STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE B MELIORIST VOLUME 31, ISSUE 19, FEBRUARY 6, 1997 "A Kinder, Gentler Beast'' By Krista Bouckaert (News Edi­ investment money is the money we sions. tor) & James Harder (Reporter) save because Albertans told us we "This is your opportunity to par­ want to get rid of thc mortgage." ticipate. All Albertans must be a part Courageous, compassionate, The premier spoke prophetically of our emerging wealth," explained understanding, respectful, and ofthe outcome of creating a boom Klein. The debt is a provincial pri­ hound by integrity and a strong economy. He warned that for ority and Alberta must work as a sense of character. These were the Albertans to create a boom economy unified whole to eradicate it. words used to describe Alberta's would inevitably result in a cata­ The issue regarding VLTs and Premier Ralph Klein before he as­ strophic bust. The PC government lottery revenues was a great public cended the stairs ofthe stage at the feels the answer is in sustained eco­ concern. Last Tuesday, Klein an­ El Rancho on January 28 to the nomic growth. nounced for the first time that lot­ thumping beat of 2 Unlimited "One doesn't want to look to tery revenues will be made available dance mix. Quebec. Their's is an agenda of to all municipal governments, in­ Sir Winston Churchill once said separatism," said Klein. However, cluding those opting to ban VLTs. that "The price of greatness is re­ Premier Bouchard called an eco­ The question of VLTs existence sponsibility." "The Hallmark of nomic summit to address and re­ and their effect on the community Ralph Klein's public leadership is solve provincial issues. This was, in has been an issue of public conten­ his ability to communicate and lis­ Klein's eyes, a brilliant move. In tion. Rumors during the past months ten to ALL Albertans," said Leah fact, it was so brilliant a move that have circulated that municipalities Waters, Conservative candidate for it is being actively pursued by the choosing to ban VLTs would be ex­ Lethbridge East. Alberta government. cluded from VLT revenue. How­ For Ralph Klein, Alberta's 12th Dr. Mike Percy, a man described ever, the Klein government has de­ Premier, success is a journey, not a by Premier Klein as "a disillusioned cided that it would be an "adminis­ destination. Klein's reputation has Liberal," has been assigned to the trative nightmare" to split lottery involved an intense love-hate rela­ task of organizing the Alberta revenue in municipalities that ban tionship with Albertans. Cutbacks Growth Summit. The summit must VLTs. in health and education have re­ "transcend political boundaries and As the evening drew to a close, File photo sulted in a fragile, dualistic unifi­ trends" and resolve to be "apoliti­ U of L President Jason Shriner ques­ cation and division ofthe province. cal" in nature. The setting of unrea­ tioned Premier Klein about the Con­ Intent on setting the record sonable goals is not the purpose of servative tuition cap. is very generous indeed." trary to his statement, loans totaling straight, Klein stated that "We set this summit. A focus on the people The PC government has estab­ Klein responded, "I want every­ more that the remission level are not out on this course because Alberta and their ideas is the ulti­ lished a 30% tuition cap for post- one in this room to be clear on stu­ automatically remitted. Students Albertans told us to. And we kept mate concern of the PC party. secondary education while the Lib­ dent loans, I don't know the exact merely qualify for remittance at this our promises to the people of this Klein, in speaking of the sum­ erals have proposed a 20% tuition figure, I believe it is $ 17 000 but that level. promise. We are a party and a gov­ mit, said that "at this meeting, I pro­ cap. is the maximum that a student can "I don't have all the answers, but ernment that keeps its word, and of pose that members of the govern­ Mr. Shriner suggested that high incur in student loans. Everything I know one thing: we have a sound that, we can be very proud." ment, the labour sector, and the pri­ education costs may be a negative over and above that is remitted. So fiscal plan that got us here, and sim­ On this note, Klein assured vate sector, come together to discuss contributing factor to provincial that is not a huge debt load in the ply throwing money at the situation Albertans that all surplus funds new and innovative ways that the well-being. Klein retorted with the scheme of things." is not the answer. We have to be would be used to pay down the public sector, in particular, can play statement that "tax-payers pick-up In fact, not only was Klein's fig­ smarter than that-all of us,' said deficit. He added that "the only re­ a role in our re-investment deci­ 70% of vour education cost, which ure of remission too low, but con- Klein. New theatre production features an American Classic One of the best known works Williams' desire for acceptance metal poles suggestive of Blanche's in the American theatre canon will and security are embodied in the feeling of entrapment. The set de­ be presented at the University of lifeblood of his characters, whose sign allows the audience to view "a Lethbridge in mid-February. struggles and ambiguous identities large playing area representing the Tennessee Williams' A are derived from his own existence. neighborhood behind the apartment. Streetcar Named Desire will be Streetcar, still regarded a.s Williams' It offers a lot of visual possibilities presented by the Division of Thea­ great masterpiece, addresses the tor background scenes." tre and Dramatic Arts on Feb. 11- universal concern that humanity will The design also presents unique 15 at 8 pm (with 1 pm matinees on give way to the "brutes." challenges with regard to character Feb. 12 and 13) in the University Luther adds that the play also movement, Luther says. A lot oi Theatre. presents some strong opportunities movement is dependent on the crea­ Streetcar explores the charac­ for student actors. The cast includes tivity ofthe actors. ter of Blanche du Bois, a woman U oi' L students Sheri Thomson as Tickets for A Streetcar Named whose life has been undermined by Blanche, Jeffrey Wetsch as Stanley, Desire are $9.50 (adults) and $6.50 her romantic illusions and who is Fife Ririe as Stella, and Colin (students/seniors) and are available eventually driven mad by the pres­ Hadivan as Mitch. from the U of L Box Office (329- sures of her relationships with her Luther says that the production 2616) in W-510. The University oi sister and earthy brother-in-law. design is one of the most interest­ Lethbridge Students' Union is spon­ Like most of Tennessee Williams' ing aspects of this version oi' soring the Wednesday night show: work, Streetcar is autobiographi­ Streetcar. Designed by Jim Wills. admission for students who produce cal, says theatre arts professor Alice Patty Baun and David Hignell, the a valid U of L ID card while pur­ Luther, who is directing the produc­ stylized set will feature a maze of chasing their ticket pay only $4. tion . photo toy Tom Porter Tennesse Williams classic to play University Theatre, What's inside Feb 11-15. T Management HORNS JOBS... JOBS- BASKETBALL RED NECK VS. Competition INTERVIEW NO NECK JOBS... & HOCKEY Career and News Entertainment Sports Comment Employment Services W H A T U P • W 11 A T S ft P VV II A T U P •WHAT'S I P • W H ., T 13 P \Y H A T V P W H A T U P • W II A T s U P U P \Y H A T I P I) P • W HAT w U P W H A T ft P W H A T s u p WRftWStflF U P W H A T U P • W H A T S UP W H A T U P W H A T Februax MONDAY TUESDAY | WEDNESDAY^ THURSDAY Cloven Master Beach Series Hooves Concert #4 Bash \£t> Discover the The Bridges « differences 'The Triumphant 97 ^ between mule Return of Kate 4th Annual Health Fair entertainment by: of Madison ^ deer and white Johnson" Plaid and 43 tailed deer. Look 10:00 am to 2:30 pm County v ; Yates Memorial > for deer and then Paisley ^ signs in the Lethbridge Public Centre, 8pm in the atrium Fabulous Door ^ Nature Reserve. Library, 7:30pm tickets available Prizes si tickets: S6 in advance/S7 a 2:00 pm at Helen at 328-6808 admission is free at the door Schuler Coulee Centre Februaury 9-1 5 Valentine Volunteer Opportunities is Suicide Awareness Week YWCA of Lethbridge & District: The YWCA Harbour Massage Clinic House is a crisis shelter for battered women and their Candle Light Memorial Service presented by the Nursing children. The focus of the program is crisis intervention Undergraduate Society (for those affected by suicide) including a 24-hour crisis line and in-person counselling Tuesday February, 1 1 th at 7:00 February 10 services. Volunteers are needed to participate in this Location: Lethbridge Public Library from program. After a training period, volunteers will be Theatre Gallery responsible to assess situations and make referrals for Featuring: Speakers, music, candle light 11 am to 4 pm callers on the crisis line and for the shelter residents.
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