ORDER SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF ITALY IN AMERICA ITALIAN FESTIVAL DIRECTORY 2019 Compiled by: The Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America 219 E Street N.E. Washington, DC 20002 Telephone: 202-547-2900 www.osia.org [email protected] THE ORDER SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF ITALY IN AMERICA 2019 ITALIAN FESTIVAL DIRECTORY This directory lists over 200 Italian festivals held in states around the country. The directory supplies each festival’s name, month, city, state and website. The directory was compiled by the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA). The custom of honoring favorite saints with outdoor ceremonies was brought to America more than 100 years ago by the early Italian immigrants. The festivals vary in size and character. Some consist of only the saint’s statue, a band and a procession while others are colossal celebrations that last several days and include symphonic bands, entertainers, food stands, rides and fireworks. A familiar sight at most festivals is the saint’s statue covered with money or jewelry, later donated to the local church or saint’s society. The oldest festival is believed to be the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Hammonton, NJ. The biggest festival is the Feast of San Gennaro held every September in New York City, which attracts about one million people. Large festivals can also be found in West Virginia (Wheeling’s Upper Ohio Valley Italian Heritage Festival in July and Clarksburg’s Italian Heritage Festival in September) and in Wisconsin (Milwaukee’s Festa Italiana in July), among others. To add your festival to next year’s directory, please contact the OSDIA headquarters in Washington, D.C. by mail, fax, or e-mail. [No telephone calls, please]. Send the name of the festival, month held, city, state and a contact person or organization with a telephone number and/or email address. Send to: Sons of Italy Festival Directory 219 E Street N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 Fax: 202/547-0121 Email: [email protected] Founded in 1905 as a mutual aid society for the early Italian immigrants, today OSDIA has hundreds of thousands of family members located in all fifty states and the District of Columbia. It is the largest and oldest national organization for people of Italian descent in the country. ORDER SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF ITALY IN AMERICA ITALIAN FESTIVAL DIRECTORY 2019 ORGANIZED BY STATE State City Name of Festa Month Website Across USA Across USA Italian Film Fests April http://www.italianfilmfests.org/index.html Alabama Birmingham Feast of St. Mark Italian Food Festival April http://feastofstmark.com/ Arizona Scottsdale Italian Festival March http://www.italianfestivalaz.com/ Arkansas Little Rock Arkansas Italian Food and Culture April http://www.aritalianfestival.com/ California Los Angeles St. Anthony June https://stanthonysfestival.com/ California Los Angeles Los Angeles Italian Festival October http://www.laitalianfestival.com/ California Los Angeles Taste of Italy October http://iamla.org/taste-of-italy/ California Monterey Festa Italiana Fisherman's Festival September http://www.festaitaliamonterey.org/ California Orange Orange International Street Fair September http://www.orangestreetfair.org/ California Sacramento Festa Italiana August http://www.italiancenter.net/ California San Diego Solo Italiano October https://www.littleitalysd.com/events/solo-italiano-dinner-in-rosso California San Francisco Italian Heritage Parade and Banquet October www.sfcolumbusday.org California San Francisco San Francisco Festa Coloniale Italiana September www.sfiacfesta.com California San Jose Italian American Family Festa August www.italianfamilyfestasj.org California San Rafael Italian Film Festival September www.italianfilm.com California Santa Barbara Italian Street Painting Festival May http://www.imadonnarifestival.com/ California St. Helena Festa Italiana July http://www.vsattui.com/events/festa-italiana-a-mid-summer-italian-festival/ California Sutter Creek Italian Benevolent Society Picnic and June http://italianbenevolentsociety.com/picnic-information California Vallejo Carnivale Fantastico May http://carnevalefantastico.com/ Colorado Canon City Royal Gorge Lodge #2866 Italian September http://osiaroyalgorge2866.com/festival/ Colorado Denver Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Annual Bazaar July http://ourladymountcarmel.com/special-events/ Colorado Denver Belmar Festival Italiano September https://www.belmarcolorado.com/festival-italiano/ Connecticut Ansonia Festa! August http://www.holyrosaryansonia.org/Festa.html Connecticut Enfield Italian Feast/Festival August http://www.mtcarmelsociety.com/pages/festival.htm Connecticut New Haven St. Andrew June http://www.ssaanewhaven.com/default.html Connecticut New Haven St. Anthony June http://www.stanthony-church.org/events/st-anthony-feast Connecticut Southington Italian American Festival July https://www.facebook.com/SouthingtonItalianFestival/ Connecticut Waterbury Italian Feast July http://www.olmcwtby.com/page/italian-feast Delaware Wilmington St. Anthony June www.stanthonysfestival.com Florida Boca Raton Italian Fest February https://www.myboca.us/1469/Italian-Fest Florida Bradenton Italian Heritage Festival February https://events.wduv.com/bradenton/events/st-pio-italian-festival-/E0-001-107571524-1 Florida Daytona Beach Our Lady of Lourdes May http://www.ourladyoflourdesdaytona.com/italian-festival/ Florida Hollywoord South Florida's Italian Festival February http://www.soflaitalianfeast.com/ Florida Jupiter Feast of Little Italy November www.feastoflittleitaly.com Florida Pensacola Italian Festa October https://soibuonafortuna.org/ Florida Pompano Beach Italian Festival February http://www.italianfest.org/ Florida Port St. Lucie Festival Italiano February www.pslfestivalitaliano.com Florida Port St. Lucie Taste of Little Italy January www.tasteoflittleitaly.net Florida Safety Harbor San Gennaro Festival February http://www.liadosangennarofesta.com/ Florida Tampa Festa Italiana April www.festaitalianatampa.com Florida Venice Italian Feast and Carnival February http://www.italianamericanclubofvenice.com/feast/index.html Hawaii Honolulu Festa Italiana October https://www.festaitalianahawaii.com/ Illinois Addison West Suburban Festa Italiana August www.facebook.com/pages/Onestis-Little-Italy-Fest-West-in Addison/155641427825853| Illinois Chicago Festa di Tutti I Santi September https://www.ourladyofpompeii.org/festa-di-tutti-santi/ Illinois Chicago Festa Della Repubblica June https://www.ourladyofpompeii.org/2018-festa-della-repubblica/ Illinois Chicago Chicago Festa Italiana August https://www.starevents.com/festa-italiana/ Illinois Chicago Oakley Festa Pasta Vino June http://www.arcadalive.com/onesti-festivals/ Illinois Chicago Our Lady of Incoronata September http://www.sttheresechinatown.org/parish-life/santa-maria-incoranata/ Illinois Collinsville Italian Fest September www.italianfest.net Illinois Herrin Herrin Festa Italiana May www.herrinfesta.com Illinois Melrose Park Our Lady of Mt. Carmel July http://olmcparish.org/feast-parish-of-mount-carmel-of-melrose-park/ Illinois Norridge St. Liberata September https://www.facebook.com/SaintLiberataItalianFestival/ Illinois Peoria Summer Festa Picnic August www.italianamericansociety.com Illinois Rockford Festa Italiana August http://festaitalianarockford.com/ Illinois Stone Park St. Francesco di Paola August https://calabresiinamerica.org/san-francesco-festa/ Illinois Stone Park Little Italy Festa Taylor St August http://casaitaliachicago.org/little-italy-festa-taylor-street/ Indiana Clinton Little Italy Festival September www.thelittleitalyfestival.org Indiana Indianapolis Italian Street Festival June http://www.indyitalianfest.org/ Iowa Des Moines Italian American Heritage Festival of July www.italianfestivalofiowa.com Kansas Frontenac Festa Italiana September http://www.frontenacedfoundation.org/ Kentucky Newport Italianfest June http://www.newportky.gov/Blogs/Events/Archives/2018/01/2018-Festivals-in-Newport.aspx Louisiana Independence Independence Sicilian Heritage Festival March https://www.indysicilianfest.com/ Louisiana Kenner Kenner Italian Heritage Festival April www.italianheritagefestival.com Louisiana Tickfaw Italian Festival April www.theitalianfestivalorg.com Louisiana Baton Rouge Italian Heritage Festival July http://www.gbraia.org/ Maine Portland Festa Italiana Portland August https://www.festa-italiana.org/ Maine Portland Italian Bazaar August https://www.facebook.com/StPetersBazaar/ Maryland Baltimore Feast of St. Gabriel August https://www.promotioncenterforlittleitaly.org/events.html Maryland Baltimore Feast of St. Anthony June https://www.promotioncenterforlittleitaly.org/events.html Maryland Annapolis Festa di Santa Madre Cabrini September http://www.festaitaliana-annapolis.com/ Massachusetts Attleboro Italian Cultural Festival September https://lasaletteattleboroshrine.org/italian-cultural-festival Massachusetts Boston Fisherman’s Feast for Madonna del August www.fishermansfeast.com Massachusetts Boston St. Agrippina di Mineo Feast August www.saintagrippinaboston.com Massachusetts Boston St. Anthony August www.stanthonysfeast.com Massachusetts Boston Madonna Della Cava Feast July http://www.madonnadellacava.com/ Massachusetts Boston Festival of Santa Maria di Anzano June https://anzanoboston.com/ Massachusetts Boston Feast of Santa Lucia August http://www.stanthonysfeast.com/stlucys.html Massachusetts Cambridge Sts. Cosmas & Damiano September https://cosmas-and-damian.org/ Massachusetts Gloucester St. Peter June http://www.stpetersfiesta.org/history.html Massachusetts
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