T"e MUKLUK TELEGRAP H "The Arctic's Greatest Newspaper " VOL.I No . 1 Kotzebue, Alaska, June 1, 195 0 Price--10c Village Dews Natives Forced Mining Activities -ter POINT HOPE - From Fishing Area Gold mining in this area will be about the same as last year . The The weather has been bad and GUNMAN DRIVES NATIVES noticeable increase in mining ac- there has been no traffic int o FROM FISHING AREA tivity is the comparative small tin Point Hope . Miss Sorrill, Alask a mines of the Lost River area . Native Service Nurse . is in town awaiting tnsportation to Kotze- About twenty Kotzebue Natives Robert Armstrong, whose com- bue. Mrs. Wallace Carter and two were reported forced at gun- pany took over Graham Lam- children, recently arrived f r o m point to leave Pipe Spit where mers Gold Dredging Operation o n Nome . They will spend the sum- they were hooking shee fish May Klery Creek, states that they will e mer with her family, Mr . and 26th. j employ about twenty men on th o Mrs. Fred Kuiwunn . The people The Natives, as is the custom, dredging operation and will als n have caught only two whales. Mr. had gone to the point about ten conduct a Hydrolic Operation o . A small and Mrs . Al Guthrie had a baby . miles northeast of Kotzebue to ! the benches this summer remain on Charlie Tikik, from Kotzebue, hook shee fish for themselves and prospecting crew will at Sal- is visiting his family here . Tom their dogs . Pete Saterlee, resident the companys property n Page came from Ohio to visit his of the point, insists they were ! mon River, where they have bee . friend, Al Guthrie. trespassing in his area and de- prospecting for the past 5 years manded they move their dogs Armstrong says they expect t o . Some of the dogs have a dredge operating on Sal- KIVILANA - from the beach i were tied to Saterlees boat . The mon River by 1952 . He could not Wayne Hawley left for Nome, Natives, having always used the divulge further information, but where he expects to work thi s area as public property, refused said that on the Salmon River, summer. Everything is quiet in to do so. Saterlee went to his cab- gold was of secondary importance. the village. The ocean ice has bro - in and returned with a pistol, At Candle, Havenstrite Mining ken up, and the people hav e fired at the dogs, and demanded Company is constructing a four - moved out to camps along the their owners move them within foot dredge on ,Mud Creek. which beach and are hunting seal, ug- ten minutes. The Natives, fearing will be in operation this summer, ruks and ducks . The store is out the loss of their valuable dogs, re- I in addition to drag line operations of rice, flour, tea, tobacco an d turned to Kotzebue. on Upper Candle Creek and o n gas. Among the Natives driven Bull Hill in Candle . The Bull Hill from Pipe Spit were Abraham (Continued on page 9) KOBUK - Lincoln and family, Oliver Henr y The village of Kobuk is quiet and family; David White ; Theo- Strike Threat -all the natives are out trappin g dore Kingeak ; Elie Richards ; Ef- muskrat and fishing . The Kobuk fie Richards ; Sam Wesley ; Mrs. In Canneries River did not cause any damag e Taylor ; Wilson Ashby ; Herma n in the village during breakup thi s Barker and Grace Smith . Ther e year. The waters stayed wel l were no casualties either among Marion Sours returned to Kotz- ebue May 30th from a trip, which within the river banks, wherea s the Natives or the dogs. for the past several years, th e Although the people are in need included stops at Nome, Unala- - river has been blocked by Ic e of food, they are afraid to return kleet, McGrath, Bethel, Anchor is the best place age, Naknak, Aniak, Holycross , and caused the village to be flood - to Pipe Spit . It . Mulato, and Koyukook, where he ed. to hook shee fish at this time of year. attended meetings of Union Can- nery Workers, Local 46.. He was CANDLE - accompanied by Miss Agne s The Havenstrite Mining Com- Archaeological Schlosser, teacher from Haycock , pany has started mining opera - who is working for the Cannery tions. The Kewalik River caused Expedition Arrives Union during the summer . - some damage during breakup. Ol- Sours reports that the Union af Lundberg has returned to Can- A party bound for Deering ar- has demanded a ten percent wage dle and will prospect this sum- rived in Kotzebue today to con- increase from the Bristol Bay mer. M r s . Henry Xavier, the duct archaeological investigation s Canneries. To date, the canner- teacher, has gone outside this of Eskimo pre-history of the area . ies have failed to meet the work- summer. Carl Oman has gone to The expedition is led by Dr. ers demands, but another meet- Nome to work. Helge Larsen from the Danish ing will be held before June 20th . Gus Elem has bought the old National Museum, for the past and unless the wage increase is restaurant at Candle and plans to year the Visiting Professor in An- granted, the union workers will re-open it . The Mining Company I thropology at the University o f strike this summer. The present is building a big, new airport . Alaska. Accompanying him ar e wages are $1 .60 an hour plus They will operate one dredge on his wife, Gerda, and son, Ole . overtime. Mud Creek, beside the hydraulic I Other members of the expedi- The canneries employ about (Continued on Page Four) i (Continued on Page Four) one hundred men from this area . 2 THE MUKLUK TELEGRAPH Thursday, June 1, 1950 ties and bad luck were encoun- tered. Last summer, one hole was drilled to 235 feet where a high THE MUKLUK TELEGRAP H pressure area of hydrogen sul- (Published twice monthly by the phide gas was encountered. The Aero Trading and News Service ) present hole is 170 feet . The en- gineers hope to reach a minimum Owner and Publisher of 300 feet this sumrher . A KOTZEBUE, ALASK Three young ladies-Misses Celi a Hunter, Wginia Hill and Nancy Kotzebue, Alaska, June 1, 1950 Baker, former Army Ferry Pilots, are in Kotzebue and will operate MUKLUK TELEGRAPH GET S so we set to work . a tourist hotel in the Wien Bldg. g OFF To ENTHUSIASTIC START Here is where we made our bi The girls also expect to do some mistake, we should have gon e flying this summer . down to the Store and sat on the i Bill Laws, former maintenance Before getting to the press, the counter and continued to bra g Mukluk Telegraph has under- superintendent for Wiens Air- about the swell newspaper we lines in Fairbanks is the new sta- gone acute growing pain . It was were going to put out . But as I tion manager for Wien Airlines originally planned to make it a said we made the mistake of try- small four-page paper consistin g in Kotzebue. He replaced Re d ing to put it out without Jim . As . of news from the native villages Kline, who has gone to Nome a result there will probably be a will from Point Hope to Nome . There Bill feels that his new job coffee shortage in the Kotzebu e offer fewer headaches . were a few requests for adver- area we drank so much trying t o o tising space so we decided t o stay awake while setting up ad- Mollie Shelton has returned t Kotzebue from school at White make it an eight-page paper, and vertising, typing copy and check- graduate d sell some advertising space . Ads ing on this story and that. Finally Mountain, where she . Her mother, Mrs. Alice were so easy to sell that we over- we decided there must be an easi- this year Shelton, was present at the grad- did it a bit . and before we real- er way . There had to be . We accompanied ized we had a mans-sized news- found it simply by throwing ou t uation exercises and her home. paper. But then comes trouble ; half the advertising. This made an nutomobile accident in fa r the paper much smaller and less Mary Kingeak, daughter of away Denver, Colorado, enter s work. Thats what wed wanted . So ( Theodore Kingeak, returned to the picture . Mrs. Amy Smoke, sis- to all the advertisers especiall y Kotzebue from Mt. Edgecumbe ter of Mr. Jim Frye, the Nugget s the candidates for the fall elec- School at Sitka . shop foreman, was seriously in- tions whose ads are not in thi s She will return to Sitk a jured, and Jim left immediately issue, we offer our apoligies . And next fall where she will be a so that. he could be at her bed- also our thanks for your enthu- Sophomore . side when she passed away . Oh siastic support of our paper. Our Herbert McClellan, former rein- well, we said it shouldnt be very crisis should be past by next is - deer superintendent at Kotzebue, difficult to put out a newspaper sue and we will be able to accom- is now in Fairbanks employed by -after all, its done every day - modate you. the Tower and Light Company . He has purchesed a home there News About Tow n spread unemployment there. and expects to be joined by Mrs . Dora Tooyoak is visiting Kotze- McClellan, who is now in the bue from Tanana. States.
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