May 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 One of the things that we’ve initiated in the way of those trying to practice their in Washington is the Faith-Based and Com- faith to heal open hearts, but to stand side munity-Based Initiative, which says to peo- by side with them, and Geoff Davis under- ple of faith, you can apply for Federal grant stands that. money so that you can help heal broken So I’ve come to northern Kentucky to hearts, and you don’t have to lose the core support this good man and to ask you to of your mission. And we ought to have continue to support him. He’s making a people in the United States Congress who difference in the United States Congress. understand that in order to solve problems, He understands the challenges of the world problems of the heart, that requires a high- in which we face, and he shares the same er power than the United States Govern- sense of optimism that I share, that this ment sometimes to do so. Geoff Davis un- great country of ours can solve any problem derstands that. when we put our mind to it. Send him You know, de Tocqueville came to Amer- back to the United States Congress and ica in the 1830s. He came to America and you’ll be better off for it. observed that America was such a unique Thank you, and God bless. place because of the voluntary associations all across our country, where people would show up to help a neighbor in need. That NOTE: The President spoke at 5:34 p.m. at spirit is still alive in America today, by the the Hilton Greater Cincinnati Airport. In his way. We’ve got people doing millions of remarks, he referred to Pat Davis, wife of acts of kindness on a daily basis, and there Representative Davis; former President Sad- hasn’t been one law that says you’ve got dam Hussein of Iraq; Prime Minister to do it, except for a higher calling. And Junichiro Koizumi of Japan; and Chairman the power of government must not stand Kim Jong Il of North Korea. The President’s Radio Address May 20, 2006 Good morning. Earlier this week, I spoke hired thousands more Border Patrol agents, to you from the Oval Office to lay out and caught and sent home about 6 million my vision for reforming our Nation’s immi- illegal immigrants. Yet we have much more gration system. And on Thursday, I went work to do. to Arizona to visit with the men and women So this week, I asked Congress to pro- of the Border Patrol. I wanted to get an vide funding for dramatic improvements in update on their efforts because a secure manpower and technology at the border. America depends on a secure border. We’ll hire thousands more Border Patrol I believe America can be a lawful society agents. And to help these agents do their and a welcoming society at the same time. jobs, we will deploy advanced technologies We must enforce our laws while honoring such as high-tech fences in urban areas, our proud immigrant heritage. So I support infrared cameras, and unmanned aerial ve- comprehensive immigration reform that will hicles. We’ll also draw on the expertise of accomplish five clear objectives. State and local law enforcement in our bor- First, America must secure its borders. der communities and give them new re- Since I became President, we’ve increased sources and training so they can help se- funding for border security by 66 percent, cure our border. 976 15 2010 13:51 Jun 03, 2010 Jkt 211656 PO 00000 Frm 00976 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\211656.021 211656 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / May 20 Putting these new resources in place will pay a meaningful penalty, pay their taxes, take time. To help during this transition, learn English, and work in a job for a num- up to 6,000 National Guard members will ber of years. People who meet these condi- be deployed to our southern border. They tions should be able to apply for citizen- will assist the Border Patrol by operating ship, but approval will not be automatic, surveillance and communication systems, and they will have to wait in line behind installing fences and vehicle barriers, build- those who played by the rules and followed ing patrol roads, and analyzing intelligence. the law. The support of Guard personnel will allow Fifth, we must honor the great American Border Patrol agents to use their skills to tradition of the melting pot by helping new- focus on securing the border. comers assimilate into our society. Ameri- Second, to secure our border, we must cans are bound together by our shared create a temporary-worker program that ideals: an appreciation of our history; re- provides foreign workers a legal and orderly spect for our flag; and the ability to speak way to enter our country for a limited pe- and write in English. We will work to en- riod of time. This program would reduce sure that every new citizen fully embraces pressure on the border, meet the needs our common culture. When immigrants as- of our economy, and allow honest immi- similate, they will advance in our society, grants to provide for their families while realize their dreams, renew our spirit, and respecting the law. And it will help us make add to the unity of America. certain we know who is in our country and Congress is now considering legislation why they are here. on immigration reform. That legislation Third, we need to hold employers to ac- must be comprehensive. All elements of count for the workers they hire by creating this problem must be addressed together a better system for verifying documents and or none of them will be solved at all. The work eligibility. The system should include House started the debate by passing an im- a new tamper-proof identification card for migration bill. Now the Senate should act every legal foreign worker. This card would by the end of this month, so we can work help us enforce the law and leave employ- out the differences between the two bills, ers with no excuse for breaking it. And and Congress can pass a bill for me to by making it harder for illegal immigrants sign into law. to find work in our country, we would dis- We should approach this debate with courage people from crossing the border confidence. America has shown before that illegally in the first place. we can enforce our laws and uphold our Fourth, we must resolve the status of values, and we will do it again. Our Nation millions of illegal immigrants who are al- honors the heritage of all who’ve come here ready here. They should not be given an because we trust in our country’s genius automatic path to citizenship. This is am- for making us all Americans, one Nation nesty, and I oppose it. Amnesty would be under God. unfair to those who are here lawfully, and Thank you for listening. it would invite further waves of illegal im- migration. Some people think any proposal short of NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:45 a.m. mass deportation is amnesty. I disagree. on May 19 in the Cabinet Room at the White There’s a rational middle ground between House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on May automatic citizenship for every illegal immi- 20. The transcript was made available by the grant and a program of mass deportation. Office of the Press Secretary on May 19 but Illegal immigrants who have roots in our was embargoed for release until the broad- country and want to stay should have to cast. The Office of the Press Secretary also 977 15 2010 13:51 Jun 03, 2010 Jkt 211656 PO 00000 Frm 00977 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\211656.021 211656 May 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 released a Spanish language transcript of this address. Statement on the Formation of Iraq’s Government May 20, 2006 I congratulate Prime Minister Maliki on with Iraq as it takes its place among the the formation of Iraq’s new unity Govern- world’s democracies and as an ally in the ment. Iraqis now have a fully constitutional war on terror. government, marking the end of a demo- Today, as Iraqis look to their new Gov- cratic transitional process in Iraq that has ernment, they can be proud that in 3 years, been both difficult and inspiring. This they have progressed from the oppression broadly representative unity Government of a brutal dictator who fomented sectarian offers a new opportunity for progress in divides to an elected government in which Iraq. all Iraqis have a voice. As Iraq’s leaders The new Government reflects Iraq’s di- work together to chart the future of their versity and opens a new chapter in that nation, bringing freedom and security to country’s history. Iraq’s new leaders know the Iraqi people, they make the world a the period ahead will be filled with great safer place for all of us. The sacrifices of challenge. But they also know that they and many of our country’s noblest and bravest their great country will not face them have helped make this day possible. We alone. The United States and freedom-lov- will not forget their contribution to our se- ing nations around the world will stand curity and Iraq’s democracy.
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