WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTÉ EXECUTIVE BOARD EB35/20、 28 November 1964 Thirty-fifth Session » ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Provisional agenda item 5.5.1 REGIONAL СОУПУИТТЕЕ FOR THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN Report on Fourteenth Session The Director-General has the honour to present to the Executive Board the г report on the Fourteenth Session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean"^ which has been established in pursuance of resolution WHA7.35, 2 paragraph 2 (8) in order to harmonize the decisions of Sub-Committees "A" and "в" held respectively in Kuwait, from 3 to 7 October 1964, and in Geneva on 22 and 23 September 1964. 1 document Ем/ней/!!. 2 一 Handbook of Resolutions and Decisions, 7th ed., p.2)8. WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTÉ EB35/20 ANNEX REGIONAL OFFICE FOR THE BUREAU REGIONAL DE LA EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN MEDITERRANEE ORIEMTAbE REGIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE EM/RC14/11 EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN October 1964 Fourteenth Session ORIGINAL: ENGLISH REPORT ON THE FOURTEENTH SESSION OF THE REGIONAL СОЖЕТТЕЕ FOR THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN EM/rci4/ii page i CONTENTS PART I. INTRODUCTION 1 2 General 1 3 Election of Officers .........'........... 2 4 Adoption of the Agenda 2 Voting 2 PART II. REPORTS AND STATEMENTS 1. Annual Report of the Regional Director to the Fourteenth Session 3 of the Regional Committee 5 2. Co-operation with other Organizations arid Agencies PART III.. SUB-DIVISION ON PROGRAMME 56 1. Appointment of Sub-Division' 2. Report on the Discussions PART IV. 1 TECHNICAL ‘ DÍSCUSSÍ OÑS ' '' 1.‘ 9 2. 1 о SubjecInfantilt efo Diarrhoer Technicaa l Discussion..‘..'........s at Future Sessions . PART V.、 OTHER MATTERS 1. Proposal Concerning Commemoration of Late Dr A, T. Shousha .. 11 2. Use of the Arabic' Language in' the' Regional' Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 11 3- Resolutions of Regional Interest adopted by the Seventeenth World Health Assembly and by the Executive Board at its Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Sessions 12 4. Representatives of Sub-Committee A (Rules of Procedure) 12 5. Place of Fifteenth and Sixteenth Sessions of the Regional Commit-bee 12 6. Adoption of Reports of Sub-Committees A and В 12 7. Closure of the Session of Sub-Committee A ........... 12 ANNEX I. Agenda “ ‘ * • • , ^ ANNEX II. List of Representatives, Alternates, Advisers and Observers to Sub-Committee A of the Regional Committee, Fourteenth Session ANNEX 工工I. List of Representatives, Alternates, Advisers and Observers to Sub-Committee В of the Regional Committee, Fourteenth Session EM/RC14/11 page ii Summary of Discussions in Sub-Committees A and В on the Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for 1966 for the Eastern ANNEX IV. Mediterranean Region and Technical Matters ANNEX V. Summary Technical Report - Technical Discussions on Infantile Diarrhoea 一 Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean, Fourteenth Session INDEX OF RESOLUTIONS REGIONAL ССШ1ТТЕЕ FOR THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN FOURTEENTH SESSION Resolution No, ” Page Annual Report of the Regional Director EM/hC14/R.1 4 Hospital Pharmacy and Medical Stores as part of Hospital Administration • • • • m/RClk/R.6 9 Infantile Diarrhoea • EM/RC14/R.7 9 • ‘ • • . Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for 1966 EM/RC14/R.2 • 6 Public Health Aspects of Measles ш/miK/R.^ 7 Public Health Laboratory Service EM/RC14/R.斗. 7 Review of Some Aspects of Medical Education EM/RC14/R.5 8 Co-operation with other Organizations and Agencies Sub-Committee к ............. EM/RC14A/R.8 5 Use of the Arabic Language in the Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Sub-Committee A EM/RC14A/R.9 11 Sub-Committee В EM/RC14b/r.3 12 EM/RC14/11 page 1 PART 工 INTRODUCTION 1- GENERAL Sub-Committee A of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean at its Fourteenth Session met in Kuwait from 3 to 7 October 1964. Sub-Committee В met in Geneva on 22 and 23 September 1964. The resolutions adopted by the Sub-Committees on subjects common to both agenda, except in one case,l were either identical or the same in substance• The present report gives the co-ordinated decisions of the two Sub-Committees and has been prepared for submission to the Executive Board of the World Health Organizat- ion in accordance with Resolution WHA703 and Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure. Sub_Committee A held five plenary meetings and the Sub-Division on Programme met twice. Sub-Committee В held three plenary meetings. Both Sub-Committees held Technical Discussions on "infantile Diarrhoea". The following States were represented:. Sub-C omm i11 e e A Cyprus Qatar (Associate Member) Ethiopia Somalia France Sudan Iran Syrian Arab Republic Iraq Tunisia Jordan United Arab Republic Kuwait United Kingdom of Lebanon Great Britain and Libya Northern Ireland Pakistan Yemen The Government of Saudi Arabia expressed the desire to attend but was not represented. Sub-Committee В Ethiopia Israel France United Kingdom of Great Britain 工ran and Northern Ireland 1 See page 11. EM/RC14/11 page 2 At Sub-Committee A the United Nations, the Technical Assistance Board, the United 1 Nations Children s Fund and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees were represented. Representatives or observers from the League of Arab States, the United States Naval Medical Research Unit No• 3 in Cairo as well as four international non-governmental organizationsl were present. At Sub-Committee В the United Nations and the Technical Assistance Board were represented, and representatives from five non-governmental organizations as well as 1 an observer from the International Children s Centre were present.^ 2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS (Agenda item 2) Sub-Committee A elected its officers as follows : Chairman; Mr Youssef Jassim Hijji (Kuwait) Vice-Chairmen: Dr J. Anouti (Lebanon) H. E. Mr Abdullahi Issa Moha.nmud (Somalia) Dr M. A. W. Shukry (United Arab Republic) was elected Chairman of the Sub-Division of Programme, and Dr Zein El Abdin Ibrahim (Sudan) was elected Chairman of the Technical Discussions• Sub-Committee В elected its officers as follows : Chairman; Dr P. W. Dill-Russell (United Kingdom) Vice-Chairman: Médecin Colonel H. Morin (France) 3. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Sub-Committee A adopted the provisional agenda with the addition of one item. Sub-Committee В adopted the provisional agenda as presented. 4. VOTING The governments represented in both Sub-Committees exercised their right of vote in Sub-Committee A. Other governments exercised their right of vote in the Sub- Committee at which they were represented. 1 See Annex 工工-List of Representatives, Alternates, Advisers and Observers to Sub-Committee A. 2 See Annex III 一 List of Representatives, Alternates, Advisers and Observers to Sub-Committee B. 3 See Annex EM/RCI4/II page 5 PART工工 REPORTS AND STATEMENTS ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR TO THE FOURTEENTH SESSION OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE (Agenda item 5, document EM/RC/I4/2) The following are some of the main points that emerged from the statements made by representatives in considering the Annual Report of the Regional Director: (a) Education and training activities were very important and should continue to receive priority. The establishment of new medical faculties was a great step forward but the curriculum of the existing faculties should be periodically reviewed and if necessary revised, so as to adjust it to the changing needs of the countries. Emphasis was laid on the appropriate training of medical educators• Training for nurses and auxiliaries should continue to receive due consideration. The need for closer collaboration between ministries of health and medical faculties or other medical teaching institutions was stressed. (b) Border malaria meetings were found very useful for the co-ordination of inter-country eradication measures and should be enlarged as far as possible; malaria problem areas where the local vector had become resistant to insecticides required further epidemiological studies. (c) The problem of trachoma retained attention. It was noted that research was proceeding, especially towards the preparation of vaccines against trachoma. (d) Other communicat>le diseases were discussed; they included smallpox, leprosy poliomyelitis, enteric infections, venereal diseases, bilharziasis and onchocerciasis• The existence of cholera El Tor in areas previously free was of great epidemiological importance e (e) In the field of cancer, more attention should be given to research and to the establishment of national cancer registers. Epidemiological studies should be carried out on both cancer mortality and cancer morbidity- Concerted efforts on research, planning, case-finding and curative aspects should be pursued. (f) Environmental health and community water supplies played an important role in the health field, and WHO assistance in this respect should continue., (g) Health planning was an essential component of any long term national plans for socio-economic development• Health ministries should be adequately represented at National Development Boards. (h) Sound vital and health statistics services were very important and should be promoted or developed. EM/RCI4/H page 4 (i) The role played by health education in all health programmes was deemed of utmost importance。 (j) The control of drugs and pharmaceuticals deserved continued attention; in view of the great quantity of products which literally inundate the market, WHO assistance for the maintenance of adequate standards was urged。 Following is the resolution on the Annual Report of the Regional Director: EM/RC14/RC1 The Regional Committee, 1 Having reviewed the Annual Report of the Regional Director for the period 1 July 1963 to 30 june 1964; Noting with satisfaction the progress made during the last 15 years and especially during the last one; Considering the trans formations and developments which are taking place in the economic and social structure of most of the countries of the Region and their repercussions on the health programme; Realizing that these new programme trends will require more specialists, technicians and.
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