THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Entered as Second Class Matter Published IFTY-NINTH YEAB —No. 44 Post Office, WestSeld. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1949 Every Thursday. 30 Crato iremen Prepare Asks Survey of New Parking Area Expected to Open etitions Seeking Water Conditions 10 Days-2 Weeks Advises Against The new northside station park- nil Referendum In Mountainside ing area is expected to be open within 10 days to two weeks, ac- Town DDT Spray cording to Town Engineer John T. Need Signatures Fire Ins. Raters Hopkins. Grading and surfacing Urge Boro to Buy is now being finished in the Town Council Acts to Buy Of 2,036 Voters area. When completed, landscap- To Poll Town Additional Pumper ing' of the center strip and plant- 87 Additional Parking Meters ing will be accomplished, and the MOUNTAINSIDE — Dr. Minor old town fire bell will be installed. Recommendation that the "Town Council not consider spraying 'etitions to place the question the town with a DDT solution, requested by three petitions in th* C. K. Jones, Democratic nominee The area will provide motered shorter work week for fi're- last month or so, until further technical information is available was for Borough Council in the Novem- parking between the hours of 9 on the November ballot are received by that body Monday evening from the Board of Health. ! ber elections, Tuesday night re- a. lit. and 4:!M) p. m. weekdays being prepared, Martin Burke, Andrew H. Carney, secretary of the health board, declared in a state- i quested the Mayor to consider the with free one-half hour parking irman of the Westfield local, nient to the Town Council, that nil imen's Mutual Benevolent Aa- I appointment of a water survey permitted after 4::J0 p. m. Park- (committee to determine possible ing limitations inid meters will not study revealed that the DPT so. ition, announced today. The lution is not entirely safe, that in rendum would seek a 56-hour I borough water requirements 10 he. enforced on Sundays or legal years hence. Jones said he had holidays, as in other sections of J25 Members in some cases the spray does effect week for Westfield'firemen animals and that there ig no ac- discussed this matter with vari- j the business district, i of the present 72-hour tual proof that such a method ous engineers during the present '49ers Club would reduce disease, particularly 1 j water shortage after the request ot less than 20 pel cent of the polio, since the cause of the latter of the Plainfickl-Union Water Co. iber of residents who actually I ailment is not yet known, to practice conservation. 18 Residents id in the last general election 6 Wagons Vie j Mr. Carney added that the. DDT 1st sign the petition in order to | The doctor'stated that because In Reading Program [solution is a subject of controversy e the question placed on the of the growth of the borough he At Band School it. The petitions must be filed thought it would be well if such a rbetween the American Medical Au- A total of 325 children are now | sociation, individual medicul «o- th Town Clerk Jane F. Jones proposed committee would make a ; according to' the state law, water survey along the lines of Several Participate members of the '49era Reading cieties and experiment stations, lid have the issue placed as a that by the Iioaid of Education Club in the Free Public Library,, The study of the subject was dele. irendun) at the election, for future school needs. In Rosellc Concert according to Jliss M. Virginia ' gated to the Board of Health by Gale, librarian. Each of these liab ! the Town Council several weeks lignatures on the petition for Mayor Thorn stated that the Eighteen Westfield residents are read one book to place his namt'lago. ferendum do not. necessarily present shortage was unusual and iicate opinion either for ov he did not look for another such enrolled this summer in the Union i on the rolls of the wagon train, j An ordinance appropriating $5,- Jnst the measure, but merely condition in the future. Jones had County Band and Orchestra School | Sixty-six covered wagons are 1500 for the purchase of 87 addi- —Warren K. GrofT in Roselle. They include Helen proval of the question's being (ilrl sr«u» a)trH4lii|t (he recent lilrl grant •>•>- CUM* at TIIH*<IUF« Park rn» now In* Himhrr a •mill suggested the loi'al committee to _- „ _ ... 'oiling across the prairies, labeled tional parking meters was passed iced on the' ballot. wltk ifcr raxtklHK, On* lif Ike mlillllf. m Ikr prnaraM lnrluO.1 Hrr-knlMlNg UH4 <ikl work with surrounding towns and Bartlett, Barbara M. Bauer, Betty | with the names of those who have on first reading by the Town Coun- With 10,179 residents voting in counties for the possible estab- Bohannon, Richard Bohnnnon, read five books In order ta start | cjj after passage of an amendment |t November's general election, lishment of a public 'reservoir. Mary Loun Booth, Joan Conovcr, the westward search for gold. to the parking meter ordinanci s firemen must obtain the names Asks Referendum Helen Earhart, Leslie Jo Fagans, Three members have read 15 books providing for the extension of m«. This would not affect taxes as the and reached California. 2,036 Westfield voters to securo ! revenue from water sales "could | Audrey Gleason, ^Saljy Guthrlp, tered parking on Elm street north Since the reading club has been referendum on the shorter work (cover costs, he said. ! Kosemarie Hewitt, Barbara Hirons, to Orchard street and in the new opened for membership' only since pk. On Liquor Ban j Councilman Fabian Vincent said Thomas Kis'oss, Roland Smith, Bill station parking men juat being June 20, and will continue until 'he hud discussed the water situa- Stuait, Robert Stuart, Henry Sul- constructed. the appropriating The efforts of the firemen to school opens in the fall, the num- |tiion with Public Utilities Commis- livan anil David Turnyr. ordinance is set for hearing and tain a shorter work week are Achey Would Bun • ber of members and the books they Isioner Potter who informed him Anthony Ingram, director of the final passage July 25. sed on State Senate Bill 84, are reading show that a large Boro Sunday Sales 'of the duties of the Water Con- WHS bawl, led the county school':; Free parking in the business lieh was signed by the Governor number of Westfielii's children ire 'servation Committee in New Jer- Orchestra Five in a concert last zone from 8 a. in. to !) a., m. was •ly 11, 1949, and permits the interested in reading. 1 MOUNTAINSIDE — Following evening. /Roland Smith of West- also established by the ordinance jal governing body to grant a sey and surrounding states. Vin- the approval on second reading field was a member of the saxo- Books of adventure, sports, stor- passed Monday night. ter week or the fire depart- cent said the shortage was not due by the Borough Council of a re- to lack of wells owned by the Plain- phone ensemble which had » fcu- ies, career storiea, historical th'i'ill- The question of legality in plac- nt local to have the issue put on turod role in the concert. Other er, as well as the standard fairy ing meters and obtaining revenue ballot for voters to decide. vision of the present ulcohollc bev- field-Union Water Co., but their I I erage ordinance to include a club !mibinty"to pump the'sullpiy'due i Westficlders playing in the orches- tales anil the humorous doings 01 from the northsldc parking area 1 license; and a resolution to ap- to outmodeddd equipmeni t thuh s not !1^pc'!"performanc1J™meT were Barbara j contemporary boys ami girls aic j leased by the town from the Cen- j prove to the ABC the Elks Club, being able to keep their reservoirs Bauer, piano; Audrey Gleason,! being read extensively. An Inter- j trai Railroad of'New Jersey WM fluteute ; Mary Lou Hooth and Joanc jestinesting development t is the demand j1 brought to the attention ,of th«e ew York Trip formerly of Westfield, as a recip- up to capacity. He stated he would I J; ient of a club license, two objec- Conovcr, clarinet and Betty Bo- for biographies. The library has j Town Council at the conclusion ot investigate tho possibilities of tho 1 tions were received from the au- water company's installing proper hunnon and Leslie Jo Faguns, cor- many of these written and illu- j the meeting by Hampton Hanna, strafed with children ill mind. Es- layfield Feature dience. j equipment, and discussing this if net. He questioned the right tf th« Dr. Minor C. K. Jones reiter- I necessary with the Public Utilities Als0 °" -»st ewnlng's program pecially popular with both boys town to obtain a substantial rev- ated his Ground tO Have , opinion to the continuous 'Commission and the Water Con-h™.e selections by Band Five, nnd girls is the series of Child- enue from property leased from • extension of liquor licenses in the jservation Commission. |wh'cl) included among its person- haod ot Famous Americana. the railroad, now in receivership. Designed tu interest children in It was pointed out by Sidney U Day at Tamaques borough, and both he and Eev. ! Fire Chief William VanNest ad- nel these residents: Audrey Glea- Milton P. Achey again stressed Eon, flute; Mary Lou Booth and leisure reading, the 49crs Reading Mapcg, fourth: ward councilman vised the council that he.
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