Whether you've had a Mac for 10 minutes or 10 years, you'll pick up something new:'- Stewart Cheife~ Computer Chronicles TV Show SJED BY URN YOUR HElD lAC INTO A IULTIMEDIA IONSTER UTH OVER D MINUTES F COMPUTER NIMATIONS, LEARN HOW UICKTIME YOUR MAC WORKS WITH OUR INTERACTIVE GUIDED TOUR INCLUDES OVER 65MB OF THE IDG-- lEST SHAREWARE - FONTS. BOOKS SOUNDS, GAMES, I MOlE Interactive 1 "iAOWORLD TM MW~ AUTHORIZED EDITION Macworld Ultimate Mac CD-ROM ByJimHeid ~ - IDG BOOKS IDG Books \iVorldwide,Inc. An International Data Group Company Foster City, CA + Chicago, IL + Indianapolis, IN+ Braintree, MA +Dallas, TX Macworld Ultimate Mac CD-ROM Published by IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. An lmemational Data Group Company 9 19 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Suite400 Foster City, CA 94404 Text and artcopyright© l994 by IDG Books Worldwide. All rights reserved. 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