Seventy-second Season UNDER THE DIRECTION OF DONALD CHEN NOVEMBER 11, 2007 3:00 PM THE PARISH CHURCH OF SAINT LUKE 939 HINMAN AVENUE EVANSTON THE NORTH SHORE CHORAL SOCIETY Donald Chen, conductor presents Mozart: TE DEUM Vaughan Williams: FLOS CAMPI (“The Flower of the Field”) featuring Charles Pikler, violist Rheinberger: DER STERN VON BETHLEHEM (“The Star of Bethlehem”) featuring Kathleen Van De Graaff, soprano and Peter Van De Graaff, bass Sunday, November 11, 2007, 3:00 PM The Parish Church of Saint Luke 939 Hinman Avenue, Evanston, Illinois THE NSCS IS SUPPORTED IN PART BY THE ILLINOIS ARTS COUNCIL PROGRAM TE DEUM ..........................................Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791) FLOS CAMPI ......................................... Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958) (“The Flower of the Field”) Charles Pikler, viola solo I. LENTO. II. ANDANTE CON MOTO. III. LENTO, SENZA MISURA. IV. MODERATO ALLA MARCIA. V. ANDANTE QUASI LENTO. VI. MODERATO TRANQUILLO. Intermission DER STERN VON BETHLEHEM, OPUS 164 ..........Josef Rheinberger (1839–1901) (“The Star of Bethlehem”) Kathleen Van De Graaff, soprano and Peter Van De Graaff, bass I. ERWARTUNG (EXPECTATION) – Chorus II. DIE HIRTEN (THE SHEPHERDS) – Soprano Solo and Chorus III. ERSCHEINUNG DES ENGELS (THE APPEARANCE OF THE ANGEL) – Soprano Solo and Chorus IV. BETHLEHEM (BETHLEHEM) – Bass Solo V. DIE HIRTEN AN DER KRIPPE (THE SHEPHERDS AT THE MANGER) – Chorus VI. DER STERN (THE STAR) – Chorus VII. ANBETUNG DER WEISEN (ADORATION OF THE WISE-MEN) – Chorus VIII. MARIA (MARY) – Soprano Solo IX. ERFÜLLUNG (FULFILLMENT) – Chorus TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS TE DEUM Te Deum laudamus: O God, we praise Thee: te Dominum confi temur. we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord. Te aeternum Patrem Everlasting Father, omnis terra veneratur. all the earth doth worship Thee. Tibi omnes Angeli; tibi Coeli To Thee all the Angels, the Heavens et universae Potestates; and all the Powers, Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim all the Cherubim and Seraphim, incessabili voce proclamant: unceasingly proclaim: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Holy, Holy, Holy, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Lord God of Hosts! Pleni sunt coeli et terra Heaven and earth are full of majestatis gloriae tuae. the Majesty of Thy glory. Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus, The glorious choir of the Apostles, Te Prophetarum laudabilis numerus, the wonderful company of Prophets, Te Martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus. the white-robed army of Martyrs, praise Thee. Te per orbem terrarum Holy Church throughout the world sancta confi tetur Ecclesia, doth acknowledge Thee: Patrem immensae majestatis: the Father of infi nite Majesty; Venerandum tuum verum et unicum Filium; Thy adorable, true and only Son; Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum. and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. Tu Rex gloriae, Christe. O Christ, Thou art the King of glory! Tu Patris sempiternus es Filius. Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father. Tu ad liberandum suscepturus hominem, Thou, having taken it upon Thyself to deliver non horruisti Virginis uterum. man, didst not disdain the Virgin’s womb. Tu, devicto mortis aculeo, Thou overcame the sting of death aperuisti credentibus and hast opened to believers regna coelorum. the Kingdom of Heaven. Tu ad dexteram Dei sedes, Thou sittest at the right hand of God, in gloria Patris. in the glory of the Father. Judex crederis We believe that Thou shalt come esse venturus. to be our Judge. Te ergo quaesumus, We beseech Thee, therefore, tuis famulis subveni: to help Thy servants whom Thou hast quos pretioso sanguine redemisti. redeemed with Thy Precious Blood. Aeterna fac cum sanctis tuis Make them to be numbered with Thy Saints in gloria numerari. in everlasting glory. Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine, Save Thy people, O Lord, et benedic hereditati tuae. and bless Thine inheritance! Et rege eos, Govern them, et extolle illos usque in aeternum. and raise them up forever. Per singulos dies benedicimus te. Every day we thank Thee. Et laudamus nomen tuum in saeculum, And we praise Thy Name forever, et in saeculum saeculi. yea, forever and ever. Dignare, Domine, O Lord, deign die isto sine peccato nos custodire. to keep us from sin this day. Miserere nostri, Domine, Have mercy on us, O Lord, miserere nostri. have mercy on us. Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos, Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, quemadmodum speravimus in te. for we have hoped in Thee. In te, Domine, speravi: O Lord, in Thee I have hoped; non confundar in aeternum. let me never be put to shame. Just the thing for your Correspondence! It’s a double bargain! Get high quality note paper and support The North Shore Choral Society. Twenty notes imprinted with a facsimile of a portion of the original manuscript of Handel’s Messiah for only $10.00. Half that amount becomes a contribution to help NSCS continue to bring quality choral concerts to its audiences. Now on sale. Check them out at the ticket table. DER STERN VON BETHLEHEM “THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM” I. ERWARTUNG EXPECTATION Die Erde schweigt. Es leuchten die Sterne, The earth is still. The stars brightly gleaming, sie grüssen klar aus himmlischer Ferne. In greeting pure, from far heaven streaming. Geheimnissvoll durch Palmen es rauschet, Mysteriously the palm trees are sighing, in sehnender Wacht die Erde lauschet. In longing desire the whole earth lying. Über Strom und Meer, über Thal und Höhen Over stream and sea, vale and mountain straying. mit ahnendem Zug die Lüfte wehen. Forebodingly winds are lightly swaying, Ob auch verblüht die Blümlein liegen, Though withered now the fl ow’rs are lying, es möchte ihr Duft die Starre besiegen. With their fragrance e’en the chill air defying. Unsichtbar schwebt durch die nächtliche Hov’ring unseen thro’ the night’s darkness Stunde gleaming, nach so banger Zeit lichttröstende Kunde! After long, anxious fears, light, solace, is streaming! Von Oben kommt’s wie thauender Regen, Earth, open thee wide! From Heav’n it comes, thu’, Erde, dich auf dem himmlichen Segen. As soft rain caressing, to heavenly blessing. II. DIE HIRTEN THE SHEPHERDS O segne die Weide, Schöpfer der Welt, O bless Thou our pastures, Thou Maker of all. Du bist es, der Hirten und Heerde erhält. Thou knowst all that shepherd and fold may befall. Seid wach! Guard us! Hoch über den Sternen dein Auge wacht, High over the starlight Thine eye of might, es sieht uns am Tag, im Dunkel der Nacht. Looks on us by day, Thro’ darkness of night. Gepriesen, o Herr, der den Segen gibt, We praise Thee, O Lord, Thy rich blessings prove mit ewiger Treue die Seinen liebt. Thou’lt faithful, eternal, Thy children love. Seid wach! Guard us! Doch wehe dem Volke, das Deiner vergisst, But woe to the nations, that Thy way forsake, sich ’gen dein Gebot mit Sünde vermisst! Who ’gainst Thy command, with sinners partake! Einst kamen die Fluthen Once opened the fl oods vom Himmel herab, of high heav’n at Thy breath, und Hirt und Heerden versanken im Grab. And fl ock and shepherd were buried in death. Seid wach! Guard us! Drum Brüder seid wach, es enteilet die Zeit: Then brothers be watchful, time passeth away: Die Stimme des Herrn, sie fi nd’ uns bereit! The voice of the Lord fi nd ye ready alway! O segne die Weide, Schöpfer der Welt, O bless Thou our pastures, Thou Maker of all. Du bist es, der Hirten und Heerde erhält. Thou knowst all that shepherd and fold may befall. Seid wach! Guard us! Du lenkest die Tage, du lenkest die Nacht, Thou rulest the night and Thou rulest the day, wohl dem, der zum Ende in Treuen gewacht! Thrice blest, who is watchful and faithful alway! III. ERSCHEINUNG DES ENGELS THE APPEARANCE OF THE ANGEL Fürchtet euch nicht! Denn seht, Be not afraid! For lo, Gott erhöret der Frommen Gebet. God heareth the lowly in pray’r. Ich kündige euch ein grosses Heil, I bring unto ye Salvation free, das allem Volke wird zu Theil. That to all nations joy shall be. Die Davidsstadt ist auserkoren, In Bethlehem, city of David, in ihr ward heute Nacht geboren: For you this day, this night is born: Christus der Herr! Alleluja! Christ the Lord! Hallelujah! Ein Zeichen wird es euch bekunden: This sign I give, for your descrying: es liegt in Wickeln eingebunden All wrapped in swaddling clothes ’tis lying. in einer Krippe ein armes Kindlein, And in a manger, a lowly Child, ein kleines, armes Kindelein. A lowly Child, the Holy Child. Alleluja! Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe, Hallelujah! Glory to God in the Highest, und Friede den Menschen auf Erden, and peace upon earth, die eines guten Willens sind. Goodwill toward men. IV. BETHLEHEM BETHLEHEM Der Lichtglanz schwindet, The halo fadeth, es schweiget der himmlische Chor. all silent the heavenly choir. Von der Erde erheben And the shepherds uplift die Hirten ihr Antlitz empor, their faces from earth once more. von Ehrfurcht erfüllet, With reverence fi lled, von wunderbar seligem Glück. the wonderful tidings to know. Sie ziehen von dannen Prepare for the journey und lassen die Heerde zurück: and leaving the fl ocks, forth they go: nach Bethlehem eilend, To Bethlehem hasten, im Herzen des Engels Wort, rememb’ring the angel’s word. erreichen sie gläubig den ärmlichen Hort. Approach all adoring, the lov’ly abode. Sie fi nden die Mutter They fi nd there the Mother und in der Krippe das Kind: and in the manger, the Child: Christus den Herrn! Christ the Lord! V. DIE HIRTEN AN DER KRIPPE THE SHEPHERDS AT THE MANGER Gotteskind, wir beten dich an, Child of God, adoring we fall, denn du bist Christus, Gottes Sohn, For Thou art Christ, God’s own Son, dass du verlassen den Himmelsthron, And Thou hast left now Thy heav’nly Throne nur aus Liebe hast du’s gethan.
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