Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List COFFIN BAY NATIONAL PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : NP10 Accepted Species Common name First - Last Record Acacia alcockii SA:R Alcock's Wattle 18/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Acacia anceps Angled Wattle 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Acacia cupularis Cup Wattle 17/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Acacia leiophylla Coast Golden Wattle 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Acacia ligulata Umbrella Bush 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Acacia longifolia var. sophorae Coastal Wattle 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Acacia microcarpa Manna Wattle 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Acacia myrtifolia var. myrtifolia Myrtle Wattle 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Acacia nematophylla Coast Wallowa 17/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Acacia rupicola Rock Wattle 01/03/1983 - 18/10/1995 Acacia spinescens Spiny Wattle 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Acacia triquetra Mallee Wreath Wattle 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Acrotriche cordata Blunt-leaf Ground-berry 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Acrotriche patula Prickly Ground-berry 01/11/1960 - 24/09/1997 Adriana klotzschii Coast Bitter-bush 01/03/1983 - 19/10/1995 Aira cupaniana * Small Hair-grass 17/10/1995 - 17/10/1995 Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Alyxia buxifolia Sea Box 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Anagallis arvensis * Pimpernel 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Apalochlamys spectabilis Showy Firebush 01/03/1983 - 01/01/1995 Aphanes australiana Australian Piert 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Apium annuum Annual Celery 16/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Arctotheca calendula * Cape Weed 18/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Asteridea athrixioides forma Wirewort 01/11/1960 - 01/11/1960 Atriplex cinerea Coast Saltbush 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Atriplex paludosa ssp. cordata Marsh Saltbush 01/03/1983 - 25/06/1983 Austrofestuca littoralis Coast Fescue 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Avellinia michelii * Avellinia 17/10/1995 - 20/10/1995 Avena barbata * Bearded Oat 17/10/1995 - 19/10/1995 Baumea juncea Bare Twig-rush 01/03/1983 - 18/10/1995 Beyeria lechenaultii Pale Turpentine Bush 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Billardiera versicolor Yellow-flower Apple-berry 18/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Brachycome exilis Slender Daisy 01/01/1995 - 20/10/1995 Brachycome lineariloba Hard-head Daisy 18/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Briza minor * Lesser Quaking-grass 17/10/1995 - 20/10/1995 Bromus diandrus * Great Brome 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Bromus hordeaceus ssp. hordeaceus * Soft Brome 18/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Bromus rubens * Red Brome 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Bulbine semibarbata Small Leek-lily 17/10/1995 - 17/10/1995 Bupleurum semicompositum * Hare's Ear 17/10/1995 - 20/10/1995 Bursaria spinosa Sweet Bursaria 01/03/1983 - 18/10/1995 Cakile maritima ssp. maritima * Two-horned Sea Rocket 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Caladenia bicalliata SA:R Western Daddy-long-legs 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Caladenia cardiochila Heart-lip Spider-orchid 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Caladenia latifolia Pink Caladenia 19/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Species with National or State conservation ratings are followed by a code - (AUS: ) for Australian and (SA: ) for South Australian status. For details of conservation rating codes refer to the end of this list. Introduced and alien species are followed by an asterisk "*". (NC) = Non-current use of name - reflects the name used when data was collected and may equate to one or more names in current use. Wednesday, 24 March 2004 Page 1 of 9 Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List COFFIN BAY NATIONAL PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : NP10 Accepted Species Common name First - Last Record Calandrinia brevipedata Short-stalked Purslane 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Calandrinia corrigioloides Strap Purslane 19/10/1995 - 19/10/1995 Calandrinia eremaea Dryland Purslane 17/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Callistemon rugulosus var. Scarlet Bottlebrush 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Callitris canescens Scrubby Cypress Pine 01/01/1983 - 10/10/1995 Carduus tenuiflorus * Slender Thistle 18/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Carpobrotus rossii Native Pigface 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Cassytha glabella forma dispar Slender Dodder-laurel 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Cassytha peninsularis var. peninsularis Peninsula Dodder-laurel 16/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Centaurium tenuiflorum * Branched Centaury 19/10/1995 - 20/10/1995 Centrolepis polygyna Wiry Centrolepis 01/11/1960 - 24/09/1997 Cerastium balearicum * Chickweed 16/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Cerastium pumilum * Chickweed 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Chrysocephalum apiculatum Common Everlasting 17/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Clematis microphylla Old Man's Beard 25/06/1983 - 24/09/1997 Comesperma volubile Love Creeper 17/10/1995 - 20/10/1995 Convolvulus remotus Grassy Bindweed 18/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Correa pulchella Salmon Correa 01/11/1960 - 24/09/1997 Correa reflexa var. coriacea Thick-leaf Correa 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Corybas despectans Coast Helmet-orchid 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Cotula vulgaris var. australasica Slender Cotula 16/10/1995 - 16/10/1995 Craspedia glauca Billy-buttons 17/10/1995 - 17/10/1995 Crassula decumbens var. decumbens Spreading Crassula 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Crassula sieberiana ssp. tetramera Australian Stonecrop 17/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Critesion murinum ssp. leporinum * Wall Barley-grass 17/10/1995 - 17/10/1995 Cyrtostylis robusta Robust Gnat-orchid 19/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Danthonia caespitosa Common Wallaby-grass 17/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Danthonia setacea var. setacea Small-flower Wallaby-grass 16/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Daucus glochidiatus Native Carrot 17/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Desmazeria rigida * Rigid Fescue 16/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Dianella brevicaulis Short-stem Flax-lily 17/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Dianella revoluta var. revoluta Black-anther Flax-lily 25/06/1983 - 24/09/1997 Dichelachne crinita Long-hair Plume-grass 17/10/1995 - 19/10/1995 Diplotaxis tenuifolia * Lincoln Weed 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Disphyma crassifolium ssp. clavellatum Round-leaf Pigface 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Dittrichia graveolens * Stinkweed 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Dodonaea humilis Dwarf Hop-bush 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Dodonaea viscosa ssp. Sticky Hop-bush 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Echium plantagineum * Salvation Jane 01/01/1983 - 01/01/1983 Ehrharta longiflora * Annual Veldt Grass 16/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Elymus scabrus var. scabrus Native Wheat-grass 19/10/1995 - 19/10/1995 Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa Ruby Saltbush 01/03/1983 - 25/06/1983 Erodium cicutarium * Cut-leaf Heron's-bill 17/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Eucalyptus 'anceps' Sessile-fruit White Mallee 01/03/1983 - 18/10/1995 Eucalyptus angulosa Coast Ridge-fruited Mallee 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Species with National or State conservation ratings are followed by a code - (AUS: ) for Australian and (SA: ) for South Australian status. For details of conservation rating codes refer to the end of this list. Introduced and alien species are followed by an asterisk "*". (NC) = Non-current use of name - reflects the name used when data was collected and may equate to one or more names in current use. Wednesday, 24 March 2004 Page 2 of 9 Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List COFFIN BAY NATIONAL PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : NP10 Accepted Species Common name First - Last Record Eucalyptus diversifolia Coastal White Mallee 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Eucalyptus gracilis Yorrell 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Eucalyptus lansdowneana ssp. albopurpurea Purple-flowered Mallee Box 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Eucalyptus odorata Peppermint Box 01/01/1983 - 01/01/1983 Eucalyptus oleosa Red Mallee 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Eucalyptus porosa Mallee Box 10/10/1995 - 10/10/1995 Eucalyptus rugosa Coastal White Mallee 01/01/1983 - 01/03/1983 Eucalyptus socialis Beaked Red Mallee 01/01/1983 - 01/01/1983 Eucalyptus yalatensis Yalata Mallee 01/01/1983 - 10/10/1995 Euphorbia paralias * Sea Spurge 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Euphrasia collina ssp. tetragona Coast Eyebright 18/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Eutaxia microphylla var. microphylla Common Eutaxia 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Exocarpos aphyllus Leafless Cherry 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Exocarpos syrticola Coast Cherry 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Frankenia pauciflora var. fruticulosa Southern Sea-heath 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Frankenia pauciflora var. gunnii Southern Sea-heath 16/10/1995 - 16/10/1995 Gahnia deusta Limestone Saw-sedge 01/03/1983 - 19/10/1995 Gahnia filum Smooth Cutting-grass 01/11/1960 - 16/10/1995 Gahnia lanigera Black Grass Saw-sedge 01/03/1983 - 18/10/1995 Gahnia trifida Cutting Grass 01/11/1960 - 01/11/1960 Galium migrans Loose Bedstraw 18/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Galium murale * Small Bedstraw 17/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Geranium molle var. molle * Soft Geranium 18/10/1995 - 20/10/1995 Geranium retrorsum Grassland Geranium 24/09/1997 - 24/09/1997 Geranium solanderi var. solanderi Austral Geranium 17/10/1995 - 17/10/1995 Glischrocaryon sp. Golden Pennants 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Gnaphalium indutum Tiny Cudweed 17/10/1995 - 24/09/1997 Goodenia blackiana Native Primrose 17/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Goodenia varia Sticky Goodenia 01/03/1983 - 24/09/1997 Goodia lotifolia var. lotifolia(NC) Golden-tip 17/10/1995 - 17/10/1995 Hakea vittata Limestone Needlebush 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Halosarcia halocnemoides ssp. halocnemoides Grey Samphire 25/06/1983 - 25/06/1983 Halosarcia pergranulata ssp. pergranulata Black-seed Samphire 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Halosarcia pruinosa Bluish Samphire 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Hardenbergia violacea Native Lilac 01/03/1983 - 18/10/1995 Hedypnois rhagadioloides * Cretan Weed 01/11/1960 - 01/11/1960 Helichrysum leucopsideum Satin Everlasting 01/11/1960 - 24/09/1997 Hemichroa pentandra Trailing Hemichroa 16/10/1995 - 16/10/1995 Hibbertia riparia Guinea-flower 17/10/1995 - 18/10/1995 Hibbertia riparia (glabriuscula) Smooth Guinea-flower 01/03/1983 - 01/03/1983 Hibbertia riparia (long-leaved aff.
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