TUMANBAY Episode 2.06 - "Holy Father" by John Dryden Series created and written by John Dryden & Mike Walker Goldhawk Productions Ltd [email protected] 6.1EXT. LIVELY STREET - NIGHT 6.1 A busy street market. Loud CHATTER. GREGOR (V.O.) Nighttime... Men drinking and LAUGHING. GREGOR (V.O.) CONT’D The streets are alive... The young find mischief... The old drink coffee outside the cafes and discuss all that is wrong in the world... The noise echoes away into silence... 6.1AEXT. QUIET STREET - NIGHT 6.1A GREGOR (V.O.) But not any more. The curfew has put an end to all that... Some movement. We hear MURMURS - a strange language. GREGOR (V.O.) Only the rubbish pickers venture out; sifting, sorting, evaluating... Turning what is discarded into something that has use... before disappearing back into the walls... 6.2EXT. STREET OUTSIDE THE ORPHANAGE - NIGHT 6.2 DORIN HURRIES along a street. NIGHT GUARD accosts him. GREGOR (V.O.) But who’s this hurrying out through the fog...? Why isn’t he at home with his family? NIGHT GUARD You! What is your business? DORIN Official business. NIGHT GUARD Papers? Dorin TAKES OUT his papers. NIGHT GUARD (CONT’D) Working late, Doctor? TUMANBAY Episode 2.06 2. DORIN That’s right. An OFFICER APPROACHES. NIGHT GUARD Well travel safe. There are criminals about. DORIN Has something happened here? NIGHT GUARD Where? DORIN At the orphanage? A door OPENS. OFFICER (approaching) Guard! Are the back gates sealed off? NIGHT GUARD Yes, Commander. DORIN (to the Officer) Excuse me, I oversee the welfare of the children. Is there anything I can do...? Doctor Dorin. OFFICER Not tonight, Doctor. DORIN I understand there’s been a murder? OFFICER The director of the orphanage. Killed in his bed. DORIN Oh... I’m so sorry. OFFICER Terrorists. We’ll find them.. DORIN I’m sure. I’m sure... 6.3INT. DORIN’S HOUSE - NIGHT 6.3 Dorin RETURNS home hassled. His wife, AMANTHI, is waiting for him - anxiously. TUMANBAY Episode 2.06 3. AMANTHI What took you so long? DORIN I was in the middle of an operation when your message came. What is it? What's happened? AMANTHI They are waiting for you in there. DORIN Who? MANEL APPEARS. HEAVEN is with her. MANEL I'm sorry. We had nowhere else to go. AMANTHI (to Dorin) How many times have I told you, don't involve us, the house. Keep it away from our home. DORIN Look, I don’t know what you expect from me but- MANEL We’ve come from the orphanage. A tense silence. DORIN All right. So why didn’t you do what was asked of you? You weren’t supposed to kill him. You were supposed to leave the dagger on his pillow. MANEL I know, but then- HEAVEN It’s my fault. DORIN (looking at Heaven) Who's this? MANEL We met at the orphanage. HEAVEN They took my baby. TUMANBAY Episode 2.06 4. MANEL Listen, something’s going on there. They are taking the children away. Doing something to them. I don’t know... DORIN Who? MANEL There was a child. DORIN A child? MANEL She said they come with knives and take children away? DORIN And did you stop to talk to a anyone else while you were there? AMANTHI Dear God, dear God... What have you done? DORIN You don’t have a clue do you? MANEL What? DORIN You were seen. They know who you are. And you come to my house? MANEL I’m sorry, but I thought it was safe- DORIN No, you didn’t think did you? MANEL We had nowhere else to go- A BANGING on the door. Everyone freezes. DORIN Come with me. He LEADS them to another room and LIFTS a trap door in the floor. DORIN (CONT’D) Down here. Don’t make a sound. TUMANBAY Episode 2.06 5. Manel and Heaven GO DOWN some wooden steps. The trap door CLOSES behind them. HEAVEN Can we trust him? MANEL I don’t know. They hear the front door OPEN. Muffled voices. BARAKAT ENTERS the house. DORIN (off) Inquisitor. What a pleasure. (calling) Amanthi, come. We have a guest, bring refreshments... HEAVEN He’s betrayed us. MANEL Shhh! Just listen... We move to the room above, where Barakat is questioning Dorin. BARAKAT (off) Why are you not at the institute? I was looking for you. DORIN (off) I had to come home to get something... BARAKAT (off) To get what? DORIN (off) A piece of equipment. Amanthi RETURNS. DORIN (CONT’D) Ah, Amanthi. AMANTHI (bowing to Barakat) Your Holiness. DORIN Your Holiness, why don’t you sit? Our home is your home. TUMANBAY Episode 2.06 6. BARAKAT I don’t have time to sit, Doctor. Nor do you. The great work awaits... DORIN But the children, they are sleeping now. BARAKAT Then wake them up. The work will not wait... 6.4OPENING TITLES - MUSIC 6.4 ANNOUNCER Tumanbay, Series 2, Episode 6. “Holy Father”, by John Dryden. 6.5EXT. TUMANBAY - EARLY MORNING 6.5 Calls to prayer can be heard from distant temples. 6.6INT. PALACE BATHS - EARLY MORNING 6.6 Footsteps of a SLAVE 1, a young man, almost a boy. SLAVE 1 (calling) Hanif! Hanif! His voice echoes through the chamber. SLAVE 2 (distant) I’m here. GREGOR (V.O.) The work will not wait. Another day, and the slaves prepare. It takes a lot to keep all those officials fed and clean. So many holy men... Slave 1 approaches SLAVE 2, a much older man, who is STOKING a fire. SLAVE 2 Overslept again? SLAVE 1 They locked us in our quarters. They wouldn’t tell us why. TUMANBAY Episode 2.06 7. SLAVE 2 They say something’s happened in the palace. SLAVE 1 What? SLAVE 2 Who knows? Who cares? Something big. Just do your job. Light the torches. They’ll be down for their baths soon. Slave 1 GOES over to the baths and TOUCHES the water. SLAVE 1 (feeling the water) It’s so warm. He SPLASHES his face. SLAVE 1 (CONT’D) I’d like to be like them. Having someone prepare my bath, cook my food, wipe my- Slave 2 WHACKS him. SLAVE 2 Do you think they want your filthy hands in their bath? SLAVE 1 You do it. I’ve seen you. When you think no one’s looking. SLAVE 2 What are you talking about? SLAVE 1 Behaving like you’re His Holiness, the Inquisitor himself. Slave 2 SIGHS. SLAVE 1 (CONT’D) Who’s this? (Splashing water and imitating Barakat) “I bless you with this water...” SLAVE 2 Hey. That’s not funny. SLAVE 1 No wait, wait... What about this...? TUMANBAY Episode 2.06 8. He DRAGS his leg along the ground imitating Barakat’s limp. SLAVE 1 (CONT’D) “I never tell a lie...” SLAVE 2 (starting to laugh) Stop it! SLAVE 1 “Children are the blank parchment on which God’s word can be written...” SLAVE 2 They will be down any moment. Do you want to get us both killed? Here... He THRUSTS a flaming torch into his hands. SLAVE 2 (CONT’D) Now light the torches. Slave 1 doesn’t move. SLAVE 2 (CONT’D) What’s wrong with you? SLAVE 1 What’s that? Something floating in the... Slave 2 looks. SLAVE 2 Give me the torch. He TAKES it. HOLDS it up. SLAVE 1 Is it...? Slave 2 WADES into the water. SLAVE 2 Yes. Slave 1 JOINS him. SLAVE 1 Fat bugger. SLAVE 2 No, the body’s swollen. It must have been here all night. He TURNS it over. TUMANBAY Episode 2.06 9. SLAVE 1 Watch out. He might explode. SLAVE 2 It’s the Vizier. SLAVE 1 Who? SLAVE 2 The Grand Vizier. Cadali. Slave 1 starts to MOVE the body. SLAVE 2 (CONT’D) Wait, what are you doing? SLAVE 1 We need to go and tell someone. SLAVE 2 They might think it was us. Do nothing. Leave him here. SLAVE 1 But- SLAVE 2 Let some other bastard find him. Slave 2 WADES back out of the baths. SLAVE 2 (CONT’D) Come on. Slave 1 thinks for a moment then follows, leaving the body behind. GREGOR (V.O.) And they leave Cadali to his watery dreams... I used to wonder if I was the only one plagued by them. Now I know: everyone drowns in memories... And the memories hold you down... 7.22AINT. DREAM SEQUENCE/QULAN’S HOUSE - DAY 7.22A A dream (segment from 7.22A)... Pesha has been stabbed and is DYING. HODAH cradles him. SOLDIERS are RANSACKING the house. DANIEL watches as Manel stares, horrified. MANEL Pesha, Pesha... TUMANBAY Episode 2.06 10. GREGOR (V.O.) Manel is plagued by nightmares of her own... HODAH Daniel help us, please help us. He’s just a boy. My child, my poor child, Pesha, Pesha... She cradles his body WEEPING. SOLDIER What shall we do with the women, Commander? DANIEL Leave them be for now. Manel, bury your brother then take your mother and leave by morning. MANEL (her anger swelling) You let him die... You let him die... You let him- The dream is interrupted by a trap door OPENING. 6.7INT. DORIN’S HOUSE. BASEMENT - DAY 6.7 Dorin PEERS IN. DORIN Are you both awake? MANEL Yes... DORIN Come, Manel. MANEL (to Heaven) Come on. Heaven GETS UP too. DORIN Not you. Heaven, is it? You stay here with Amanthi. We have business to attend to..
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