Program & Exhibit Guide NINETEENTH NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AAAI-) SIXTEENTH CONFERENCE ON INNOVATIVE APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (IAAI-) July –, San Jose McEnery Convention Center and San Jose Marriott San Jose, California SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Cosponsored by ACM/SIGART, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Google, IBM Research, Intelligent Information Systems Institute (IISI), Cornell University , Microsoft Research, NASA Ames Research Center, National Science Foundation, and the Naval Research Laboratory ■ Student Abstract and Poster Cochairs: Avi Contents Pfeffer, Harvard University and Mark Craven, University of Wisconsin, Madison Acknowledgments / Awards / ■ Tutorial Forum Chair: Matthew Stone, Conference at a Glance / Rutgers University Doctoral Consortium / ■ Workshop Program Chair and Cochair: Exhibition / Milos Hauskrecht, University of Pittsburgh General Information / and Dieter Fox, University of Washington IAAI- Program / – A complete listing of the AAAI- and IAAI- Intelligent Systems Demonstrations / – Program Committee members appears in Invited Talks / – the conference proceedings. Maps / , National Botball Tournament / NCER / Sponsoring Registration / Robot Competition and Exhibition / – Organizations Special Events and Awards / – Special Meetings / AAAI gratefully acknowledges the generous Sponsoring Organizations / contributions of the following organizations Technical Program / – to AAAI- : Tutorial Forum / – ■ American Association for Artificial Intelli- Workshop Program / – gence ■ ACM/SIGART Acknowledgments ■ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agen- cy (DARPA) The American Association for Artificial Intel- ■ Google ligence wishes to acknowledge and thank the ■ IBM Research following individuals for their generous con- ■ Intelligent Information Systems Institute tributions of time and energy to the successful (IISI), Cornell University creation and planning of the Nineteenth Na- ■ Microsoft Research tional Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Sixteenth Conference on Innovative ■ NASA Ames Research Center Applications of Artificial Intelligence. ■ National Science Foundation ■ AAAI Conference Committee Chair: James ■ Naval Research Laboratory A. Hendler, University of Maryland ■ AAAI- Program Cochairs: George Fergu- son, Rochester University and Deborah L. McGuinness, Stanford University ■ IAAI- Conference Chair: Randall Hill, Institute for Creative Technologies, Universi- ty of Southern California Contents / Acknowledgments Acknowledgments / Contents ■ IAAI- Conference Cochair: Neil Jacob- stein, Teknowledge Corporation ■ Intelligent Systems Demonstrations Chair: Christopher Welty, IBM Research ■ Mobile Robot Competition and Exhibition General Cochairs: Bill Smart, Washington University in St. Louis, and Sheila Tejada, University of New Orleans ■ AAAI/SIGART Doctoral Consortium Chair: Robert St. Amant, North Carolina State University 2 Spe Keynote Address Daniel J. Clancy, Chief, Computational Sciences Division, NASA Ames Re- search Center, will give the AAAI- Keynote Address, “Intelligent Systems and the Nations Vision for Space Exploration,” on Tuesday, July , : Awards & cial Events in the San Jose Ballroom of the Marriott. AAAI Awards IAAI Deployed Applications Awards AAAI Awards will be presented Tuesday, July ,San Jose Ballroom, Marriott, at : . IAAI- Chair Randall Hill and Cochair Neil Classic Paper Award Jacobstein will announce the four winners (see schedule for paper titles). Certificates will be The AAAI Classic Paper Award will be presented during paper sessions. presented to Hector Levesque for “A Logic of Implicit and Explicit Belief.” Honorable Men- tion is given to Ronald Brachman and Hector Robert S. Englemore Levesque for “The Tractability of Subsumption in Frame-based Description Languages” and Memorial Award and Michael Georgeoff for “A Theory of Action for Lecture Multi-Agent Planning.” All papers were pre- sented at AAAI- . Sponsored by IAAI-04 and AI Magazine Distinguished Service Award The Robert S. Engelmore Memorial Award and The AAAI Distinguished Service Award Lecture was established in to honor Dr. will be presented to Bruce Buchanan for his Engelmore’s extraordinary service to AAAI, AI extraordinary service to AAAI and his out- Magazine, and the AI applications community, standing contributions to the AI community. and his contributions to applied AI. The award will be presented to Edward Feigen- baum, Kumagai Professor of Computer Sci- Outstanding Paper Awards ence Emeritus at Stanford University by Neil Jacobstein, IAAI- Program Cochair, and This year, AAAI’s National Conference on Ar- David Leake, Editor-in-Chief, AI Magazine. tificial Intelligence honors three papers that The lecture will be held Wednesday, July , exemplify high standards in technical contri- San Jose Ballroom, Marriott at : . bution and exposition. Presented by AAAI- Cochairs Deborah L. McGuinness and George Ferguson. AAAI Fellows Outstanding Paper Award Recognition Dinner ■ Learning and Inferring Transportation Each year, the American Association for Artifi- Routines. Lin Liao, Dieter Fox, and Henry cial Intelligence recognizes a small number of Kautz, University of Washington members who have made significant sustained Honorable Mention contributions to the field of artificial intelli- gence, and who have attained unusual distinc- ■ Interactive Information Extraction with tion in the profession. AAAI is pleased to an- Constrained Conditional Random Fields. nounce the six newly elected Fellows for : Trausti Kristjansson, Microsoft Research, Subbarao Kambhampati, Arizona State Univer- Aron Culotta, University of Massachusetts sity; Craig A. Knoblock, University of Southern Amherst, Paul Viola, Microsoft Research, California; Daphne Koller, Stanford University; and Andrew McCallum, University of Mas- Gérard G. Medioni, University of Southern Cal- sachusetts Amherst ifornia; Stuart M. Shieber, Harvard University; ■ Loop Formulas for Circumscription. and Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University. Joohyung Lee, University of Texas, Austin The Fellows Recognition Dinner will and Lin Fangzhen, Hong Kong University of be held Tuesday, July ,from : – : in Science and Technology the Pagoda Restaurant of the Fairmont Hotel 3 San Jose. A reception will begin at : ,fol- AAAI Business Meeting lowed by dinner at : (by invitation only). The AAAI Annual Business Meeting will be held Thursday, July . : – : ,Meeting Opening Reception Room A,San Jose McEnery Convention Cen- ter. The AAAI- Opening Reception will be held Monday, July , : – : in the San Jose Ballroom of the Marriott. This event will pro- AAAI Conference vide the traditional opportunity for attendees Committee Meeting to socialize in a unique setting prior to the be- ginning of the first day of technical sessions. A The Conference Committee Meeting will be variety of hors d’oeuvres and a no-host bar held Thursday, July , : – : , will be available. Admittance to the reception Guadalupe Room, San Jose Marriott. is free to AAAI- registrants. A $. per person fee ($. for children) will be charged for spouses and other nontechnical AAAI Publications conference registrants. Committee Meeting The Publications Committee Meeting will be ngs,& Posters Student Abstract held Tuesday, July , : – : , Poster Program Guadalupe Room, San Jose Marriott. Students whose abstracts were chosen for in- clusion in the conference proceedings will dis- AI Journal Editorial play their work at the Student Abstract Poster Session in the Exhibit Concourse on Tuesday, Board Meeting July from : – : .In addition, par- The AI Journal Editorial Board lunch will be ticipants in the AAAI/SIGART Doctoral Con- held Wednesday, July , : – : , sortium will display their poster presentations Guadalupe Room, San Jose Marriott. during this session. All students will be avail- able for questions. Refreshments during the afternoon coffee break accompanying this ses- AI Magazine Editorial sion are sponsored by IBM Research. Board Meeting Doctoral Consortium (DC-04) The AI Magazine Editorial Board Meeting will be held Monday, July , : – : ,Sa- The Ninth AAAI/SIGART Doctoral Consor- lon II, San Jose Marriott. tium program will be held on Sunday and Monday, July - from : – : in the Almaden Room of the San Jose Marriott. Executive Council Meeting The Doctoral Consortium provides an oppor- tunity for a group of Ph.D. students to discuss The AAAI Executive Council Meeting will be and explore their research interests and career held Monday, July , : – : ,Sa- objectives in an interdisciplinary workshop lon I, San Jose Marriott. Continental breakfast will be available at : . Receptions, Meeti together with a panel of established re- searchers. The twelve students accepted to participate in this program will also partici- pate in the Student Poster program on Tues- Program Committee Luncheon day, July ,from : – : in the Exhib- The AAAI- / IAAI- Program Committee it Concourse. All interested AAAI- student Luncheon will be held Tuesday, July , : – registrants are invited to observe the presenta- : , in the Willow Glen Room, San Jose tions and participate in discussions at the Marriott, to honor the contributions of all the workshop. AAAI and ACM/SIGART gratefully members of the AAAI- and IAAI- Pro- acknowledge a grant from the National Sci- gram Committees (by invitation only). ence Foundation and Microsoft that provides partial funding for this event. 4 Conference Conference MORNING AFTERNOON
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