Thirty years ago, Tom Clancy was a Maryland insurance broker with a passion for naval history. Years before, he had been an English major at Baltimore’s Loyola College and had always dreamed of writing a novel. His first effort, The Hunt for Red October, sold briskly as a result of rave reviews, then catapulted onto the New York Times bestseller list after President Reagan pronounced it “the perfect yarn.” From that day forward, Clancy established himself as an undisputed master at blending exceptional realism and authenticity, intricate plotting, and razor-sharp suspense. He passed away in October 2013. Mike Maden grew up working in the canneries, feed mills, and slaughterhouses of California’s San Joaquin Valley. A lifelong fascination with history and warfare ultimately led to a Ph.D. in political science, focused on conflict and technology in international relations. Like millions of others, he first became a Tom Clancy fan after reading The Hunt for Red October; he began his published fiction career in the same techno-thriller genre with Drone and continued with the sequels, Blue Warrior, Drone Command, and Drone Threat. Maden is honored to be “joining The Campus” as a writer in Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, Jr., series. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 TOM CLANCY 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 S30 N31 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd i 3/14/18 12:03 AM ALSO BY TOM CLANCY 01 FICTION 02 The Hunt for Red October 03 Red Storm Rising Patriot Games 04 The Cardinal of the Kremlin 05 Clear and Present Danger The Sum of All Fears 06 Without Remorse 07 Debt of Honor Executive Orders 08 Rainbow Six 09 The Bear and the Dragon 10 Red Rabbit The Teeth of the Tiger 11 Dead or Alive (with Grant Blackwood) 12 Against All Enemies (with Peter Telep) Locked On (with Mark Greaney) 13 Threat Vector (with Mark Greaney) 14 Command Authority (with Mark Greaney) Tom Clancy Support and Defend (by Mark Greaney) 15 Tom Clancy Full Force and Effect (by Mark Greaney) 16 Tom Clancy Under Fire (by Grant Blackwood) Tom Clancy Commander in Chief (by Mark Greaney) 17 Tom Clancy Duty and Honor (by Grant Blackwood) 18 Tom Clancy True Faith and Allegiance (by Mark Greaney) Tom Clancy Point of Contact (by Mike Maden) 19 Tom Clancy Power and Empire (by Marc Cameron) 20 NONFICTION 21 22 Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear Warship Armored Cav: A Guided Tour Inside an Armored Cavalry Regiment 23 Fighter Wing: A Guided Tour of an Air Force Combat Wing 24 Marine: A Guided Tour of a Marine Expeditionary Unit Airborne: A Guided Tour of an Airborne Task Force 25 Carrier: A Guided Tour of an Aircraft Carrier 26 Into the Storm: A Study in Command 27 with General Fred Franks, Jr. (Ret.) and Tony Koltz 28 Every Man a Tiger: The Gulf War Air Campaign with General Chuck Horner (Ret.) and Tony Koltz 29 Shadow Warriors: Inside the Special Forces S30 with General Carl Stiner (Ret.) and Tony Koltz N31 Battle Ready with General Tony Zinni (Ret.) and Tony Koltz 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd ii 3/14/18 12:03 AM 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd iii 3/14/18 12:03 AM 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 TOM CLANCY 10 11 12 13 14 15 MIKE MADEN 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS 23 NEW YORK 24 25 26 27 28 29 S30 N31 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd v 3/14/18 12:03 AM 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS Publishers Since 1838 09 An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC 10 375 Hudson Street New York, New York 10014 11 12 13 Copyright © 2018 by The Estate of Thomas L. Clancy, Jr.; Rubicon, Inc.; Jack Ryan Enterprises, Ltd.; and Jack Ryan Limited Partnership 14 Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages 15 diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for 16 complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are 17 supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books 18 for every reader. 19 Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data 20 [Insert CIP TK] 21 Printed in the United States of America 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 22 23 BOOK DESIGN BY AMANDA DEWEY 24 This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents 25 either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, 26 businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. 27 28 29 30S 31N 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd vi 3/14/18 12:03 AM 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Europe today is a powder keg and the leaders are like men 10 smoking in an arsenal. A single spark will set off an explo‑ 11 sion that will consume us all. I cannot tell you when that 12 explosion will occur, but I can tell you where. Some damned 13 foolish thing in the Balkans will set it off. 14 — ATTRIBUTED­ TO OTTO VON BISMARCK 15 AT THE CON G RESS OF BERLIN , 1878 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 S30 N31 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd vi 3/14/18 12:03 AM 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd vii 3/14/18 12:03 AM 01 02 03 04 05 PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 14 15 Jack Ryan: President of the United States 16 Scott Adler: Secretary of state 17 Mary Pat Foley: Director of national intelligence 18 Robert Burgess: Secretary of defense 19 Jay Canfield: Director of the Central Intelligence Agency 20 Arnold Van Damm: President Ryan’s chief of staff 21 22 23 T H E C A M P U S 24 Gerry Hendley: Director of The Campus and Hendley 25 Associates 26 John Clark: Director of operations 27 Dominic “Dom” Caruso: Operations officer 28 Jack Ryan, Jr.: Operations officer / senior analyst 29 Gavin Biery: Director of information technology S30 Adara Sherman: Operations officer N31 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd x 3/14/18 12:03 AM 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd xi 3/14/18 12:03 AM PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS 01 Bartosz “Midas” Jankowski: Operations officer 02 Lisanne Robertson: Director of transportation 03 04 OTHER CHARACTERS 05 06 Dr. Cathy Ryan: First Lady of the United States 07 Kemal Topal: Turkish ambassador, Bosnia and Herzegovina 08 T a r i k B r k i c´ : Commander, Al‑Qaeda in the Balkans 09 Shafiq Walib: Captain, Syrian Arab Army 10 Aslan Dzhabrailov: Lieutenant, ground forces of the Russian 11 Federation 12 A i d a C u r i c´ : Owner, Happy Times! Balkan Tours 13 E m i r J u k i c´ : Happy Times! chief operating officer and tour guide 14 Dragan Kolak: Officer, Intelligence-­Security Agency 15 ( OSA-­OBA), Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30S 31N xii 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd xii 3/14/18 12:03 AM 01 02 03 04 05 1 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 SEVEN CORNERS, VIRGINIA 15 r. Guzman rubbed her tired eyes. She became a doctor to 16 heal the sick, not to file endless reports. But here she was, 17 Dtyping away after hours. 18 Again. 19 No matter. It was the price she paid to run the free clinic for 20 the poorest of the poor in the area, mostly immigrants. 21 She checked her watch. The delivery was late. As soon as it 22 arrived, she’d finish up this last budget report and head home 23 for some needed shut-­eye. 24 A noise in the back room startled her. She glanced up from 25 her laptop, listening. 26 Nothing. 27 Probably just the rats again, she told herself. Gross. 28 She made a mental note to pick up some more traps at 29 Lowe’s tomorrow on her way in. S30 She settled back down into her spreadsheet, her bleary eyes N31 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd xii 3/14/18 12:03 AM 9780735215924_LineOfSight_TX.indd 1 3/14/18 12:03 AM MIKE MADEN 01 focused on the empty columns she still needed to fill with 02 numbers. Her fingers froze. 03 She smelled the acrid tang of sweat and dope before she felt 04 the blade against her throat. 05 The man stood behind her. Grabbed a fistful of her hair. 06 “The drugs are in the safe. I can’t open it,” she said in Span‑ 07 ish, her first language. 08 The voice behind her laughed. “Don’t want the drugs, bitch,” 09 he said in English. “We gonna party.” 10 Guzman whispered a prayer and cursed her stupidity. She’d 11 left the back door unlocked for the delivery. That meant no 12 alarm. That’s how he got in. 13 And with no alarm, no help was on the way. 14 The man grabbed her shoulder and spun the chair around. 15 He stood over her, flashing a gold tooth in a nicotine-­stained 16 smile. His bare, ropey arms were slathered in tattoos, but it 17 was his shaved skull that shocked her. His entire head, from the 18 neckline up, was a tangle of blue ink, with MS splashed across 19 his throat and 13 emblazoned on his forehead.
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