Therapeutic properties of Moroccan bee products Pr Badiaa LYOUSSI University Sidi Mohamed ben Abdallah Fez, Morocco rats Food as Medicine ? Prevention is better than Cure The Primary Law of Healing ″Let thy food be thy medicine‶ Hippocrates ( 460 – 370 BC) Apitherapy – general concepts: The use of beehive products for nutrition, Quality health and quality of life Concentration improvement, prevention Dose / Time and treatment of different pathologies SYNERGY Of the bee products Modern Apitherapy All beehive products have a medical use : ◼ Honey and Comb honey ◼ Pollen and Beebread ◼ Propolis ◼ Royal Jelly ◼ Wax ◼ Apitoxine (bee sting) ◼ Bees (homeopathy) Bee products – food or medicines Product Nutritional value Therapeutic importance Pollen FOOD Medicament Honey FOOD Medicament Royal jelly Food Medicament PROPOLIS None MEDICAMENT Venom None Medicament Some honeys from Morocco Plant Origin Indication Crataegus Ifrane cardiotonic Camomille Gharb antidepressant Siliqua (Carroube) Moyen Atlas astringent Eucalyptus Gharb antiseptic Euphorbes Béni mellal immunity Arbutus unedo Meknes diuretic, hypoglycemic Jujube Khénifra aphrodisiac Lavande Oulmès sedative Capparis spinosa Tifelt weight loss, hypoglycemic Nigelle Gharb allergies Oranger Gharb Sedative Romarin (Azir) Midelt hepatic Sauge Midelt menopause Ruta chalepensis Moyen Atlas Anti inflammatory Thym Sousse Antiseptic Bupleurum (Zandaz) Immouzzer Antidiabetic, Depurative Euphorbia resinifera Region : North Africa Country : Morocco Vernacular name : zaggûm, zaqqûm, zakkûm, banan el-ârd (Tadla), euphorbe résinifère Name : Euphorbia resinifera Berg. Familly : Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia resinifera contains a high concentration of the toxin resiniferatox for the development a novel class of analgesics. Recent research has shown that this toxin exhibits its effects by interacting with TRPV1, a known pain sensing cation channel that also responds to capsaicin, the primary vanilloid compound found in hot peppers Bupleurum spinosum Hayyârâ : Family : Apiaceae Genus: Bupleurum Bupleurum spinosum (Buplèvre épineux, akerbaz) (Apiaceae) Constituents: saponins, flavonoids, coumarins Properties : Anti-inflammatory-Tonic- Sudorific-Carminative- Emmenagogue, fever, hemorrhoids protector of the liver, hepatitis B The buplèvre honey (zandaz) Arbutus unedo ( Ericaceae ) Phenols : 790 ± 12 (mg GAE/Kg) Flavonoids : 37.9 ± 1.8 ( mg QE /Kg) ORAC : 21.7 ( µM TE/g ) السدرة , Jujubier sauvage Nom commun : Jujubier. Noms botaniques : Zizyphus jujuba, syn. Z vulgaris, Z. spinosa, famille des rhamnacées. Noms anglais : Black date, chinese jujube, The sedative effects of the plant jujube plum, red date. would be attributable to its content in triterpenes. One of the components of the core of its fruit, the jujuboside A, would reduce the hyperactivity of neurones. Experimental data from animals reveals that the jujubier has marked anti-inflammatory effects, which plaid The jujuboside in favor of it’s use in allergic rhinitis terpene and asthma Increases Nitric oxide Increases Decreases Insulin in Prostaglandins diabetes Decreases Decreases fasting triacyglycerol, blood sugar in cholesterol honey normal and and LDH diabetics Decreases Increases CRP and homocysteine HDL Decreases Decreases Insulin in Leptin, body normal weight subjects Increases antioxidants Some biological activities of natural honey HONEY Some advantages… compared to sugar ! Sweetening power Calorie content (Kcal) for 100g Glycemic index < from 10% to 50% PHYSICOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HONEY Moisture (%) Proline (mg/kg) Ash (%) Diastase (DN) Conductivity (mS/cm) Sugar (g/kg) Color (mmPfund) HMF (mg/kg) pH & Acidity (mEq NaOH/Kg) Physicochemical results obtained for some Moroccan honeys from beekeeper associations Sample pH Free acidity Lactone Total Moisture Conductivit Ash Proline Diastase ( mEq/Kg ) acidity acidity % y % (mg/Kg) (Shade ( mEq/Kg ) (mEg/Kg) µS/cm units/g) Capparis 3.75 16.7 0.59 5.47 0.51 22.10.8 18.50 484.333.57 0.28 754.33 3.65 0.47 0.02 0.09 0.013 10 Carob 3.90 15.17 0.59 7.27 0.51 22.43 20.00 640.00 0.475 747.33 15.70 0.47 0.02 0.75 0.09 3.57 0.013 10 Eucalyptus 3.79 23.27 0.59 5.53 0.51 28.90 19.10 594.33 0.39 0.013 1047,33 13.46 0.47 0.02 0.75 0.09 3.57 10 Euphorbia 3.68 27.18 0.59 9.37 0.51 36.55 18.00 444.00 0.330 829,33 8.05 0.47 0.02 0.75 0.09 3.57 0.013 10 Nigella 3.73 20.92 0.59 8.03 0.51 28.95 17.90 308.67 0.210 287.67 8.36 0.47 0.02 0.75 0.09 3.57 0.013 10 Harmala 4.05 16.72 0.59 5.37 0.51 22.09 0.75 17.53 443.00 0.280 598.33 5.70 0.47 0.02 0.09 3.57 0.013 10 Thyme 3.71 29.4 0.59 8.41 0.51 37.84 18.33 639.33 0.245 524.33 12.96 0.47 EDTA Folin-Ciocalteu Fluorescéine Polyphénols Trichlorure d’aluminium Flavones Inhibition et AChE flavonols Pouvoir Inhibition chélateur LOX Méthodes Pouvoir ORAC réducteur Acide thiobarbiturique DPPH TBARS DPPH HRSA ABTS ABTS Ferricyanide de potassium Antioxidant activities of some Moroccan honeys from beekeeper associations Sample Phenol Flavonoids TEAC ORAC Chelating NO (mg GAE/100 (mg QE/100 g) IC50 = (mg/ml) (µmol/TB/g ) (IC50 = mg/ml) (IC50 = mg/ml) g) Capparis 691.54 14.69 71.49 1.65 16.7 0.59 5.47 0.51 22.1 0.8 Carob 573.01 14.69 126.85 1.65 7.28 0.59 13,45 0.61 - 93.05 2.85 Eucalypt 637.78 14.69 32.94 1.65 21.00 0.62 10.13 0.61 22.62 1.26 67.58 3.11 us Euphorb 659.86 14.69 139.62 1.65 16.18 0.62 9.88 0.59 47.86 1.26 95.14 3.11 ia Nigella 305.86 14.69 16.85 1.65 11,55 0.59 17.14 0.59 - 37.81 3.11 Harmala 890.58 14.69 47.72 1.65 11.65 0.59 9.57 0.61 37 1.26 90.81 3.11 Thyme 736.03 14.69 91.36 1.65 4.49 0.62 14.57 0.59 52.85 1.26 34.05 3.11 Zizyphus 614.96 14.69 47.54 1.65 31.00 0.62 9.60 0.61 50.02 1.26 62.31 3.11 Sodium ( mg/Kg) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 mg/kg Potassium ( mg/kg) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Magnesium (mg/kg) 250 200 150 100 50 0 Caprier Carob Eucalyptus Euphorbia Pennyroyal Multifloral 1 Multifloral 2 Nigelle Salvia Thyme Zizyphus Calcium ( mg/kg) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Sugar content (g/kg) in Moroccan honeys 450 400 350 Fructose Glucose 300 Turanose 250 Maltose 200 Trehalose Melizitose 150 Sucrose concentration (g/kg) concentration 100 50 0 Capparis spinosa Carob Eucalyptus Flavonoids ( mgQE/100g) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Phenols ( mg GAE/100 g) 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 45 ORAC ( µmol TE/g) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Honey Ingestion ❖Honey (1.2 g/kg body weight honey dissolved in 250 ml of water during a 2-week ) increases antioxidant agents.; blood vitamin C concentration by 47%, beta- carotene by 3%, uric acid by 12%, and glutathione reductase by 7%. Al-Waili NS, J Med Food. 2003 Summer;6(2):135-40 Effect of ingestion of honey on some blood parameters Variables Water Natural honey Fasting blood glucose (mmol/l) 6.15 ± 0.79 5.12 ± 0.86 Creatinine (mmol/l) 0.096 ± 0.009 0.083 ± 0.01 Sodium (mmol/l) 142 ± 1.54 141.2 ± 3.12 Potassium (mmol/l) 4.4 ± 0.63 4.18 ± 0.26 Chloride (mmol/l) 97.8 ± 3.97 97.5 ± 1.04 Calcium (mmol/l) 2.38 ± 0.12 2.33 ± 0.06 Magnesium (mmol/l) 0.785 ± 0.06 0.791 ± 0.05 Plasma osmolality (mOsmol/l) 296.6 ± 4.42 292 ± 4.5 Honey decreased serum creatinine (14%) and fasting glucose (17%) Evaluation of healing effect of honey in mice Physiological serum Madecasol Honey Day 1 Day 7 Day 12 ➢ The ratio of the wound area was calculated in the days 1, 3,7 and 12. The surface of the wound did not undergo significant changes after treatment with physiological saline, whereas treatment with honey studied causes a reduction in the wound area from the seventh day to significantly (P <0.05), and that becomes more significant (P <0.01) to the twelfth day. ➢ Treatment with the ointment madécassol which is commonly used in wound healing and is known for its beneficial effect, causes a reduction in the wound area from the seventh day significantly (P <0.05 ), which is still significant (P <0.05) to the twelfth day. Oral gavage Gavage Sang total Centrifugation ➢ Dosages: •Na+, K+ Cage métabolique •Glycemia •Creatinine Urine Diuretic activity of Moroccan carob honey 15 Control Furosemide ****** Honey *** *** *** ** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** 10 * D.U.(ml/24h) 5 0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 Days 100 150 Control Control 4 Control Furosemide *** Furosemide *** Furosemide Honey Honey Honey *** 80 *** 3 100 *** *** *** 60 *** * 2 40 K+(mmol/l) Na+(mmol/l) 50 1 20 Clearance(ml/min) 0 0 0 D1 D9 D1 D6 D9 D1 D6 D9 Days Days Days Carob honey has diuretic, natriuretic and kaliuretic activity without side effects of hypokalemia that was observed with use of furosemide R. El-Haskoury , B. Lyoussi, Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2015) Influence of carob honey on the markers of oxidative stress after carbon tetrachloride intoxication in rats 150 10 8 ***a ***a 100 6 ***b 50 4 2 MDA (nmol/ g tissue) (nmol/ MDA PCO(µmol/mg prot) PCO(µmol/mg 0 0 Honey CCL4 Control CCL4 Control Honey Honey+CCL4 Honey+CCL4 0.15 ***a 0.10 **b 0.05 AOPP(nmol/mgprot) 0.00 CCL4 Control Honey Honey+CCL4 Effect of carob honey on the activities of catalase , glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and ascorbic acid (AA) in liver of rats treated with CCl4 10 3 8 ***b *b ***a 6 2 ***a 4 1 2 CAT(µmol H2O2/mg prot) H2O2/mg CAT(µmol 0 0 GPx (nmol GSH/min/mg prot) GSH/min/mg GPx (nmol CCL4 Control Honey CCL4 Control Honey Honey+CCL4 Honey+CCL4 250 ***a 200 ***b 150 ***a 100 AA (µg/ g tissue) AA 50 0 CCL4 control Honey Honey+CCL4 Effect of Carob honey on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity-related parameters in rats.
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