Heckert, A.B., and Lucas, S.O., eds., 2002, Upper Triassic Stratigraphy and Paleontology. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin No. 21. 51 LOWER CHINLE GROUP (UPPER TRIASSIC:CARNIAN) STRATIGRAPHY IN THE ZUNI MOUNTAINS, WEST-CENTRAL NEW MEXICO ANDREW B. HECKERT and SPENCER G. LUCAS New Mexico Museum of Natural History, 1801 Mountain Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104-1375 Abstract-The lower Chinle Group in the Zuni Mountains consists of (ascending) the mottled strata, Shinarump Formation, Bluewater Creek Formation, and the Blue Mesa Member of the Petrified Forest Formation. A persistent, bench-forming sandstone that crops out extensively in the Bluewater Creek Formation is the McGaffey Member. This section rests disconformably on the Middle Triassic Moenkopi Formation, and is overlain disconformably by the Sonsela Member of the Petrified Forest Formation. The bounding surfaces are the Tr-3 and Tr-4 unconformities, respectively. Differential thinning of the Blue Mesa Member from 45 to 22 m from west to east across the Zuni Mountains probably represents erosional relief generated on the Tr-4 unconformity surface. The Bluewater Creek Formation consists of three primary lithofacies assemblages, which we inter­ pret as representing red-bed floodplain and overbank, low-sinuosity fluvial, and lacustrine depOSits, respectively. Tetrapod biochronology indicates an Adamanian (latest Carnian) age for most lower Chinle Group strata in the Zuni Mountains, including both the Bluewater Creek Formation and the Blue Mesa Member of the Petrified Forest Formation. Keywords: Upper Triassic, stratigraphy, Adamanian, Bluewater Creek Formation, New Mexico INTRODUCTION AZ NM Lower Chinle Group strata in the Zuni Mountains in Cibola and McKinley counties, west-central New Mexico, crop out ex­ o tensively along the northern edge of the uplift/ with complete strat­ Gallup igraphic sections of this interval readily measured in a few transects. Most of these sections are along the southern margin of the northern limb of the Triassic outcrop belt in the Zuni Moun­ tains, beneath the resistant bluffs of the Sonsela Member, which forms an elongate northwest-trending cuesta between Grants and Fort Wingate (Fig. 1). The stratigraphy and paleontology described here were derived primarily from numerous measured sections along this ridge line because, farther south, outcrops of Chinle strata are sparse, poorly exposed, and structurally complicated. The history of stratigraphic study of the lower Chinle Group in the Zuni Mountains spans more than a century. One of the prin­ cipal aims of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of these previous studies. In addition, we record our observations Atarque of each stratigraphic unit and describe our interpretations of these Cibola Co. units. Descriptions of the measured sections on which this study FIGURE 1. Distribution of Triassic outcrops and measured sections in the is based are in the Appendix. Zuni Mountains. Numbers correspond to those of measured sections in Figure 4 (Outcrop distribution after Stewart et al., 1972a). HISTORY OF STUDY were the first to establish a Late Triassic age for most of the well­ Triassic outcrops in the Zuni Mountains were first studied exposed red-bed badlands of the lower Chinle Group that are the by Dutton (1885), who noted their probable Triassic age, although focus of this study. he considered all rocks below the Sonsela Member of this paper This stratigraphy remained relatively unstudied and un­ to be of Permian age (Fig. 2). Darton (1910/ 1928) modified this changed until the 1950s, when uranium exploration spurred ad­ interpretation, and while he also equated the Sonsela Member ditional research, principally that of Smith (1954, 1957, 1958a,b), with the Shinarump Formation (Shinarump Conglomerate of Cooley (1957, 1959a,b), and much of the USGS work published Dutton's usage), he considered lower Chinle beds to be part of by Stewart et al. (1972). Smith (1954) was the first to subdivide the Moenkopi Formation. By 1928 he had adopted Gregory's the Chinle of the Zuni Mountains into lower, middle, and upper (1917) term "Chinle" for all units above the Sonsela and below members, with his informal "lower member" including all Trias­ the Entrada. However, he still considered the lower Chinle to be sic strata below the Sonsela Member, a lithostratigraphy he fol­ Permian in age and therefore assigned the units investigated here lowed in a summary article on the Zuni Mountains (1957) and in to the Moenkopi Formation. Between Darton's studies, however, later mapping projects (1958a,b). He was also the first to recog­ Mehl et al. (1916) had reported the first tetrapod fossils from the nize the distinct stratigraphic positions of the Sonsela (higher) Fort Wingate area, including a pelvis of an aetosaur and the snout and the Shinarump (basaD, designating the as-yet-unnamed of a phytosaur, both from below the Sonsela Member and indi­ former unit as an informal "middle" member of the Chinle For­ cating a Late Triassic age for these strata. Mehl et al. (1916) thus mation (Smith, 1954, 1957). V\ N Lucas, 1993, Smith, Cooley, Dubiel,1989, Lucas & Lucas et al., 1997 Darton, Darton, 1957, 1958b, 1959 Stewart et al., Ash, 1978 Lucas & 1954,1957, Dubiel et aI., Hayden, Heckert, 1997 1910 1928 Akers et aI., 1972a,b Anderson, 1958a,b 1993 1989 THIS PAPER 1959 1993 Wingate Wingate Wingate? Lukachukai Mbr Lukachukai Mbr Lukachukai Mbr Wingate Entrada Zuni &lor Wingate Sandstone Sandstone Formation Wingate Ss Wingate Ss Wingate Ss Sandstone Sandstone Entrada Ss Sandstone Rock Point Mbr Rock Point Mbr Rock Point Mbr Rock Point Rock Point Rock Point Rock Point Wingate Ss Wingate Ss Wingate Ss Member Member Formation Formation Owl Rock Owl Rock Owl Rock Owl Rock Owl Rock Owl Rock Owl Rock Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Chinle ICorreo ss Formation ICorreo \:orreo Correo ss Bed ss Bed ss Bed e:: 0 :;:::: upper Painted Painted co upper upper upper member upper upper Desert Desert ElI- part part part e:: part part lI- ~ ll- c:: Member Member 0 Q) e:: '0 u.. Q) lI- Q) '0 '0 .0 Q) .0 .0 co >< .0 co co - :::J E E E - E Q) - 0 Q) Perea E Q) E ,.,..E Perea lI- Q) e::~ ~ lI- 0 o CD e::~ ss e:: e:: e:: 0 u.. 0_ 0 ~ u.. ss ....I .2 (f) 0 (f) 0 u.. :;:::: (f) Bed :;:::: :;:::: :;:::: (f) Bed (f) - Q) (f) § (f) § Q) ~ - CD - co co 1tS co lI- co Q) ll- - o ll- E ~ - 0 -lI- e:: 0 0 ~ lI- lI- lI- 0 E E E E 0 0 lI- 0 lI- u.. lI- lI- 0 Shinarump Shinarump :;:::: middle ou.. 0 u.. 0 C> C> u.. Sonsela u.. Sonsela 0 "C Sonsela 0 Sonsela 0 u.. Sonsela u.. Sonsela Sonsela co u.. "C u.. u.. u.. "C u.. ~ ~ "C Conglomerate Conglomerate member Ss Bed "C Ss Bed Q) Ss Bed Q) Ss Bed "C Q) E CD Q) "C Ss Bed Q) Member Member ll- ~ CD CD '+= ~ ~ ~ Q) e:: '+= 'lI- .S; ~ 0 e:: ',.,.. e ~ e:: lI- :E ~ .c:. lI- .- lI- .S; oS; '- ,.,.. u.. .c:. Q) :E Q) Q) 'i:: () Blue () CD Blue lower lower .c:. - lower .c:. lower .c:. lower Q) Q) () CD a.. - Q) () () () a.. () Mesa a..- a..- Mesa part part a..- a..- part part - part .S; a.. Member .c:. Member () CD .c Bluewater Bluewater E sandstone (J) IIMoencopie(?) lower Monitor Monitor Bluewater ~ ~ y lower E IMCGaffe) IMCGaffe Formation" Moenkopi "'0 red Butte Butte Creek ~ Member ~ Member member ~ Formation siltstone/ member Member Member Member CD ~ mudstone Formation Formation .Q Shinarump Shinarump Shinarump Shinarump Shinarump Shinarump Shinarump Member Member Member Member Member Formation Formation Moenkopi Moenkopi Moenkopi Moenkopi Moenkopi Moenkopi Moenkopi Formation Formation Formation Formation Formation Formation Formation undiff. Chupadera San Andres San Andres San Andres San Andres San Andres San Andres San Andres San Andres Pennsylvanian Formation Formation Formation Formation Formation Formation Formation Formation Formation 53 Cooley's (1957) master's thesis and subsequent publications the formation. Lucas et al. (1997a) described the Triassic stratigra­ (1959a,b) were the first to utilize an essentially modern strati­ phy of the Fort Wingate quadrangle near the western edge of the graphic nomenclature parallel to that used here (Fig. 2). Cooley Zuni Mountains, drawing upon some of the data we present here, followed the early insights of Darton (1910, 1928) in recognizing which is based largely on a master's thesis by the senior author the Moenkopi Formation in western New Mexico, but improved (Heckert, 1997a). upon Darton's work by restricting that terminology to the lowest sandstones and siltstones of the Triassic System. Above the STRATIGRAPHY Moenkopi, Cooley recognized scattered outcrops of the Shinarump and assigned overlying strata to the "lower red mem­ The lower Chinle Group succession in the Zuni Mountains bero of the Chinle Formation, which were in turn overlain by the consists of (ascending) "mottled strata," Shinarump Formation, lower part of the Petrified Forest Member. Akers et al. (1958) Bluewater Creek Formation, and Blue Mesa Member of the Petri­ named the Sonsela Sandstone Bed for outcrops of that unit in the fied Forest Formation (Fig. 3). Most recent workers recognize the Defiance uplift in northeastern Arizona, and Cooley (1959a) ex­ tended the term "Sonsela Sandstone Bed" to the Zuni Mountains. Foster (1957) summarized stratigraphic work in west-cen­ Entrada Sandstone " tral New Mexico and followed Smith's nomenclature for the Tri­ assic System. Repenning et al. (1969) chose to lump together nu­ I=-:-~.:.:::.::===-,-~,c,==j merous informal Chinle units long recognized by the USGS and Wingate Formation thus replaced the use of "lower red member" in the Zuni Moun­ tains with "Monitor Butte Member/' a term which had been used Owl Rock for correlative strata in the Four Corners region (Akers et al., 1958; Cooley, 1959a). However, in their summary of Chinle stratigra­ Formation phy and sedimentology, Stewart et al.
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