fel :''»•>* VQLUME LXVIIL, NO. 14. / /BED BANK, N. J./rBtRSD AY, SEPTEMBER 27,1945 SECTION OttE—PAGES 1 TQ 12* Camera Club I. Sea Bright Group Edward Kelly Denise Goes To ecent Sales Of Three Meeting Tonignt Cnamber Director Monmouth Camera club will hold To Hold Dinner ' Edward Kelly, a member of the Pru Home Office;. it* first meeting of the- fall tonight firm of J. H. Kelly company of Sold To Joseph Greco -at fttfi o'clock atJhe Jted Bank At Star Dust Inn East Front street, dealers In auto- Glassey Advanced Woman's* dub. The showing of motive accessories, has consented' color slides and the monthly print To Eec6He~srmember of the board competition will be program fea- Annual Event of Ladies' of directors of the Red Bank Com- Fair Haven Mayor ~ 1 Reported By Van Horn Agency tures. •". • •„•'•'.'- . - • munity Chamber of Commerce. He 11-Room Brick House On Property Auxiliary of Fire Co. will be appointed to the board'by Competition It' open ; to anyone President William. Bradley at the Now Atsutant In Connection With Other Realtor. wishing to show prints. Each con- Wednesday, October 17 next meeting. <-••• Division Manager Located On Road To Red Bank' testant may show four prints ' V-V •'" mounted on regular 18x20 mounts. Mr. Kelly's appointment to the Three attractive properties have To those Interested In photography ..Jtar Dust Inn, Red Bank, has board is to fill the^vacancy caused Mayor Edgar. V. Denise of Fair Mr. and Mrs. Joseph draco, wall- been sold recently by the Ray'Van- the club extends «. cordial invjta.-' been, selected by the Ladies' auxil- by the resignation of J. Allen Haven has- been appointed Assist- Gardner Named known vegetable growers of Holm- Dr. E>eCark) Opens Horn agency, realtors of River tloii 'to attend the meeting. " ;,' iary at the. Sea Bright fife com- Mohn-, former district commercial ant Division manager for the Pru- del, have purchased the old Wain- road, Fair Haven, In co-operation pany for the holding of Its fourth manager of the New Jersey Bell dential Insurance .' company. He right Brown' property of 86 acres on tth_R_umsonand^Red Bank, annual dinner ' Wednesday night, Telephone company, who was re- assumed: his new duties Monday at Poor Overseer the Holmdel-Red Bank road from realtors. These . transaction* in* October 17. Mrs. Rita Douglas is cently, transferred to the Asbury the home office of tfrrconrpany ,at Leroy .French of Holmdel village, elude one of the finest 'riverfront Rev.€harlesThunn chairman In cbarsre -of arrange^ Park'office. This, sale was ^made by Paul R, estates along the North Shrews- Chiropodist Located mints. ... .'.. ••'• : .;.'. At Sea Bright Stryker, realtor of, Holmdel. • bury river, the former John M. Me- Resigns As Pastor The place was decided on at last ^Thj farm is well known to old f- At 90 Maple Avenue Cauley estate Jocated on Orange week's meeting of the auxiliary' New Newspaper residents of Monmouth county, Thar avenue, Fair Haven.; This proper- presided over' by Mrs. Sarah Lay- Council Rejects , . 11-roora house, of solid red brick ty was purchased by a" client of Of Baptist ton, president. The ' new refresh- construction, Is distinguished by •• Dr. riay De Carlo, Who hat been William H. Hlntelmann of Rumson. ments committee.:' named for the To Start Nov. 15 Charnak Application four-tall chimneys of unusually line associated with D,r. L. W. Cartbon The MeCauley. property includes November session comprises Mrs. design. There are a large central in the practice of chiropody In Red To Go To Temple Helen Laytoh, Mrs. Sue Nelson and For Tavern License hallrlivingroom, parlor,' both wttK ^Bank for thehaMh***yaifc Mrs. Viola Neely. Reported on the At Asbury Park r flreplaces^dlnlng room with fire- 1/ opened hi* w n officce this week at ^tist-of-Minneapoliil •rifllt 11*' -weTt M ». Ella Miles and Wilbur Gardner, was appointed place and kitchen on the first floor; JJTlillTresldence, 90 Maple avenue. He veloped with old shade trees, lawns, Mrs. Ella Smack; 7 "^~ overseer of the poor at the meet ihree latge bedrooms, each with a ' recently purchased the property of gardens and winding driveways. After 7 Years Here Attending the meeting were Mrs. ht mayor and fireplace, bath, two smaller bed- The main house was built about Sarah Layton, Mrs, Florence' Wel- John J. Qiiinn Head council last Thursday night to fill rooms on tn . _ _... four, years ago, Is of frame and What Is Red Bank's loss .will be ch, Mlse Mae Welch, Mrs; Emily the vacancy caused by the death of partially, finished bedrooms on the brick construction, has nine rooms, Minneapolis' gain, TWs statement, Stevens, Mrs. Margaret Fowler, The'Enterprise; James Miller, Sr. On the vote to tBlrd floor. ,, four baths, a powder room, sun- refers to the resignation of Rev. Mrs. Viola Flchter, Mrs. Helen Lay- confirm the appointment by Mayor deck and recreation The The large barn and sheds were room, Charles A. Thunn, who for the past ton, Mrs. Louise Fowler, Mrs. Eliz- Announcement was made last Thomas Farrell, Councllmen Ed- built by the late Theron McCamp- heating plant is oil fired. The seven years has be.en pastor of the abeth Johnson, Mre. Lida Ramsay, ward A.. Brown, Helmer Hansen bouse commands' a fine view of the week regarding a new daily paper bell, of the Ramanessln Farm First Baptist ftiurch of Red Bank. Mrs. Mabel Bedford, Mrs. Elizabeth to be started to Monmouth county, and Harry Lovgren voted In the company, who had owned the prop- river from its well-elevated loca- His resignation becomes effective Peterson, Mrs. Emily Widerstrom, affirmative and Councilman Sol tion..;-Other! buildings include a It will be' known as the Asbury erty for 50 years until his death in November 1. Mrs. Rita Douglas, Mrs. Ltd la Eo- Park Evening.Sun and will begin Neimark'ln the negative. 19*1. It wag sold to Mr. French by modern three-car garage with five- Rev. Thunn sprung a great sur- ker, Mrs. Clara Slocuro, Mrs. Inez An application by Max Charnak room apartment,' tool bouse" and SutUr, Mrs. Setaia Swenson, Mrs.. 'its publication with the-plant at As- Mr. Stryker -in 1942. prise on .his congregation, as' well bury Park on or about November for a retail consumption liquor li- Mr. and Mrs. .Greco and tbel4 boat house. '..••:"',•' as the people of Red Banki when Lillian Robinkon, Mrs. Jennie Alt- cense on 'his premises" on Ocean The purchaser was represented M Vil , Nl M Oli is, : ' • •.... • • • •-. •• avenue wag rejected on the grounds family will continue the raising ot by the law firm of Parsons, Labrec- man, Mrs. Viola Neely, Mts. Olive The announcement was. to the that It would cause unfair compe- vegetables as they have done -witH efrect^that-Walter-Reade-bf-Deal, such, notable success for the part que, Canzona and Combs of Red Kuiola^"Mrsr Violet-Johnsonr-S|rsr Utlon^OnAhejmbtionjto reject the ; : MATOR EDGAR V. DENISE Bank. •'• •• •' ' ' • " , Fannie Renshaw, Mrs. Mary Doug- theatre magnate, .,has purchased application, Haneeri and Lovgren -t?B_years on jmother- Ramanessih Lieut Col. Harry J. Sundermeyer las, Mrs. Eva Welch, Mrs. Eleanor from the ' Asbiiry • • Park • and . .\ voted in- the affirmative, Neimark farm property, known "as" the"," has purchased through Dennis X. ' Lindsay, Mrs. Alberta White, Mrs. Ocean Grove bank the. premises Newark. Mr. Denise's former posi- in the negative and Brown was re- brose Cook farm on the Holmdelt Byrne, realtor of River road, Rum- Evelyn Good and Mrs. Charlotte known as-the Merchants-National tion of assistant superintendent of corded as "not voting,". Mr. Char- Everett road, and which their new son, a. modern five-room 'residence Robertson. bank building located at the the Red Bank office of the company naJc holds a retail distribution, or home adjoins to'the north, and the with attached garage located,, on corner of Bond street and Mat- has been filled by the promotion of package store, license at present. Holmdel grape farm to the west.-' Ridge road In the Pine' Ridge sec- tison avenue, Asbury Park, for $75,- Thomas H,,GlaSsey of Little Silver Thi new owners will occupy tha. tion of Rumjon. The house which 120 Enrolled In 000 for the home of the new news- to that position^ . ' Installation of i. ohjorinator in paper. The broker in the transac- the sewer plant at a cost of Sl,603 premises after.making extensive al-. Is modern In every detail was built [ teratlons to the house. by Gen. Howard 8. Borden about tion was the William C- Burroughs was voted. Middletown Twp. agency of Asbury Park. The build- Council approved an increase: in Michael Polumbo has rented tha four years ago. The landscaped Ambrose Cook farm which Mr, and;' plot Is 72x140 feet in ilze. The ing; will be converted and as coon the bonus of Police-officers Gilbert as alterations are completed the W. ^Joyer and George Dougherty, Mrs. Greco, and family will vacate . DR. RAY DE CARLO property had recently been owned December 31, from Mrs. Theron by. Capt. and Mrs. Richard >S. V,ofF.W.Post newspaper ..will be started. who'have been working many hours Stark of Rumson, who held the . Associated In this, enterprise wilh overtime and are on call 24 hours McCampibell. , . ; the late Joseph Appiegate from Mr. Reade is former United States a day. Mr. Polumbo has spent four Theodore Mirabella of Long Branch property as an investment. Capt Charter Closed Last 1 Stark is In service In the South District Attorney and former The following county taxes were years on the Walnwrlght Brown and ha* completely redecorated the Pacific with-the U.
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