THE STUDENT VOICE Vol. 4, No.7 TheStudentVoice, Inc. 6 Raymond Street, N.W., Atlanta 14, Ga. December 9, 1963 IN 'TERRIBLE' TERRELL Jury Frees NI G H T RID ERS ~L!~~~~PI~F~e ~~~;P~~;;EE~~~~~;;~ acy to depnve !lve Negroes of their civil rights, were set free here by a Federal jury. SH 0 OT W0 RKE R The five were accused of beat- ;:::=---------'­ ing five civil r ights workers ar­ DA WSON, GEORGIA - p_ 33- --'- rested in Winona, Mississippi year-old woman barely missed after they entered a white rest death here early Sunday morning room at a bus station there. December 8, when'night, ri,d,eris \ , State highway patrolman John bombed her house. L. Basinger, MontgomeryCounty Mrs. Carolyn Daniels, a Daw­ Sheriff Earle Wayne Patridge son beautician, received a bul­ and Winona Police Chief Thomas let wound in her left foot when J. Herod, Jr., all claimed they shots were fired. at her home were innocent of the seven charg­ late Saturday night. e s brought against them by the While she was at a hospital - Justice Department. waiting for treatment for her Former state highway patrol­ injuries - a bomb exploded in man Charles Perkins and Winona her home, making it "a total policeman William Surrell were wreck." also charged with beating the Ne­ As late as Sunday afternoon, groes. Mrs. Daniels still carried the The Justice Department called bullet in her !eft foot and shot­ six witnesses, including four of gun pellets in her right leg. the Negro complainants, and two She said a doctor called by FBI agents. ,hospital authorities to treat her June Johnson, Euvester Simp­ never arrived. son, Rosemary Freeman, and Mrs. Daniels was one of the BOMBED OUT-- Lawrence Guyot, all testified that .first pawson citizens to open they had been beaten in the Win­ Mrs. Carolyn Daniels, Dawson, Ga., vote worker, points to damage her home toSNCC voter registra­ ona jail. done to her home by a night rider's bomb. Rider's bullets wounded tion workers. With their aid - Mrs. Daniels in the left foot. (Photo by Cochran, Studios; Albany, Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer told and often by herself - she has Ga.) CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ma;;pged to keep interest in vot­ ing high in "terrible" Terrell Matthews told newsmen at that County. meeting "We are a little fed up In t 'NO ,leeks in November, with this voter registration busi­ Mrs. Daniels and two SNCC work­ ness. We want our colored people ers - Rober': Cover and Wendy to go on living like they have for Wolter Gets Two Years Mann- were able to 3et 45 r-:e­ the past 100 years." groes to apply for the registra- with the jury's findings. Allen's Mrs. Daniels' home has been Three Others Indicted tion test. attorney, C.B. King, of Albany, fired on once before, OnSeptem­ indicated that he would appeal. On Noverriber 22, 33 Negroes ber 6, 1962, night riders shot AMERICUS, GEORGIA - An all Allen, SNCC field workers applied. Thirty passed the test. nto her home, wounding SNCC white male jury deliberated four Donald Harris and John Perdew. workers Jack Chatfield, Prathia hours before returning a "gUilty" and Thomas McDaniel an Am er­ Mrs. Daniels has set up citi­ Hall and Ct.,is Allen. verdict against white SNCC field icus Citizen, were indicted here zenship schools in Dawson to On September 9, tvvo churches secretary, Ralph Allen. last week by a Sumter County give potential voters instruction - both used for voter regIstra­ Allen was charged with "as­ ::;rand jury. They were all charg­ in Georgia's voting test. tion meetings - were burned to sault with intent to murder" ed with "assault with intent to Terrell County received na­ the ground. Patrolman John W. Alford of murder" and "resisting arrest," tional attention on July 25, 1962, On September 17, another Americus during an anti- segre­ All four were released from when county sheriff Z.T. Mat­ church was burned. gation demonstration here last jail after 68 days behind bars thews and 12 armed, cigar smok­ On September 3, 1962, Sasser summer. Judge T. L. Marshall in early November when a three- ing white men broke into a vot­ immediately sentenced Allen to CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 ing meeting in a Sasser church. two years in iail in compliance Page 2 December 9, 1963 STl.!DENT VOICE NEGRO LEADERS DISCUSS D. C. GA THERING DEA LS the court that she was kicked by Sheriff P artridge after he yanked DIRECTION Of MOVEMENT WITH 'fOOD AND JOBS' her off a bus in front of the bus station in Winona. She testified WASHINGTON , D.C. - - Over that she had remained on the bus WASHINGTON, D.C. Ir.= 300 workers for the StudentNon­ while her four companions enter­ creased civil rights organization violent Coordinating Committee ed a segregated lunch room. despite President Kennedy's as­ assembled here November 29 sassination, redoubled demands through Dec. 1, for a leadership All five were arrested on of the federal government, and the conference on "Food and Jobs." charges of disorderly conduct. role of white students in the civil Noted author James Baldwill Annell Ponder, a field secre­ rights movement, were among and Bayard Rustin, Deputy Di­ tary for the Southern Christian the topics given wide discussion rector of the August 28 March Leadership Conference, testified at the Thanksgivingweekendcon­ on Washington, delivered the that three of the defendants beat ference of the Student Nonviolent opening and closillg keynote spee­ her in the Winona city jail on Coordinating Committee. ches. June 9. She said, "And I'm not James Forman, Executive Se­ The conference addressed it­ Cllmpletely over it yet." cretary of SNCC, told members self to questions of "the econo­ James Harold West. a SNCC of the press at a November 29 - micaepriv afion Of the dtsenfran­ ..Ylurl<er, tolcLthe :m.u:Lhe......'!'lP.-S press conference that, "SNCC chised Negroes of the South," beaten by policemen and two Ne­ will not halt its activities be­ accordillg to SNCC Chairman gro prisoners who were order­ cause of the President's death." John Lewis. "It was an oppor­ ed to beat and kick him. He tunity to examine ill depth some said he was later forced by a No Moratorium Called of the programs available to policeman to sign a statement bring about basic changes in the saying that no bearing took place. "We would be derelict in our econom ic and political system Two Negroes who were in the duty to our people and to Pre­ which holds Negroes enslaved." jail restified rhar rhey had been sident Johnson if we had a mora­ Representatives of the follow­ " paid" a pint and a half of corn torium," Forman said, referr­ ing agencies spoke: the Manpower whiskey for beating West. ing to suggestions that civil rights Development and Training Agen­ Guyot, a SNCC field secretary groups call a halt to demonstra­ cy; National Sharecroppers Fund; told the all-white jury he- wa s rions to give P r e sident Johnson a Migrant Health Section of the U.S. "kicked, punched, and beaten with chance to prove himself. Department of Health, Education a slapjack" when he went to "Where Mr. Kennedy, because and Welfare; Industrial Union De­ Winona to post bond fo r West of his record and past actions partment of the AFL- CIO: U.S. and the women. GUyot sajd in the civil r ights field, might Rur al Ar eas DevelopmentAgen­ Sheriff Earle Par tridge or­ have slipped by with words and cy; U.S. Congress House Educa- dered him to "ger out of Winona promises, Mr. J ohnson, being a Bayard Rustin tion and Labor Committee; Je­ and stay gone" but he was stopp­ Texan, will have to prove him­ wish Labor Comm ittee;U.S. Civil ed by highway patrolman Basing­ self to Negroe s and liberals by ~--------------i Rights Commission; and Wor kers er and knocked down because he his actions,''' Forman said. Defense League. refused to say "sir" to the of­ " T he government did not call Federal Intervention Conference delegates and ficer. m oratorium on government, agency officials joined in work­ activities, and we will not either:' Must B e Forced shops following speeches to con­ Then, said Guyor, he wa sforc­ he continued. sider technical questions of irn- ed to disrobe and was beaten ill The role of the federal govern- provillg the economic condition of the sheriff's office before he wa s ment in--advancing the civil I'ighrs - the NegI"o.- .::.bhey discussed the jailed for disturbing the peace. Baldwin Al{rees movement received attention utilization of federal program s, - FBI agents - toOk rhe stand-to James Baldwin, delivering the from Bob Moses, Director of many of which are segregated introduce photographs showing opening keynote speech, agreed SNCC'S Mississippi Vote Drive and discriminatory at the local injuries to the five. One agent stating that "the events of the for the past three years. Moses level. testified he had examined a blood­ last ten days have done nothing asserted that the experience of Conference&legates included stained shirt won by Miss John­ to alter our determination." SNCC workers in the hard core SNCC field secretaries and work­ son while she was under arrest. Commenting on the assassina­ areas of the South showed that ers,' adults and high school stu­ If convicted, the defendants tion, Baldwin said. "Ke~edyw!ls the only hope for Negroes lay dents from local SNCC projects, might have received seven years killed because he broke the long­ in creatillg a situation which southern students from white and sentences and $7,000 fines.
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