-— _______Julla?lJ)avl| ' h e a t h e n Sunday Editipn Atoi’e News Drier M o r e S p o rts i F a m ily - Magic Valley’s Honie Newspaper Feature ^Soction V O L . 65, .N O . 149 .TWENTY CENTS T.E^; tirban Renewal To^ Seven buildings in the down­ town area will come down in the next two months with the first to get the axe Monday. It'5. nll-‘p“ rt o ( the’ Twin Falls Urban Renewal program.' Countu Aides To Meet A contract for the demolition work was signed with Northwest' Crane and Rigging Co. last BURLEY — The Idaho Ass.o-I Alex Roomer, • chairman ‘ ofl Public Lands, James L. Brock- week. The amount is $24^73. c ia lio n 'o f Commissioners andjMinidoka County Commls.sion-|way. Bonner.'chairman. la lf ^ t h c firm to do the demo- ay ........................ Rupert, Paul. Heyburn and i'Ocreatiott,,Carmen L . itioh work was Keith -Sligar, noon with headquarters at Pon- Minidoka,‘all in Minidoka.coun­ water, chairman;-county road, Vice-president of the rigging d erosaln n . ty. Mr. Bram m er w ill give the markers, Marcoy Laragan. firm. Registration will be from 10 president's, report. ------ - chairman, secondary roads en­ -Mr. sugar’ s equipment w J T1 a;m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday with - Speakers .'planned for gineer department of-highways. move into place early Monday the first business session bC' mornijig session include J. E. , A ladies, luncheon and style to. begitv-worh at ’ o . buildinR- a t] R] logo, of ..Agriculture,..University 241~SecohU'Ave. S. IE Is behind '-Taxation and-Finance" and at 3:30 p.m. the group will dis­ the present BorranZa Store on of Idaho; Loring Jones, planning cuss "w e lfa r e and Health. Main AvcnUe. and re.search sp e cia fis ^ fores t ‘ ! reception will recreation, College of Forestry. way, .,Bonner, co - chairwomen. Sligar has until Dec'.' 5 , • . Otto Wild Life and Ranch Sciences, The style show will be the cour* to-finish-the-seven-buildins-job, ier-vini •University—of-jd a hor-Lrl-o- tcsr-nf^B-Mary-SlTnpr^urley;. -^uiidinRS-to-comirdownT^or^^--^^^-' rormer distrlcl Ju(!„ , ' jncd — nuQHDi s i_uiiy—t»iru—no- .......... —of—tlie-Consti(utional C IV IL A IR P A T R O L -M E M B E R S from throURhbut Idaho A ir F o r c e ;'A .-plane-was reported down F rid ay nJght. H ere ;and at 143. Second A ve. N., 151 host breakfast w ill be held at Revision... ....... Commission;- J a.c k the City of Rocks, courtesy of Second A ve. N., 138»Shoshone gathered at the Twin Fqlls Clty-County. AlrpQrt.LJo6lln_-Scld. First Lt. Edwar<l^CTaspcr._tVlountflin_Home. and M a j. John l;.30_.ajn^Wedi;csdax_unie^^^ ictor of feden .............................. — late Friday for a two-day evaluation exercise In search and JCober, Burley, from left. Inspect a map of the area the plane - St.- W .r 13(TW d~I3I~Slfrtslro~nC direction of-Sibyl-SteyensrGoQd- affairs,-. -. -National-A390CiatioT{“N < ____ ____ _. - Ison—wjll--at— Tescue-and.cIvU-dcrenso.-Tho flrat-phaso-of-the-operntlon wns'- Is'^rcpbHea to^e'm lsslnR Ja.-rh^^aK51)cUeVe piano was at 122 Sho* County Officials; and Do tend the outdoor barbecue and „ .............. r n n .^ iia -K y -tho^^— foiTnd'Saturdav~bV~CAP~pllbtsr~ •a rs K siOn w lll“^ fin ■A‘dain5;-KD0teral— chairman-trf -John—ClarkT-OBKlCy^chairman— Jtivg dl. ar~ST^0~ -■■ir~ycdn65dgy~=with -the 'lieglslative— com mittee—i:e_Jot o t Qii^Iassia -_ County Con-Commission-' rector o f the- Urban RenewaT M r. Urammer, presiivii. uuii* immis- -e r«r-^ fr-4 h ^ 3 u o C 3 ic£ Agency,' said all the buildings ducting. Welcome to Cassia and sioners and clerks. event, Buses-wiyBuses-will lake Uthe group CAP Pilots; are vacant with the exception Minidoka Counties w ill be given Committee meeting will be /o the- City of Rocks. Erkins Demands ‘Unbiased^ of Ihe Key 'Realty property be­ by Orvil E. Bcecher, held on-topics of roads and air- ‘ At B p.m. the.resolutions com­ hind the-Bank of Idaho. County Commissioner. p^ort-s, • Elmer Heitman, Nez mittee will meet and they will Find Plane "T h ey know about thi.s. John Clark, chairman-of Cas- Porce. chairm anrC ivil Defense, again m eet-fit-^ a.Vn.-Thursday.— - though, and they w ill be moved s.ia , County commissioners will Pat Powers, Shoshone, chair­ Iq-^ 0 daj;s;'V Mr. Kclsch said. introduce mayors of Burley, man; W eeds,"Gerald Ingle, La- at 9:30 -a.tn. •Thursday for an- Probe Of AEC Dumping Plan He said Key Realty officials arc Declo, M alta, Albion and Oak- tah, chairman;................. ...........Election. ......... ~M. ...K, nouncements and report-of 'the Lakes Boulevard, cal Survey people have told me • Two Magic Valley pilots, By O.A. (Gus) KELKER In a letter to the Atomic Ener­ “They arc also getting relo­ gy official, M r. Erk/ns wrote in the-nasc that (he water stays members o/.the CiWl..Air_Ratrol, Times-News ^ttor cation assl.stance frpm this a g ­ that “ I. can appreciatd the rea­ approximately three years un- found a •'downed" plane Satur- ency,” he said. A full-scale investigation, con- sons for the selection of I^ fto d'er thq_ground before coming day_and broughtto an end the -The-work-Monday • will mark for a site for the dumping of out'at theB mouths: ...........................■ of tlie'Various first phase of ah evaliiatioii’ ‘Protracted’lW ar„Expecie4^ what is known a s jh e demolition radioactive waste/1 cannot, in springs. ercise at the Twin Falls City- no personal axe to grind, was any way, however, appreciate “ Again, I am afraid that the County Airport, Joslin Field, phase o f the utj^afi "renewal p roj­ called fo r Saturday into the gov­ ect. In all, the agency has 13 the fact that this site was se­ problem will never be ^atisfac- Although__Uie exercise ^as ernment's dumping of a t o m ' properties purchased -in—tha lected' on top 'of ^0 n e of- the Torlly solved’ and-alf-potentlals rriak^bellcve. It .......................... As Reds Plan W inter Drive waste m aterial In Idaho'and world's great aquifers." of daJanger removed from the downtown area' and-there.-are ^ dangerinfi the Snake River as IMt wtre the real thing. CAP about 17 left to purchase. Mr. Erkins wrote M r. Ginkel aquifer until the.Atomlc Energy members from throughout Idti: '* plain, defined as o n e of the 'N o t all -the properties have SAIGON (UPI)-Offlclal U.S, unit aUacka to conaei Uotied about .30,000.men. ' — that “ I am certain that you Commission selects a less haz- ho gathered in'Twin Falls Fri- — world’s-greot-Rquife iir'aii-gooa'consdt<mce-wiin5k<r buildings; and not- all the build- military sources said Saturday pow^r. "Hanoi was' It appeared, 'likely - that nrdous site Jor the do'mpinr, 1°: day night after Being alerted ' irlnvaatL lF»pn_\ulU—Kft—Inyn — TadioactWa waotot" Mr. E> “ •I* T ^ A T r'T 'orc^ C h T fl' ............. ^— gfftion-was muac by RabcrfTt: m aterial is p r o ic c t«r ~ in '------ •said:-------------------^-------- — .y/ijl,be remodeled to fit in with forces afjpear ready to paign to niaintaln the pressure. down in the In tho war,-64-persons -were could b e m oved north from the Erkins, president of the Snake a manner that it should not In the letter to Mr. )?ulledge the entire downtown pluin. - w - pri The two-day evaluation exer­ relying on anel|lng and small ' R iv e r Trout Co. located in the reach the w ater sources, the trout farm owner said that Tho plan is a joint e ffort ol killed in tho In-flight collision of Da Nng-Hue area to join tha - cise, conducted by the Air Clear Lakes area In the vicinity' 'On the other hand I have ‘ ‘ I have lenrned-thtQtigh-sadJ!x= urban__rcnewaI_aiid_dQwntown a U.Sj'_A|r _F®*‘ce F4 Phontom 1st South Vietnamese Infantry rorce7"ends-i&day"VHh“ a civil of BuHU Th6 request wu.? iim de perience.in recent years, that Twin Falls businessmen, with jot flghter-boniber and an Air Divisionn Inin the DMZ area.----- defensojnisslon. in a letter which M r. Erkins sent foolproof and I hope you realize much of the 'scientific state­ the latter group paying for a Vietnam passenger plane < oyer to Geno P. Rutledge, executive that there w ell could comb a ments' arc in.the end at best Tho sTmulatcd crash was re ­ Local Improvement District to Hruska Qiuts Da Nang air base. Thero were . director of Nuclear Energy De­ tim e when someone In the atom* only ‘wishful hopes.’ ■■ ported at 4:55 p.m . Friday. upgrade portions .of the down­ no Americans among the crash ic energy site could make an velopment,''Bols&. Copies of the Mrl Erkins ha<) suggestcd'ttint Because of bad weather, only town .area.— . victims. Tho U.S. Command EOTtianslJown letter were also dispatched to error that In the end would de­ three flights could be sent up. When the project Is finished. reported tho Io s .s 'o f tw o light stroy the usefulness of one of a better place-to dump the Senate^Race, G ov. Samuelson and. to D o r atomic material-w ould have But bc/orp lioon Sniorday pilot.? In about two years, downtown observation helicopters to the spring systems.
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