective with time. 25 of social media activities for a page owner. The common elements of social media would include, but is Yet another object of the invention is to increasing visibil not limited to, Social networks, chatting tools and forums, ity of a page of a Social media networking site or platform. messaging services, web logs, personal pages, user review Still another object of the invention is to improve probabil sites, deal aggregators, gaming consoles, discussion forums, ity of engaging with visitors for a page owner of a Social file sharing interfaces, online magazines, online Surveys and 30 media networking site or platform. blogs etc. These elements are now being used widely by users An additional object of the invention is to improve sticki to maximize their visibility, draw feedback, research product ness in relation to visitors and page owner of a social media and marketing ideas, reach potential customers, address networking site or platform. existing customers and resolve issues. Yet an additional object of the invention is to provide One of the key components emerging out of network based 35 recommendations for a page of a Social media networking site Social media is the data analytics of various Social media or platform in relation to user-visitor engagement. activity data and metadata recorded, processed and catego Still an additional object of the invention is to provide rized which is made available in respect of the various inter weighted recommendations for a page of a Social media net actions made in Social media and associated metadata. The working site or platform in relation to user-visitor engage said Social media activity data and metadata could be at an 40 ment. individual user level or multiple user level or group level. There are certain diagnostic tools available which use social DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION media activity data to generate analytics output Such as reports, trends, patterns, frequency charts etc. which are used For the purposes of this specification, the term, page is for analysing and understanding the performance of a social 45 any page, interface, profile, application, tool, or component media element. These are normally used by businesses or on a Social media networking site which is created in respect individuals in understanding the user behaviour, perception, of a specific product or service or business or interest or interest and feedback, which is further by way of manual profile or a personality or a community or a group. The target interpretation used to derive actionable points to increase or of this page is to obtain social media presence and use it as a improve the quality and quantity of interaction with users or 50 platform for awareness, business, or interacting with current prospective users of the Social media element. The correct and and future users of the product or service or business or effective interpretation of the analytics output is significant to interest. the Success of social media elements and needs to be done in For the purposes of this specification, the term, data is a systematic and logical manner, for which effective systems meant to include all forms of data, text, image, audio, hyper and methods are required. In the current state of art, there are 55 link, video and metadata. no effective systems or methods which use the analytics out For the purposes of this specification, the term, activity is put and interpret them to derive actionable points to increase meant to include any kind of action on a page. According to a or improve the quality and quantity of Social media interac non-limiting exemplary embodiment, on a page hosted by tion. The interpretation which is often done by humans could Facebook, activities may include the action of updating a be erroneous, incomplete, unreasonable and limited, and if 60 status message, commenting on a status message, uploading the same can be done by an automated mechanism compris and sharing a photo, uploading and sharing a link, and the ing predefined algorithms, parameters and formula, then Such like. According to another non-limiting exemplary embodi interpretation is likely to be far more accurate and effective. ment, on a page hosted by Twitter, activities may include the Another drawback of the current practices in interpretation action of tweeting or re-tweeting in relation to the page or in methods of social media analytics is that while Such interpre 65 relation to users tweets on or about the page, and the like. tation and consequent actionable points are deduced, certain According to yet another non-limiting exemplary embodi related factors which are not directly forming a part of the ment, on a page hosted by Linkedin, activities may include US 8,949,330 B2 3 4 the action of starting a discussion thread, commenting on a Typically, said page data extraction module includes a Social discussion thread, and the like.
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