ANNUAL REPORT 2008 CONTENT 1. FROM THE PRESIDENT 5 2. GOVERNING BOARD AND HONORARY BOARD 7 3. VISION AND MISSION 8 4. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 9 5. ABOUT THE IPC 10 6. THE YEAR IN SPORT 11 7. STRATEGIC PLAN (2006-2009) 16 8. HIGH PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATION 17 9. MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 23 10. RESOURCE CREATION 29 11. GAMES SUCCESS 33 12. GLOBAL RECOGNITION 37 13. FINANCIAL INFORMATION 45 I 3 I IPC Annual Report 2008 FROM THE PRESIDENT “Together we have made Paralympic Sport the steadily growing phenomenon that it is today” __________________________________________________________________________________ It gives me great pleasure as President 3.8 billion people around the world watched of the International Paralympic Committee athletes compete, totalling a remarkable (IPC) to publish the Annual Report for the 1,800 hours broadcasted. calendar year 2008. On behalf of the IPC, I can say with confidence that 2008 was Athletes from all around the world came a year filled with not only a multitude of to China and gave performances that are unprecedented accomplishments, but new to be forever remembered. In fact, a to- standards in the Paralympic Movement. tal of 279 new World records were set at the Games, with a total of 339 Paralympic The highlight of the year was the mag- records broken. nificent Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. Our expectations were surpassed, and we Audiences were inspired and excited by all witnessed the best Games ever car- what they saw from the athletes, just as we ried out. This was said at the Closing Ce- have always been. China created so many remony, and this continues to be of public lasting impressions for people around the sentiment. globe to remember, including the reality of The Paralympic Movement took on a whole “One World”, “One Dream”, and “One Peo- new role in China, with an attendance of ple”. For the English word “One”, the word 3.4 million spectators who had before not “tongyi” in Chinese is used, which means known about Paralympic Sport. More than “the same”. It highlights the theme of “the I 5 I FROM THE PRESIDENT whole Mankind lives in the same world and tions in playing such a vital role within the seeks for the same dream and ideal”. Paralympic Movement. These facts are relevant, as they have I am pleased to report that the year 2008 directly influenced the work and results of was also successful in terms of securing the year 2008. The biggest event of the the IPC’s financial status. What was Paralympic Movement essentially was cen- accomplished in 2008 could not have been tred upon by the IPC, and its success is a possible without the funding generated testament of the IPC’s Vision and Mission. through successful marketing of the Paralympic Brand and through corporate In 2008 we saw the successful continuing partnerships. The IPC recognizes and implementation of our Strategic Plan, allow- thanks its Worldwide Partners Atos Origin, ing outstanding results from our work and Otto Bock, Samsung and Visa, as well as performance. I can say that it has been its Gold Patrons Allianz SE and Deutsche an honour to lead IPC’s membership body Telekom AG. through the last 12 months, and I welcome the new challenges to come. As the IPC overcame the various challen- ges presented in 2008, it will no doubt As our Headquarters in Bonn was ardently prove to be vital in preparation for the on- busy in accomplishing tasks and duties, going challenges of the upcoming year. strong dedication and spirit was constant- ly shown from our staff and volunteers In seeing the year 2008 summarized, we around the world. My sincere thanks there- remember that the exuding Paralympic fore go to the Management Team of the spirit from our athletes also infiltrates our IPC and the volunteers, as well as our own network of talent at the IPC. With this Governing Board. Together we have made in mind, I believe we can take on the ob- Paralympic Sport the steadily growing phe- stacles that might come our way in the fu- nomenon that it is today. I would also like ture and subsequently continue in fulfilling to thank all of the IPC’s member organiza- our Vision and Mission. Sir Philip Craven, MBE President International Paralympic Committee I 6 I IPC Annual Report 2008 IPC GOVERNING BOARD AND HONORARY BOARD IPC Governing Board 2005-2009 President Athletes’ Representative Sir Philip Craven, MBE Ms. Ljiljana Ljubisic Vice President IPC Chief Executive Officer Miguel Sagarra Mr. Xavier Gonzalez Members at Large: Co-opted Member Mr. Zainal Abu Zarin Mr. Fred Jansen Mr. Masoud Ashrafi Mr. Jose Luis Campo Ms. Ann Cody Mr. Alan Dickson Mr. Greg Hartung Mr. Patrick Jarvis Mr. Karl Vilhelm Nielsen Dr. M. Nabil A. Salem Mr. Zhifei Shen IPC Honorary Board (in order of acceptance) HRH Princess Margriet of the Netherlands HRH Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden HSH Prince Albert of Monaco Maria Guleghina, International Opera Singer James Wolfensohn, former President of the World Bank HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein of Jordan Thérèse Rein, the wife of Australia’s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Hassan Ali Bin Ali, Chairperson of the Shafallah Centre for Children with Special Needs I 7 I VISION AND MISSION To guarantee and supervise the or- To promote the self-governance of ganization of successful Paralympic each Paralympic sport either as an Games. integral part of the international sport movement for able-bodied athletes, or To ensure the growth and strength as an independent sport organization, of the Paralympic Movement through whilst at all times safeguarding and the development of National Paralym- preserving its own identity. pic committees (NPCs) in all countries and support to the activities of all IPC To ensure that in sport practiced within member organizations. the Paralympic Movement the spirit of fair play prevails, violence is banned, To promote and contribute to the de- the health risk of the athletes is man- velopment of aged and funda- sport oppor- mental ethical prin- tunities and ciples are upheld. competitions, “To Enable Paralympic from initiation To contri- to elite level, Athletes to Achieve Sporting bute to the crea- for Paralympic tion of a drug-free athletes as the Excellence and Inspire and sport environment foundation of for all Paralympic elite Paralym- Excite the World” athletes in conjunc- pic Sport. tion with the World Anti-Doping agency To develop op- (WADA). portunities for female athletes and athletes with a To promote Paralympic sports without severe disability in sport at all levels discrimination for political, religious, and in all structures. economic, disability, gender, sexual ori- entation or race reasons. To support and encourage educa- tional, cultural, research and scientific To ensure the means necessary to activities contributing to the develop- support future growth of the Paralym- ment and promotion of the Paralym- pic Movement. pic Movement. To seek the continuous global promo- tion and media coverage of the Paral- ympic Movement, its vision of inspira- tion and excitement through sport, its ideals and activities. I 8 I IPC Annual Report 2008 ORGANIZational STRUCTURE General Assembly International International Sport National Paralympic Regional Organizations of Sport for Federations (IFs) Committees (NPCs) Organizations (ROs) the Disabled (IOSDs) IOSD Sports* IPC Regions* IPC Sports* *Speaking and Voting Rights Standing Committees Councils Governing Board Athletes’ Management Team Anti-Doping Council Committee Sport Technical IOSDs’ Committees Athletes with High Support Council Needs Committee Regions’ Audit and Finance Council Committee Sports’ Classification Council Committee Development Committee Education Committee Legal and Ethics Committee Paralympic Games Committee Sports Science Committee Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee Women in Sport Committee I 9 I ABOUT THE IPC During World War II traditional methods of Sports. Founded in 1989, the IPC is an rehabilitation were recognized as inade- international non-profit organization with an quate to meet the medical and psychologi- extensive membership base, composed of cal needs of large numbers of soldiers and National Paralympic Committees (NPCs), civilians with a disability. At the request of International Organizations of Sport for the the British government, Dr. Ludwig Gutt- Disabled (IOSDs), International Federations mann, a German neurologist and neurosur- (IFs), and Regional Organizations (ROs). geon who had fled the Nazi regime to Great Since 1999 the Management Team has been Britain, set up a Spinal Cord Injuries Cen- located at IPC’s HQ in Bonn, Germany. tre at Stoke Mande- The IPC has a dem- ville Hospital in 1944. ocratic governance At Stoke Mandeville, structure, made up of Guttmann introduced a General Assembly sporting participation (the highest decision as a form of thera- making body that py and as an aid for meets biennially), a remedial treatment Governing Board, and rehabilitation. and several Councils His work resulted in and Committees. In the increased promi- November 2005, the nence of sporting present Governing events for individuals Board was elected with spinal cord-re- and Sir Philip Craven lated injuries and the was re-elected for first Stoke Mandeville another term of office (2005-2009). Games in 1948. This led to the Interna- tional Stoke Mandeville Games that took The last year has been important for the place in 1952. IPC because it continued to see the ben- efits of an extensive restructuring process, In time, multi-disability competitions which began with the Strategic Review in developed to become the Paralympic 2002. This led to a new constitution and Games - the first being held in 1960 in governance structure, which was adopted Rome and the first Paralympic Winter by the Extraordinary General Assembly of Games in 1976. In 1982, the International 2004 and fully implemented in 2006.
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