Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1989 Daily Egyptian 1989 10-13-1989 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 13, 1989 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1989 Volume 75, Issue 223 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 13, 1989." (Oct 1989). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1989 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1989 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondah: Friday. October 13. 1989. Vol. 75. No. 223,28 Pages House approves bill on flag desecration Opponents argue proposal will be ineffective WASHINGTON (UPn - With the new law will be ineffective and passed on a 380-38 vOlt; Sept 12, Democratic leaders hoping to head likely win be ovenumed by the had been narrowlv drafted to deal off a constitutional amendment, the Supreme Court. only with physic8l damage·to the House gave final congressional The bill provides fc~ an early flag. The House sought 10 avoid approval Th!.1.-.;day to a bill intend­ review of the law by ~he cowt to the matter of an individual's ed to overcom.' a Supreme Cowt determine its constitutionaliLY. motive or intent and thereby skin decision and outlaw desecrdtion of In its controversial J::ne 21 rul­ the coun's concerns about free thP.U.S.liag. ing in a flag burning case the speech. By a ~71-43 vote, the House Supreme Court ovenumed a Texas The Senale, howevlT. adopted an passed the compromise measwc flag-desecration law, saying the amendment by Se.'l. Pete Wilson. and sent it to the White House law was an infringement on the R-Calif•• barring anyone from where President Bush is expected First Amendment right of free defiling the flag. Opponents in to sign the bill despite bis i~is­ expression. The 5-4 ruling caused burn chambers argued the term tence that a new amendment to ':be a public outcry and members of "defile" suggests expression and Constitution is needed. Congress clamored foc legislation that the Wilson amendment will The biII was attacked on one to amend federal law and prolecl invite ~n adve~.ruling by the side by critics who said it is unnec­ the flag. ess&1' and by othm who argued The House version of the bill, See RAG, Page 7 Bushto help· State rongreSSf11en in campaign titt toward rigilt to life of Rep. Martin allCACO (UPI) - Presideni By Jackie Spinner preting the bill. Bush plans to campaign for Rep. StalfWriter "I just can', vote to allow Lynn Martin, R-Ill., who is seeking Thinkin'summer someone 10 take the life of an 1/'1 unseat Democratic Sen. Paul 1Jz RimakeI; aseniorln psrchoIogy from wi~ the U.S. congressmen Wem innocent clilld," Poshard said. Simoo in 1990, the White House return 01 ~,m".mer While listening to the band NIght SoH IDinois tilted towaIdlbe right to Felicia GOt'ken. Dliw>is direc-: c:oofumed wr-sdily. -. .. COOlies on tr~ SIU:Ient stage at the SCIUIh end 01 the Student life Wednesday in voting tor to lbe NaIiooal Right 10 Life Bush plans tDlIIJald a Nov. 20 ~. - against a measure that would Committee, said the Right to loncbain in Olicago for Martin, a broaden the use of federal fimds Life movement did not lose any COll~ve RocIdooi Republican focabortion. votes to the bill who has accused Simon, a flfSt­ The delegation voted 13-8 "I can't see anybody ~ we tetm senator, of being 100 liberal against ttsing federal funds for lost," she said "The bill got the ar.d too politically C)'.Jt-of-SIep with Trustee resigns Board ~bortions in cases of rape and standaRl (anti-abortiOll) VOIe.~ " the people hf' represents. incest. Goeken said she was glad to see Repubhcan Chairman Lee The House, however, nanuw­ that !he Illinois delegation held Atwater has indicated unseating after move out of state ly voted 216-206 in favor of the fast despite threats 10 "switch Simo:>... who unsuccessfully ran foc measure that would direct the over." the .1988 Democratic presidential By 11m Crosby Department of Health a:ld But Karen Mitchell, public nomination. is among the GOP's StalfWriter Pettit talks about Human Services to use the policy coordinator for the topprmties. $156.7 billion for Medicaid financial aid National Abortion Right Action ". am delighted that the ~­ The SID Board of 1iustcX:s offi­ patients who choose to have an League. said the 13-8 vote dent bas agreed 10 join tts for !he cially is looking for a new vice -Page 3 abortion in case.s of rape and shows Illinois gaining pro­ first major illinois fundraiser of my chairman after a 12 year veteran incest. choice votes. campaign," Martin slid.. "It's also announced her resignation at the resigning. The White House said the "Congress obviously is disap­ fairly safe to assume you will see Board meeting Thursd&y. "There is a time and a place far President will veto the measure poinled with the Supreme Court him again in Illinois during the Carol K. Kimmel, 72, said she everything," Kimmel, a native of if it includes the addition of rape decision," MilChell said next 12 months. was resigning as 1f'ii_1I!IIII1IIIJIiII~ Dongola, said "Our roolS are deep and incest to the circumslaDCes The court VCled 5-4 in July to "George Bush offered encour­ a Irttstee because in Sou1be:m Illinois. We have many under which Medicaid mo.. ey give the SUIteS more collirol 011 agement when 1 was thinking she and her htts­ friends and business inleresIs here. could be used. circunlstances surrO'.lDding about running for the Senate and band bad recently I willlllll be leaving Rep. Glenn Poshard, D­ moved from ==y, abortion. The decision was seen he's been supponive ever since I Carterville, on.: of the seven as a setback ior pro-choice reached my tIecision 10 go for it Illinois to Fellow Board mem:,em JDised Illinois Democrats who voted groups. He's a vahlCd friend.. .. Aikansas. Kimmel fur her dedication 10 edu­ against the measure. said the "The legislalOrs have been Manin seconded Bttsb's nomi­ Though no Slate cation and the Ialent sbe brought t.O wording in the amendment is misguided by anti-choice nation far the presidency at the statutes require her efforts. "real loose and the Department groups in the past," Mitchell 1988 Republican National SIU trustees to '!..4"'~IA. "I know of no other board mem­ of Heallh and Human Services Convention and i~ considered live in Illinois, ber who has extended berself as will have a real problem" int:r- See ABORlDN. Pc;ge6 among Bidt's cla;Y..acongression­ Kimmel said she alallies. would honor !he accepted policy of .Th.ts.l\fJrtiing;. NORML adviser quits; search goes on $4Icjent protests By Jeanne Bickler inquiry in a mtional manner, it is "We're sorry Mary Lamb p~siblesearch Staff Writer difficult for any organization to resigned. We hoped that under her GUS~:: control the behavior of all of its we'd get a lot c:It-...e," Goldsbeny ~fage~ Mary Lamb. staff adviser for the constituents," Lamb said. said "We have a list of possible National Organization for the Lamb said she is concerned teachm to get a bold of. I don't Parent of th~ Day···· Reform of Marijuana Laws, about the lack of debate and think last v..m's fest should effect interviewed resigned from her position inquiry on campus about all issues. membership." e Tuesday. "The issue for me is not the Last Friday. the Southern Illinois -Page14 Lamb had few remarks about legalization of marijuana. but the chapter of NORML held a Harvest her resignation. general increasing tendency for Fest that was marked with disrup­ Football team She said !>he believes the leaders students and faculty to withdraw liollS. The fest was moved from Ihe returns home of NORML are responsible. dedi­ from debate on any nwnber of t0p­ Free Forum area to 611 Pizza l.au.-a people. but is unsure of the ics of even greater social impor­ b..uusc of rain. -Sports 28 sincerily of 'iOI1lC of its memben. tance.... she said. After two reports of marijuana Gus says poten!lal NORML "While I believe that the officers Joe Goldsberry. NORML's trea­ smoking, police went to 611 Pimi advisers may be afraid the Sutny, mid to .upJ:II!I' 80s of NORML are able to carry on a surer, said NORML will rCSL!me organization will be a cloud debate on legitimate topi.: of their search foc an adviser. See LAtoE, Page 7 over their heads. SAlfI'lil':< r"·::~!:~:ll!!plj}.I,~ ~!!l.!IS lZ!IS JU5 I,:. FREE 12" OiUSE PIZZA W/ORDER ,I Last minute hitches interrupt .10.95 "The Best Arwnd"' OF ANY 16' PIZZA 31.95 3US : LIMIT 1 PER ORDER. : ratification of agreement 3S.!5 4Z.!IS IFREEL _________________ DELIVERY 549·7811 FREE ~ ______ DELIVERY. .J MANAMA,. Bahrain (UP!) - Lebanese lawmakers meeting in Saudi ----- coupon • --- -.... Arabia said Thursday last minute snags forced them lO postpone r ·nOI·S~. raJificalion ofacompromisenaJional reconcilialion package that included 901 S • 1111 greatrr power foc Moslerns and a limited Syrian troop wi!hdrawal: 'J!Ie nm I 549-3991 I delay appeared linked 10 pledges in Beirut ~~y from Chrisuan strongman Michel Aoun that he would conUnue hlS war 10 expel all mostca" $18.95 Syrian troops from the country regardless of Ihc proPO~ agreement.
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