Number 43 July/August /987 $3.00 Registered by Australia Post Publication No NBH2266)u Iy 1987 t 12 SPEED TRI-A The Tri-A features tight racing geometry for quick response, made of Tange DB Chro-Moly tubing and incorporates internal brake and derailleur wiring. Shimano 600EX throughout, Araya hard anodised rims and Panaracer Tri Sport tyres make this the intelligent choice for the discerning cyclist. 15 SPEED CRESTA A touring bicycle to the .end. The Cresta 7s builtwith emphasis on long distance touring. Frame features Tange No.2 and No.5 Cro­ Mo tubing, three biddon holqefS and extra eyelets to accommodate carriers. Drive train is Sugino TRT coupled to the new Suntour Mountech Tri pulley derailleur. Cantilever brakes, 40 spoke rear wheel and rear carrier completes this fine touring bicycle. • - - , Available from leading cycle dealers REPC:D C:YC:LES wheelin9 Number 43 ]ul1J/Au9ust 1987 Contents 50 TRANSPORTS OF 8ic1J.cfe helmet feature DELIGHT Retliews 18 PHIL SOMERVILLE'S THe trishaws of Chiang 56 KELLY HELMETS Mai 5 7 PERSONAL BEST 20 BICYCLE HELMET 59 CALTEX BIKE RIDE 61 LOOK PEDALS SURVEY A preview of this year's Columns What to look for in head ride 5 WARREN SALOMON protection 8ic1J.cfe sport 7 JOHN DRUMMOND 25 HELMETS FOR KIDS 28 ROLLING BACK THE 10 PRO DEALERS Helmets for child riders YEARS le and Pear Vets 13 WRITE ON and passengers The App 17 THE WORLD AWHEEL Fat TIJ.res Tour 18 PHIL SOMERVILLE 44 SIMPSON DESERT 45 DON HATCHER CHALLENGE 63 NEW PRODUCTS Fat-tyre fanatics race 64 CLASSIFIEDS across the desert 65 CALENDAR Freewheellng is published six times a year in the months of January, March , May/ July, September and November. ISSN No: Ol56 4579. Editorial and Advertising Offices: Room 57 1rades Hall, cnr Dixon & Goulburn Sts., Sydney NSW Australia. Address all correspondence to: Freewheellng PO Box K26 , Haymarket NSW 2000 Australia. Tele­ phone (02) 264 8544. Publisher/ Editor: Warren Salomon. Administra­ tion and circulation: Marilyn Stivey. Layout and as­ sembly: Brett Cheshire. National Advertising Sales: David Turner Telephone (02) 913 1266 or (02) 264 EUROPEAN SEASON 8544. 47 THE 'fypesetting:Pavilion Press Set (02) 211 0252, Tour de France preview Everysize Typeart Service (02) 451 2579. Printing: Offset Alpine Pty Ltd Derby & Wetherill Sts, Silver­ water NSW Ph. (02) 647 1000. Distribution - Newsa­ gents: Gordon & Gotch Pty Ltd (02) 667 0466 or of­ fices in your state. Subscriptions and bicycle dealer distribution: Freewheeling Australia Publications 8ic1J.cle Transport and (02) 264 8544. Material in this publication may not be stored or reproduced in any form with out permission. Re­ Tratlef quests for permission should he directed to the Pub­ lisher. Editorial contributions including black and 33 SOUTHERN SEPARATION white prints or colour transparencies on all aspects the of cycling are welcomed. Send an enquiry or write John Brown crosses for guidelines. Freewheeling can not accept material previously published in other journals. Letters from USA by bike readers for the Write On column are always wel­ comed. 38 BIKE/RAIL PATRONS Copyright ©198iFreewheeling Australia Publica­ tions RIPPED OFF Security at rail stations Cover illustration by Brett Cheshire. Car­ toons this page by Phil Somerville. to be improved Freewheeling J Mirror8 THE BIKE OF THE YEAR AWARDS PROMOTED BY THE RETAIL CYCLE TRADERS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA ·------------: AUGUST : : r•;, 15 ..-m,, : 10 am -6 pm 'S FREE. FridaySaturday 10 am - 9 pm I I IT Sunday 10 am - 5 pm I I I * It's the biggest bicycle industry promotion ever held I I in the southern hemisphere. I * See the biggest array of quality bicycles and I accessories ever assembled under one roof. I I * Over forty exhibitors in their pursuit of excellence. I * Competitions galore! 12 bicycles to be won. Win I a Benotto bike valued at $850. I * Win a trip to the Gold Coast with Ansett. I I * Free advice on safety and how to use gears and I brakes. I * Fashion parades Sunday August 16 at 1.30pm I I and 2.30pm. ..I _________ _ ARTS AND CRAFTS PAVILION SYDNEY SHOWGROUIIDS 4 Freewheeling Warren Salomon The compulsory helmet kite flies again! ER HAPS it's just a coincidence. Authority of Victoria has quietly circu­ So what if the Government passes Every time I become involved in a lated a document which proposes a compulsory helmet legislation? If the Pmajor review of the bicycle helmet timetable for compulsory helmet use to Police say they can't chase the little kids ma rket the issue of compulsory usage be introduced into that state by the be­ who won't wear their hard-hats t hen raises its ugly head. Coincidence or not gi nning of 1989. who will ? The boffins in the RTA have the Road Traffic Authority of Victoria is But it's more than that. It's a joke; a come up with a solution. They have curre ntly flying its compulsory helmet big joke. And the rule of law will be the suggested that the RTA's truck inspec­ kite in the li ghtest of breezes. As if they victim. The RTA proposal is seriously tors, parking police and school crossing haven't got better things to do. · fl awed and like the Victorian Parliament supervisors (the lolfypop people) be Don't get me wrong. I support helmet Social Development Committee's First involved in enforcement of the helmet wearing as a sensible safety precaution. report (which it hides behind) it glos­ law. I even think that motor vehicle passen­ ses over the vital issue of adequate en­ At present it is the people other than gers and drivers should wear them too forcement. the bicycle riders and their advocates as they are more at risk than bicycle The Social Development Committee who are most vocal in the call for com­ ride rs. But I draw the line when some rejected the Police argument that the pulsory helmet usage. It's a case of do as power hungry bureaucrat or pollie present low compliance with existing I say but not as I do , for the same homes-in on bicycle riders and threatens bicyc le laws might completely under­ people, as motor vehicle passengers and legal action if they won't protect their mine the entire scheme. In their submis­ drivers will not wear protective helmets heads with a suitable helmet. sion to the Social Development Com­ whi le using their cars. Imagine the com­ Why do they want to force cyclists to mittee the Police further cautioned that munity response if the same people cal­ wear helmets when the current persua­ their existing resource constraints will led for universal mandatory use of hel­ sive methods are working well? That's result in a relatively low level of enforce­ mets on all forms of road transport. not a rhetorical question; I simply can ment. For these people it's far easier to think not see why the current methods won't The politicians (and their bureaucra­ that if you push around a few bike riders continue to work. In the light of the tic advisors) have been so obsessed with and make them wear helmets you will spectacular increase in helmet use the the theory of the compulsion issue they empty the hospitals overnight. The trou­ move towards compul sion is a move to­ have yet to put their feet on the ground ble is that the hospitals will always be wards the darkness of totalitarian con­ and face this iss ue. full because the road environment has trol. Every day there are literally millions become worse because the Police have I find it hard to understand why they of cyclists in this country who routinely switched the ir law enforcement want to introduce compulsory use (if break the road laws . Bicycle lighting is priorities to back-up mandatory helmet they could) when the Government and the best example. In 1946/47 (when life legislation . industry helmet promotion campaigns was less complicated and a police of­ It's all a bit of a joke and I only hope of the past five years have had such a ficer's jQb was reasonably straight for­ the RTA can see this before they spend beneficial impact on helmet use. ward) 1350 bicyclists were prosecuted in too much taxpaye rs money on such an In Victoria, it seems, they have disco­ Victoria for the da ngerous and life impractical scheme. vered the secret of community persua­ threatening offence of riding without sion. Nowadays even little kids scream li ghts. In 1986 with more cyclists (and past me in their Stackhats and Sprinters. Police) than ever on the roads the In the smal l NE Victorian town of number of prosecutions is almost zero. Beechworth a few months ago I was Making cyclists ride with lights saves astounded to find myself caught up in not o nl y the lives of the riders them­ the afte r- school rush hour and almost selv es but the others injured as a result a ll the children I saw riding bicycles of their negligence. It's a good preven­ wore helmets. tive measure that wi ll save lives and Helmet use for Victorian primary avert accidents and deaths IF the appro­ school children jumped from 4.6% in priate laws ca n be enforced. The fact 1983 to 58.2% in 1986 and according to remains that in 1987 they can't. the Road Traffic Authority's same statis­ ti cs adult commuter usage rates are al­ most as high. Teenagers are resisting and so far only 18.3% of secondary school students are ---~ regul a r h e lm et wearers.
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