Thesday, February 1, 1983 Published by the University of Pennsylvania Volume 29. Number 19 IN BRIEF The Toureador, nicknamed the Indian Fights, i a Goya Draft ... Open Expression: On the February 9 etchingfrom theset of33 on agenda ofUniversity Council are discussions of entitled La Tauromaquia exhibit in the new Arthur Open Expression guidelines and implementa- Ross Gallery. Theset of tion (Almanac 25, and of the January P. 2) was in Mad- to federal etchings printed University's response proposed regu- ridin 1816. Seepage 3. lations which would cut off federal aid to stu- dents who fail to register for the draft. Dr. Thomas Langfitt, vice president for health affairs, and Dr. Barry Cooperman, vice pro- vost for research, give a report on industry- University relations. Nuclear War For the upecoming conference, "Toward Preventing Nuclear War," two key sessions have been scheduled: An address by United Nations Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar on March 24 at Irvine Auditorium Computer Requirement in Religious Studies (time TBA), and a debate March 30 between research. And it will help us do old things more Senators George McGovern and John Warner Computer literacy has been made a require- ment for in studies at efficiently." on the viability of a nuclear arms freeze (time graduate degrees relgious For students, he said, the addition of Penn, a vote of the administrative commit- compu- and place TBA). by ter skills, will make them "more in tee ofthe Graduate in Studies. competitive Oral The Board to the Vice Group Religious a market them with skills History Advisory with those who enter in tightjob by providing Provost for University Life has a Starting September other candidates won't have." begun project 1984, candidates for the master's and doctorate necessarily to collect on tape the history of women at the over the must demonstrate computer literacy to win the University past six decades. Starting DeBeauvoir In 1984 with interviews with alumnae of the 'twenties, degree. Although humanities scholars in many An open meeting will be held Thursday, February the Oral is interested in three fields now use computers, religous studies is History Project in 3, for faculty, students, and staff who may wish to kinds of contributions from the University believed to be the first humanities program contribute to the 1984 conference on the the U.S. to maketheir a University's community: interviewees! narrators; loansand! conquest requirement. life, work and influence of Simone deBeauvoir. "It will be treated as a skills requirement or donations of supporting materials (books, The conference, to be held April 11-13 next year, similar to the papers, photos, diaries, etc.); and interviewers existing language requirements," marks three anniversaries: Mme. deBeauvoir's 75th said Dr. Robert Kraft, chairman of the the 35th since of The and transcribers. "It is imperative that this pro- birthday, year publication "Just as students are to know Second Sex, and the tenth of the Women's material be gathered in the near future gram. required year very Studies at Penn. while memories of the last 50 are still thelanguages used in scholarly discussion, par- Program years scholars and activists from the U.S and vivid."said Co-chairR. Jean Brownlee, ticularly German and French, they must now Leading Project abroad will be among the Mme. Deanofthe know how to use the computer as a tool of participants-with College for Womenuntil its merger deBeauvoir live-by-satellite to the conference, the into the School ofArts and Sciences. Co-chair scholarly purposes." first of its kind to which she has consented to To for the next fall, the open Christie Hastings of649-1261 orStaff Assistant prepare change by herwork and encourage hercolleagues andfriends to studies will a cam- Liz Greco of Ext. 6404 offer additional infor- religious program begin join. Chairing the project is Dr. Deirdre Bair of mation. paign to expand its comptuer facilities to English, with a steering committee of Dr. Lance accommodate more users, seeking funds from Donaldson-Evans of Romance Languages; Dr. Betsy United Final: The record total Way for the 1982 outside organizations and foundations. Erkkila of English; Dr. Michele Fine of Women's United Donor on the Way Option Campaign It will also start instruction for department Studies;CarolTracy of the Women's Center, Provost campus is $113,405. On page 2, the President faculty members who may not yet be well Thomas Ehrlich and Mary Perot Nichols of Com- munications. The conference coordinator is and Provost thank 69 offices and departments versed in computer usage. Dr. Kraft, who was Nancy in which 50 percent or more the members an initiator of for Moses. computer usage projects The starts at 4:30 in. in Room B-I of the contributed. the International meeting p. sponsored by Organization Graduate School of Fine Arts. Express Mall Box: The U.S. Post Office has for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (formed to installed a drop box for express mail infrontof link international scholarly research onancient INSIDE the Girard Bank Building at the corner of36th Jewish texts), predicts that the use of compu- " and Walnut Streets, on the Walnut Street side. ters will expand scholarly challenges for mem- From Senate Chair. A Fable, p.2 The envelopes and labels necessary for USPS bers of the department. "They will reconsider " 01 Record: FAS Dean's Swch, p.2 " overnight express can be obtained free of doing projects theyhad wanted to do, but time A Gallery at Fumees, p.3. " chargefrom the University Mail Service, P-24l would not permit. I foresee the department's Preliminary Report on R..nrollm.nt and Attrition, 4-5 FBA/16, Ext. 8665. taking on new, exciting projects in humanities pp. To the University Community -SENATE Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed From the Chair to this year's United Way! Donor Campaign.$113,405 is thelargest amount ever raised through ourcampus solicitations. We take this opportunity to give special thanks to An Afternoon at Fable) thefollowing offices and departments having 50% or Steering (A more of their memberscontributing to thecampaign. There was a President who as Central ofOne Universe in Afro American Studies Legal Studies Supreme Authority regulated heavenly Annual each ministered to GivingLippincottLibrary harmony its thirteen principalities (diminished later in his wisdom to twelve), Alumni RelationsL.R.S.M. further by an archangel dean. But the Supreme President tired of divine intervention, which AnvilClub Management & intensive effort, so he the best face on the deans to while Archives Technology Program required put abandoning Autonomy, Certified Science clamored for more at the Employee Military providing for their needs with a manna called subventions. But each Benefits Specialist Museum Library expense of the others, so the Supreme President decreed that Each Tub must be On Its Own Cardiology Section Office, Res. Maintenance Bottom, the whole the Invisible Hand of Adam Smith, rather than his own, Career Planning & Planned Giving Heavenly guided by Placement President'sOffice into an Preserve which he had largely withdrawn. At this, One Universe degenerated Ecological Chaplain's OfficeProvost's Office with a dozen predators feeding on a common prey called students, regulated not by the Divine Civil & Urban Engineering Purchasing Hand, or even the Invisible One, but the claws of Volterra's Lecons sur la :héorie mat Community Leadership Radiation Safety by hématique Wharton Recreation the President had decreed that for each student Community delaluttepour la vie. For as a final gesture Supreme Education Program Registrar captured there would be a bounty called tuition which a dean's principality would need to survive. Dentistry LibraryResearchAdministration ResearchMedicine the students cried unto the President was it not for usthat this heaven was Dermatology Then Supreme saying, Development Systems& Secretary's Office created and all its paths of wisdom? Our deans have fenced us in lest we stray and through the Research Social Work Library enrich another; we no marvel at the fullrichness ofOne Universe which now lies Dining CommonsStoufferDining bounty may longer Director of Student Financial Aid in But the deans said, the restrictions are made because true wisdom comes of one Development pieces. knowing Engineering Support Telephone Service piece well, and besides, we allow some excursions. The students replied, your mouths are where Service University Comp Canter Act-Terminals your money is. And thestudents asked that the Supreme President reassemble in divine harmony Entrepreneurial deans Executive Education U.M.I.S. the pieces ofOne Universe, or failing that, he hold a yearly divine Yom Kippur reckoning for Facilities Development Treasurer toanswer for howthey had treated theirstudents, even as the students were called to account many FacultyClubDevelopment and Alumni AdministrationRelations timeseach year. But the Supreme President said, sinceall my creatures truly believe in what benefits his own So the Fine Arts LibraryHuman Resources them, how shall we reckon, for every dean will have acted honestly after beliefs. General Honors Program (Personnel) students answered, you have created a body which can pass all judgments called the Council, Graduate Faculty OperationalServices of course don't listen to it. Let it So One Universe was on the Health CareWharton Communications although you always judge. put Administration liked best. Program heavenly Council's agenda to decide which model ofadministration it Hill Hall DiningWharton Computer Center Human Resources Center Wharton Duplicating Institute of Contemporary Wharton Evening School Art Wharton Executive MBA InsuranceWharton Magazine International Programs Wharton Undergraduate International Services Word Processing Center LawSchool Dining -Sheldon Hackney: President Thomas Ehrlich. Provost OF RECORD Final Report of theConsultative Committeeon the Search for a Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences The Consultative Committee on the Search for a Dean ofthe Faculty Philosophical Society. Stress was placed on Pennsylvania's commitment of Arts and Sciences first convened on April 27, 1982.
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