CELESTYAL CRUISES 2021 3Day Cruise “ICONIC AEGEAN” – 4 Greek Islands & Turkey DEPARTURES DAY PORT ARR. DEPT. MARCH 19, 26 FRI ATHENS (PIRAEUS*), Greece - 13:00 APRIL 02, 09, 16, 23 , 30 MYKONOS, Greece 18:00 23:00 MAY 07, 14, 21, 28 SAT KUSADASI (Efesus), Turkey 07:00 13:00 JUNE 04, 11, 18, 25 PATMOS, Greece 16:30 21:30 JULY 02, 09, 16, 23, 30 SUN CRETE (HERAKLION), Greece 07:00 12:00 AUGUST 06, 13, 20, 27 SANTORINI, Greece 16:30 21:30 SEPTEMBER 03, 10, 17, 24 MON ATHENS (PIRAEUS*), Greece 06:00 - OCTOBER 01, 08, 15, 22 CELESTYAL OLYMPIA ECONOMY SEASON STANDARD SEASON PEAK SEASON CABIN CATEGORY 19/03 – 30/04 , 2021 07/05 – 27/08 & 01/10 – 22/10/2021 03 – 24/09/2021 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE DOUBLE IA [Standard Interior] 669 520 859 665 930 719 IB [Standard Interior] 785 609 965 745 1,049 809 IC [Premiun Interior] 845 655 1,019 789 1,109 855 XA [Standard Exterior] 859 669 1,065 825 1,155 885 XB [Standard Exterior] 959 745 1,169 899 1,270 975 XC [Premium Exterior] 1,005 779 1,225 945 1,329 1,020 SJ [Junior Suite] 1,500 889 1,789 1,055 1,885 1,109 SB [Suite w/ Balcony] 1,995 1,175 2,325 1,369 2,439 1,439 SG [Grand Suite] 2,299 1,359 2,965 1,745 3,105 1,829 3rd / 4th Adult 515 515 515 CHILDREN’S POLICY 3rd / 4th INFANT [0,3 – 1,99 years old] $ 195 3rd/ 4th CHILD [2 – 11,99 years old] $ 279 Port Taxes & Service Charges $ 149 Rates included: Excursion KUS – 02: Ancient Ephesus through the Ages Hellenistic / Roman Excursion HER - 02: Minoan Palace of Knossos – 1st European Civilization Drink Package “Blue” CELESTYAL CRUISES 2021 3Day Cruise “ICONIC DISCOVERY” – 4 Greek Islands & Turkey DEPARTURES DAY PORT ARR. DEPT. OCTOBER 29 FRI ATHENS (PIRAEUS*), Greece - 13:00 NOVEMBER 05 , 12. 19 . 26 SYROS, Greece 17:15 24:00 SAT KUSADASI (Efesus), Turkey 08:00 18:00 SUN SANTORINI, Greece 07:00 20:00 MON ATHENS (PIRAEUS*), Greece 06:00 - CELESTYAL OLYMPIA ECONOMY SEASON CABIN CATEGORY 29/10 – 26/11 , 2021 SINGLE DOUBLE IA [Standard Interior] 669 520 IB [Standard Interior] 785 609 IC [Premiun Interior] 845 655 XA [Standard Exterior] 859 669 XB [Standard Exterior] 959 745 XC [Premium Exterior] 1,005 779 SJ [Junior Suite] 1,500 889 SB [Suite w/ Balcony] 1,999 1,175 SG [Grand Suite] 2,299 1,359 3rd / 4th Adult 515 CHILDREN’S POLICY 3rd / 4th INFANT [0,3 – 1,99 years old] $ 195 3rd/ 4th CHILD [2 – 11,99 years old] $ 279 Port Taxes & Service Charges $ 149 Rates included: Excursion KUS – 02: Ancient Ephesus through the Ages Hellenistic / Roman Excursion SYR – 02 : Walking tour in Syros Island Drink Package “Blue” CELESTYAL CRUISES 2021 4Day Cruise “ICONIC AEGEAN” – 5 Greek Islands & Turkey DEPARTURES DAY PORT ARR. DEPT. MARCH 15, 22, 29 MON ATHENS (PIRAEUS), Greece - 13:00 APRIL 05, 12, 19, 26 MYKONOS, Greece 18:00 23:00 MAY 03, 10, 17, 24 , 31 TUE KUSADASI (Ephesus), Turkey 07:00 13:00 JUNE 07, 14, 21, 28 PATMOS, Greece 16:30 21:30 JULY 05, 12, 19, 26 WED RHODES, Greece 07:00 18:00 AUGUST 02, 09 , 16, 23, 30 THU CRETE (HERAKLION), Greece 07:00 12:00 SEPTEMBER 06, 13, 20, 27 SANTORINI, Greece 16:30 21:30 OCTOBER 04, 11, 18, FRI ATHENS (PIRAEUS), Greece 07:00 - CELESTYAL OLYMPIA CABIN CATEGORY ECONOMY SEASON STANDARD SEASON PEAK SEASON 15/03 – 26/04 , 2021 03/05 – 30/08 & 04/10 – 18/10 , /2021 06 – 27/09 , 2021 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE DOUBLE IA [Standard Inside] 835 645 1,055 809 1,149 885 IB [Standard Inside] 995 765 1,215 930 1,309 1,009 IC [Premium Inside] 1,055 809 1,295 999 1,399 1,079 XA [Standard Outside] 1,079 835 1,329 1,020 1,425 1,099 XB [Standard Outside] 1,195 925 1,449 1,109 1,575 1,209 XC [Premium Outside] 1,250 965 1,539 1,175 1,655 1,279 SJ [Junior Suite] 1,885 1,109 2,229 1,309 2,359 1,389 SB [Suite w/Balcony] 2,515 1,485 2,929 1,725 3,059 1,809 SG [Grand Suite] 2,905 1,719 3,385 1,989 3,915 2,305 3rd / 4th Adult 629 629 629 CHILDREN’S POLICY 3rd/ 4th INFANT [0,3 – 1,99 years old] $ 259 3rd/ 4th CHILD [2 – 11,99 years old] $ 440 Port Taxes & Service Charges $ 199 Rates included: Excursion KUS – 02: Ancient Ephesus through the Ages Hellenistic / Roman Excursion RHO – 01: Medieval tour – Acropolis of Lindos and the Citadel of the knights CELESTYAL CRUISES 2021 4Day Cruise “ICONIC DISCOVERYT” DEPARTURES 5 Greek Islands & Turkey DAY PORT ARR. DEPT. OCTOBER 25, MON ATHENS (PIRAEUS), Greece - 13:00 NOVEMBER 01 , 08 , 15 , 22 SYROS, Greece 17:15 24:00 TUE KUSADASI (Ephesus), Turkey 08:00 18:00 WED RHODES, Greece 07:00 19:00 THU SANTORINI, Greece 07:00 19:00 FRI ATHENS (PIRAEUS), Greece 07:00 - CELESTYAL OLYMPIA ECONOMY SEASON CABIN CATEGORY 25/10 – 22/11 , 2021 SINGLE DOUBLE IA [Standard Inside] 835 645 IB [Standard Inside] 995 765 IC [Premium Inside] 1,055 809 XA [Standard Outside] 1,079 835 XB [Standard Outside] 1,195 925 XC [Premium Outside] 1,250 965 SJ [Junior Suite] 1,885 1,109 SB [Suite w/Balcony] 2,515 1,485 SG [Grand Suite] 2,905 1,719 3rd / 4th Adult 629 CHILDREN’S POLICY 3rd/ 4th INFANT [0,3 – 1,99 years old] $ 269 3rd/ 4th CHILD [2 – 11,99 years old] $ 440 Port Taxes & Service Charges $ 209 Rates included: Excursion KUS – 02: Ancient Ephesus through the Ages Hellenistic / Roman Excursion SYR – 02 : Walking tour in Syros Island CELESTYAL CRUISES 2021 7Day Cruise “IDYLLIC” DEPARTURES DAY PORT ARR. DEPT. APRIL 03 . 10 . 17 . 24 SAT ATHENS (PIRAEUS), Greece - 19:00 MAY 01, 08, 15 . 22 . 29 SUN KUSADASI, Turkey 08:00 19:00 JUNE 05, 12, 19, 26 MON RODAS, Greece 08:00 18:00 JULY 03, 10, 17, 24 ,31 TUE CRETE (Ag.Nikolaos), Greece 08:00 23:59 AUGUST 07, 14, 21, 28 WED SANTORINI*, Greece 07:00 - SEPTEMBER THU SANTORINI*, Greece - 02:30 OCTOBER 02 , 09 THU MILOS ,Greece 08:30 13:30 THU MYKONOS , Greece 19:00 FRI MYKONOS , Greece 23:00 SAT ATHENS (PIRAEUS), Greece 09:00 - CELESTYAL CRYSTAL ECONOMY SEASON STANDARD SEASON CABIN CATEGORY 03/04 – 24/04 , 2021 01/05 – 09/10 , 2021 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE DOUBLE IA [Standard Inside] 1,295 1,000 1,655 1,279 Rates included: IB [Standard Inside] 1,535 1,175 1,875 1,445 Excursion KUS – 02: Ancient Ephesus IC [Premium Inside] 1,629 1,259 2,009 1,549 through the Ages Hellenistic / Roman Excursion RHO – 01: Medieval tour – XA/XBO [Standard Outside 1,665 1,279 2,039 1,569 Acropolis of Lindos and the Citadel of the Obstructed View] knights 1,735 1,339 2,109 1,629 XB [Standard Outside] Drink Package ‘’Blue’’ XC [Premium Outside] 1,835 1,415 2,250 1,735 XD [Superior Outside] 1,949 1,500 2,385 1,835 SBJ [Junior Suite w/Balcony] 2,965 1,745 3,459 2,039 S [Suite] 3,250 1,915 3,859 2,279 SB [Suite w/Balcony] 3,765 2,215 4,500 2,655 SG [Grand Suite] 4,449 2,619 5,169 3,045 3rd / 4th Adult 905 905 CHILDREN’S POLICY 3rd/4th INFANT [0,3 – 1,99 years old] $ 439 3rd/4th CHILD [2 – 11,99 years old] $ 645 Port Taxes & Service Charges $ 339 CELESTYAL CRUISES 2021 7Day Cruise “ECLECTIC AEGEAN” DEPARTURES DAY PORT ARR. DEPT. OCTOBER 23, 30 SAT ATHENS (PIRAEUS), Greece - 16:00 NOV 06 SUN ISTANBUL, Turkey 15:00 - MON ISTANBUL, Turkey - 18:00 TUE CANAKKALE, Turkey 08:00 18:00 WED THESSALONIKI, Greece 09:00 23:00 THU VOLOS, Greece 08:00 18:30 FRI SANTORINI*, Greece 09:00 21:30 SAT ATHENS (PIRAEUS), Greece 09:00 - CELESTYAL CRYSTAL ECONOMY SEASON CABIN CATEGORY 23/10 – 06/11 /2021 SINGLE DOUBLE IA [Standard Inside] 1,295 1,000 Rates included: IB [Standard Inside] 1,535 1,175 Excursion IST – 04: Bosporous Cruise from IC [Premium Inside] 1,629 1,259 Europe to Asia XA/XBO [Standard Outside 1,665 1,279 Excursion SAN – 01: Spectacular Oia Village Obstructed View] perched on the caldera rim XB [Standard Outside] 1,735 1,335 Drink Package ‘’Blue’’ XC [Premium Outside] 1,835 1,415 XD [Superior Outside] 1,949 1,500 SBJ [Junior Suite w/Balcony] 2,965 1,745 S [Suite] 3,250 1,915 SB [Suite w/Balcony] 3,765 2,215 SG [Grand Suite] 4,449 2,619 3rd / 4th Adult 905 CHILDREN’S POLICY 3rd/ 4th INFANT [0,3 – 1,99 years old] $ 439 3rd/ 4th CHILD [2 – 11,99 years old] $ 669 Port Taxes & Service Charges $ 339 CELESTYAL CRUISES 2021 7Day Cruise “ 3 CONTINENTS” DEPARTURES DAY PORT ARR. DEPT. SAT ATHENS (PIRAEUS), Greece - 17:00 MARCH 06, 13, 20, 27 SUN AT SEA NOVEMBER 20, 27 MON PORT SAID*, Egypt 06:30 22:00 DECEMBER 04, 11, 18 ,25 TUE ASHDOD, Israel 08:00 22:00 WED LIMASSOL, Cyprus 11:00 18:00 THU RHODES, Greece 12:00 20:00 FRI KUSADASI, Turkey 07:00 19:30 SAB ATHENS (PIRAEUS), Greece 07:00 - CELESTYAL CRYSTAL ECONOMY SEASON CABIN CATEGORY 06/03 – 27/03 ,2021 & 20 – 27/03 ,2021 04 – 25/12 , 2021 SINGLE DOUBLE IA [Standard Inside] 1,295 1,000 Rates included: IB [Standard Inside] 1,535 1,175 Excursion PSD – 01: Classical IC [Premium Inside] 1,629 1,259 Adjust 25 Dec to cruise to an 8 night Cairo 1,665 1,279 with extra overnight in Athens XA/XBO [Standard Outside Excursion KUS – 02: Ancient on 01 Jan 2022 – Guests disembark on Obstructed View] Ephesus through the Ages 02 Jan 2022 XB [Standard Outside] 1,735 1,339 Hellenistic / Roman XC [Premium Outside] 1,835 1,415 Drink Package ‘’Blue’’ XD [Superior Outside] 1,949 1,500 SBJ [Junior Suite w/Balcony] 2,965 1,745 S [Suite] 3,250 1,915 SB [Suite w/Balcony] 3,765 2,215 SG [Grand Suite] 4,449 2,619 3rd / 4th Adult 905 CHILDREN’S POLICY 3rd/ 4th INFANT [0,3 – 1,99 years old $ 439 3rd/ 4th INFANT [0,3 – 1,99 years old $ 645 Port Taxes & Service Charges $ 339 .
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