Atlantic Sun~~ _____..;Rth

Atlantic Sun~~ _____..;Rth

OPINION FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Tucker resigns: The world according Jenny Baer: awaiting world Power 96 DJ interview, questions to Nader, unanwered. page 7 nuclear execution, page 15 page 9 page 19 ~m ~ . * > '''~>. ,- =m Atlantic Sun~~ _____..;rTh. weekly new.paper of Florida Atlantic Univ.raity... .v~.:.:~:.~,:":.:":.__:A~...:.,:.:,.:.'M.;.' _ WHAT'S HAPPENING Arts agonize summer salaries TONIGHT: The 108' hIm ,t ,h,. _",es'e' k8 WhOt>P' Goldbe,g. hllo"au8 Bt."1'S'· IItr1TON n«<k.J ,,, '"lOCh 'he,", .."",. "~'c- ,nil '"....hinS .",,,",,,, "'hkh Orccr f., 1"",..", >et.... hy ~",,". h.,lon.", ~oo ~,,'ho><> ~'e JumpJn' Joc-I< ntuh «l 'hoo Un",,., NEWS EOITOR r"'l"j~ """"'"-, ....hile "".,la. r..:..1'1 "",yo ""'Cl" "'" ,,,,,,,,,,,ful ro, u•. ·· "'hkh "" ,,,'e."'. p"" "I ,I>< h..",aMi<:> "lIdent'. Ie-''''''IL\ ",ly C.,.."." Aud"a""'" eJl 7 p m In lO"llh-h. h'''''")" ....... r",k"'''''.y M'" Th.... ,he 'mpO....""" of a<tlunc', ha. 1'1>< _..onme. ",I.u.:- ,,,,,he: ~"'kgc <lep,,""""" "rr"m'lI ,I>< C""<lO" c~"hrU fo< 'hc>c """'SO (in 1Mld"_ 0=, al.., >.., " 'lui' ,he UMl'c-r- Dc'" , m'''' ,he s1ap-511ck 1984 'Mto. )~., edy Stud..",.. ..t. h_ tocully "f h .."",no"", Ute hem, rftll>C<"d b) "<Cd,, """,>c.) <c""h ,he: ""''')' ,..he, to OIhc. """,-e» ."y', c'p"" rou, .18'1'. 'hc "'lu" .. I" run ~.OOO p"y <lep>."....""'1 cl~ F<>r ",.. Fk»I" has "'" ," fi.........., "'1"",.. and ",ail S2; $J "'p.... p","" "'" ,...., _,...m Q"""'3 'Ul '" ,he hll u S""nl ",I.') GrccT!>aY' ,"'" ,he", O<>«Ion Ruk "In 'I>c: ......" "'1""'''''''''. 'My Ih."" <.....~""' l-u"he'. he "'Nl '0- TOMORROW: Ho".~'n. ac"",01,,,, '" ,h~ ~I.......-s ·· t-l JO 10)) opec..I~acl><... IO<>p«,r""'_N'''''''' 01 my concc,'" '''''' I><cnl ,I>< ,........ _ ,,,fom>M I""'....' _,..'1. Sp,ead $r'fr<"1'''m T,."dn Hu"",,,,""'" h.. ~ n I,.,." 0, ""lc:n ,i~~:::~··,~::::~,~~~,~~~~~_~",'~'~~~-::...:"~'~~~<>e>:·-'''''''MC'OIIc:JC>oI. _ ;" _ ,) ,he I.ul, of"" andt--'-",U",'ul> ~lolr_ GKe'. --Th"" w ....1.0') "n n." _n~ bIOI ..,. "" .... 00 the- pubhc leeh"" by OJ- Donold ""PPcn> cvc:<y )'''''' If", ".. >Umm<:' Sch,l"nQ 0' ,h,. U,,,v.,,.,,y ".~nl.·· ..""ky _.,. .dog"",,·· f<Jllowrns .... "".... 8u' ,"" "''''met. Eo"..-... ~""n·_ Gr>1d Co<>5o Rocm human I..,ully ..,II "" ..."". ~ ..........._ 'Thundery ... 4 3C P m Do Schill a<lm,,,,,, ,,~ ".""') b«'..~,,, ••~. """"'" .8 _ I.e of ,he oudd """"'- tng". po...don\ ol SCSTet.c»m ,..-d"..<y upetI'C"'" by ~'JhI. doll. In """"oon -... off",,~·. Inc and ~,n.o.........-r ptG­ dtpanmen _ hiland .... ................... AccounI_ F""" H:a:Li<nl "" """"" ..........011 M!p­ !.-or al .1ec:In"",,1 ....Q'•.--,,"'J 'c...... ,~' 00 GKe' ...._'>CltJ""'UC _ ,"'•• _ 1""""""",1 ar ,h. Cry Un._tSlly 01 N... ..., Ioo.t Fndooy .......--·.IIownan""'" ~ Ymk H Q>qc><'U""lo< cmodup- laoult) .....,.'..._ G.-, upla_ "'" _ .....NtC"e........II>< ....._,"Y .-<oalary .linen·the­ ,,. 0..100 :od"lotot ,. o.-d ,~ ,.... OPS c.pcntlllU,""" du.."!! he:r;poce Toc:kry. ,<ill; _ " ,.-plat ~~D.nU ,e "" ,""'. d~"""" 'n'he.....,I.."'" ..,D be PO'" d by '" ,-.;..,•• an Ito ,-. up......h'..' booh ofm>n} ,~""""""'.......f>C> ... ­ at4pn, I pub ~""n faul.""'""""",~"''''_,''''fIC''''''' .....a _"'.... ~n "'cco<U'~ ,,, " ....oIy.. J Fl<>,d. ,he I}' """,II .."l_... _r-1c>-oI -c;,=_-1 FRIDAY: ,~COUf"'e> ,",,,..u'" "c~ P"'''''- r,,,. ...k<... • -". A Symp I>r<"n ••• .-.._1vJ OPS """"') .. .... FIn)>l """._ -II ,he p ~ >' .......Iy ..-l '"~ h".., ,....... rom/C'....... pol""l' lof ..... .adm,n,.. 1 ,n pm. ~ ..... ~~e')nnc ". nh ~ h.•If·.un,me, "f , A .. ""'II •• 10 'P"""'" !«tu'" ~nc-.. _ '" ",,,;;;~ nnrl<>lme... lwndl """h Y"'.' _h ",>t. c''C'N ... PM} " .......... (0< .po< .... .,...".,.,.. I ~~ SATURDAY: ...... _".~ <11_ ,n "..•• ~Ic:Voo'. ~ ..,., Ft' n ......y II", ''''''I Il-u' Adam. &."",,11). 'I><n 01"> 'undo ....p(IIe. ,I>< """'""'" """'e'"'",-.....,"'" "dn,en BlTan Mum~, """",- ,....,,,'.."" 01<..... to} rq:ul~, b}- .tIC ", " .....", ",col" 1><....... "ffc~.·· faeull, wnd " "." ..' dme" to) ,he FIo}oI ~'rl~,". , h,ic , ,,,I· "[scully •• ~,'~h1c '" ' ....h lh< .,...."'" H ,h~ It~ Ic:~~, h,,,, ad)"'''''' ,,, , ""', .n.,! l"'",en,.. "I .,..,len\ ,,"'nn­ ,,,,,or ~m ~"."", lull.""", ,.... ul'~ an.,! '" ,n pm.. ... f", ''''' """$ "fh<, ."II"lL\e ,~.:"I.e. " )c••Iu<u<I, ". 11<> "",. b«" ..,,, ~, ..~ " .., or "",,...,... II'~.'N REMINDER: """~"'''} deMI.,OO ,,,' ..."""or Ct'."..... ..... ''''' In 'i,,!,h ,..... • ,,><k .." ".n ....n n '"'' ." ,n" ,......" 1I.&~ R Al ,aile A, .'" .'u.l}lnll_ ,he h..",.In",e..."",.• 'han 'h<c .... '" I<"""",,"e._ "',,)J l~al 5, .den h J Ld ;>p. • ackn"",icJp:. ..,.,,,,. "ltIn11"1< ...' .." ....n' ...rops Far from the maddening crowd... S.""" ,I>< ,..",,,,,,r h....lL\e' .. lI,,,,~,">n "J "" "'<;Ih' ,d ..rna", U1 "oone) ,,, 'M p'''' )'''''' 'h~ c"lIeB~ ';',Her, May ..... "h 0 Dot ~••mplc: "I ,he ,,,,,""">e<l nrt<l A, ,,,,,,'" lay P, -"J",m B<xud.spo""me<! Stud..n,s Age"",,' "'.. .e-cal,,01 In "f peelal N , ,e<- p' n "Id rn' OPS I"n.,!, I"". ,n ,he 0.""'''' R..ic R ,I Ap..t> ,d M",,",cal E~"avagon"a a' ,h.. Qu'dc Comp>o~"'" Sl<l<;l~'_' :c,~, See ARTS bu ,...", =td "hang.. an j,..CoIkll" ' ..".1111...... J"',ur , ,,,,d:> .hady sah'ude. roUl ,O<"k ,,.w Wav4I COU'~' ..-d..:;', Ap, ~e hom 6-.8 p II ,.. ".ell ,I>< 011><, on<! '''''J\l' ban<k peda,m<Kl Th ref waa ,n/< ,"""'>on bee, and page 2 -n.-r. will be wme ..nd ene­ h"",.."",c-,·r..lfilled Go,don R.. I~ 1.::'ood..::..:""':::_.":':y..:""":::=-.'-= ,-__-' ,..,..""'" ....... '""Ju,",,' prolns<J<" au ""d mUllleoI en'_a"'....n. Call po..''''''''' Ir""' ......". Pc""""'"'''''' Ran ." 393·2f,6l lor maf. In 'dl pc<>o«:........ or rhc Jcu.-.. on G<m1II<I)' S s...~", anti "'bb<~,. ,.. a;oo'" ,""',­ Ian..." " ..",d co..... wa"'dot, and ...' ..........,,,,,,, I.rob. ,I>< :"Ia.", avage is view. ",..a ··w~ _ ......... p«>pk'" ,tuougl. ,he nIlc+A' any day I,.~ Holocaust I><pn a 1..1'·...,..., "'e"" to ". 'PC "'" fill ai, po,,''''''' Pc<>plc ..Ito.,., ",~I- """'.~ .-..pI Monday] ....."~._Jc"'.... p«>pk ~> b k t th ly fIfl ... ....ntI ..,II- M .......... ac a e "" 00 m ,he" >da<y -- ".~ EDITOR'S NOTE: surVivors ,,,,,,,,," wp"'" J ,. ."Japn ...n _·~''''"''nt = .",- ~".c,e_nl)puuocd _d""" and ..... ~.e"'...,,} SG h I M:t"d)" open lot .."...,.., ""'""".., Goobye...,.lotw '" I, _". ol>t<I> 11"Ie,·. "1",, e m uccu<"c m'rt' ''''' tho M!;Ibj .."pef>encec ,.v, ..... remember ss """I'""""""" ",o:amp>"'~ "'-""nI. _.... 1 '>01>. st>cc>al >Q 011 h 'I N....... nor. l .....~ ""'"' ,,__ 11) bll<o:l ,a p> Bt.-nn IIUTTO' U"~TOL'"K r.."..", CoonJ, Se<;<rta') vi Pill LI P \\ ~bamI>c", .;. "..• .tIouo,"S' S .. ..1;\\S t:I)ITOR ST ·t.. \\ RITt:R E_na.nn"'nl, "'''''"''') ('""' "',. mdh",n Jc:...~ """"' ~0I1c<l to) Hrtle,·. ll', off",,,",' W"h ,he ...,....,,, of b>f Pres.> Se<''''''''t)'. 11,,_..... Luu . •• 11 Jc".. ~.~ 'U... ,...,... .... e IuI~~ ...,......'~ -·ft.... 501..._' "",-off clc:o.... __ ... .,.,k·. p,,,, St._'" Comporolle.......,........ C_roI . <- "'SO> ~or , __ Mcmow"" .... cc~_ 'i""""' LAST QUOTE: _"b"p<""'''''maM .... .... Oo>c-n-n<'fIII~"""'''''' s...~", .... and So.""""" lMob) D,1't/CUf< HoIo<;-au.. """ of..... humlln on,nd and _by ,I>< 11,'lc:l S<><"")" and FAU'~ "''''''leek<! '987:88 'e........ ","" ..._ "Y' ,.... appIICaO_' ,..., StWcno~. '0<' ,"" At d' • Y "",n'_" ...0<1 J"',,, 11..bct. 5<''''''''' 01 oI'krcd .... pubI"" the ~.•"."') ..onnaafohc •••,_ ,n ,I>< 51...,..", O<»~........'" Lt "" ClOmp ...... ,I>< ,nl"""",. a ~. 01,,,,,,,,,,,,, of ,_ " ...... >C~ M.,~ - .... "'<.I' '''''''p''',_",,,,1 ..._, .., "lffC'fi. UC ~.O. Of """"'" )\I}·)140 """"cn"~''''n tt>., ~'- 'd ,.. '" YOU' T blo"b caonp ,n t19H.l'>M)}. ",.....".. ..... "e<y , . hI> .ide: Tl><tIcatJ,,,"' .ppl) "M..) 1", .. ~ e"" ,I' ,II",n .'h. .... 1'<lWo<I.... h""h ..", ""me<! _" by """"" ...It pencl """,.t><n ".""'" .., . "'1>0 "If",,"" ~. of I." I'"till)". ,p<l<~,n "> p.m, r"" II>< ",m,,. "''In, "'wau. when 'h.y ,. Qe ,nlll pri..-" SM ".". ... 'M ro '" 'I"'~~ a. I<...~ ... 'M) ... ,-1><.1 M~lan'" Rae Sm"h ".,111>< <:<>1\,,"".... lhrcu",h Ch ch eh '>an'],ug" H"""""'''' Me""",",al We<'k. 1><1<1 b>t on ...." -<"If"""~' a. b,JolO<- m-Ch""lof See SAVAGE loc.. ,h...,.<1'" ·h -h eh· week a' F ... U·. Iloa ""'''flU.' See HOLOCAUST 'M olJl""'ie S.... ehonllmg_ Tl>e H<>Ioc-_,. .........dolph H,de", Fi,>, .... i,. ~",~,nm~n ...1 al~nd>. page 2 ··Fi...' SnI..1I0.... ,,, ""lui' 1><",,11«1 ''''' page 2 ""}', Abb<'U .. ,,, ··Io"~ ..' all ....h""'" Davtd Baw,.. 'Ci,,-mqes' ..le""'''' pmI>Ic:m .....ftcr y<'a<> of ri.· Last Issue• until May 6 The Sun staff wishes you an enriching summer for'''''-<·..,.,.'''' ....p ,, ..,_"'" H~, .h<>uIal. Th"". w.... ARTS ,he..." ....,.,... <,\<, nne .. _ ,1><.. 10-,," from page d,,,,,,"'_' """cd "," ·'fn,,,lo,,. f"'" ...11 "'" y",,~~ h..."I.) \.: News Shelf _.·· ... ,he: .._ .....-...f~ lIy,.,...,eal ..,..,~ ""It ~ , POl _.""",""'.-..~- ~ -..I col~.", All 11" k>, .......... L1"",,"""" YP"'ro<I$ Jon ,u,," the H"",e.." .•',er d,......."njl .."h fa/I_ Llc<;l'''''' n'QI<' .._Ill ,.......,,) ...",,""'ll""' _ ocnn-"""""''''''""'....,~ ...ok,_ , I flo)d.......,".. "u" ,he: "'~lqc', ",nN. 1"""""'. ""1.1 <>rpn"."""..1 """"",,~ , ...,.j -.polc""""", f... '''CUI,> ..od 'J"'''I..,''I' .."h ll><'""" .. "'­ """",n,...tid L1 ...(....... Ie".,. '" huoJ¥Cl ,I>< ""'c Y"M'" U""N I ""YII, ,~ 1"""'''''''''1. '...nn\: ,h., ,I",,, ..,.....,..1 hod r1anncd '0 ..I",,, "'" . 'hoo'p''''1hrcal Jazz educator reveals techniques "'"c''' '0 ..,j""n,"",'"",·, pllfch.'",g """,d~ CI.) ~'~",man '"')'. .u,,"'''', '"1"''''><) '''''.'.r I"",.II...-"on' <kp""",~n'. IX,,,, G<c<:' '~)" "'I.", "11" ,h~ ~,d'OJIc "f h""''''''''''1 ". ralney",old ''''''''''9 "'""'0"' ",-,holo, In ""'$'C, w,ll p,.. ",,,,Ill I>c: ""ncclled "';,h"", 'he "'" ,,,,,,,,,IIh') unde'I"',d. ", ,''''''I''''cd ....n' a public lec1UI.

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