J Biodiversity, 8(1): 44-50 (2017) DOI: 10.1080/09766901.2017.1336008 Over-religious Activity, A Threat to Biodiversity (3): Conserve ‘Kusha’ (Desmostachya bipinnata) before its Extinction Sachidananda Padhy Vedic Science Research Centre, Bhaba Nagar-1, Berhampur 760 004, Odisha, India E-mail: [email protected] KEYWORDS Over-religious Activity, Kusha, Desmostachya Bipinnata, Vedic Literature, Aayurveda, Medicinal Utility, Religious Importance, Endangered Plant. ABSTRACT Most of the Hindu religious functions can not be performed without the use of Kusha (Desmostachya bipinnata). The plant has a lot of metaphysical property to overcome anger and grief as claimed by Atharva Veda. In religious rites it is used for protection and purification of a system. It has many medicinal property as explored by Aayurveda. In spite of restriction for its collection from nature, there is no attempt for cultivation and conservation of the plant. The over use of this grass in religious practice along with day by day narrowing of its spreading area may drag the plant towards endangered status leading to extinct. INTRODUCTION Aasami it is called Kusha; Telugu - Durbabalu, Dava, Darbha, Aswalayana; Hindi - Daava, Dab, In Hindu religious practice, plants are wor- Davoli; Malayalam - Darbha, Darbhapullu; Tamil shiped directly or different plant parts like flow- - Dharbai, Tarupai; Canada - Kusha, Dharbe; er, leaf, bud, wood, branches are offered for the Marathi - Darbha, Daav and in Urdu - Bikh deb. purpose. This habit plays a significant role for In most of the Indian languages the Sanskrit the conservation of plants in temple yards (Mo- name Darbha has a reflection. hanty et al 1997). Plant conservation and wor- The English name of the plant is Halfa grass, ship is also important from astrological point of Big cord grass and salt reed-grass. It is spread view (Dash and Padhy 2015). Amongst all plants, up in north east, west tropical and northern Af- the role of Kusha is extra-ordinary in religious rica (in Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, activity. But unfortunately, this plant is under Libya, Mauritania, Somalia, Sudan and Tunisia) restriction for cultivation or conservation. Time and countries in the Middle East and temperate is not for off for extinction of this plant, which is and tropical Asia (in Afghanistan, China, India, under over use. This communication is aimed to Iran, Iraq, Israel, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sau- explore the importance of Kusha and create an di Arabia and Thailand). eco-consciousness for this plant. The plant grows well in rainy season and helps for conservation of the soil. In India it is ECOLOGY OF ‘KUSHA’ available throughout the country. The impor- tance of Kusha and research on it as realised by Kusha is a monocotyledon angiosperm, Or- the Indian people since the Vedic age, is not der - Poales, Family - Poaceae, Genus - Desmo- found anywhere else. stachya, Species - Bipinnata; enjoys a name Desmostachya bipinnata (L) Stapf. It is a pe- KUSHA IN VEDIC LITERATURE rennial grass with a stolon stem of significant height. The stem remains under coverage of the Very interesting facts about the Kusha are leaves. It is of two types - small and big with leaf reflected in Atharva Veda(AV). In the sixth Kan- blade either plain or rough. da (Chapter): The Mannusaman Sukta (43) has In Sanskrit Kusha has names: Darbha, Pabi- appeared. Mannu (Mann-u) has a meaning an- tra, Yajnyaika, Kutth, Barhi, Suchiagra, Khurap- ger, wrath and as well grief, sorrow. Samana atra and Yajnyabhusana. In Odia, Bengali and means: coordinator of peace. This Sukta can be OVER-RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY, A THREAT TO BIODIVERSITY 45 elaborated as follows (Acharya and Sharma • “Oh Drabha ! Sin never touches the person 1999). who holds you. You enlighten, purify and • “The Kusha is standing before me. It is pow- give him long life. You enhance the powers erful to spoil my personal anger and as well of his sense organs. Be the cause of his as of others. It is capable to cool down the strength and power, and give him energy to wrath of naturally furious and unnecessary perform work like a brave. For the better- ill-tempered persons”. ment of the old age we tie you on our body”. • It is said that, “Kusha grows on the earth, • “Oh Brave Man ! (you are) Holding the Drab- deep in soil near seashore (climate) is capa- ha, do not be menally sorry. With your own ble to pacify the anger”. strength influence others, like the sun illu- • “Oh the power of Devataa Krudha ! we cool minates the surrounding”. down the vibration of veins on the chin and • “Oh pleasant Drabha ! You shine over the appearance of different signs of anger on sacrifice platform (Yajnya Mandapa) in a the face (with the application of Kusha). beautiful form. Purify us with elimination of You please do not speak out continuously the sin. Please prepare us, to be wellbeing being forced by wrath and be favourable of every one. With whom we have affec- towards my mind”. It can be inferred that, tion, make us affectionate for them.” Kusha keeps the mind cool and subdues Apart the above all good qualities of Drab- the anger. th ha, from environmental science point of view, it In the 19 Kanda the Darbhamani Sukta (28, is said that: 29, 30) and Darbha Sukta (32, 33) elaborates • “The raining cloud, thunders with electric more about the Kusha. The use of adjective Mani sparkling. Golden rain drops percolate from (gem) with the former Sukta specifies the quali- the sky and generate the Kusha”. (The plant ty and importance of Drabha. The gist of the grows profusely in rainy season). above all Suktas is as follows: • “Oh Ousadha ! Being decorated with un- · “Oh Man ! we tie the Darbhamani (Kusha) limited branches and leaves, your head is with your body for your long life and bril- up towards the sky and you are stable over liance. This is a destroyer of enemy, and the earth, as well spread up tearing the soil. will cause distress in the heart of spiteful opponent”. (Anger is also projected here With your generation the surface of the earth as enemy and opponent). becomes strong, which stabilize the sky and • “Oh Darbhamani ! You please smash the heaven. You conserve the soil with your feeling of ego and hostile attitude in the root system”. heart of our enemy”. The elaborations of the Vedic literature re- • Oh Darbhamani ! You have armour to keep veals a metaphysical character of Drabha, that away the decay condition of old age and can enhance the mental power to overcome the death. By that power give us protection”. anger, grief and influence a person to be friendly • Oh Drabha ! we appoint you as the guard- with everyone. The plant has hidden medicinal ian of the body being enriched with the property to overcome the aging process. In power of a warrior. You save our body field”. course of time, Aayurveda has established • “Oh Man ! The most powerful and top most Kusha as a medicinal plant discussed below. medicinal plant Drabha united with unlimit- ed branches and thousands of leaves, we KUSHA: MEDICINAL IMPORTANCE tie to your body for long life”. • “Oh Drabha ! By your grace, let our enemy Aayurveda has explored the right part of the like unpleasant stricture and voice (for oth- plant, that is the root system, which is enriched ers) get lost, let we have growth of our with medicinal quality. However, the leaves of friendship overthrowing of foe, let we have Kusha has some healing power; in total is pre- long living children and let you get exposed sented below: like an important medicine and save us from 1. Macerated leaf extract of Kusha applied on all sides”. a fresh cut wound stops bleeding and heals • “Oh Drabha ! your winning capability(over quickly. diseases) and our capacity to struggle, be 2. Leaf extract squeezed into nose stops united to restraint the enemy”. bleeding. 46 SACHIDANANDA PADHY 3. Pounded leaf applied on the skin cures itch- Golmirich, that relieves quickly. This appli- ing disease. cation is also favourable for early delivery. 4. Any type of wound washed with the de- 18. Root of Kusha grinded with cow milk, if coction of Kusha root quickly heals it taken in early in the morning, it clears the (Charaka). urination and cures from gonorrhoea. 5. Kusha root pounded in rice washed water, 19. Pounded Kusha root mixed with sugar wa- taken being mixed with powder of cumin ter if taken daily, it cures incurable Asmmri seed (Cuminum cyminun) and sugar cures (Kidney stone) and stoppage of urination. menstrual disorder (Chakradatta). 20. Juice of green Kusha root mixed with limit- 6. Kusha root and bark of Bajramuli root (Sida ed sugar candy power taken thrice daily rhombifolia) grinded together with rice cures excess bile secretion and its nega- washed water, taken internally stops blood tive impacts. stool evacuation (Bangasena). 21. Five products: Adrak, Mirchi (Capsicum 7. Decoction of Kusha root clears urination. annum), Haldi (Curcuma longa), Kalajira 8. Decoction of Kusha root and Gokhara (Nigella sativa) and root of Kusha in equal (Pedalium murex, Tribulus terrestris) mixed part are to be pounded together and cooked with honey and sugar candy taken in cures till the remaining of 1/8 part of water, filtered. rheumatic fever. The filtrate mixed with little cow urine is to 9. Ointment of pounded Kusha root checks be taken daily twice or thrice for seven days. the burning sensation. It cures jaundice, paleness and dropsy. 10. Intake of mixed decoction of Kusha root, Maghi Raasi (Sesamum indicum Raasi pro- KUSHA: TANTRIC APPLICATION duced in the Hindu calendar month Magha) and old Gur (Jaggery) cures scanty and The philosophy of Tantra has a broader obstacle of menstruation.
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