PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY MORMINO, BY Hartaffmade. fcrge addition. to oar former totImt .1 JOHN PORTER & SON PLAIN AND FANCY Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block, □"OS T Y I* El , W* M» bow pnporod to o w a to with x u n i u a tad nu* raroo, b t iit drschiptioh of Job Work, tach aa t e r m s . Circulars, BUl-Heads, Cards, Blanks, O lf paid strictly in advance—per annum, ei,75 Catalogues. Programmes, If payment is delayed 6 mos. “ 2,00 I f not paid till the close of the year, 2,50 Shop Buis, Labels, Auotion and Hand £7* No paper tvill be discontinued until all arrear. B ill., fce., fce. obs are paid, unless at the option of the puplisher. Panlrolar attanUoo paid to £ 7 Single copies, four cents —for sale.at the office. £ 7 All letters and communications to be addressee PRINTING IN COLORS! to the Publishers. BRONZING, fce. • eral of the army encamped under the walls ‘ You will not, then, be angry,’ said she, FIRE INSURANCE. Words Fitly Spoken. Liberty and Union, .Vow and Forever, of Babylon is ordered to resign the command in a whisper, ‘ at something I am going to A Texas Ranger’s Best Shot. Civil war cannot be so fatal to a nation as One and Inseparable.” E. SI. COCHRAN’S of the array to him who shall bo the bearer order at this moment ?’ of this order.’ Fold, seal, and deliver to many have painted it. Cruel and bloody, in­ From the Whig «k Courier. ‘ No,’ said he. Wilson and Cameron stood apart from -their me this decree.’ deed, must be the fight when brothers fall to INSURANCE AGENCY, G eneral Berry. ‘ Slaves,’ said she aloud, ' seize this man companions. With folded arms and thoughtful blows; but England has thriven on such war- She took the three orders, thus dictated, Berry Block. Rockland. Maine. —this Ninus,’ faces, they watched the shadows of night steal­ are. Her soil has been drenchen again and (Over E. Barrett's Dry Goods Store.) BY H. G. R. and put them in her bpsom. The whole Ninus, smiling, put himself into the hands ing over lake and chaparral. again with the blood of her children. For thirty court was struck with consternation ; the of the slaves. ‘ An hour like this casts a spell upon my years the white roses met the red in deadly Fold his country’s sacred colors H. COCHRAN will take risks on Dwelling king himself was surprised. ‘ Take him out of the saloon, lead him spirit,’ said Cameron. ‘ I love to see the glare 'wn3 eighteen years from the battle E • Houses, Household Furniture, Stores, Stocks of O’er his cold and lifeless breast, of day fade and give place to the d id , placid slenn!ehllls ? V*® Coronati°n °f Charles the Goods, Finishing Risks on buildings in process of con­ And, in glory’s pall enshrouded, • Listen,’ said Semiramis. 1 In two hours into the court of the seraglio,, prepare every­ struction, and all other insurable property, in the following hence let all the officers of the state come tw ilight.’ Second, and to-day in all the arts of peace and companies, known to be safe and prompt in the adjustment Lay our hero down to rest. thing for his death, and wait my orders.’ war, England stands foremost am onfthe na­ of losses. ‘ I have similar feelings,’ replied Wilson, ‘but Let the sobs that struggle upward and offer me presents, as is the custom on The slaves obeyed, and Ninus followed I like night best when advanced toward the small tions When mad clouds clash in the summer From a nation’s besom, tell the accession of new princes, and let a festi­ j£tna Fire Insurance Company. them, laughing, into the court of the seraglio. hours, and the moon and stars are brightly sky there is fierce strife,—the flash of death- To that nation’s brave defenders, val be prepared for this evening. Now let They passed by the head ofc the disobeying beaming.’ he htninSa and tho terrific cannonade of Hartford Conneticut. Incorporated 1819. Who have fought so long and well— Paid up Capital §1,500,000. Assts over $2,000,000 all depart. Let my faithful servant Ninus eunuch. Then Semiramis placed herself on Cameron made no reply, and tho parties re­ tho thunder,-but the earth looks up all the E. G. Ripley, Pres’t. g. J. Hendee, Sec’y, Tears of grief are those we’re shedding alone remain. I have to consult with him a balcony. Ninus had suffered his hands to mained silent. Wilson was the first to speak. fresher, the air sweeps round it all the clearer Upon Berry’s tomb, to-day ; afterwards. So wo will hope that the storm Home Insurance Company. upon affairs of state.’ be tied. That’s a heavy rifle of yours, he said glance- Not desponding, fearful, doubting, ing at the weapon upon which Cameron was shall be as a savor of life unto lifp. The bolts New York City O’er the sorrows in our way. When all the rest had gone out— 1 Hasten to the fortress, Zopire ; you to Paid up Capital $ 1,000,000. Assets about $1,600,000. leaning. I dare say it has been of service to must fall, yet our moral atmosphere shall be Chus. J. Martin, President. We have hearts as true and loyal, • You see,’ said Semiramis, 1 that I know the camp, Artaban ; Assar, do you secure you in its time? purged ofits miasmas, and our beloved land We have arms as strong In fight, A. F. Wilmartb, Vice Pres’t. John McGee, Sec’y. how to play the queen.’ all tho gates of the palace.’ No money could induce me to part-with it, bloom with a yet unknown freshness, in the T. A. WENTWORTH, While the Pine Tree State is foremost Ninus laughed. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. These orders were given in a whisper, because I have proved its metal on various oc­ light of the Sun of Righteousness. — DEALER IN— In the struggle for the right. • My beautiful queen,’ said he, • you play What will the world say?’ has been often Hartford, Conneticut. And those brave and gallant comrades and executed immediately. casions. Did 1 ever tell you of an adventure I Paid up Capital S500,000, Assets nearly $1,000,000. your part to astonishment. But, if your ‘ Beautiful queen,’ said Ninus, laughing, once had upon the old Red River? asked, and oftener thought. What will the Hats, Caps, Purs, Boots,Echoes, II. Huntington, Prea’t. T. C. Allyn, Sec’y. Who have loved that hero well, despotisms say, to whom wo have been hitherto Whose kisses on his dying lipa servant may dare to question you, what You never did; I should like to hear it, said this comedy only wants its denouement; Wilson. a reproach and terror? Where shall the strug­ Rubbers, Umbrellas and Springfield Fire & M arine Insurance Co. Their love and homage tell, would you do with the orders you have pray let it be a prompt one.’ Several years ago, resumed Cameron I was gling people look when the star that has shone Springfield, Mass. Whose muttered oath of vengeance dictated ?’ GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Paid up Capital $200,000. Assets over $400,000. I will,’ said Semiramis. 1 Slaves, recol­ hunting near Cross Timbers, not far from Red upon them for a hope and a guide goes out in O’er their leader’s gory bed. I should be no longer queen, were I NO. 2, SPOFFORD BLOCK, Rockland, We. Edmond Freeman, Pres’t. Wm. Conner, Jr. Sec’y. lect the eunuch—strike!’ River. The Indians were then troublesome, and darkness? But take courage. The star has Spoke not of fears and doubts not yet gone out in darkness, and has no tho’t Above the great and honored dead— obliged to give account of mv actions.— They struck. frequently committed their depredations on the Where may he found at all lime, a large' Stock of NEW Lorillard Inuurnncc Company. Nevertheless, this was the motive : I have frontier settlements; but I was fond of hunting of going. Those who sorrow, and those who and FASHIONABLE GOODS, which will he solil as low New York City, Paid up Capital $500,000. Brave men and true ! we churgo you, Ninus had hardly time to utter a cry as the lowest for CASH, for I am bound not to he under- a vengeance to execute against the three and cared little for them, willing to trust to my exult over our downfall, are alike permature, ■o]d. Carlisle Norwood,Pres’t. John C. Mills, Sec’y. By him, now cold and low— when his head fell upon the pavement; thp for we are not yet down by a great deal. On John C. Goodiidge, Manager of Agency Department. By a country’s grief, a widow’s tears, officers whom these orders menace.’ own courage and ingenuity in any emergency Highest Cash prices paid for Mink, Fox, Muskrat, Ate. smile was still upon his lips. the contrary, we have been gradually, but con­ Rockland, Jan. 21, 1863. 5tf And a stricken orphan’s woe— that might occur. learned this same rifle, and W estern Massachusetts Insurance Co. • Vengeance ? and wherefore ?’ ‘ Now I am Queen of Assyria !’ exclaimed tinually, coming up higher, advancing, with Be true, be brave and hopeful, was called one of the best shots in the country. PiH6field, Mass.
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