THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE A L A B A M A OF The ALABAMA STATE PORT AUTHORITY SEAPORT JUNE 2009 ICS ad-8.5x11-Alabama 3/10/09 1:24 PM Page 1 Alabama Seaport PuBlishED continuOuSly since 1927 • JunE 2009 On The Cover: with mast in place, the uSS InDEPEnDEnCE is floated off into the mobile river. 4 9 Alabama State Port Authority P.O. Box 1588, Mobile, Alabama 36633, USA P: 251.441.7200 • F: 251.441.7216 • asdd.com Contents austal wins Contract for Second u.S. navy Ship .............................................4 James K. Lyons, Director, CEO Larry R. Downs, Secretary-Treasurer/CFO austal Continues InDEPEnDEnCE Testing ........................................................6 EXecUtiVE Port authority welcomes Captain Terry gilbreath PErsonnEl Charles F. Sleeman, Manager P: 251.441.7209 as new harbor master .............................................................................................7 FINANcial SerVices aker Solutions named 2009 alabama medium Larry Downs, Secretary/Treasurer 251.441.7050 manufacturer of the year ........................................................................................9 Linda K. Paaymans, Vice President 251.441.7036 COmptrOllEr Pete Dranka 251.441.7057 at the helm: marc Quenneville ............................................................................10 Information TechnOlOgy Stan Hurston, Manager 251.441.7017 human Resources Danny Barnett, Manager 251.441.7004 Thyssenkrupp Employees lost in Crash .......................................................... 12 Risk managEmEnT Kevin Malpas, Manager 251.441.7118 arlington Park update: wetlands mitigation Internal auditor Avito DeAndrade 251.441.7210 means a new Park for mobile ............................................................................ 13 MarketiNG Judith Adams, Vice President 251.441.7003 made in alabama: Company Takes advertising to new heights .................16 Sheri Reid, manager, Public affairs 251.441.7001 Currents ......................................................................................................20-23 Pete O’Neal, manager, real Estate 251.441.7123 Pat Scott, manager, Fixed assets 251.441.7113 Port Calls: year of alabama history ............................................................ 24 John Goff, manager, Theodore Operations 251.443.7982 Of men & Ships: The undersea war in the Pacific ...................................27 OperatioNS H.S. “Smitty” Thorne, Executive Vice President/COO 251.441.7238 Bradley N. Ojard, Vice President 251.441.8133 Glenn Reibe, Training & Quality Control manager 251.441.7156 Departments Ron Adler, asst. general manager, Operations 251.441.7316 Sailings .............................................................................................................. 32 Bulk OperationS Raymond Dearmon, Manager 251.441.7676 Melvin Barnett, Operations Superintendent 251.441.7675 Postcards from the Past ...............................................................................35 TErmInal raIlway Mike Russell, general manager 251.441.7301 GenEral CargO/Intermodal Port of mobile Directory ................................................................................36 OperationS Mike Parker, Manager P: 251.441.7232 Steamship agencies & lines ........................................................................38 F: 251.441.7231 CustomEr SErvice Marx Nicholson, Manager 251.441.7047 Traffic/Sales Anna Ward, Manager 251.441.7516 Chuck Camp, logistics manager 251.441.8179 ICS Logistics keeps your cargo moving. With facilities strategically located in the Southeast, a state of the art information POrT POlice Chief Jimmie Flanagan P: 251.441.7777 system and a service commitment that you can rely on, we are the strongest link in your supply chain. Give us a call F: 251.441.7072 TruCk COnTrOl Lester Davidson 251.441.7098 today to learn how we can keep you as flexible as the marketplace demands. harbor master Capt. Terry Gilbreath 251.441.7074 Transportation PlaNNING & SecUrity ICS Logistics Transportation Hal Hudgins, Vice President 251.441.7237 TechNical SerVices 16 24 Dry & Perishable Storage Joseph L. Threadcraft, Vice President 251.441.7220 Industrial Cold Storage / JaxPort Refrigerated Services EngIneerIng managEr Jerald Kichler 251.441.7253 ICS Logistics Mobile Refrigerated Services / Global Stevedoring EnvirOnmEnTal, HealTh & Safety Robert C. Harris Jr., Manager 251.441.7082 Pacorini Global Services An Equal Opportunity Employer ALABAMA SEAPORT (ISSN 1524-8259) is published monthly by the marketing department, Alabama State Port Trade & DEVelopmeNT Marine Services Mark I. Sheppard, Vice President 251.441.7201 Authority. The magazine is provided free of charge upon written request from customers and friends of the Alabama Global Stevedoring / Pacorini Global Services Todd Jones, Director Trade & Development 251.441.7144 State Port Authority. Material contained herein, except when copyrighted, may be reproduced in whole or in part. A latin amErica Sales & Trade DevelopmEnT credit–line “Reprinted from ALABAMA SEAPORT” will be appreciated, and it is requested that a copy of the publica- Maria Mendez, Director 251.441.7535 tion, containing the material used, be sent to Editor, ALABAMA SEAPORT, Alabama State Port Authority, P.O. Box 1588, Mobile, Alabama 36633 U.S.A. JACKSONVILLE / 904.786.8038 / WWW.ICSLOGISTICS.COM confirms their confidence in Austal as a premier shipbuilder. Austal Wins Contract for These are exciting times for Austal, the city of Mobile and the state of Alabama.” Second U.S. Navy Ship The announcement follows Austal’s recent selection as Austal USA is proud to announce that the com- prime contractor for the U.S. Navy’s Joint High Speed Vessel pany has been awarded the contract to supply (JHSV) program, potentially valued at more than $1.6 billion. a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) to the U.S. Navy. The General Dynamics LCS Team platform utilizes Austal’s The fast, highly maneuverable vessel is a key ele- proven, high-speed trimaran hull-form to provide enhanced seakeeping, low resistance, superior aviation facilities and ment of the Navy’s plan to address asymmetrical Bob Riley, governor of alabama threats and will play a crucial role in both the defense of our homeland and large payload volume capacity. the protection of our forces and allies overseas. Alabama State Port AUthority Tim Parker Jr., Chair, Tuscaloosa Construction of Austal’s second LCS will commence im- This will be the second LCS ship contracted to the prime contractor Bath Iron Term expires July 31, 2013 mediately at its shipyard in Mobile, where work is also well Works, a General Dynamics (GD) company, and GD teammate Austal USA. William B. Bru, Mobile underway on the first phase of a new state-of-the-art Module Term expires august 2, 2014 The Navy’s first LCS, the 127-meter INDEPENDENCE, is in the final stages Manufacturing Facility (MMF). The facility will allow quicker H.L. “Sonny” Callahan, Mobile and more cost-effective construction of the ship compo- of construction at Austal’s shipyard in Mobile. The second LCS is named Term expires august 2, 2014 nents, or modules, which will then be transported to the CORONADO in honor of the patriotic citizens of Coronado, Calif., home to David J. Cooper, Mobile Naval Air Station North Island and Naval Amphibious Base. Term expires July 31, 2013 existing assembly bays along the waterfront for erection and Maj. Gen. J. Gary Cooper, USMC (RET) launch. Once completed, the 748,000-square-foot MMF Term expires July 31, 2010 The CORONADO will be similar to the INDEPENDENCE featuring an in- (more than 17 acres under roof), will allow the delivery of up Mike Fields, Tuscaloosa to five JHSV or LCS platforms per year. novative, high-speed trimaran hull. The 419-foot surface combatant ship is Term expires august 2, 2014 designed to defeat littoral threats and provide access and dominance in Barry Morton, Birmingham coastal waters for missions such as mine warfare, anti-submarine warfare Term expires July 31, 2010 When asked how this facility will improve Austal USA’s prod- and surface warfare. Steve Thornton, huntsville uct output, Rella explained, “This state-of-the-art facility was Term expires July 31, 2010 designed to greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness Sam Jones, Mobile of our production processes, thereby increasing our through- With the U.S. Navy committed to a 55-vessel LCS program, which is part of Term expires July 31, 2009 its 313-ship fleet, winning this contract demonstrates a strong vote of con- put. This, in turn, allows us to offer a greater volume of vessels to our clients at increasingly competitive prices.” fidence for the Austal-designed, high-speed aluminum trimaran seaframe. Alabama Seaport Editorial Staff Judith Adams, Editor-in-Chief Austal USA President and Chief Operating Officer Joe Rella commented, Jennifer Jenkins, managing Editor As a result of the LCS award and ongoing JHSV program, the “The award of this follow-on contract for the LCS program is a testimony Maureen Smith, managing Editor company’s USA workforce will grow to more than 1,300 by the time full production of the LCS begins next year. The CORO- to the commitment by the Navy to this shipbuilding program and further Scott Rye, Contributing Editor The INDEPENDENCE dry docked at Austal. Sheri Reid, Editor at large NADO is scheduled for delivery to the Navy in May 2012. Editorial CONtribUtors Emily Blanchard Blake herndon Jennifer Jenkins ashley Jones niki lim Vanessa mcgee Tracie ray greta Sharp maureen Smith Photography Sheri reid Editorial
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