MA118_Balaka Chapola Lake MANGOCHI Mbavi Malombe Primary 14°45'S Lake TA Chimwala Ndege Malombe STA Makwangwala Binoni Mkutumula Primary Ulongwe ai n g Namingalala Nta Primary TA Kalembo Hoba NTCHEU Mbera Primary Balakas Sawali Primary Chingeni Mapando Shire Balaka Balaka Boma L iw Chilanga awadzi Manjawira Primary 15°S Liwonde Rivirivi National Park TA Phambala Primary BALAKA Njale Kankao Chimwalira Kankao Primary L Liwonde ik w e Liwonde nu Senzani Township TA Msamala MACHINGA L i su n Mtalika g we Mliwo Chitale Nkaya Utale Primary TA Sitola Phalula Primary Phalula Thundu Mlungusi Primary 15°15'S N am it em o bo ZOMBA b R m i e v it e am r N TA Mlumbe TA Malemia Yoyola Masaula ´ Yela NENO TA Symon Kaligwenjere 35°E 35°15'E Map shows the location of all reported displacement sites and status. 0 5 kilometres Borders Settlements Displacement Site Transport Physical & Status o Created 18 Feb 2015 / 10:00 UTC+02:00 National Capital Airport River Map Document MA118_Displacement_Sites_Locations City ⚑ Open Projection / Datum WGS 1984 UTM Zone 36S / WGS 1984 Region Railway Lake Glide Number FL-2015-000006-MWI Malawi: Town !(⚑ Open Satellite Road Marsh Floods- District Village ⚑ Closed Produced by MapAction Supported by District www.mapaction.org Location of Traditional ⚑ Unknown [email protected] Main Displacement Sites - Authority The depiction and use of Balaka Secondary boundaries, names and associated Tertiary data shown here do not imply (as of 17 Feb 2015) endorsement or acceptance by Data sources: Assessments, MASDAP, OSM, Malawi Department of Survey MapAction. MA118_Blantyre Kandoje Chivuta Naminjale TA Chigaru TA Symon ZOMBA Ntingala 15°30'S TA Mlumbe NENO Walkers TA Lundu Ferry Lira ngwe Nkula ire Sh Lirangwe Nkoka Lunzu TA Chitera TA Makata Chilangoma Senior TA Mudi Kapeni Primary School Makata Namadzi Lunzu TA Kunthembwe Kunthembwe TA Mpama TA Machinjili Njuli BLANTYRE CHIRADZULU Michiru South Ward Lunzu Ward Mapanga Ward 15°45'S TA Kuntaja Ndirande Norh Ward Likhubula Ward Kaiawo Ndirande South Ward Blantyre TA Likoswe Blantyre Mudi West Ward Blantyre Chichiri East Ward Mzedi Mitsidi Ward Ward Limbe a Mulima mb lala Limbe la a west M Ward Limbe Bangwe Soche East Ward Chavara Nancholi West Ward Ward Ward Misesa Namiyango Ward Imbwa aperi N Msamba ka nde CHIKWAWA Ward Ma TA Kasisi TA Somba Chigumula Ward THYOLO la Mpingo Padzuwa u TA Bvumbwe b u h uk L Chamba e TA Chimaliro´ L imb Maluwa 35°E Map shows the location of all reported displacement sites and status. 0 5 kilometres Borders Settlements Displacement Site Transport Physical & Status o Created 18 Feb 2015 / 10:00 UTC+02:00 National Capital Airport River Map Document MA118_Displacement_Sites_Locations City ⚑ Open Projection / Datum WGS 1984 UTM Zone 36S / WGS 1984 Region Railway Lake Glide Number FL-2015-000006-MWI Malawi: Town !(⚑ Open Satellite Road Marsh Floods- District Village ⚑ Closed Produced by MapAction Supported by District www.mapaction.org Location of Traditional ⚑ Unknown [email protected] Main Displacement Sites - Authority The depiction and use of Blantyre Secondary boundaries, names and associated Tertiary data shown here do not imply (as of 17 Feb 2015) endorsement or acceptance by Data sources: Assessments, MASDAP, OSM, Malawi Department of Survey MapAction. MA118_Blantyre City Njuli TA Machinjili Mayera TA Kuntaja Primary TA Mpama Michiru Ward South Lunzu Ward Makalanga Mapanga Ward Ndirande 15°45'S West Ward Ndirande Norh Ward Chilomoni CHIRADZULU Ward Likhubula Ward Chitsime Nyambadwe Primary Nkolokoti Ward Ward Mbayani BLANTYRE Ndirande South Ward Blantyre TA Likoswe Makhetha Blantyre West Ward Mudi Blantyre Chichiri East Ward Ward Mzedi Blantyre Ward Central Ward Bangwe Limbe Mosque Soche East Ward Mal ambalal a Limbe Zingwamwga west Housing Ward Ground khun da himw an C Limbe Central Bangwe Soche Ward Limbe Ward Nancholi West Chimwankhunda East Ward Ward Ward Bangwe CCAP Namiyango Misesa Ward Naperi Maka Msamba nde e Ward mb L i Chigumula Ward Mzamba TA Somba THYOLO Senior TA TA Bvumbwe Kapeni ´ 35°E Map shows the location of all reported displacement sites and status. 0 1 kilometres Borders Settlements Displacement Site Transport Physical & Status o Created 18 Feb 2015 / 10:00 UTC+02:00 National Capital Airport River Map Document MA118_Displacement_Sites_Locations City ⚑ Open Projection / Datum WGS 1984 UTM Zone 36S / WGS 1984 Region Railway Lake Glide Number FL-2015-000006-MWI Malawi: Town !(⚑ Open Satellite Road Marsh Floods- District Village ⚑ Closed Produced by MapAction Supported by District www.mapaction.org Location of Traditional ⚑ Unknown [email protected] Main Displacement Sites - Authority The depiction and use of Blantyre City Secondary boundaries, names and associated Tertiary data shown here do not imply (as of 17 Feb 2015) endorsement or acceptance by Data sources: Assessments, MASDAP, OSM, Malawi Department of Survey MapAction. MA118_Chickwawa Felemu TA Machinjili Kambalame Mayera Primary CHIRADZULU Thambani TA Mlauli TA Nthache Makalanga NENO TA Kunthembwe MWANZA TA Kanduku TA Kuntaja 15°45'S Chitsime Mbayani Primary Kaiawo Majete Game M Blantyre Bangwe k Reserve u BLANTYRE Mosque rum adzi Mulima Mitsidi di Bangwe u Chavara M CCAP N aperi Zingwamwga Imbwa Housing N Ground Mzamba akamba TA Chapananga Mpingo Padzuwa TA Somba Senior Chamba TA Kapeni Mwam be Majete Game zi Maluwa be TA Kasisi Namonde im a Binali L Rserve-Chikhawa l asun u N da b TA Bvumbwe u h Bvumbwe k Kapalaliza Njereza u L anzi mph a TA w M Chimaliro Medrum Thunga 16°S Evacuation GVH Chinthebe Phwadzi Centre TA Thomas Mwatchona FP School Sheketeni Thabwa village Dyeratu THYOLO Chapananga Mfera Nthumba Kasinthula er Didi GVH Fombe Residents iv Ndeule R era pal Timbenao a STA Maseya M Mapalera Mphuka TA Katunga TA Maseya Chagambatuka Ntambanyama M'modzi Bereu Nkhate Mwanza Jeke CHIKWAWA Livunzu Mwalaphanda Lengwe primary er STA Makwasa iv National R Kwethemule Park ku iv un L Bodza TA Lundu primary Tizora - Kanyimbiri (close to Chikuze) STA Chingata 16°15'S er Riv Sekeni I Tizola Church ebe Nchalo Kanyimbiri m of Prophecy nze GVH Chi Grace of Chikuse Sekeni II Thembedza Good Church Namkara Mchaka Bodza Savala James Jombo Village Jombo TA Makhwira Chitsa School Masenjere Mazongoza Sh ire S hire riv Miseu er Folo Mchenga primary Guta TA Mlolo Ngabu TA Ngabu Biliati Sande Mbenje 16°30'S Nsangwe Konzere Thamison Mafumu 0 1 2 MOZAMBIQUE Sted Chisamba 1 Kilometers Chabuka e Shire anj al Magoti TA Mbenje L School Tambo Bangula Chikuse Admarc TA Lundu Mlonda Malemia Tizora - School Sekeni I Kanyimbiri (close NSANJE CHIKWAWA to Chikuze) i Tizola z d a Tizola Church of Mwabvi g TA Makhwira n Grain Prophecy Game a Nchalo h Bank Reserve T Grace Sekeni II Sekeni 1 of Good TA Ngabu Church ´ 34°15'E 34°30'E 34°45'E 35°E Map shows the location of all reported displacement sites and status. 0 5 kilometres Borders Settlements Displacement Site Transport Physical o & Status Created 18 Feb 2015 / 10:00 UTC+02:00 Capital Airport River National Map Document MA118_Displacement_Sites_Locations City ⚑ Projection / Datum WGS 1984 UTM Zone 36S / WGS 1984 Open Railway Lake Region Glide Number FL-2015-000006-MWI Malawi: Town !(⚑ Open Satellite Road Marsh Floods- District Village ⚑ Closed Produced by MapAction Supported by District www.mapaction.org Location of Traditional ⚑ Unknown [email protected] Main Displacement Sites - Authority The depiction and use of Secondary Chickwawa boundaries, names and associated Tertiary data shown here do not imply (as of 17 Feb 2015) endorsement or acceptance by Data sources: Assessments, MASDAP, OSM, Malawi Department of Survey MapAction. MA118_Karonga STA Mwakaboko 9°45'S TA Mwenemisuku Kaporo TA Kilupula Lufira TA Mwabulambya Lupaso Mwangonde School CCBO TA Kyungu Karonga KARONGA Karonga Mpata Town Lake Malawi Mwenilondo syo 10°S wa L Kenan Ngomba Wayi TA Mwenewenya Mwenewenya Mibanga b a Kas im Mlare Court Mlali Mahowe o Kama Rem er CHITIPA Karopa Chagwambala Ngara u ur k u R 10°15'S h rt TA Nthalire No STA Mwirang'ombe Nyungwe Mdoka ili Chimbil Wovwe Bunganiro Nyika National Nchewere Nthalire Park-Karonga Nyika National Park-Chitipa Fulirwa School Kapika T A Wasambo Uliwa 10°30'S Hara Sangilo Kliwawa ZAMBIA Nyika RUMPHI National Park Livingstonia S/C Chibinga Mwalweni Chakaka orthR S/C N um ph Kachulu i ´ 33°30'E 33°45'E 34°E 34°15'E Map shows the location of all reported displacement sites and status. 0 5 kilometres Borders Settlements Displacement Site Transport Physical & Status o Created 18 Feb 2015 / 10:00 UTC+02:00 National Capital Airport River Map Document MA118_Displacement_Sites_Locations City ⚑ Open Projection / Datum WGS 1984 UTM Zone 36S / WGS 1984 Region Railway Lake Glide Number FL-2015-000006-MWI Malawi: Town !(⚑ Open Satellite Road Marsh Floods- District Village ⚑ Closed Produced by MapAction Supported by District www.mapaction.org Location of Traditional ⚑ Unknown [email protected] Main Displacement Sites - Authority The depiction and use of Karonga Secondary boundaries, names and associated Tertiary data shown here do not imply (as of 17 Feb 2015) endorsement or acceptance by Data sources: Assessments, MASDAP, OSM, Malawi Department of Survey MapAction. MA118_Machinga Mponda Chikowi TA Jalasi TA Mponda Mangochi Kasimu Chipala 14°30'S Kwitambo Mbondo TA Mbwana Nyambi MOZAMBIQUE Miseo Chiwaula TA Chowe Mphwanya MANGOCHI TA Chimwala Unangu Ntela Lake Malombe Lake Mtambo Malombe Somba TA Nyambi Mtanga TA Ngokwe Nselema Chapola Ngokwe STA Ndege Chiwalo 14°45'S Nsonde Chilima TA Chikweo Lake Chiuta Ulongwe Lake a i ng Kawinga Chiuta Nt a Ntaja Hoba TA Kalembo BALAKA TA Liwonde MACHINGA Liwonde National Senior TA Park Namanja Chilala Kawinga Mapando hire S School Mlomba Nansama Mkotamo 15°S admarc Nampemba Njale Mlomba Chim wali ra Liwonde ikwenu Liwonde L TA Mlomba Township Zumulu TA Msamala Mtalika Mliwo TA Chamba Mposa Bisa TA Sitola Lingoni TA Mposa Machinga Madziamela Chamba Likwenu Chitenjere school Madziamera Malosa Puteya Matanda Machinjiri 15°15'S bo m e t i r Lake m omas ve Domasi Na D i Ri Chilwa TA Malemia TA Kuntumanji ZOMBA TA Mlumbe Lake Kasonga Songani Chilwa Songani Chapola TA Mkumbira Naisi ´ Mchenga 35°15'E 35°30'E 35°45'E Map shows the location of all reported displacement sites and status.
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