Joint Pathology CenterJoint Pathology Center Veterinary PathologyVeterinary Services Pathology Services WEDNESDAY SLIDE CONFERENCE 2020-2021 WEDNESDAY SLIDE CONFERENCE 2019-2020 Conference 8 C o n f e r e n c e 16 29 January 2020 14 October, 2020 Dr. Ingeborg Langohr, DVM, PhD, DACVP Professor Department of Pathobiological Sciences Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine Joint Pathology Center Baton Rouge, LA Silver Spring, Maryland CASE I: CASE S1809996 1: 19764 (JPC-13 4135077 (4048438).- 00) MicroscopicMicroscopic Description: description: The interstitium within theBICEPS section FEMORIS is diffusely MUSCLE: infiltrated Scattered by foci of Signalment:Signalment: A 3-month -old, male, mixed- moderatelymphocytes to large numbers and ofmacrophages predominantly occur in the breed pig3.75 (Sus year scrofa old) neutered male Labrador retrievermononuclear interstitium cells along of thewith muscle. edema .Degenerating There and mix (Canis lupus familiaris) is abundantregenerating type II pneumocyte muscle fibers hyperplasia are associated with History: This pig had no previous signs of lining alveolarthis inflammation. septae and manyIn addition, of the degeneration and illness, andHistory: was found dead. necrosis of individual muscle fibers occur where A gait change was first noted by the owner at 2.5alveolar spacesinflammation have central is absent. areas Theseof contain more Gross Pathologyyears of age.: Approximately By January 2013 70%, overt of pelvic limbnecrotic macrophagesfrequent clus admixedters of withneutrophils. other Protozoal the lungs,ataxia primarily and nail in wearthe cranial was observed, regions and of the patientmononuclear trophozoites cells and and fewer cysts neutrophils. are present in the lesions. the lobes,was were beginning patchy dark to red,develop and firmfecal and urinaryOccasionally Some there muscle is free bundles nuclear contain basophilic small angular comparedincontinence. to the more Secondnormal examinationareas of lung. in May 2013 fibers as well, and some of the nerves between reveals worsening ataxia and reduced pelvic limb muscle bundles appear to contain a reduced Laboratoryreflexes. results: By SeptemberPorcine reproductive 2013 the dog was non- number of axons. and respiratoryambulatory syndrome, paraparetic (PRRS and) PCR was waseuthanized. At positive fromthe time splenic of euthanasia,tissue, and thePRRS bladder IHC had to be SPINAL CORD: Sections of spinal cord are was stronglymanually immunoreactive expressed withinand vocalizations the were characterized by vacuolation of the subpial white cytoplasmhoarse. of macrophages in the affected matter, with extensive astrogliosis. Penetrating lung tissue. Porcine influenza virus PCR, coronal vessels have plump endothelium and are MRI revealed T2 intensification in the T7 porcine circovirus – 2 IHC, and vertebral body, but none in the spinal cord. CBC- Mycoplasmachemistry hyopneumoniae values normal IHC when were tests all were done in negative. January.Small numbers The dog wasof E. gen coliotypically were normal when isolated fromtested the for cranioventral SOD1 mutation lung withfound in canine aerobic culture.degenerative myelopathy in February 2013. Lung, pig (HE, 6X). There is diffuse consolidation of the lung. At low magnification, airway are filled with Gross Pathology: exudate and the pleura and interlobular connective No lesions were noticed during preparation oftissue are mildly expanded. tissues from microscopic examination. Spinal cord and skeletal muscle, dog. A section of spinal cord and biceps femoris are presented for examination. Laboratory results: (HE, 5X) 1 None. buffalo, sheep, dogs, horses, bison and miscellaneous wild ruminants and canids.6 Vertical transmission is considered variable in dogs and may not persist for repeat transmission during pregnancy.6 It is known that dogs can harbor encysted parasites in several organs, as detected by PCR.10 However, vertical trans- mission from the dam to puppies, sometimes with disease, has also been documented.8,12 But, Spinal cord, dog. There is pallor and hypercellularity of the experimentally, not all dogs given 10,000 submeningeal white matter, with hypercellularity of oocysts shed organisms or seroconverted.2 Virchow-Robin’s spaces. (HE, 13X) Horizontal fecal transmission has not been proved, but dogs can shed organisms after being surround by variably thick lymphohistiocytic fed infected tissue. Dogs can also be infected with cuffs. In the tissue, there are small clusters of Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis neurona5 and plasma cells and rare nests of neutrophils. The Sarcocystis spp17 which can be confused with leptomeningeal infiltrate consists largely of Neospora if immunohistochemical or PCR plasma cells. The affected tissue contains confirmation is not performed. coccidian protozoal cysts with bradyzoites and less common individual tachyzoites. Enlarged It is known that various isolates of Neospora astrocyte nuclei are evident in the affected areas. caninum can vary in virulence.7 Using Similar lesions were present in the brainstem, proteomics, Regidor-Cerrillo et al identified cerebellum, pons and medulla with mild cerebral tachyzoite proteins associated with higher lesions. As well as occurring near the pial surface, virulence15 that seemed to accentuate the gliding lesions were common near the ependymal lining motility of the organism and increase oxidative of the brain ventricles. stress. Some Neospora isolates killed about 10% of fetuses in a murine model of canine infection, Contributor’s morphologic diagnosis: while others were less pathogenic.4 Widespread, surface-oriented lymphohistiocytic encephalomyelitis with plasmacytic meningitis Whether adult dogs can undergo reactivation of and numerous coccidian protozoa infection leading to clinical disease is a matter of speculation. Neospora caninum has been known Widespread multifocal lymphohistiocytic to cause disease in adult dogs undergoing myositis, with localized neurogenic atrophy and immunosuppressive therapy,9,14,16 and the frequent coccidian protozoa contributor has observed an additional case that Contributor’s comment: This dog developed slowly progressive ataxia, beginning as an adult. At the time of death, over a year later active proliferation of Neospora was apparent in muscle and throughout the neuraxis. This animal had no history of immuno- suppressive therapy. It is not clear whether this case represents reactivation of a silent infection of primary progressive infection of an adult animal. Spinal cord, dog. The submeningeal white matter is edematous, contains numerous dilated myelin sheaths and contains numerous perivascular cuffs of lymphocytes and Neospora caninum is an apicomplexan protozoan histiocytes and histiocytes that infiltrate the adjacent parasite causing acute and recrudescent parenchyma. There are several intracellular cysts with infections, primarily of dogs and cattle. Viable contain numerous oval tachyzoites. (HE, 158X) organisms can be isolated from cattle, water JPC diagnosis: 1. Spinal cord: Meningomyelitis, necroti- zing and lymphohistiocytic, diffuse, moderate, with numerous apicomplexan cysts, Labrador retriever, canine. 2. Skeletal muscle: Myositis, lymphohistiocytic, multifocal, moderate, with intracellular apicomplexan cysts. 3. Skeletal muscle: Atrophy, segmental, Spinal cord, dog. Higher magnification of three marked. apicomplexan cysts within the affected white matter. (HE, 477X) JPC comment: There was discussion in conference that there resulted in localized severe myositis with may have been some slide variation, with some numerous organisms. participants receiving sections of brainstem as well as spinal cord. The morphologic diagnosis Detecting infection can be problematic: it has will differ slightly, but the pathologic process been estimated that up to 32% of Algerian pound remains the same. dogs were infected as tested by PCR, and there was poor correlation between PCR results and The contributor provides a concise summary and seropositive test results among individuals.10 explanation of this case. Neospora spp have three distinct infectious stages: tachyzoites, tissue In cattle, abortions occur after oocysts are cysts, and oocysts, with tachyzoites and tissue ingested during pregnancy or with reactivation of cysts found in both intermediate and definitive previous infection.6 There is an estimated 40-60% hosts. As stated by the contributor, N. caninum rate of vertical transmission, although not all fetal does not cause significant disease in adult cattle infections produce abortion. Most abortions but causes abortion in beef and dairy cattle. Some occur at 5-6 gestational months, and less common common lesions in fetal calves include CNS infection has been detected in calves less lymphocytic, plasmacytic, sometimes histiocytic than 2 months of age. No predisposing hepatitis, pancarditis or myocarditis, myositis, immunosuppressive event is generally detected and placentitis. The most common CNS lesion in that might provoke reactivation. bovine fetuses is multifocal discrete foci of necrosis, primarily in the brain, and the spinal Much has been done to try to distinguish cord to lesser extent. While capable of causing reactivation from primary infection from chronic disease in dogs of all ages, the most common infection serologically. Cattle with antibody to CNS lesions are necrotizing granulomatous, both tachyzoite and bradyzoite antigen are lymphoplasmacytic, and sometimes eosinophilic suspected of reactivation. Anti-GRA7 (dense
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