THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE AUGUST 1952 ! PIeasure Island An island of ice in the midst of a sparkling mountain lake . that's what dreams are made of! And on that island a tall, frosty drink made with Seagram's 7 Crown . that's the whiskey perfect drinks are made of 0^ f\ II ftfifiminV nnli lift 5^^ii^r^ SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 proof. 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. SEAGRAM-DISTILLERS CORP., NEW YORK <'Qio OLDSMOBILE. The "Limited" was a big, six-cylinder car capable of 75 mph. 42-inch wheels made it so high it needed a two-step running board. A thousand were sold at $4,725 each. THHR BEST ON THE BEST ^OAY AS YESTERDAY. CARS RUH GASOm;: 1890 SCHLOEMER was one of the first U. S. cars. Its 1925 RICKENBACKER used tlie "I lat-in-Rinfj" insignia "carburetor"wasa wool wickdropped in the gas tank. of the 94(h Pursuit Squadron on its radiator. It was Top speed was 12 mph — when it didn't catch fire! one of the first U. S. cars with four-wheel brakes. OLDSMOBILE. The Classic Ninety-Eight, shown below, is rated as one of the best performers on the road Its today. Ever since Grandpa chugged down a dirt road at high compression"Rocket" engine delivers 160 horsepower. a breath-taking twenty miles an hour, motorists have wanted more power. Not just to give more speed — but to climb hills without effort, give quick response in traffic and to provide the safety of reserve power. Today, you get all the power you need from the combination of a modern high com- pression engine and "Ethyl" gasoline. "Ethyl" gasoline is high octane gasoline. It's the gasoline that helps today's modern high com- pression engines develop their top power and economy. It's the gasoline you ought to buy. Re- member . there is a powerful difference between gasoline and "Ethyl" gasoline. ETHYL CORPORATION NEW YORK 17, N. Y. ETHYL ANTIKNOCK LTD., IN CANADA THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE co]:vte:vts for august, 1932 A LITTLE PRIVACY (fiction) 11 BY W. F, MIKSCH Our hero found he couldn't get along without people. SHOULD WE KEEP PROPPING UP TITO? 13 BY IVAN FRANCES The dilemma we face in Yugoslavia. When sun, wind, water dry out hair and scalp, try 50 seconds' brisk massage with BASEBALL'S HALL OF BLAME 14 ERNIE HARWELL Vitalis Hair Tonic. Its exclusive formula Why artist Staehlc's BY pup should have it in classic of the diamond. prevents dryness . Some of the boners feels stininlating, re- f(ir those Cimvention freshing. You FFLL the difference right away! snapshots we don't know but cockers are ARE WE GIVING OUR Gl's INFERIOR WEAPONS? 16 very often like that. BY ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON POSTMASTER: Please Our production genius doesn't seem to be paying off. send copies returned under labels Form 3579 to Post Office Box YOU ARE INVITED TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION ,. 18 1055, Indianapolis 6, BY BOYD B. STUTLER Indiana. How to have a great time in the world's greatest city. The Americon Legion Magazine is the official LET'S LOOK AT OUR FOUNDATIONS 22 publication of The Ameri- WILLIAM FULTON con Legion and is owned BY exclusively by The Ameri- Why Congress is becoming concerned over a scandalous con Legion. Copyright 1952 by The American situation. Legion, Published month- ly of 1100 W. Broadway, PARTIES WITH A PURPOSE 24 Louisville, Ky. Acceptance for mailing at special rote BY TOM MAHONEY of postage provided for in The things they do to get publicity! Section 1 1 03, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Jan. 5, 1925. Price single copy, THE COMMON TUMMY-ACHE 26 15 cents; yearly subscrip- BY GEORGE H. WALTZ, JR. tion, SI . 50. Entered as second class matter June The trouble may come when you try to cure it. 30, 1 948, at the Post Office at Louisville, Ky., LET'S GO WESTERN! 28 under the Act of March 3, 1879. Non-member sub- BY JOSEPH B. PEARMAN scriptions should be sent Legionnaires are real Jersey cowboys. to the Circulation Deport- These ment of The American Legion Mogozine, P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, THE NATIOI^AL LEGIOIVNAIRE 29-3^ Ind. EXECUTIVE AND ADfjIINISTRATIVE OFFICES Featnres Indianapolis 6, IniJIatia You SEE the difference in your hair, after OFF! 4 NEWSLETTER 37 EDITORIAL AND SOUND 10 seconds' combing. It's far handsomer, ADVERTISING ... 39 EDITOR S CORNER . 6 ROD AND GUN CLUB healthier-looking — and it stays in place 580 Fifth Avenue longer. (Vitalis contains new PRODUCTS PARADE 8 PARTING SHOTS 64 grooming dis- New York 36, N. Y, covery.) Use Vilalis this summer — you'll WESTERN OFFICE FEEL and SEE the difference! 333 North Michigan Avenue Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not unless a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. Cliicaqo 1, Illinois be returned PROOF: VITALIS ALSO KILLS DANDRUFF GERMS Please notify Donald R. W ilson, National Commander, I ndionopol is I-aboratory tests prove Vitalis the Circulation Depart- John Stelle, McLeons- Lang Armstrong, Spo- L. Sears, Toledo, Ohio; kills germs associated with in- ment. Publications boro, Illinois, Choirman Icone, Wash.; Charles George D. Levy, Sum- fectious dandruff on contact, Division. P. O. Box of the Legion Publico- E, Booth, Huntington, ter, S. C; Roland Coc- as no mere oil R. dressing can. loss, Indianapolis. tions Commission; Dan W. Vo.; Dr. Charles ;eham, Baton Rouge, W. Emmett, Ventura, Logan, Keokuk, lowo; Boron, Indiana, if you have La.; George D. changed your ad- California, and Eorl L. Dave H. Fleischer, St. Bethany, Conn.; Her- Meyer, Alliance, Ne- Louis, Mo. ; E m mett dress, using notice schiel L. Hunt, Austin, braska, Vice-Choirmen. Safay, Jacksonville, form which Tex.; Earl Hitchcock, 22S you Members of the Com- Flo.; Clovis Copeland, secure Glens Falls, N. Y.; may from mission: Max Slepin, Little Rock, Ark.; Paul Edgar G. Vaughan, St. your Postmaster. Be Philadelphia, Pennsyl- B. Dague, Downingtown, Paul, sure to cut off the vania; J. Russell Lar- Pa.; Josephus Daniels, Minn.; Harold A. address label D, Shindler, Newburgh, Ind. VHalis on combe, Malta, Mont.; Jr., Raleigh, N. C; your Magazine and Director of Public.ittons A (ivtfory EdttOT A dvertistng Director paste it in the space James F. O'Neil Alexander Gardiner Fred L. Maguire HAIR TONIC provided. Always New York. N. Y. give your 1952 .\}.iti.i::irv^ hditor E.iaern Adv. M^t. +he membership card Boyd B. Stutler WilliamM. DeVitalis and James F. Barton number A rt Editor and both M'estetti A dr. Mgr. your new Indianapolis. Ind. Al Marshall and your H. J. Prussing, Jr. .•1 M"f ro Dirf.r.- '60-gecohd Workout^ old address. A snu i.'.te Editors Prank Lisiecki Robert B. Pitkin Detroit A dr. Rep. A Proi/tul oi /hi\(ol-\fvei^ Editor Joseph C. Keeley Irving Herschbein John D. Gillman The American Legion Magazine • August, 1952 TO THE LEGION! Remington Rand extends greetings on the occasion of the other make. Knowing that your Past Commander, Jim Legion's annual convention in New York. You have our best O'Neil, is a regular user of a Remington Electric Shaver, wishes for a successful convention, a pleasant visit, and a we asked him to tell us why. Legionnaires everywhere are cordial invitation to stop in our Shaver Headquarters for a invited to visit their nearest dealer or any one of our 112 free shave with the latest Remington Electric Shaver — Nationwide Shaver Headquarters for a free demonstration. all netv Remington 60. A recent Legion survey proved that Once you try the Remington 60 you'll agree that a more Legionnaires use Remington Electric Shavers than any Remington shave is the fastest, smoothest shave you ever had. mm <^ recently ^ National Remine"",^ed as eiule caUe*^ - learned lonS lajt- Jim Be sure to join the OFFICIAL 1952 AMERICAN LBGIOH PILGRIMAGE to EUROPE Choose from Sound Off! SPECIAL TOURS OF EUROPE! Each one commemorates the 3 5th an- niversary ofthe doughboys' 1917 land- Writers must give name and address. Name withheld if re- ing . and includes the shrine dedica- quested. So many letters are being received it is not possible tion at Suresnes (a suburb of Paris) ia to promise answers. Keep your letters short. Address: Sound Off, The American Legion Magazine, 580 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N. Y. memory of the dead of World Wars I and II. For complete details, mail the coupon today. NOTHING NEW FOR ACLU the parents give us vapid stares; the school TOUR DEPARTURES boards are cowed by the bafflegab thrown Sir: In the Editor's Corner for June August 27-29 out by the school officials they have hired, Whose Civil Liberties? strikes a respon- on the S. S. Constitution and and are so busy with their own affairs and sive chord. I recall a day in August 1922 R. M. S. Caronia ... or by plane fear of retaliation against their businesses, when the Department of Justice men, to- they make no move even to demand a re- 18 to 48 Days — $990 up gether with our local Sheriff's force, raided turn to teaching principles that w ill turn MAIL THIS TODAY! the convention of the Communist Party- of COUPON out at least partially' educated children. America, then an underground and illegal Please accept my^ deepest gratitude. AMERICAN EXPRESS political party, in the little town of Bridg- Hertha Cordis Conway 65 Broadway, York 6, N. Y. New man, nearby. I recall the zealousness with San Diego, Calif. I'd like iiijormatinn right away on the official which the American Civil Liberties Union 19^2 American Legion Pilgrimage.
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