Section SIXTY-THIRD YEAR BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, M AY 1, .1930' NUMBER 17.ti Queen Cecelia P ar ent-Teacher s Buchanan Choral Club Send Delegates to Go to 3 Oaks Tuesday State Convention The members of; the Buchanan Choral Club will, rehearse at Three Mrs.- J. R. Semple and Mrs. C. Oaks Tuesday evening, May 6th. D. Arnold left Wednesday by train There will be no practice1 in Bu­ for Muskegon as delegates of the chanan Monday evening. Mush-Room local Parent-Teacher Association at the state convention of'that-or­ Bf Haws ganization which is being held How that the flowerlets deck the thez-e the last three days of the EMORY FERRY lea present week. And sportsmen seek the muska- Last Showing of Blossom (Chicago Resort Firm Plans --------- o---- =— Mrs. C. D. Arnold is Re- lunge> Revue at Twin City <>n Establishment on the Elected to Post of It is the time for you and me Monday Night. To hunt the button and the sponge. West Side. IN COLLISON President. To take our basket in our hand .100 FLOATS ENTERED- COMPLETED BY JUNE I MEN HOSTS TO MEETING And search the lawn, the village LEG SHATTERED WHEN MO­ dump Phil Hanlin is Awarded Smith Lot Sate is Placed in Hands TORCYCLE COLLIDES Ray Miller Gives Talk* oil For fungi edible that stand Prize for Clever * of Chicago Realty WITH TRUCK. About the rotted orchard stump. The SubJect of “Mental The toadstool beckons full o f guile, Design. Firm. Emory Ferry, 22, incurred a Hygiene.” But what is that that we should compound fracture of tlie upper care? Buchanan’s anticipation of a Work will be started Monday on Tlie Buchanan Parent-Teachers For death comes now or after­ glimpse of royalty over the week the construction of a concrete and bone of his left leg just above the association will remain under tlie while. end was eclipsed by the tidings steel pavilion at Clear Lake Woods knee Friday when the motorcycle same leadership for the next that Queen Cecilia Eisenhart and oh the west side of Clear Lake, to on which he was travelling south­ school year, as a result of the an­ And life is tame unless we dare. her cortege would not disband un­ 'be completed by June 1, for J. N. ward on Days Avenue collided nual election held Monday even­ We'll sometimes cast a casual til Sunday and that none of the Schlcsser & Sons of Chicago. Ralph Wegner and L. Daggett with the American Express com­ ing, when Mrs. G. D. Arnold was glance girls would be granted a respite The pavilion is to be 62x55 fee|; Receive Salesmen pany truck at the intersection of again chosen president, with vir­ Where lovers loiter two by two; from the more or less breathless in dimension. It will contain a that street with Roe Street. Her­ tually the same corps of aides, We understand they take a chance round of activities, to visit their dance floor, dining room, soda Awards. bert Shreves, the driver of the homes over the week end. fountain and luncheon service, Other officers named ■■were*; vice On finding mush-room too, truck, had started to drive out president, Mrs. Leon Campbell; According to the revised sched­ ladies and gentlemen’s dressing LEAD AM. ELEC. BIST. of Roe Street onto Days Avenue, rooms, public toilets, a grocery after first pausing to ascertain second vice president, Harold C. Missi Mae Mills ule the royal party will enu their store. Bathing suits and boats Bradfield;. secretaz’y, Miss Ebbert; state tour at Grand Raven Sunday, Prosperity in Buchanan is that the street was clear of cars. treasurer, Mrs.. Glenn Haslett. and will then give another show­ for rent will be kept in stock. Attested by Sales He was unable to see the ap­ Made Secretary of The building is to be of a new proaching motorcycle on account Ghaiz-men of committees for Quo ing of the Blossom Revue at the type of construction only recently Success. coming year are: members!-'p, Liberty Theatre at Benton Har­ of parked cai*s, until he was into Mrs. M. H, McKinnon’ ’WE**in County W . C. T. U. bor nest Monday evening. The brought into use, and will be en­ the avenue. He halted his truck, tirely of reinforced concrete and Congratulations arc being re­ Mrs. J. R. Semple; hospitality, party will stay Friday and Sat­ thinking* that Ferry would ride in Mrs. Frank Habicht; publicity, The Woman’s Christian Temper­ urday in Grand Rapids. The deci­ steel. The dance floor well be of ceived this week at the offices of front of him. The latter, however, X special composition with a glass tlie Indiana & Michigan Electric apparently thought that the truck Mrs. E, H. Ormiston. ance Union met Friday afternoon, sion to make a second showing The men of the organization Apr. 25, at the home of Mrs. J. E. finish. Company here, as a result of the would keep going and that he followed a ’number of requests to success of the lOGal salesmen in were in charge of the meeting, E. Arney. that effect. It is understood that The sale of lots has been placed would go behind it. As a result of leading the 42 districts of the the misunderstanding, the motor­ H. Ormiston acting as chairman, .During the business session, a the Revue has been greatly altered in the hands of the Interstate Realty Company of Chicago. The American Electric Company in the cycle struck the side of tlie truck, a committee of men being in report o f the County Convention and; improved since the first show­ extent in zzbich they exceeded charge of the refreshments. ing in the1 Twin City and Niles two management of the resort have Ferry's leg* being pinned between which had been held April 15, in their quota in the spring electric the two machines. The business meeting was held Benton Harbor, was given. This weeks; ago. started the regular spring clean-up and. are hauling sand for the bath­ range sale drive. in the Junior high. After the 'com­ convention was attended by Mae Over TOO Floats Entered He was taken to Pawating hos­ Tlie charcoal sketch of Miss Cecilia Eisenhart, queen of the 1930 ing beach. The greater part of the Messi*s. Ralph Wegner and pital at Niles, where it was found pletion of the business meeting, Mills, local president. Mrs W. D. With May 7 set as: the closing the association adjourned *.to the Hayes, Mrs: W, F. Runner, who Blossom Fete, which is reproduced above was drawn in 1929 by John cottage owners were at the resort Leonard Daggett of the local of­ that the bone of the upper leg bad date for flo'at entries it is consid­ over the week end preparing their fice were also lionoi*ed by pi*izes been badly shattered, the fracture auditorium, where the program has been recording secretary for ered assured that over 100 en­ ICoch, at that time a student at the University of Michigan, and now was held. Ray Miller of the .man­ the county for the past three year's summer homes for the vacation Of §75. and 860 for attaining first extending down into the knee. tries will parade on May 10. The completing his art education in Paris. The, sketch was made in the seasons. and second positions among* the Physicians in chai*ge stated that ual training department- gave a was succeeded by a lady from Ben­ floats will be more beautiful than very interesting and instructive ton Harbor and Miss Mae1 Mills course of an hour during n visit made by Miss Eisenhart and a friend --------- o--------- salesmen of the Ind: & Mich, dis­ it would not be necessary to amp­ ever this year, according to Cass tinct, the former selling 41 ranges utate the limb, but that the young address on “Mental Hygiene.” was elected county treasurer for Rutkowskie, chairman o f the float at Koch's studio on a Sunday afternoon. Koch recognized Miss Eiscn- Florence Keller the ensuing year, 'Miss Mills gave and the -latter, 39 ranges. man would very likely have a per­ Music was furnished by the Boys committee, who estimates that ov­ liart's rare beauty and secured the privilege1 of painting a full-length The bulletin issued from the manently stiff knee as a result of Glee Club, directed by Mi'. Hyink. the report of the work of the lo­ er 525,000 will be spent in float Expires Saturday; cal, UiiiQh during the past year. study in Oils, which now hangs; in a Detroit art gallery. headquarters of the American. the accident. Miss Ethel Rochenbach, director of decoration. EIectz*ic company in New York -------------— o ----------— girls physical education, introduc­ Mrs. Kate Wilder, one of the The committee in charge has re­ W as Sick 2 Yrs. ed a group of girls who gave a national W. C. T. U. speakers was City has the following to say: Rev. Hayes Talks served the right to reject any “Indiana & Michigan should cer­ demonstration o f the work of the present at the convention and float whose design does not fit in department. A second group of spoke at the afternoon, and even­ Trap Shooting is Florence May Keller, daughter tainly be proud of Riley & Co., with the general idea o f the pag­ who let it be known that Buchan­ to H. S. Assembly girls in costume then demonstrated ing sessions. eant, and is endeavoring to elimi­ of Frank and Alta Weatherwax Resumed at Grounds Keller, was boi*n in Buchanan an is an 'up and atem’ town.
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