June 22, 1922 THE BAiLY MIRROR Page 19 ARTICL.es POR DISPOSAL. BABY Caruadc. laioa; 1923. Moitei Ue Luxe, pat«nS A aide apr i.^a. natety uliasnia. Sling. dt«p. maenitii;ea& GOLFERS AT DEAL TO-DAY. motor panel, linwusine kiudy; Ihicb cql wuecla. lueebao. bear.nga, iedtbei<iined liuod plated tubulat bandiea and litlinss, nttiilguards. apiou. nmb. basket. br»lte. pertcctlg new, never used. £8 156. cair. pd.. ^aa. uaio; lul) ap> match. Now, it appiiars, matters In that respect pi'wal; i>hoLu,-Mrs llowlen 56. Seeund-a venue. Uauos American and Australian Challengers for Blue Riband are hanging fire somewhat. For one thing, l-ark, Esaex Plioue: I.lord 987 Criqui seems disinclined to get into the ring COMPLETE Homo must bo aold; beautifnllv up- again for a prize of reasonable dimension. Does A hoiste.ctl Cheattriield ailitoi Jwma ovcroaantei, with ol the Game—Big Task for British Players. this not sufigest a task for .Fox.which, in,addi­ large bevelicd mirror; p.cEty e»fl>ei and rue to match; heavy cuib and •:• .- s; handatirao bedroom EUitc, 'wHh tion to being Siliely to put in'oney into .his purse, laige beveiled ewiUBing mirioJa; marble top waaiistaodj would eJear up.a ridicuious situation? wJtU cupbwaida under; masaivo lui! size bedstead to malvh. ENGLAND'S CHAMPION ATHLETES. • * # •* with all new b..d(liiie compteto; loil oi lino, ru|j. extend.ug diniug tdblol kitchen luioiture etc Accept 43 Ki-iiueaa Matter for Board of Control,—When Bijly •he Ivt. gF'.at saciillce. P.aclically new; would separate, QujiJifying rounds of the golf clian-ijjionship are Ted Ray at his be.'jt, Abe Mitchell, George Hun- Deposit wt>ul<i secure, Stu.cd at Webbs Depos^tofiea, 478. «Krv«-raeking enough in all consciciico, but tiiey' can,. Cyri! Toiley, Roger Wethered Sandy Herd, Matthews, ex-p^ge-boy at the National Sporting iligh-rd.. a'oUenJiam opposite Bruce G.ove station) G.E.R. are as nothing compared with the cham}jioii3iiip and many otlier great British players, can. if Club, last. (Jeff ited the Belgian, Arthur Wyna, Could lemnin in stoie lico until rCfiniied. itself.. In that every etroko has a significanoe. they , find theti bi.st. form , to-day and he effectually disposed of the latter's title .to l'OrfTCAUD will bring vou MaaVura tJataloRue and eaas rank as European feather-weight champion. A i].vsmeni, terms lor Men's and IJoya 9uii». Ueut.'s ana .A missed putt of a foot in ay relegato a player to-morrow, bring the eup back from the States, Ladies' Ralne<)atB CoaluiiKs, Cyelea. Travelhng CsBet, Bnbj from first to second, place.. And it often hap­ But is Matthews a convincing successor? Few Ca.8, llingB Watohea, JJUOIS, anoea. etc; liora 3a month,y.— * * « people think so. If CriquiwiU not get to busi­ pens 30. In tiie qualifying competition all one Wonderful Contest.—It should be a wonderful bend postcard now to Masters. Ltd.. 3fl Uope .-itorcs, liye has to do is to be onp of the first oiglity. ness F'ox should have a cut at' Matthews. If he ABY Cara Irom lactory en aiiprovRt; carriaKc paid; no contest, and it is hardly hkeiy that the interest won his elaims to a return with the Frenchman B ahop piofiia; lowest prices lo.- cash or easy payments; • • • »"••-»•* write for art catalogue.post'lrce, and aa»e money.—Godiia in the doings of the cracks, British and overseas, would be eonaiderabiy strengthened. It looks Cairiage Co, (D.pt. 35), Coytntry Litck Courrts.—Take 'the ,caae -of Roger will have abated uiitiJ late to-morrow, unless, as though the Boxing Board of Control might T»AB/ CarriaB*i Irom Uctorv at hal! usuat price; cat, Wct^ierod last year, for instance. On strokes he indeed, one of the contestants gets a big lead, usefully make some pronouncement upon this tree.—Manu.., Bolton. 390, Kingaland-.d, E. 8. beat Hutchison, the American by 1.. But in the goes out early to-morrow and does a fourth EDSTEADSt Bvddina(—Wbv pay aHon l>riceal .'iewert situation. B' jiatierns in metal and wood beddlns vilie maltressrs. course of one of his rounds he trod on his bail round of exceptional merit. Kirkwood (Aiis- •Ic; lurn'ltuie—bedioom'.and general; all eoode sent d)rec6 and was penalised a stroke. He tied with tralia) and Hagen (U.S.A.), haye booked pass­ * # * Irom. laclory to hoine >n perleetly Den i-onditiun. illus­ Jock Hutchison and was beaten in the play-off.' Todd Wants Matches.~Betore one season has trated price lists ipust tree); cash or l)»taln.i;nlB; eatab' ages on the Aquitania, which leaves for U.S.A. closed I hear that M'. "Peggy" Bettinson is lisbed 32 years—CbarIi:B Riley. Peak & Moui-it. UlrmiDC- When a player goes out witli <t tard and pencil on Saturday. They evidently do'not anticipate bum Ptcaae mention "Daily MUro.",'' • :-. lie is, in a way, playing against his tempera-, busy preparing for another. It is probable that. participsition in a tie in the "Open,." which, one of the belt matches for nest October will be HINA and I'utleiy lor huutehulds. cattrers. tnatitntlonii, •iTient, .for not to one man in a hundred good shduld.it occur, would have to be played oH on C ibitps, dealers et' ; isiCtory price*; iltnalrated calfr> golfers is! the true temperament vouchsafed, between. Kia Lewis and Koland Todd for the ,ii.guea Iree,—CenlurT •. Potierv. Manutactuiers (Depl, Saturday. middle-weight trophy. Meanwhile, Todd, who Mif -I0<. Krtf-lem. btaHs . • *• » * URNITURE. BCcondhand modern and antique; eoat- is -a firm believer 'in the adage tnat practice F moua haigaina; removed Icom Hotel and tevetal Town Overseas Challciigeps.—The feats of J. H. ATHLETIC PROSPECTS. maketi perfect, would not be at all averse to a and Country Mansions: Cheaterlield Suites, 7 pici-ea. 14 Kirkwood, of Aitstrana, this season are fresh m contest with Boy McCormiek; 'guineas; Dhiing-room Suites, 8 euineaa; large wardrobes, our incriiorios.. "Joelt. Hutchison, the champion, A.A.A, Entries.—The sjik-ndid entry received 3 gna.; dressing tables and wasb-^lands Irom 25s.; bed­ * * * . room suilea Jacvibean Fumed Oak Sheraton, ash. eto.^ iai^d, one^of .the-^Aiheii ' for the Amateur Athletic Championships of; from 13 gna.• 200 complete berfioora aiiiteg to gcleil from, «an contingent, proved J\jne 30 and July 1 ihay or may not convince Conn Unfit.—Joe Conn, who was to tneet iSea-' Including 7lt Satinnuod ^ulte and 7ft Gceywood sui'.e; hisi^ brilliance m . the those who advocate the restriction of the me.bt- man Hall at the'Riiig on Monttay night, will be Inll-alze Drass, oak and mnhngany bedsteads Irom 4 ena.s ing to English athletes that their idea would unable to fight owing to septic poisoning in his every description drawing and dining-room furniture. qualifying rounds'with Xhealerftelda, 7 Rxis,; lounge .-haira, £? 10s.; French-Rilft & 3<-ote Of ' 71. Jim not hein'thc'best interest'Of sport. If a reason-, left foot,. This is to he regretted, as,the match lurnlturo. pianos,--etc.: •'lOS Garpcta from 2 gna.. pti'i^kwl .Bariieg '• and Waltei able numbei of titles are .won .by native athletes, wouldi.have undoubtedly cleared the air in the jree fur enuniry or stored free 12 months—Curzon's Furoi- they may waver m their ideas.' •• light-weight division.. - A. C. B. : ,ture and Carpet D^^positoriea, Ltd..-272 -Pcntonville-road, *nagcn,:; also..from ,,,the King's CiOss, N 1 |2 mina.-from King's Crosa Stn 1 Hours, States, are botlii play­ 9,till .6 dally- Fu?l Catalogues op apnlicntlon i ing well, and perhaps EATHKR (or Blo-es, gate ^riee 2s 9d ^kln; anedo . Enslatid's Outlook.—Truth to tell.the outlook OTHER SPORT IN BRIEF, J l!d-. ff-:. send 2d.'alp Ir.-;palB —rait. NoJ-fbamnton J never befor^ have our is nqt particularly .rosy, from a Biitish.point.of STAINLESI S apoona. six 39. 6il. (Firth's) kn. J'aa. ed., home, golfers, " profes view. A,. G. Hiil does not go for the mile, and; half doz. Samplea 2s.—S.G.S. Co. 74.- Stewart-road,' sional.,.aud amateur, althbugh'H'.B. Stallard is prpbably an improved; News Itetos and GosBlp About Men and Sheffield .• ; • , l)t!eh"s6 titi agdinst • it TftAWBEtlRY Nets,-Protect y.)Ur atrawberries from man since last year he has'something to do Ic Matters of the Moment. S• bi ds: beat hoavil? made waterproof netting, small as this year... Barnes be'at'the Finn, P.-Huvmi.- "E. H Mduntairiwas meeh, oiled and dresi^eo. 25 yds. ,by 1 vd 2a .Cd.. 25,vd8 !iad made a bad start not ruhningiat his best distance the other day Iniar-"Varsity Lawirlei-.—Oxford Univeraity beat Cam-; by 3 jda 5s., 35 vda ' by 3 vda- 7B 6d,: any lenslli or .on-, Monday,: but' on- .when he dead-h6atfed at the .Citfil Service sports. brWge University bv sis e^Mea to three in a lawn t«nnia width snpplied; carriage^ pa.id: moncv returned -if not Tuesday, with' a_ brilr 3. Barnea, lua eh at OxforiJ yestenlay. : •-.- .- ,-,.- ' ^!- aatis(actorv;,aa aupplied by na to tiicHova! Oardena; eat^lj- •'.' . ' " •« ' » * English Hurdlers Beaten.—Chaliow and Sasham Prince ji bed over 100 yeara.—H ,1 Gaas'in and Sons. Rve. RUB'S liant72^he qua!ifi'ed:with.seven"strokea to spare, were unplaeed in the Anteuil Hurdle ioEaris yeaterdav. EA Sets 79. 'ed. Dinner, Sets - ISa- 6d.. ToHel Sets Not-so James Braid, that famousnje'mber of the (JnlMcky Edward.—-H, P.
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