1861 – Context – 168 Agnes Martin; or, the fall of Cardinal Wolsey. / Martin, Agnes.-- 8o..-- London, Oxford [printed], [1861]. Held by: British Library The Agriculture of Berkshire. / Clutterbuck, James Charles.-- pp. 44. ; 8o..-- London; Slatter & Rose: Oxford : Weale; Bell & Daldy, 1861. Held by: British Library Analysis of the history of England, (from William Ist to Henry VIIth,) with references to Hallam, Guizot, Gibbon, Blackstone, &c., and a series of questions / Fitz-Wygram, Loftus, S.C.L.-- Second ed.-- 12mo.-- Oxford, 1861 Held by: National Library of Scotland An Answer to F. Temple's Essay on "the Education of the World." By a Working Man. / Temple, Frederick, Successively Bishop of Exeter and of London, and Archbishop of Canterbury.-- 12o..-- Oxford, 1861. Held by: British Library Answer to Professor Stanley's strictures / Pusey, E. B. (Edward Bouverie), 1800-1882.-- 6 p ; 22 cm.-- [Oxford] : [s.n.], [1861] Notes: Caption title.-- Signed: E.B. Pusey Held by: Oxford Are Brutes immortal? An enquiry, conducted mainly by the light of nature into Bishop Butler's hypotheses and concessions on the subject, as given in part 1. chap. 1. of his "Analogy of Religion." / Boyce, John Cox ; Butler, Joseph, successively Bishop of Bristol and of Durham.-- pp. 70. ; 8o..-- Oxford; Thomas Turner: Boroughbridge : J. H. & J. Parker, 1861. Held by: British Library Aristophanous Ippes. The Knights of Aristophanes / with short English notes [by D.W. Turner] for the use of schools.-- 56, 58 p ; 16mo.-- Oxford, 1861 Held by: National Library of Scotland Arnold Prize Essay, 1861. The Christians in Rome during the first three centuries. / Moberly, George Herbert.-- 8o..-- Oxford, 1861. Held by: British Library Articuli Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ; or, the several editions of the Articles of the Church of England, as agreed upon in Convocation, and set forth by Royal Authority, during the reigns of King Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth, arranged in one comparative view. By W. H. Davey. / England ; Davey, William Harrison.-- pp. v. 57. ; 8o..-- Oxford & London : J. H. and J. Parker, 1861. Held by: British Library The attitude of faith perplexed by difficulties : a sermon preached in the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, on Sunday, July 28, 1861 / by William Ince.-- 16 p ; 21 cm.-- Oxford : Baxter, printer, [1861] Notes: Sermon text: John VI, 67-69 Held by: Oxford The Baptismal Covenant. Eight lectures addressed chiefly to candidates for confirmation, during Lent, etc. / Harris, Joseph Hemington.-- 8o..-- Oxford [printed] & London, 1861. Held by: British Library Bible inspiration vindicated : an essay on Essays and reviews / by John C. Miller.-- 96, [2] p ; 8vo.-- Oxford : J.H. & Jas. Parker, 1861 Held by: Birmingham ; ULL Book hawking.-- p ; (8vo).-- Oxford, 1861 Held by: Cambridge Cæsar de bello Gallico. Cæsar's commentaries, books I.-III. With short English notes, for the use of schools. / Caesar, Caius Julius.-- pp. ix. 83. ; 16o..-- Oxford : J. H. & J. Parker, 1861. Held by: British Library Canticles for the Christian Seasons, in the words of Holy Scripture; for the use of schools and families, pointed as they are to be sung or said. Compiled by the Rev. J. W. Rumsey. / BIBLE ; Rumsey, John Williams.-- 12o..-- Oxford & London : J. H. & J. Parker, [1861.] Held by: British Library Catalogue of the library of the Taylor Institution, Oxford / Taylor Institution.-- 192 p ; 23 cm.-- Oxford : James Wright, 1861 Held by: Oxford Catena aurea : Commentary on the four gospels, collected out of the works of the fathers / Saint Thomas Aquinas.-- Oxford : Parker Vol. 1: Matthew, Part 1 Held by: British Library Charge delivered ... in June, 1861. / Randall, James, Archdeacon of Berks.-- 12o..-- Oxford & London, 1861. Held by: British Library The Charge delivered in October, 1861, at his Primary Visitation, by the Hon. S. W., Lord Bishop of Carlisle. / Waldegrave, Hon. Samuel, Bishop of Carlisle.-- 8o..-- London, Oxford [printed], 1861. Held by: British Library A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Brecon, at his primary visitation, in April, 1861. / Davies, Richard William Payne.-- pp. 34. J. H. & Jas. ; 8o..-- Oxford & London : Parker, 1861. Held by: British Library Cheap books and how to use them : self-education by means of books. Addresses delivered ... on the occasion of the Book-Hawking Conference / by J. Erskine Clarke and J.H. Iles.-- 12p ; 18cm.-- Oxford : J. Vincent for the Book-Hawking Union, 1861 Held by: Cambridge The Christian and Stoical ideas of duty compared / by Charles J. Abbey.-- 51p ; 22cm.-- Oxford : J.H. and Jas. Parker, 1861 Held by: National Library of Scotland [[The Christian and Stoical ideas of duty compared / Abbey, Charles John.-- (8vo).-- Oxford, 1861.-- Denyer theological prize essay ; 1861 Notes: Privately printed Held by: Cambridge]] Christian vestiges of creation / by William Sewell.-- vii, 156 p ; 19 cm.-- Oxford : J.H. and Jas. Parker, 1861 Held by: Edinburgh The Christians in Rome, during the three first centuries / by George Herbert Moberly.-- 56 p ; 22 cm.-- Oxford : H. Hammans, 1861.-- Arnold Prize essay ; 1861 Notes: Includes bibliographical references Held by: Oxford The church and the Wesleyans; their differences shewn to be essential / England. - Church of England. [Appendix.].-- Fourth ed.-- 23 p ; 12mo.-- Oxford, 1861 Held by: National Library of Scotland The Church in the Public School. A sermon [on Luke xi. 11, 12] preached ... at St. Mary's College, Harlow, Essex; with a letter to the ... President of the College. / Skinner, James, Vicar of Newland, Great Malvern.-- 12o..-- Oxford [printed] and London, 1861. Held by: British Library Cicero's Orations ... With short English notes for the use of schools. / Cicero, Marcus Tullius ; King, John Richard.-- 7 vol. ; 16o..-- Oxford : J. H. & J. Parker, 1861-77. The Four Orations against Catiline. 1861. The Oration for Milo. 1861. The First Oration against C. Verres. 1866. The Oration against Q. Cæcilius. 1866. The First and Second Philippic Orations. 1867. The Oration for Plancius: with ... notes ... by the Rev. H. A. James. 1872. The Oration for Sex. Roscius Amerinus; with ... notes ... by the Rev. J. R. King. 1877. Held by: British Library Clerical papers / by one of our club.-- 39 p ; 17 cm.-- Oxford ; London : J.H. and Jas. Parker, 1861 Notes: Contents: 1. The character that most wins its way in parochial work -- II. Our public ministration in general -- III. Our pulpit ministration in particular -- IV. Education of the poor, and parochial teachers Held by: Oxford Clerical subscription and the act of uniformity : sermon, 2 Tim. i. 13 / Espin, Thomas Espinell.-- p ; (8vo).-- Oxford, 1861 Held by: Cambridge College Rhymes, contributed by Members of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. vol. 1-14. / PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.-- 8o..-- London, Oxford [printed], 1861-74. Held by: British Library A comparative estimate of the English literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; a prize essay / Burdon-Sanderson, Richard.-- [Oxford, 1814] Held by: Glasgow Concerning Clerical powers and duties, "religious enquiry," and daily prayers. Nine sermons. / Tyrwhitt, Richard Saint John.-- 8o..-- Oxford & London, 1861. Held by: British Library Concerning doubt : a letter to "A layman" / by a clergyman.-- 10 p ; 22 cm.-- Oxford : J.H. and J. Parker, 1861 Held by: Oxford Concerning doubt. A reply to "A clergyman", by a layman [i.e. Goldwin Smith]. / Smith, Goldwin ; Clergyman ; Concerning ; Layman.-- pp. 14 ; 22 cm..-- Oxford : J. L. Wheeler; London: Whittaker & Co., 1861. Notes: A reply to "Concerning doubt. A letter to 'A layman', by a clergyman", itself a reply to Goldwin's "The suppression of doubt is not faith, etc". Held by: British Library Cur Deus homo : or, Why God was made man / by St Anselm ; translated, with an introduction containing some account of the author, and an analysis of the work by a clergyman.-- 2nd ed.-- xxiv, 115p.-- Oxford : J.H. and J. Parker, 1861 Held by: ULL Daily office for the use of families; to be said morning and evening throughout the year.-- 103 p ; 8vo.-- Oxford, 1861 Held by: National Library of Scotland Daily services for Christian Households, compiled and arranged by H. S. / Stobart, Henry.-- 16o..-- Oxford printed, and London, 1861. Held by: British Library Dangers past and present; a sermon / Plumptre, Edward Hayes, Dean of Wells.-- 12mo.-- Oxford, 1861 Notes: [Luke xxiv. 17.] Held by: Cambridge ; National Library of Scotland The Daughters of Pola. Family letters relating to the persecution of Diocletian, now first translated from an Istrian MS. [by John Mason Neale, or rather written by him.] / Pula, Daughters of ; Neale, John Mason.-- pp. 104. ; 8o..-- London, Oxford : J. H. & J. Parker, [1861.] Notes: No. 26 of a series entitled "Historical Tales." Held by: British Library The debate in Oxford Congregation (Nov. 20, 1861) on endowing the professor of Greek : the following letter to the editor of the "Times," having been refused by that paper, is submitted to the consideration of members of the University / Burrows, Montagu, 1819-1905.-- 3 p ; 22 cm.-- [Oxford] : [s.n.], [1861] Notes: Caption title.-- Signed: A member of Congregation Held by: Oxford Dewe's new and correct map of the environs of Oxford.-- Scale: [1:196212]. [5 cm. to 6 miles].-- 1map ; 39 x 36 cm. folded to 14 x 10 cm.-- Oxford : Shrimpton, [18--] Notes: Cover title: Map of the railways, roads, and country around Oxford Held by: Oxford The Difficulties of the Twenty-ninth Canon, respectfully submitted to the House of Convocation, by a Colonial Bishop. / England.-- pp. 15. ; 8o..-- Oxford and London : J. H. and J. Parker, 1861. Held by: British Library Dr. R. Greys Memoria technica, or A method of artificial memory, applied to and exemplified in chronology, history, astronomy, geography. Also Jewish, Grecian and Roman coins, weights, measures, &c. To which are subjoined, Lowe's Mnemonics delineated, in various branches of literature and science / Grey, Richard, 1694-1771 ; Lowe, Solomon.-- A new edition, corrected.-- xxiii, [1], 215, [1]p ; 20cm.-- Oxford : printed for J.
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