VOL. VIII. MASON. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1883. NO. 51. Girl '^Viuiluil. Ford, tlin lla/,n»r Mnn'H T.ociil'a. Invitatioii's aro out Ibr a grand prome- The lecture delivered at tho Hubbard Jitijliain Counli^ Jlemocrai nude ball at Rayiier opera house, Deo. Ill, Rchool house on Thursday evening last, by To do general, housework in small family. Next Siiturday we will 0|ioii up tho nest New Year's Fvo. under the auspices of tho Miss Edna M. Gunnison, is reported' aa a Kiiquiro at onco at G. G. Mead's, opposite line nf Gold Pens. Pen Holders, Pencils, Mason Social Orchestra. vory able and scholarly efi'^Drt. Miss Gun• the Donnelly lloiiae. Tooth Picks, Ear Spoons, etc., in the city, nison has a fine presence, herdidivery easy, all nianiifaetnrod by H.' M. Smith & Co., New floor havo been placed in Iho clerk's .1. I>. Swart 3B. G- ISXJniTT and forcible. The reasons given "Why wo N. Y., and warranted equal to any goods and judge of probate's ollicos in the court Sells Bulk Oysters $1.00 leor gallon; hy the should bo educated" were numerous and made, at Ford's Bazaar. is .SELI.l.N'G house. Some niiicli needed file ease.s are quart 2oc. Standard cana 20c. coiielusivo and wore within the comprehen• Wo have juat ruceived a lino of Nickel also soon to bo placed in the clerk's oflioe. :i poiiiida good Crackers 20c. HITE SUGAU sion of tlie boys and girls, to who in the Watches, warranted perfect lime keepern. For So Kalamazoo Celery, por doz. Jioo, W greater part of her leotnro was addresaod. Call and see them, at Ford's Bazaar. The DE.MOCRAT noted last week thn ar• 1 I LBS LIGHT VELLOW SUGAR A good stock of Groceries, as cheap as Tho nnillitiide t.hat visits our store nnd rest of Win. Apployard, tho woman ho lives J iJ. Em-it 1.00 tho cheapest. the amount of goods wn .sell cnnvinecs us with, and Geo; F. Rayinoiid; charged with IIIINIIICNN I..o«;alN. E.ST MICH. LEGAL TEST KEROSENE OIL . Caali paid for Produce,.Hidca, Pelts, Fur and everybody else that Ford's Bazaar is tho murder of MoGee, at Ijiinsing last fall, B and Game. tho plaoo lo buy Holiday Goods. gQ^ MATCHES The exniuinatioii of tlie trio was completed Jtoliday Good!. ]'\ir 2c Siiociiil lliirKiiliia lit .Suyurs l*lielpH* at Lansing the first of the week and result• SARAW it BABCOOK'S. LBS. BEST BUTTEK CRACKERS at for tho Next 80 Days. Money refunded lo Seo What Cash Will Do ! Kor16c ed in the aec iiittal of Appleyard and the 3 Spoclitl i^iili) Next Siitiirdiiy iind Mnmliiy, the purchaser of Granuhiled .Sugar 9o, LBS. IJKLAND'S SOPA woman, and Haymond being hold for trial. Good Raisins lOo, Kor Oc We will liavo a special salo of Hanging Every 20th Whip sold. 2 White Sugar 8Ac, Lamps next Saliirday and Monday, at pri• Every '20lh Cross-cut Saw .sold, oon ElNE OUT TOBACCO Win. Moe of Alaiedon, has caused a Delaiul'a Soda 5c, Forli.'Jc warrant to he issued, charging H.E. Ton- ces never before heard or thought of. Evory 20lh Axe sold, G Extra C Sugar Sc, liy DIEEEIIES'T inXDS PLUG TOllAOGO, ney, a former sewing niiicliine agent in thia IIoWAitD it Sox. Every 20tli Pocket Knife sold, WliterWhiteOil 18c I / Eor7c per Cm city, but now riiiiniug a bazaar at Fonloii- Every '20th pai» of Skates sold. Mich. Legal Teat Oil 15o, C\ LBS. GOOP CANNED GOItN ville, with false pretenses. If Mr. Moo'a Mustard hy the quart nt Every 20t.h Hand Sled sold. ^ For 10c Every 20th Siring of Bella sold. Smoking Tobacco, good, 20e, story ia true Tennoy deserves to ho punish• A. IJ. VANPEIICOOK'S. y lbs Crackers, best, 20o, rt LIIS. GOOIl CAN PIE PEACHES ed but as ho had not boon arrealed up to Or every 20lh artiolo mentioned iu tho Sottlo U|> for 18S.(, Vail itCrane|boxCraGkors,22c ,3 KortOc last night we have not hoard his side of the above given awav. LBS. GOOD I'AN TOJIAT'OES All notes nnd nceouiit.s due must bo pnid 40o Chewing Tobacco :!5c, For 10c case. SAYKKS it PllELPS. 3 LB. BIRD SEEO sure by January Ist, ISS-l. 50c Cliewiiig Tobacco 45c, 1 For 7c Reineinber lliat no orders Ibr prnniiuma WEIIR it MEAD, Clothiers. All kinds of Weather Strips for Doors Plug Tobacco, a cut, 8e, LB. OE TIIE B|.;ST .lOc TEA IS MICH. and Windows, at SAVERS & PIIKI.PS. For 4.10 awarded at the last ineoting of the Ingham All l.lio r.iitost .styles Best Flint Lamp Chiinnoy3,5c 1 county ngriciiltural society can be givoii 1,1! OE THE BE.ST ODc TEA IK JIICII. Of Millinery Goods at Fuller's. Deland's Saleralus 7o, EoriWc out liy tlio seoretaiy after .Tan. ,1, ISS'l. DEO. 18, ISSs! • 1 This ia to certify that 1 bought the 20th Canned Corn 1 On, •J^EW SALT PORK There are quite a largo number still un• Next 8iiliir<lity Canned Lima Beans 10c, For 8c called for and it is probalild that tlioao to Axe at Sayers it Phelps', and iiccording to Our store will be open from 7 a. m. to 10 their advertisement the axe I pui'chased Matches, SOO in box, 2c, Qf- LBS. ALllA FLOUR whom ihcy helonj intend donating tliein to p. ni. We want you all to come to tho big Best 50c Tea in Mich..l5c 'it) For V-lc was presented to mo williout charge. llu! society, as a largo number have already salo. C. S. CLARK. 5lwl IJ. K. STUoNr;, Dansville. done ao. E. N. Wii.Klxs. Oro.ioi'iwH I.OCAI. .4!VU OKIXKRAL KKWS. Itobo.s (if :illv.]ry Uesurliitlon. ?f«tli;« I Kiiltflita of Iloiior. E. L. Beech, a umii engaged in sawing: Sold Cheap at Saraw it Babcock's. Goods wood lor the niilroad company in this city, ElcgaiiJ line of .Tapaneso Wolf, Buffalo Next regular meeting of Aroadiiin Lodge delivered to any part ol the city. No. Olil, will be held December 'a-tlh, 1883, "iMerry Christmas" next Tuesday; waa tried before .Iiislice llyaii Tuesday and Lap liobes, tliat I will sell cheaper than evening for cruelty to animals, ho being Nle« .Siillct- Kronr. the same quality can be bought elsewhere. at 7 o'clock p. in. There will be an election of odieoi'S, and oilier importniil business. lloail niir Christinas page on inside. cliarged with iiiimeroiluUy pniiiidiiig, heal• At A. 1;. VAXDEUUOOIV'S. I moan busiiieas. C. F. Bitow.v. ing and kicking a linrao. .Iiulge Oillain ably Let evory niembor be present, Itemuinlior 100 Pieces Sivvf I'rlnta V. W. Wohli's holiday groiilinj; appears cniidiieted the ease lor tho people, but S. R. CuRRY, Dictator. At 4 cents on Saturday ; all day. in iiiiolher eoliiiiiii. Beech was acquitted. Both .(uatice ftyaii that thoao h.^rgiiins in Platform Wagons C. S. CL.uik. Michigan Legal Teat Oil :fi,r 121c per aiui Mr. Gillam considered the teslimniiy only lasl iiO days longer. JNO. LASEXBY. •gallon al A. |j. VA.VIIERCOOIC'S. See nntiec ln ineinhcrs ol'Arcadian Tjodgo lis given, insullieieiil. But sinco the trial A. 1.. Vaiiilcrcoi.k Will .Sell in another cohiniii. With Traiialer paper you can stamp any Fiiriiitiire. evidence has heen brouglii to light llml number of patterns, one sheet will last for 15 pounds Sugar for - • |il.00 "Tho ICid's Social Glnb," give a ]mrly nt allows that he certainly deserved to he con• Mixed Caiiilioa for 15e por pound, S. p. Stroud & Soii'a ia the place to buy years. ' J. L. FULLER. Parliliiirst liall this cvoiling. victed. ^ Nice Miiico Meat lOc per pound. your Furniture. Good goods cheap. Gront ItiiHli at tliu 'Sew llaziiiir. One box of Crackers: for I8c, , Dr. A. D. Salisbury of Midland City, waa Wool GoodH. KCIKI in iinollmr column wlmt cash will Ho, everybody I Cliriatiniia is Coining. Bird Seed 7c per package, in the cily last week niul made arrange- The biggest ssles of Wool Gooda over do al L. K. Strong's, IJailsvillo. Now is the time to secure Proseiils ut the Nice Syrup, 50o per giilloii, meiita lo locate here. lie called oil the known ia the history of -Mason, and at pri• Now, Bazaar. DoLund'a Soda, 5c per pound UE.MOCRAT while hero and wo round him a Saraw .t Bnlicooh advertise groceries Gloss Starch, Sc per pound, ces to aatonish the iiativea, at very pleasant gonllemaii. Ilis family will Everything New, Everything Cheap, at and confectionc-rv in onr locals. Lantern Globes, lOe each. C. S. CLARK'S. arrive here next week and will occupy llie the New Bazaar. Canned Corn, lOcpercan, ]•''. C. Wooilworlli of Leslie, will lecture residoiioe formerly owned by .1. A. I'owler, A large lino of Lamps just received, Road G. W. Glynn's adverlisonieiit. Pie Peaches, lOe per can. at tho ITubbiird selinol house to.night. on enat Asli street. warranted to liurii a barrel of oil without Fariiinrs, filling, lit the Ne\y Bazaar. Smoking Tobacco, 20c per pound, The result of the past few weehs has E. G. Hunt wants your Poultry—turkeys Tho next mitioiinl republican coiiVeutiou A complete lino of Glassware ; Pickle Finn Cut 'Tobacco, -lOe por pound, thorouglily convinced several Mason busi- nnd chick.s, on foot; live weight. will ho held at Chicago, June H, ISSl. Oiabes 5o, Honey Disliea 15c, at the New IG Difi'd'oiit Kinds Plug Tobacco at 7o iieaa men that money invested in iudicipiia Bazaar.
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