( CITY of BETHEL P. 0. Box 388 • Bethel, Alaska 99559 543-2297 - Area Code 907 Minutes Parks & Recreation Commtttee Me~ting January 30, t 980 City Ha 11 7:30pm Roi I Cal I Meeting cal led to order at 7:45 pm. Committee members present: Alder Hoffman, Parker,Relch, Twitchel I. Approval Of Minutes Motion made by Reich to approve minutes of December 5th meeting. Seconded by Twitchel I. Approved •. Approval Of Agenda Aqend~ arproved as presented •• Communications Parks & Recreation Director Alder read a letter of support for the Teen Center concept from Robert Buttcane, PATC Director. Alder explained that the letter was received after the December 5th meeting where a pub I ic discussion on the subject was held. Chairperson's Report None Director's Report Parks & Recreation Director Alder reported that Winter programs are running smoothly and that the 1980 Yukon-Kuskokwim State Fair is set for February 3 - 10th .. The bid package for Phase 2 of the 21-acre Park, children's play area, is ready to go out for bid. The bid schedule is: February 10th Bid advertisement goes out .. February 18th Pre-Bid Conference <In Anchorage) •• March 10th Bid Opening •• March 20th Award Bid .. Alder reported that he has 3 new staff members on board which presently gives the Parks & Recreation Dept. a ful I staff •• "Deep Sea POTt and Transportation Center of the Kuskokwim" ( Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes of January 30, 1980 ( Old Business Item A: Fol lowup Discussion on Plans for a Teen Center ·Parks & Recreation Director Alder reported that City Counci I at their December 10th meeting approved the turning over of the present Day Care Facility to the Parks & Recreation Dept. when it becomes vacant. Discussion fol lowed on when the bui I ding wi I I become vacant and present estimates are the earliest would be late summer of this year. It was suggested by Committeemember Bev Hoffman that legislators be questioned regarding possible funds. Chairperson Ron Parker stated he would be wil I ing to work with Bev on securing information along these I ines. Committee-member Twltchel I also mentioned Bethel Native Counci I be contacted regarding plans and possible source of Teen Center funds •• New Business Item A: Bowl inq Alley Report Parks & Recreation Director Alder presented the committee with a 6 month Status Report on the operation of the Bowl Ing Alley. A question and answer session fol lowed •• Aa.journment Motion made by Reich, seconded by Twitchel I. Meeting adjourned at 9: 15 pm •• ( CITY of BETHEL P. 0. Box 388 • Bethel, Alaska 99559 543-2297 - Area Code 907 Minutes Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting March 26, 1980 • City Ha 11 7:30rI Roi I Cal I Meeting cal led to order at 7:40pm •• Committee-members present: Alder, Parker, Reich, Twitchel I •. Absent: B. Hoffman, C. Moses •. Approval of Minutes Motion made by Twitchel I to approve the minutes of January 30th meeting. Seconded by Reich. Minutes approved ... Approval of Agenda Agenda was amended to add: Item B under Old Business: Report on Progress of 21-acre Park - Phase 2 Construction, and Item A under New Business: I New Senior Citizens Center. MOTION made by Parker to approve agenda as. ' amended, seconded by Twitchell. Agenda approved as amended. .,,. Communications 11 Parks and Recreation Director Alder presented the committee wi~ a letter from Robert Toalson, Director Champaign Park District (II linois) informing Alder that he has been selected as one of two nominees from the aclf ic Northwest District to serve on the American Park and Recreajion ioclety Board of Directors. Alder explained that APRS is one of the seve~al professional branches of the National Recreation & Park Association. If lected Alder would serve on the Board of Directors through 1983 •• Chairperson's Report NONE Director's Report Parks and Recreation Director Alder reported that Winter Recreation programs officially end March 28th. He stated he was.please~ with the success of this year's winter programs and commended hi~ staff for a job wel I done. "Deep Sea Port and Transportation Center of the Kuskokwim" Parks and Recrea.1on Committee Minutes of March 26, 1980 page 2 •• The 8-week Spring Recreation Programs wl II begin March 31st and run through May 23rd. Alder reported that he had submitted the Senior Citizens Grant for FY 81 funding to the Office on Aging In Juneau. He also reported that the Parks and Recreation Department wll I be hiring 3 CETA Youth Workers for the Summer. Summer recreation programs will start on June 2nd. The Committee expressed concern to Parks & Recreation Director Alder regarding the need for improvements to the recreation lot behind the Parks and Recreation building to avoid problems encountered last year due to an excesslv~ amount of water on the recreation field during the summer months. The commfttee wll I be making a recommendation in regards to field Improvements In the ear future •• Old Business Item A: Teen Center Discussion Committee-chairperson Ron Parker asked that this be tabled until the April meeting to al low committee members more time to research their assigned areas and it was also felt the entire committee shuold be present to discuss Teen Center plans. Areas of responsibility were: Committee-members Ron Parker and Bev Hoffman were going to talk with George Hohman regarding I availability of funding for a teen program, Committee-member Twitchel I wl I I talk with Bethel Native Council regarding their future plans and Parks & Recreation Director Alder wi I I check with Bethel Social Services on latest tentative date for moving to the new daycare facility •• Item B: Report on Progress of 21-acre Park: Phase 2 Constr.uctlollilll• Parks & Recreation Director Alder reported that bids for the chi ld~n's play area were opened on March 14th. Three bids were received. Alder reported that pl ling should be going in within the next month and construction !will take place this summer.. - New Business I Item A: New Senior Citizens Center I Parks and Recreation Director Alder reported on the plans for the new Bethel Senior Citizens Center. He explained that Bethel received$1.5 ml Ilion in the 1978 State Bond Issue Proposition #3. Alder reported that a Planning Committee of community members . has been Iworking with Design Lab, Inc. (Anchorage archttect firm) In develop.ing plans for the faci llty which will undergo construction this summer, anticipated completion date around December. When completed the Senior Citizens Program presently housed in ~he Parks and Recreation Building wll I move to the new facility,. ----·--··-- --------- Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes of March 26, 1980 page 3 .•• Ad,journment Motion made by Twitchell to adjourn, seconded by Reich. Meeting adjourned at 8: 45pm .• NEXT PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 16th at 7:30pm.... I I I ,...• • I I I .. CITY of BETHEL P. 0. Box 388 • Bethel, Alaska 99559 543-2297 - Area Code 907 Minutes Pac.ks & Recreation Committee Meeting Apr i I 16, 1980 City Ha 11 Roi I Cal I Meeting cal led to order at 7:45pm .. Committee-members present: Alder Hoffman, Parker, Reich .•• Absent: C. Moses and P. Twitchel I •• Approval of Minutes Motion made by Hoffman to approve the minutes of March 26th meeting. Seconded by Reich. Minutes approved •. Approval of Agenda Agenda was amended to add: Item C under Old Business: Recreation Land Improvements. Motion made by Reich to approve agenda as amended, seconded I by Hoffman. Agenda approved as amended. ... bOmmunications I Committee Chairperson Parker passed out a copy of the Parks & Recreation Committee's letter of recommendation sent to the City Manager & Public Works Director with copies to the Public Works Committee and Cit~Counci I. Chairperson's Report l'­ I None .• I Director's Report .. Parks and Recreation Director Alder reported that Spring Recreation Programs began March 31 and wi I I run thru mid May. Alder reported that he had submitted a grant appl itation for Title V funds to the Office on Aging. Title V fundS are for hiring persons 55 years of age and older. Alder explained hell had applied for 2 positions: a Driver and a Cook's Assistant to work with the Senior Citizens Program beginning this Fal I •. Director Alder reported a change in plans for the 21-acre Park children's play area construction. Due to recent warm weather, ~I I ings could not be put In. He explained the play equipment wi I I be ordered on this summer's barge and that a labor contract wi I I be let out this Fal I. "Deep Sea Port and Transportation Center of the Kuskokwim" ( Parks and Recreation Committee Ninutes of April 16, 1980 page 2 .• Alder reported that the Summer Youth Worker positions he had requested have been approved. There wi II be 3 youth positions with the department this summer. He mentioned to the Committee that due to recent developments, there Is a possibility that there may be no CETA positions after October,1980 •• Parks &·Recreation Director Alder told the Committee he wil I be attending the Pacific Northwest Regional Parks & Recreation Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, May 9 - 14th •• Old Business • Item A: Teen Center Discussion Committee-member Bev Hoffman reported that she had spoken to SenatorI Hohman via Teleconference. Bev explained to Hohman that the Parks & Recreation Committee supported BSS proposal for funds for their new Day Care facility and that the committee had been making plans for converting the old Day-care faci I ity into a TEEN CENTER.Bev told the Senator about the need for a Teen Center in Bethel and informed him of the planning alre6d~ done by the Parks & Recreation Committee •• Bev reported that the senator asked her to mai I al I pertinent materials and facts available regarding the Committee's Teen Proposal.
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