September 3, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9735 Congresses to get a time agreement Because she taught us to apply it to our- H.R. 3834. An act to redesignate the Dun- from the Senator from Arkansas. So we selves ning Post Office in Chicago, Illinois, as the are all working on this. I think by the We will not be a generation whose health is ‘‘Roger P. McAuliffe Post Office.’’ time we get to tomorrow we will be a wrecked H.R. 3680. An act to amend title 18, United And we’ll put trophies she inspired on our States Code, to carry out the international little clearer on the order and our pac- shelves. obligations of the United States under the ing. It is just a matter of getting ev- Geneva Conventions to provide criminal pen- erybody focused. People are just flying Recently, many of her former stu- dents paid the ultimate tribute that alties for certain war crimes. in now from the break. H.R. 3870. An act to authorize the Agency Mr. BOND. I thank the Senator from could be bestowed on a teacher by re- for International Development to offer vol- Maryland. We can have debate on the membering and honoring Sophie many untary separation incentive payments to em- space station all night tonight, as far years after she had taught them at an ployees of that agency. as I am concerned. For those who wish award ceremony by the Puerto Rican Under the authority of the order of to debate a new entitlement program, Family Institute. She shall be missed. the Senate of January 4, 1995, the en- that could go on as long as we want to- f rolled bills were signed on August 6, night. This facility is not being used MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT 1996, during the adjournment of the otherwise. I hope that when we get Senate by the President pro tempore Messages from the President of the ready to begin voting tomorrow, we [Mr. THURMOND]. United States were communicated to will be able to have votes in a timely Under the authority of the order of the Senate by Mr. Williams, one of his fashion. the Senate of January 4, 1995, the Sec- secretaries. At this point, the floor staff is check- retary of the Senate, on August 8, 1996, ing with the leadership. I suggest the EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED during the adjournment of the Senate, absence of a quorum. As in executive session, the Presiding received a message from the House of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Officer laid before the Senate messages Representatives announcing that the clerk will call the roll. from the President of the United Speaker has signed the following en- The assistant legislative clerk pro- States submitting a treaty and sundry rolled bill: ceeded to call the roll. nominations which were referred to the H.R. 3734. An act to provide for reconcili- Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I ask unan- appropriate committees. ation pursuant to section 201 (a)(1) of the imous consent that the order for the (The nominations received today are concurrent resolution on the budget for fis- quorum call be rescinded. printed at the end of the Senate pro- cal year 1997. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ceedings.) Under the authority of the order of objection, it is so ordered. f the Senate of January 4, 1995, the en- f MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE rolled bill was signed on August 8, 1996, RECEIVED DURING ADJOURNMENT during the adjournment of the Senate MORNING BUSINESS by the President pro tempore [Mr. Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I now ask ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED THURMOND]. unanimous consent that there be a pe- Under the authority of the order of f riod for the transaction of morning the Senate of January 4, 1995, the Sec- business with Senators permitted to retary of the Senate, on August 6, 1996, MEASURES PLACED ON THE speak for up to 5 minutes each. during the adjournment of the Senate, CALENDAR The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without received a message from the House of The following measure was read the objection, it is so ordered. Representatives announcing that the second time and placed on the cal- f Speaker has signed the following en- endar: rolled bills: TRIBUTE TO SOPHIE GERSON H.R. 3953. An act to combat terrorism. H.R. 1975. An act to improve the manage- f Mr. MOYNIHAN. Mr. President, I rise ment of royalties from Federal and Outer today to pay tribute to Sophie Gerson, Continental Shelf oil and gas leases, and for ENROLLED BILL PRESENTED a remarkable New Yorker who provides other purposes. The Secretary of the Senate reported a superb example of how one citizen H.R. 2739. An act to provide for a represen- that on August 2, 1996 he had presented can make an important difference. In tational allowance for Members of the House to the President of the United States, particular, she has shown how one of Representatives, to make technical and conforming changes to sundry provisions of the following enrolled bill: dedicated educator can pass on a law in consequence of administrative re- S. 1316. An act to reauthorize and amend brighter future to numerous young forms in the House of Representatives, and title XIV of the Public Health Service Act people. Through her dedication to edu- for other purposes. (commonly known as the ‘‘Safe Drinking cation, as a parent, parent association H.R. 3103. An act to amend the Internal Water Act’’), and for other purposes. leader, teacher, school board member Revenue Code of 1986 to improve portability f and president, Sophie has been an im- and continuity of health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets, to com- EXECUTIVE AND OTHER portant leader for better education in COMMUNICATIONS the city of New York and our Nation. bat waste, fraud, and abuse in health insur- ance and health care delivery, to promote The following communications were Sophie Gerson taught physical edu- the use of medical savings accounts, to im- cation and health in public junior high laid before the Senate, together with prove access to long-term care services and accompanying papers, reports, and doc- schools in lower income areas of New coverage, to simplify the administration of York City for over 36 years. She en- health insurance, and for other purposes. uments, which were referred as indi- dured budget cuts, increases in class H.R. 3139. An act to redesignate the United cated: sizes and other adverse conditions to States Post Office building located at 245 EC–3616. A communication from the Assist- make sure all of her students would Centereach Mall on Middle Country Road in ant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, Depart- enjoy a healthier and more successful Centereach, New York, as the ‘‘Rose Y. ment of State, the report of the texts of Caracappa United States Post Office Build- international agreements, other than trea- future. She imparted health skills, ath- ing’’. ties, and background statements; to the letic skills, and the values of team H.R. 3448. An act to provide tax relief for Committee on Foreign Relations. work, sportsmanship, and healthy com- small business, to protect jobs, to create op- EC–3617. A communication from the Chief petition. She took an interest in coach- portunities, to increase the take home pay of the Office of Legislative Liaison (Pro- ing students in dance and, as a result, for workers, to amend the Portal-to-Portal grams and Legislative Division), Department students were able to rise out of pov- Act of 1947 relating to the payment of wages of the Air Force, transmitting, pursuant to erty by pursuing dance-related careers. to employees who use employer owned vehi- law, the report of a cost comparison study Upon Sophie Gerson’s retirement from cles, and to amend the Fair Labor Standards concerning the cost of operating the Base Act of 1938 to increase the minimum wage Operating Support at Laughlin Air Force teaching, her students composed the rate and to prevent job loss by providing Base, Texas; to the Committee on Armed following tribute to her: flexibility to employers in complying with Services. Mrs. Gerson gave new meaning to the word minimum wage and overtime requirements EC–3618. A communication from the Ad- protect under the act. ministrator of the Agricultural Marketing VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:41 Jun 22, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S03SE6.REC S03SE6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS.
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