On Sunday afternoon Sep- sequently, we have for many tember 28, 1980, I hummed a 'Go Ye' years been active "home cheerful tune as I checked a missionaries," while sup- bubbling casserole. At that By Lucile Dickson porting foreign missions with moment our telephone in our dollars, and with our College Place, Wash., rang. prayers. "I'll get it, dear," I called to But foreign service? That my husband. "It's probably was for the young, or for someone wanting to know those in robust health. We what time the Retired Work- have not been quite young er's supper is tonight." for a long while; and I've "Mrs. Dickson?" queried never been robust by any a pleasant masculine voice as stretch of the imagination. I lifted the receiver. "This is Even when, a few years ago, Don Roth at the General we heard of retired people Conference in Washington, volunteering for foreign ser- D.C. How soon could you vice, we did not consider and your husband be ready to ourselves eligible. But now, go to Palau?" we had been asked to go. We "Palau?" I repeated. hadn't volunteered — we "Why, I suppose it would were draftees! Furthermore, take at least thirty days to get we were committed — if I ready to go anywhere outside passed the physical. the United States." A vague I did pass (with some numbness came over me. reservations) and at last we "But what do they want with were on our way. We spent us in Palau?" four glorious days on Guam "The Palau Mission as guests of our friends (who Academy needs a teacher for had recommended us) and grades one to four — mostly with the Guam-Micronesia children of the staff, all bright Misson staff. We were given eager children. They can't a Traditional Island start school until you arrive, Welcome when our plane but you'll have no trouble landed in Palau. The children catching them up. Mr. whom I would teach placed Dickson can do maintenance fragrant flower leis on work. How about it?" our necks, and showered "Well, I s-s-suppose we can do it," I "Do you want to go to Palau?" I re- stammered. "If I can pass the physi- sponded, still in shock. North Pacific thaws Conference cal." "Where's Palau?" And his forehead "Very good!" Pastor Roth responded wrinkled. Gleaner cheerfully. "Make an appointment with "It's in an area known as Micronesia your physician at once. I'll get all the that was put under U.S. Trust after (USPS 394-560) necessary forms you'll need into the World War II. It's south of Guam, east Member Associated Church Press mail immediately. I'll keep in touch. of the Phillipines, and somewhere west Address all correspondence to: God bless you both, and thank you. of Hawaii out in the Pacific Ocean." I GLEANER North Pacific Union Conference Good-bye!" stopped — out of breath and informa- P.O. Box 16677, Portland, OR 97216 "What was that all about?" Edgar tion. (503) 255-7300 asked curiously. Edgar and I believe with most people August 6, 1984 Vol. 79, Number 15 that "Charity begins at home." But we Editor, Morten Juberg Lucile Dickson writes from College also believe with most Adventists that it Assistant Editor, Ed Schwisow Place, Wash. should definitely not end there. Con- Published by the North Pacific Union Con- ference of Seventh-day Adventists Please Note—Every reasonable effort is made to screen both editorial and advertising materials and to avoid error in this publica- tion. But the North Pacific Union Confer- About the Cover ence GLEANER does not accept responsi- bility for categorical or typographical errors, nor for advertisers' claims. Litho U.S.A. CP35205 Regarding the cover, photographer Gary Lackie, Anchorage, Alaska, writes, "My oldest son came home from school and told me he had found an excellent group of mushrooms while Second-class postage paid at College Place, running cross-country at school. That night the whole family took a walk about 11/2 miles down Washington. Published semimonthly at some wooded trails to see the mushrooms. The one you chose was the best vertical arid you Color Press, except one issue in December. may be interested to know I had the GLEANER in mind when I took it and tried to allow room Subscription, $6.50 per year. for the masthead. I believe the mushroom to be a Pholiota Adiposa." POSTMASTERS: Send form 3579 to North Lackie is a foreman in a printing firm in Anchorage. He used a Canon F-1 Camera with 50 Pacific Union GLEANER, P.O. Box 397, Col- mm macro lens. lege Place, Washington 99324. GLEANER August 6 1984 page 2 me with hugs and kisses. Then the prin- pastor! This man only a generation re- — and we would miss the entire point of each cipal and his wife drove us to their home moved from Paganism. A living monu- experience. In reality, God will do just about ment to Christian missions. I wanted to anything — but He always does it for the right for a delicious dinner. reason. And He judges what we do, also, by the My students were bright and eager as exclaim, "What hath God wrought!" motivation of our hearts. I'd been promised. Two little blond girls Instead I hugged him impulsively as the So, with the wearing of jewelry or any from California, a very intelligent plane that would bear us homeward other issue, the testing point is: Why am I doing it? Will doing this enhance the image of brother and sister from Canada, with roared down the airstrip. the meek and lowly Jesus, the Man of Sor- four Palauan children made up my little The "Great Commission" is more real rows, as He shines through my personality? group. One boy, the son of the governor to us than ever. For some it is "Go ye"; Or am I simply feeding the spirit of vanity and of Airai (the state in which our school for others it means "stay by the stuff." pride? Susan Davis was located) gave me much information For every Christian it means sharing in Oakland, Ore. concerning their language and customs. Christ's preparation for His glorious re- Our pastor (also dean of boys) and his turn! _1.0 wife (also dean of girls) had two lovely children, a boy and a girl. The school's Front the Editor cook, who is the widow of the first Palauan pastor to be ordained by Seventh-day Adventists, had a lively lit- Readers will notice the addition of a tle granddaughter who became part of Letter second color in this issue along with an our pre-school on a part-time basis. I upgrading of the paper stock. This called my classroom, "My Little United Letters are welcomed for publication. The comes as a courtesy for this issue from Nations!" editor reserves the right to reject letters and Color Press in College Place, Wash., where necessary, to edit for continuity and who prints the GLEANER. To my surprise, we had everything by space requirements. Letters must be signed way of supplies that a teacher could de- and should not be over 250 words in length We receive many comments from our sire, including a well-stocked children's except, where, in the editor's discretion, more readers regarding the color covers on library. We started classes at 7:00 a.m. space is available. Address letters to Editor, the GLEANER. Our judges select what Box 16677, Portland, OR 97216. and continued through to 12:30. Be- they feel are best of the hundreds of cause we were very determined to slides submitted. However, after the "catch up" we also had a two-hour Old-Fashioned Way separations are made, the rest is up to tutoring session in the afternoon until the skilled workmen at Color Press. It was the old-fashioned legalistic Our appreciation goes to the Press shortly before school closed. Although, Adventists who crucified our Lord two I have taught for many years, I've never thousand years ago, then hurried home so manager Harold Kehney and those who enjoyed a group of children more. they would be ready for the sacred Sabbath work there. Without the careful atten- Achievement tests at the close of the hours. There is more to being an Adventist tion to detail, our quality would be much than externals. less. term indicated that every child had As to the exclusion of our non-baptized progressed at least the equivalent of one children from the Communion service, how grade. We thanked God for His good- can we justify such action when we always ness! announce an "open communion," inviting any and all visitors to join us? What better My husband supervised the library in way is there to instruct our children than for the forenoon for grades 9 through 12, them to take part with us as parents. and also a work program in the after- Lucille J. Roos noon. After his initial adjustment, he Myrtle Creek, Ore. made a unique contribution to the staff, and enjoyed his stay in the mission I have watched with interest the letters about the wearing of jewelry and it seems to All five planets are in the evening skies. school. me we are missing the point. We tend to Probably Mercury will be hard to see. Venus Sometimes people ask us if we're glad think, "God wouldn't do this," or "God will set in less than an hour after sunset.
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