WAY, FEB. 28, 19M TIll: UNlVEBSITY PACZ FIVIlI a Tesoro Donee o Be Held At SOCIETY COMMENTS eachtree Garde s By ancy Dickson - The Ta Tesara Big Four dance be sponsored by the four day ::~~:~~\~:::'S:~,~ ·~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~mt.~~:~;:@;~::'&~::X:=*.~:::i~*~::::~~:m::~~:~;:~::::~:::::~:::::~;:::;.::r~I;~~;.-:",,'.~_. hool fraternities and sororities, Congratulation are extended to nounce their engagement on Feb. ta Chi Delta, Sigma Kappa Chi, the Iollowing Delta Alpha Delta 2, 1954. hi Rho Sigma, and Delta Alpha member: Good luck to members of AEPi ua, will be held at Peachtree Mi s Edwina (Dink) Pittman of Fraternity who are now erving in rdenS, here in Atlanta, on Fri- Atlanta will be married to Zeta the Armed Force . Brothers Bur- 'Y night, March 12. Chi Delta Dan Laughlin of Ma- ton Clein, Louis Taratoot. U. S. rietta, Ga.. on Thursday. March Army; Paul Baker, U. S. Air vancing will begin at nine in the 1. at t. Mark's Methodist Force; and Pledge Larry Tille " 'ening and music will be of spe- Church. U. S. Marines. interest, since it will feature Miss Peg g y Who is it Kappa Chi Bobby band with Atlanta Division ta- Barfield is going to marry? F'ind- t the "Sammy Duncan and His Brabham, mac- tive member of ing seem to indicate a fal e ru- I'~ point Fives" orchestra. It'll mor. Bobby says he's still avail- very gratifying indeed to see DAD, and Kap- able, and quote, "Oh, you lucky lent from our own students be- pa Chi Punky girls." mevery well known to all of us. New members initiated into P" '. ichol on, both Miss Jonelle Upchurch, secre- Fraterllit3' in S I 1\[ . I. rgma Ep Ilon, ahonal Honor Fraternity and sorority officers a e anagemom and Salesmanshlp were' bottom of Atlanta and tary to Dean Camp and one of row,efttoright-DCh'I . tho, e well-known Atlanta Divi- d their dates will compose the . k r, , aries LeWIS, Ja('k Lacy: \Valter Evrie . attending D sion yell gals for the basketball ad-out, ascending through a rc McGowanTo. .p ron, .If' e t to ril:"ht- Dean Jame E. Gate , University team, i wearing a Valentine sur- wery archway, with tha- girls Dr. Bill JUoeckel, and Bill Owen. ' sring dainty white carnation of Georgia in prise! She announces her engage- rsages, bound in-ribbon signify- Athen , were married early in the ment to Mr. Jack Fligg, tormer FaJl. student of the Atlanta Division fraternity colors, and the boys F rate rn- y be decked out in white bou- Miss Margaret I\I'Y, inactive and of API, Auburn Ala,. on Feb. orority member of DAD, of Norcross, Ga., 12. 1954. Congratulations! ieres, H- hI- and Mr. Bud Greer of Albany, By way of curiosity, we want 1io The dance will not be an open- . Igig h ts and appen - Ga., Atlanta Divi ion stude-nt, an- know who is this ravishing "doll" affair, but outside guests will that all the female employee of invited by extended personal Alpha Kappa Psi Blue Key the school are crazy about? Could ttstfons from each organiza- it be - T. G. -? n. Recently Secretary of State, Ben On Thursday, Feb. 18, the mem- Johnson Speaks AEPi Lieutenant Master Melvin Fortson, was guest speaker at a bers of Blue Key Fraternity were To Delta Sigma Pi Libman pinned Mi s Ann Miller Professional dinner of the Pi guest of the Circle K Club at a Delta Sigma Pi, Professional of Atlanta during the recent Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi Fra- banquet. held at Wooding's Ban- Fraternity in the field of Com- AEPi Conclave held at the Bilt- ternity, held at the American Le- quet Hall, Atlanta. merce, initiated new members on more Hotel. he Studen - g~on Post No.1, on Thursday eve- The purpose of the banquet wa Jan. 24, 1954. with formal cere- enerol Cound rung, Jan. 28. Mr. Fortson deliver- to acquaint the Blue Key mem- monies at the Piedmont Hotel. ~ a very inspiring talk, entitled, bers with the activities of the Cir- ew members are: John V. Boyle, CIV Theta (profes ional busine The Inner Spirit of Man and Its iven Tea cle K, both in the school and the U. S. Marine Corp ; Charle O. fraternity for women), and the So- Effect on Democracy:" community. Through the coopera- Emmerich, of the Clifton Trading ciety for the Advancement of tion of the Blue Key, the Circle K Company; and George R. Mont- Management, was held at Mamy's The Student Council and Gen- ~Iub hopes to expand it activitie gomery, of the Burroughs Corpora- Shanty. Th guest speaker of the al Council member were en- mto Day School tion. Formal initiation wa con- evening, Mr. Michael F. Wiedl of tained by Dean James C. Camp Zeta Chi Delta cluded with a dinner at the Town the Atlantic Steele Company, was , d Mrs. Nell Trotter, Dean of House, which featured as guest ably introduced by M. C. BID On Tuesday, Feb. 16, a stac din- omen,with a tea at the home of speaker Mr. Howard John on. Murphy of Delta lg, Mr. Wi . Trotter, from 3:00 p. m. in n~r was held at Mammy's Shanty Intramural Key Vice-President of Atlantic Steel gave a very interesting talk on afternoon until 5 p. m. Feb. 21. for the present active members Company. company communications. Delta and rushees. Letters of pledgeship In1;amural Key Honor Sciety On Jan. 26 a joint professional Sig Brothers and their guests par- Members .of both groups serv- were presented to Atlanta Divi- held Its annual election of office-rs dinner meeting of three Atlanta ticipated in the Valentine holi· on tea committees were: Viera sion students Jim tlark, Doug at its February meeting. New of- Division professional business or- days with a party al the Delta estbrook, Secretary of Day Tallent, Pete Molson, Gene Jones, ficers are: President, Lester H. ganizations. Delta Sigma Pi, Phi Sig Lodge, on Feb. 13. hool Student Council, received Hoke Benton and Bill McMillan. Mann; Jr.; Vice-President Paul ests' ai: the door. Jackie Fun Dr. H. T. Malone .was guest Kirk; Secretary, Clyde B.' Jones, cretary of General Council and speaker at the dinner, and his sub- and Treasurer, Alvin T. George. ~1 easurer of Day School Student ject was entitled, "What You The out-going president Bill T r nnua Mi i ary Ba unci!, was in charge of the Should' Get out of College." All Strickland, outlined the duties to est book and coats. Mary Ann present thoroughly enjoyed his new officers, who will be in- uge uccess tledge, secretary of Evening speech, and ho~ to haye Dr. Ma- stalled at the next regular meet- ec ared a lone back with them in the very ing to be held in MlU"Ch. dent Council, pinned organiza- • officers and their ladies ensu • near future. The Social highlight of the sea- nal name tags. Vice president son for ROTC cadets was the third The decorations this year paid Day School Student Cov.ncil, annual Military Ball held Friday, tribute to word and Shield MU· k Kelley and treasurer of Sigma Kappa Chi February 12 in the school gymna- itary Frat rnity which has pon- ht School Student Council Pi Kappa Delta Sigma Kappa Chi's were given sium. Charlie Chase's orchestra sored the affair. Sword an nk Griffith were general com~ presided over the musical festivl- Shi Id, a local organization found- The Gamma Chapter of Pi Kap- a party by Brother Jon Oliver at ttee aides in all capacities. ti s. ed in 1951, was proud to welcOllM pa Delta, national forensic fra- American Legion Post No. on 28, Entrance to th gym was gain- to th adE't orps this year Per- rving tea were Mrs. A. R. ternity, elected officers for the Saturday night, Feb. 13. A whole ed by passing through a gi nt shing Rifle and Scabbard and ight, Mrs. Frank Grififth, Mrs. year at a recent meeting. James host of the Kappa Chi's attend~d. replica of the Tran portation Blade. wman Oglesby, Mrs. Thomas D. Williamson, vice-president; and. to h~lp boost Fraternity Corp insignia. The "wheel" was Funds for the Ball were de- hler and Miss Jonelle Up- Kyle Cade, secretary; Jacquelyn' spIrit to Its peak, was Johnnie finished in the traditional branch rived from the cadets as a ult reh. Guests were welcomed by DeLand, treasurer; Lucile Cooper, Green, ~~lI.-known around the At· colors - brick red and gold. of the n wly-instltuted Military eceiving line composed of Mrs. assistant secretary; Beulah Hunt. lanta DIVISion. Guests were met by members of Activity Fund, to which all cadeb II Trotter, Dean James Camp A meeting is to be held in the the National Society of Pershing subscr~ed. This fund nabl Strickland, president of Night little theater Feb. 25. 1954. AU Rifles who attended the check- any cadet to attend the Ball fop 001 Student Council, and Jim members are urged to attend. room and the door. Flanking the free as long as he was in uniform.. nton, Pfesident of General entrance-way were large emblem Cadets attending the functioll neil. Dean Mahler, administra- of Pershing Rifles and the Nation- were unanimous in agreement . deanship, and Dr. A. R. Chi Rho Sigma al Society of Scabbard and Blade. that those who did not attenli ght. Overhead, a great canopied cor- missed a grea t event. The pledges of Chi Rho Sigma ridor of colorful crepe paper cov- Lt.
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