University of New Orleans ScholarWorks@UNO Wavelength Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies 4-1986 Wavelength (April 1986) Connie Atkinson University of New Orleans Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength Recommended Citation Wavelength (April 1986) 66 https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength/58 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies at ScholarWorks@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wavelength by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. C0550 ARL K. LONG LIBRARY CQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS LA 70148 (4\l t. ~ .. ~ PROUD SPONSOR 1986 JAZZ FESTIVAL. ISSUE NO. 66 • APRIL 1986 u/'m not sure. but l'rn almost positive. that all music came from New Orleans ... Ernie K-Doe, 1979 Features Aaron Neville .. ............ ...... 23 MADE THE Charles Connor .... ............... 25 Philip Glass ...... ............. ... 28 AMERICAN WAY Departments April News .. ............. ......... 4 Jazz Fest Update .... .............. 7 Boogie Beat Jive .................. 10 Cabaret . ........ ."12 Film...... ................ 14 Caribbean ................ ...... 16 Rock.. .......... ......... 18 U.S. Indies. : . ........ 20 April Listings . ............ 30 Classifieds ....................... 37 Last Page . ....................... 38 COVER OF AARON NEVILLE BY RICO A1tzmberof NetWCSfk Publisher. Nauman S. Sc::on . Editor, Connie Zcanah Atkinson. Associate Editor. Gene Scar.tmuuo. Of'tk« Manager. Diana Rrnoenberg. Art Director. Eric Gemhau\Cr. Typography. Devlin/Wen(!.cr As:-ociates. Advertising. Eli­ zabeth Fontame. Eileen Sc:mcntelh. Kate Riedl. Contributors. Ivan Bodley. St. Get'fg_t: Bryotn. Bob Catali()l!l, Rick Coleman. Caml Gniady. Gina Gucctone. Ntck Munncllo. Melody Minco. Rick Olivier. Diana Ro:.enberg. Gene Scar­ amuZL.o. Hammond Scon. Dorre Street. Dewey Webb. Wu•·•l•·t~~lh" publhhed monthly in New Orlean>. Telephone: (504) 89~-2342 .. Matl 'ub,cnptt<m,, addre)\!'> chan1e~ tn Wm·l'lrtJKih. P.O. Bo;\ 15667. New Orlean>. LA 70175. Sut..cnpuon rate $12 per year. Foreign S20 per year (Mirface). FiN cia" 'ub\cnption> S28 per year (domestic and Canada) AO a•rm:ul rare a1 S40 per year .(oven..ea~) . The enrire conlents of Wu\'f'lt-nxth are copyn~hted C l986 Wu,·rltnJ:th. Back t~ues are available by wriling to Back '"'ue'· P 0 . Box IS667. New Orlean,. LA 70175. Be<:ause of a hmued supply. back ''-'ues are available for S4 each. Plea~ allow a few weeks forproces~ing and dc:hvery or ordel" New Subscriber": Please allow up IO six wecb for reccipc of fi"l '"'ue due lo our !<.mall. non..computeriz.ed subscripdon depanmenc. For-eign cu>tomer.. may pay by I.M.O or cheek drawn on a U.S. bank. Be<:ausc + of exorbuanl bank proce~sing charges. we cannoc accep1 che<:'b in Canadtan doll:m or other foreign currency. or check.~ drawn on a foreign bank. Subscnbe~ muslllO(ify us tmmediately of any change of address. If noc:ification is no1 rcce1ved. magazines sent lo mcorrecl old add.res.~' will l'tOI be replaced. U.S. cu~tomen mu.<iil include zip code. A RecOrd Ron Oldie Goldie APRIL 1986WAVELENGTH 3 april (!) a: w U) zw U.K. Pianist Plays (J) ~ .. ~ TBA N.D. 5 Fri. 5 New Orleans is a popular destina­ Sat. 6 Luther Kent (midnight) tion for transient piano players. Fri. 11 Luther Kent (10:00 pm) Some great ones, like Professor Sat. 12 Jerry Jeff Walker Bigstuff, stay only a few months or (10:00 pm) weeks; others buy houses and end Fri. 18 Exuma (11:00 pm) their transiency altogether. The latest addition to these ranks (midnight) Sat. 19 Luther Kent is a 23-year-old Englishman Jon Fri. 25 * Original Cast of Cleary. lnspi"'d by an uncle who "One Mo' Time" sent him letters in the early Sevent­ * New Orleans Blue ies about "this weird pianist, Pro­ Serenaders fessor Longhair.·' Cleary started * Sippie Wallace w/ listening to and playing New James Dapagni Orleans music in his mid-teens. He * Chicago Jazz Band first came to town in 1980, plann­ * The Old Time Jazz Band of Helsinki. ing to stay for two weeks but last­ Finland ing two years. This initial sojourn yielded only occasional work - Sat. 26 Zachary Richard subbing, for instance, for James (10:00 pm) Booker when he didn't show at the Sun. 27 Big Twist & The Maple Leaf - but he crammed in Mellow Fellows some valuable listening. (9:00pm) Returning to England, Cleary 28. 29, Musicians Jam toured the English pub circuit with 30 (midnight) his own ensemble, King Kleary and the Savage Mooses. He also backed Dr. John on guitar (he's played the instrument professionally since age 15) whenever Mac made it to Brit­ 1104 DECATUR STREET ain, and eventually yearned .tore­ 525·8199 turn to New Orleans. "If you're playing American music you have to come over reg­ Queen" into "Big Chief'? Cleary intimation of his old-world roots. ularly to get a shot in the arm of guffawed at the thought of that. When he can find a portable key­ it,'' explains Cleary. ''There are As of mid-March, Cle~ry could board he also performs with blues­ some great musicians in England, be heard Tuesdays at the Maple man Mighty Sam McClain. He had but much of the music is imitative, Leaf, playing a mixture of Dr. initially planned to stay just through self conscious English people trying John, Professor Longhair, R&B Jazz Fest but ... you've heard this to play like Americans.'' Like standards and some originals while story before. sneaking a lick from ''God Save the singing in a heartfelt style with little - Tom McDermott NO-TV Is Good TV Tired of watching Phil Collins' bald head? Sick of cutesy-cute Martha Quinn? Weary of stagnant conversa­ tion and sterile plastic videos? Then move your television dial over to Cox Cable Channel 6 on Thursday nights at 6:30 and Saturday nights at 6:30 for a half hour of NO-TV The show features alternative videos and interviews with stars who 'IIIIORY & actually have something to say, as well as the best of the local bands. COMPOIniON Hosted by Ivan Bodley, NO-TV is guaranteed to shake you out of the PIUVA'II LESSONS video doldrums. I spoke with Ivan about NO-TV and he revealed the inner workings 12 years experience and the important concepts behind Bachelor of Music Degree the new TV show. NO-TV's inception began when in Classical Guitar Wavelength discovered the public access channels available on cable. Bunny Matthews, a contributor to Wavelength, had hosted a music in­ dustry talk show on cable and thus JOHN BARR the inspiration for filming an 866-5592 alternative music program struck. Wavelength editor Connie Atkinson DIANA ROSENBERG 4 WAVELENGTWAPRIL 1986 ...._.. -.................n_. ..... ~ called on Bodley because "she by Gumby, Pokey (his rubber shark knew of my work with WTUL and from this past Mardi Gras), a horse­ she thought I'd be a good host due head given to him by (who else?) to my interview and broadcast expe­ Tex and the Horseheads (her name rience." is Sugar, by the way), and always Bodley has been the music direct­ his b~ss guitar (his favorite toy). or of WTUL, Tulane University's Why this environment? alternative radio station. for three "That's the way I want to do it. years and has been nominated for We're not consciously offbeat. It's P.~~~~~ · alternative music director of 1986 fun and spontane;ous. IJ!on't mind by the Gavin Report, a radio trade doing quirky and offbeat things." sheet. He has also been a disc jock­ Certainly a far cry from the pre­ ~ $~ ey for four years on WTUL and dictable video shows on today. does a weekly radio show featuring Why should the video-watching au­ new music. He is a bass player of dience tune into NO-TV instead of RESTLESS VARI~TION local renown, currently involved MTV? A12 song sampler of America's freshest Rock 'n with the Rafael Cruz Quintet and im­ "NO-TV is better and more Roll, from Philadelphia to Boston, Cbicago to los King Nino and the Slave Girls, as aginative. We expose artists who well as playing with many other Angeles. Includes tracks from THE DEAD MILK­ are much more worthy of attention. and 9 others. notables like Bo Diddley: His only Bruce Springsteen doesn't need MEN, MOJO NIXON, FEAR, ALBUM 72101-1 CASSETTE 72101--4 other television experience has been your money. There are fresh new on Bob Brandy's show when he ideas that are coming out as well as was a mere boy in a Cub Scout uni­ the exposure of New Orleans artists form, back in Tennessee. who are deservir.g of publicity.'' So Bodley is J}erhaps the natural The exposure of New Orleans choice to speak to such luminaries artists is very important to NO-TV. as the Circle Jerks and Fishbone. They have interviewed such per­ THE NEIGHBORHOODS When asked what the criteria of formers as Mason Ruffner and The High Hard One ... selection was for interviews and Johnny Jay and the Hitmen. Bood­ One of Boston's most heralded bands, THE NEIGH­ videos, he responded, "All around ley spoke about the unfortunate BORHOODS, burn with an Americanized brand of good taste. Something that's good fallacy of New Orleans artists hav­ Mod/Punk Rock 'n Roll. From the impassioned and alternative.'' ing to•leave New Orleans to achieve lead vocals to the emblazoned guitars, The High The setting of NO-TV is certainly fame. Not true, he says. NO-TV Hard One is an impressive Restless Records debut.
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