Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 10-29-1951 The rsinU us Weekly, October 29, 1951 Mary Yost Ursinus College Richard P. Richter Ursinus College Robert Rosenberger Ursinus College G. Brandon Donahue Ursinus College Jonni Graf Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Yost, Mary; Richter, Richard P.; Rosenberger, Robert; Donahue, G. Brandon; Graf, Jonni; Engleman, Marilyn; Hector, Dick; Fitch, Sal; and Klein, Ed, "The rU sinus Weekly, October 29, 1951" (1951). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 525. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/525 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Mary Yost, Richard P. Richter, Robert Rosenberger, G. Brandon Donahue, Jonni Graf, Marilyn Engleman, Dick Hector, Sal Fitch, and Ed Klein This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/525 ATTEND PATRONIZE FORUM WEEKLY WEDNESDAY ~b£ mr5tnu5~££kl!, ADVERTISERS Vol. 51, No. 4 MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1951 Price, Ten Cents Sororities Bid Henning Prentis Delivers Upperclassmen IFounders' Day Address During Week I -- Four Receive Honorary Sorority rushing begins today and will end next Friday. This is ,Curtain Club Degrees at Convocation in accordance with the Intersoror­ ity council rule stating that rush­ "While the mechanics of govern­ ing will begin on the fifth Monday 'Reveals Leads Iment may and will change, the after school opens and shall con­ principles on which men may as­ tinue for a period of one week For Fall Play sociate themselves permanently to closing at 12 :00 Friday. All sopho­ I enjoy the blessings of liberty are mores, juniors and seniors who havp Leadino ' roles for the Curtain Ifirm and imm utable. The price of been here for at least one rushing club lJlo;uclion Light Up The Sk freedom is fixed. And liberty must season are eligible for bidding. Tau • . , 1 • Y be bought and rebought at the Sigma Gamma has the greatest we" e announced thiS week by How- I same price by every generation for number of openings with 17, Phi ard Roberts, president, and Geof- itself." Alpha Psi and Kappa Delta Kappa frey Dolman. director. These were among the opening have 16; Alpha Sigma Nu has 11 : Preparations for the play, to be words of Dr. Henning Webb Prentis and Omega Chi has nine. The pres­ given November 30 and December Jr., president of the board of Arm- ent members of the sororities are: 1, are now well under way, com- strong Cork company and president Alpha Sigma Nu - Kathleen plete with cast, rehearsal schedule, of the board of Wilson college, as Aekerle, Eleanor Cloud, Dolores and parrot: and promises to be one he delivered the Founders' Day ad­ DeSola, Dorothy Detwiler, Marjorie of the most successful productions dress on The Price of Freedom on Fretz, Elsie Gl'uber, Joanne Heck­ of the season. Wednesday at Ursinus college. Dr. man, Carolyn Herber, Mary Lee Light Up The Slcy is a comedy- Prentis used Paragraph XV of the Hess, Esther Knobel, Kay Loman, satire which intricately involves a Bill of Rights proclaimed by the Sonia Marcussen, Betty McEll'oy, play within a play, complete with Virginia Assembly in June 1776, as VICE-PRESIDENTS: Donald L. HelfIerich, executive vice- president a star, Irene Livingston, played by a kind of text for his address. It Marjorie Mersfelder, Jane Perreten, of Ursinus, is shown with Charles Lachman, newly-elected vice­ Ann Royer, Marjorie Sellick, Joanne Jonni Graf; her mother, Stella Liv- reads: "No free government or the Sherr, Mary Ann Simmendinger, president, following Founders' Day exercises at which Mr. Lach­ ingston, by Rhoda Blumenthal; her blessing of liberty can be preserved Mary Sprankle, Jeanne Stewart, man's appointment was announced. husband, Tyler Rayburn Living- to any people but by a firm adher­ Shirley Weidknecht, Sarah Weirich ston, Ivy Leaman; private secre- ence to justice, m~eration, temper­ and Barbara Witt. tary, Nan Lowell, Irene Schweitzer; ance, frugality, and virtue and by a Ka.ppa Delta Kappa-Marianne an old friend, Owen Turner, Bill frequent recurrence to fundament­ Borkey, Adele Boyd, Edythe Carter, Lachman Named V. Pres. Degerberg: a director, Carlton- al principles." Janice Christian, Joan Compton, Fitzgerald, playep by Dick Hector; Came With ~ri1U:jples . a financial backer, Sidney Black, Barbara Crawford, Jerry Diehl, Charles Lachman, Bryn Mawr, "()'Jr ~.Jreiathers", continued Dr. by Ron Frankel; his wife, '!"mn-.;(.;:l Doris Fite, Molly Hall, Clara Hamm, was named as a vice-president of Prentis, "came to the shores of the Nancy Henrich, Margaret Hooper, YGroupHears Talk; Black, by Dolores DeSola; and a American continent impregnated Elaine Kerr, Nancy Matterness, Ursinus college this week by Presi­ very essential character, the play­ with the prinCiples of personal Betty Rinear, Evelyn Scharf, Doro­ dent Norman E. McClure. write, Peter Sloan, played by Ed moral responsibility, the right of thy Shirtz, Elaine Woodward, Jo­ Mr. Lachman will assume his of­ Four at Conference Abramson. private judgment and right of free assembly which, together, filled anne Youndt. fice in January. At Founders' Day Self reliance, independence, and Omega Chi-Phyllis Bauman, Lois exercises on Wednesday he receiv­ them with a fervent passion and Carbaug'h, Marjorie Donaldson, realism in marriage were the main Pianist to Perform unshakable belief in the inward Eleanor Dunn, Polly French, Jonni ed the Doctor of Laws degTee. points of a speech entitled Guide spirituality of the individual soul. Graf, Joan Hitchner, Marie Jansen, The new vice-president is retir­ to Model'n Marriage given by Rob­ With this prinCiple as the founda­ Lois Johnson, Helen Lightfoot, ert James, regional secretary of the tion, they erected the tripod on ing as president and treasurer of YMCA, at the association meeting In Bomberger Hall Sallie Lumis, Grace Matthews, My­ Charles Lachman Company, Inc., which OUI' individual freedom in rna McGrath, Barbara Roeder, last Wednesday night. During the America rests today": (1) consti­ Phoenixville, and as a director of discussion period following, Mr. Roberta Scheffler, Mary Schoenly, Mohawk Carpet Mtlls, Inc., Amster­ On November 8 tutional representative democracy; Irene Schweitzer, Joan Searfoss, James tried to explain such pI'ob­ (2) civil and religious freedom; and dam, N.Y. lems as how to acquire a strong Edith Seifert, Molly Sharp, Ruth Natalie Ryshna, pianist, will be (3) private competitive business. Sharp, Marguerite Spencer, Bar­ He is also a dir~ctor of Phoenix­ Christian faith. heard in a recital Thursday night, These three stand or fall together. bara Stag, Marilyn Stine, Mary Ann ville hospital, treasurer and di­ On the week-end of October 26, November 8, at 8:30 in Bomberger Dr. Prentis went on show how rector of Valley Forge Textiles, Inc., to Townsend, Donna Webber. Margaret Hooper, Molly Hall, Ken hall. (Continued on page 6) Phi Alpha Psi - Laura Bechtle, Phoenixville, and president of the Mammel, and Mary Ann Simmen­ Miss Ryshna will give a concert board of trustees of the Bala­ dinger attended a Student Christ­ in Town hall, New York, this sea­ Sue Boyd, Jeanne Careless, Joan Cynwyd Methodist church. Farquhar, Marna Feldt, Mary Lou ian Movement conference on the son, and will present the same Frosh Give Show; Henry, Jane Everhart Hopper, Jo­ Mr. Lachman is the father of two theme of "Why Hope?", held at a program in her performance here. anne Kuehn, Joan Leety, Ila Jane former Ursin us students: Alice, who Methodist camp in New Jersey. The first half of the recital will Custom Period Ends Lynn, Shirley MacKinnon, Adele graduated in 1950, and Marjorie, The cabinet has chosen Nels Fell­ consist of Gavotte Varie by Ram­ Michels, Anna Neborak, Jacqueline who left at the end of her fresh­ man as co-chairman wit~ Marion eau; Chorale-Prelude Ich I'US zu The annual Freshmafl show, the Priester, Audrey Rittenhouse, Mary man year in 1950. Matteson on the membership com­ Dir by Bach-Busoni; Sonata Op. climax of Frosh customs, was given Yost, Helen Yost, Jean Bohner, Donald I,... Helfferich will remain mittee. 31 (The Tempest) by Beethoven; Tuesday night in the T-G gym. Ruth Fiedler. as executive vice-president of the Barcarolle by Chopin and Outdoor The show included a series of Suite by Bartok. Tau Sigma Gamma.-Alice Boyer, college. LATE FLASH! ! ! burlesque comedy skits typical of Jean Cilley, Martha Daniels, Jane After intermission Miss Ryshna those presented in night clubs and (Conlinupd on page 6) will continue with Sonata No.3 by JUNIOR BAZAAR SLATED The Freshman class elected Persichetti ; Ravel's Ondine and on television throughout the United The Junior class will present a Charles Kenny president today Liszt's Mephisto Waltz. States. Ruby Takes Photos; Bazaar, November 9, in the Thomp- at noon. Others named to office There will be no charge of ad­ The first skit, planned to intro­ son-Gay gymnasium. Price of ad- were: Gene Harris, vice-presi- I mission for this concert. Students, duce the entire show, showed a mission will be 50 cents per person. dent; Ba.rbara Rack, secretary, faculty members and guests are in­ family seated around the television Tentative Dates Set The varied entertainment will con- and Al Paolone, treasurer. vited to attend. Rarely does Ursinus set watching the "Family Frolics." Work on the 1952 Ruby is well sist of a show and games of skill The class wiII hold its banquet have the opportunity to hear a The participants were Al Paolone, under way.
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