The Newark Post VOLUME XIX NEWARK, DELAWARE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9,1928 Council Refuses To NUMBER 15 Ruth Phelps Takes Armstrong Exonerated Senior Play Tickets Re-Open Discussion State Essay Prize Two Drys Named For Frank Collins Goes Ruth Phelps, of the Newark High Dry Law Quiz Comm. School, was the winner in the In Fatal .Accident Are .Sel1ing Rapidly Of Sewer Accounts State-wide essay contest held in . Dr. G. Layton Griel', of Mil.Iol'd, To Nat. Convention the N ewal:k Schoo l a uditorium, last Coroner'. Jury Finds Him Blame- "The Whole Town's Talkinr" to a nd former Judge . Willia m H. Council Vote. 4 to 2 Arainlt Further Friday afte1'l1 oon, on " Outlaw Vial' ·Boyce, of Dovel', both prominent Aft. Delaware Delegate Treaties." Her subject was, "The Ie .. in 'Accident Causing Death be Pre.ented by High School dl'Ys, have been named membe l's of Consideration After It I. Petitioned: . United States and World Peace." I a committee to supervi se the co m­ of Jea~~ud.on Students Friday Night I IJil at i.on of the answers to t he Elected at State Democratic Conven Herbert McWalter, of Cla ymont, Signers Hold Meeting In Wolf Hall questionna ire sent out two week's I was second. Others in the contest tion, Held Yesterday; Platform At a coroner's inquest, held Monday Dr. George Rhodes, who is handling ago by P . 'S. du Pont for t he Dela­ were : Elsie Massey, of Laurel, and night in the office of Robert T. Jones, the ticl<et distribution, reports a large wa re Division of the Association PETITION Eileen Kelley, of du Pont High. Favors State Control of the jury r eturned a verdict exonerat- advance sale f or the "The Whole Against the Prohibit ion Amend­ Contestants from Hanington and ing William Armstrong, Sr., from any Town's Talking", the Newark High ment. The questionnaire was Delaware Bridge New Castle f ail ed to appear. A request to reopen discussion of blame in the death of Jeanne Hudson, School senior class play, which .will be f ra med to I'eveal the sent iment of the items i;1Cluded in the accounting, The winner will be awarded a , seven-year-old school girl, who died in presented, Friday evening, at 8 :15, t he people of Delaware on the pro­ 6 DELEGATE3 ELECTED f l'om whi ch the assessment for the medal offered by the Wilmington St. Francis Hospital, last Wednesday standard time, in. the Newark Opera hibition question. Both Dr. Grier new ewer was computed, was refused Society of Friends. The' c,ssays hail night from injuries received when she House. ahd Judge Boyce have co nsented to Frllnk C. Co llins, of Newlll'k, wil by the Council of Newa'l'k at its meet- to be original. All of them will be was struck by Mr. Armstrong's ~ar The play, a three-act farce. comedy, serve on the committee, it is said. go to Houston, Texas, as a delegat ing Monday night. The request, sent to the Peace Society in Wi!- the preceding day. has been in rehearsal for over a Another member of the committee f rom Delawa re to the Democratic Na which was in the form of a petition mington and what is considered the J eanne Hudson was the daughter of l!!onth a nd some unusual histrionic will probably be named. t ional Convent ion. He was elected signed by 36 proper ty owner s in the two best will be sent to Washing- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hudson, of Rose- talent has been discovered and devel! It is stated by George W. Ab­ delegate f rol11 New Cast le county, yes newly annexed section of Newark, ton f or the national contest.· The ville Park. On Tuesday afternoon of oped by Mi ss Ann Osborne, who is berger, executive secretary of the terday, at t he Democratic State Con stated the agr eement between the an- judges were Dr. E. B. Crooks, Pro- last week she ran around the back of directing the p·roduction. The pro- Association, that 103,000 question­ vention held in Dover. He will b ~ on MX property owner s as it was il1 \!o r- f essol' W. G. Lewi, Jr., and Pro- a school bus, directly in the path of ceeds of the play will go toward de- naires were ma il ed; 4000 have been of s ix uninstructed delegates iron IJOl'ated in the bill passed by the last fessol' Henry Clay Reed. the Armstrong car which was passing f raying t he expenses of the Washing- returned because of wrong address; ' Delaware wh o will probably favol Assemqly, a nd sa id that the '-----------___....! I the bus in the opposite di(ection. She ton trip which the senior class will and there have been 37,561 a nswers G ~ l1e l'a l "AI" Smith as the Democratic candi published aud it of the town accounts G I EI I was thrown on .the road and sustained ma ke, leaying here Thursday, May -17, received to the questionnaiI·e. The date for president. cau sed the uhder sig ned to r equest a a f ractured sklrll. The little girl was and returning Saturday, May 19. answers aL'e bein g held unopened enera y nspects The Democrat ic State Co nvent iol fUl' lher discussion of a number of the in the primar y department of the The cast of the play in order of ap- by t he Trust Department of the was, like the Republi can Co nvention Wilmington Tr ust Co mpany. item s f rom which t he assessment was University R. O. T. C. Newark schools. pearance is : a tame, cut and dr ied affair. Josia h figured. • Sevcral witnesses testified that the H arriet Simmons-Sarah Wallis Marvel was elected chairman of th Councilma n Lovett presented the C d Of S d C A accident was unavoidable. The t esti- Annie- Agnes Miller convention, i1l1d in an address aske pclition to Mayor Frazer , stating that omman er econ orp. rea hm odn y I' stI atedd f that several children Taxi Driver- Geor ge Cook Two Newark Students the delegates to forget petty differ­ a a Ig lte rom the bus and crossed Henry Simmons-Wall ace New- it had been handed him just as he Makes Annual Inspection', High. the road and that J eanne had got out comb ences and unite for the strength of the party. The Convention adopted a wa about to enter t he Council meet- e.t Officer Which Ever In. of the bus and run ar ound back of E thel Simmoris-Dorothy Da meron Win In Essay Contest platform which approved 11 br id ge over ing. Mayor F r /}'Z er r ead the petition the n1:-lchine and dar ted out into the Royce Shi eld s- Herman Handloff Phoebe Steel And Thomas Mann. the Dela ware river if pa rtiall y con­ and a motion wa s made t hat the mat- spected Delaware Unit road directly in the path of the Arm-Chester Binney-Alec Zabenko troll ed by the State, but oppos ing it It tel' h. d been settled and that it should' --- strong cal'. was a lso stated that Sall y Otis-Ann Chalmers Win First Prizes In Delaware if privately owned. It a lso favo red not be reo pened. Co uncilman Huber t Major-General H anson E. Ely, com- MI'. Armstroll g was driving at a mod- Donald Swift-Alf red Vansant Contest Of Amerl'can ol d age pens ions for Dela ware. It slated that it was apparent tha t the mander of the second corps area, the erate rate of speed and stopped his Letty Lythe-Wil\a Dawson deplored centra lization of govern ment. I'e. idents of the annex were not satis- headquarter s of which is at Gover- car within its own length after it had Sadie Bloom- P auline Robinson Chemical Society The foll owing are the delegates and Ii d and that a f urther attempt should nor's Island, N. Y. , inspected the Un i- struck t he child. Mu ic will De f urnished by the __ altern ates selected for the National be III d to come to a definite settle- ver sity of Dela ware R. O. T . C. unit ~ ug e n e S t il tz, dri ver , of t he bus, Schoo l Orchestra. Two Newark students, Miss Phoebe Convention, and the State Co mmittee men!. T he mot ion was put to a vote on Monday. The inspection took place said that he had r epeatedly warned " .. E. Steel and Thomas Ma nns, Jr., were (Continued on P age 4.) an d passed, 4 to 2. Co uncilmen Wol- at noon a nd did not interfere with the children to step to the side of the first pl'i ze wi nner s in Delaware in the In. ton, Beals, Wilso n and Widdoes I I Th I h b t d d I k f Fire Damages Roof voting "yes" ; Councilmen Lovett a nd c assroom wor " e usua s am a - r oa an 0 0 ' 0 1' appr oaching car s of Sigma Nu House American Chemi cal Society P rize lIu bert voting "no" . tie ~v as omitted f rom t his year's in- befor e they attemped to cross.
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