824 NAOH94 THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND Ministry of Agriculture Water Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Rural Development Directorate of Rural Water Finnish International Development Supply (DRWS) Agency (FINNIDA) XAbrary IRC Interryjtlonal'Water and Sanitation Centre Tel.: f 31 70 30 «89 60 Pax: 4-81 70116 800 04 1 I WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROJECT IN OHANGWENA REGION I I I 1 I ' Approved ? ;;.3.2.i94i:: I I I I I FINNCONSULT I Project No: 28103701-6 I b:annrep*93 I II I I I I I ; ivavor inu ;:.ar;i;:;::,ïïon I in the Ohangwona M eg son I I A N G O L A ~m f-n m V* fcV f-4 M $'.* IM W r it iH H 7float,! I I —--v-^. / I I I \ I OSHANA I Constituency Projaet Area I / — _ Torrod Road Cnlcrato Road I I I LIBRARY IRC I PO Box 93190, 2S09 AD THE HAGUE jy Tel.: +31 70 30 689 80 IRC Interr^ationai'Water and Sanitation Centre Fax:+31 70 35 899 64 Tel.: +31 70 30 689 80 BARCODE: /// i Fax: +31 70 35 899 64 I I.O: " I I I OANAMCO i\.:v.;\dii Namibia CuUponUiou ÛJN '.'.'-y-:, u-l of C'.urehe* hi yiinubiu I ( "D (.'•.':!i!nu:ii'Y novolopniont. ' i'ÀAV C^-.uu;:,\i.y !Toa.J'.h Worker I l i DAPP )l;-.-:-Icr,1n! nt Aid i>o;:i Peeplo 1:0 People I PilWS )','v •.•'.'-••••;•:<..; of .;-;i:r;Ü \\':-M r PiippJy " iJWA .;, ;;:n!:;:i:it of VV;u -T /• i;a:rH /' V'JiP r.::-^--!! AJ-I:;I i";Uo;-;r;..iod JP::;i;h Project I ; 'bT (•'• ,a;i'al ;-!i'h:-S '.lA'-.rv I MAWJÀ!) M:?;Ui.ry of A!:ïi''p't;!i'e, 'A'.vvT.-r .••uid Hv;r,il J)f;V • .'•••.ililJ(.;]'J'. Mi'A-Ivy of [fi•tyiori.'ji, l,c.•;:! •. .-.jveïnnu-m ixnd I .:v".i ',:••.\ orinnoitt;;] ()r:^:!ii;-;'i.ion :\'.--'\b:;i iîc'i i.'n::;.^ I Trii.-a-y H'n-,- '111 (~;u-o ••DC ••.:.:•••:,[ L\:.volùr-.:v,om <>: :!.;."! UXÏCKP IJi:-1: -d Ni.tiüns (..üiiidr^iir, r-.:nd T r i,iNPPh;M U:'jt.i:i.l iS :aii.ns i''ui;d 'or \V (;n;ün I VIJ21 Vc::u!;d(:.i lii^pio^od Pit. iatrine VT-O'M V;ja:.'e Luvt.-l (J[.u:riïtiun ;:;id Miiintcnance I "'\VASP WI-.Î.'T ;:.nd S.-'.nitalion Püücy WPC Water Point Conur.ittc-e WSSPOR Water Supply and fiiinitaUon Project in Ohanj^vona Re«ion I I I I I I I I I! TAVÏAÏ OF CONTENTH EXECUTIVE NUMMARY I E ACHIEVEMENTS DURING TUE REPORTE--:;: PEUIOD i.l. INSTl't'ljTiON BUILDING AND HUMAN I 1.2 C()M;.JliXiTY INVûIA'KMKNT .i .3 WAl'KÜ SUPPLY AND SANITATJÜN DIO I 1 6 f.()üi8Y'('.S I :ï. f5U.:Mlf..-r(;ANT CîrANGKS IN TLliï WORKIN(i I c: ON1 r>r il UNS I •1. SLUNJKÎCANT CIL\NGES IN THE PROJECT M f.î. LESHONS LEARNED Irf ANNEXES 1. Project Eact üheet i^. Progress of Mapping .'?. C^n^3i.r^:c(.cd Water Poiïits •ï. Consti'iiütcd Fcrro-C\'.nient Ta 5. Consti-uctcd Latrines (i. Lifjt ol' Personnel 7. Project CüKts 8. Training Activities louring 1903 0. Photographs I I I I I I I S/OREWÜRO 'i'l;e Work flan for }\rj',-, tjj• I not I.-MI^L. h>;n:forc vho iriplo.'Uii.'iui'.iori \VM-; '"'fried oiit b:\.:rOil on ihü 1 ; : I vloi'i^icn:^ by ihn '.if.ctn'n;.; «.,•<:•! m iiiti -.^'.^ .MV-t.:ii ;:<.••;:•;; h.':I:l ivi;; •rii •;:•!•/. j, -; ;:;'.-,) i,v (v;'i ilwit <:K.!r.'::r< r.hr» I'.'^t >{':;.<:l< r ;;!' JGiM thoro will i.-;; r- ;:^jiirl(jte !.)n!i:;e of !.':/•; •:::•:.]:;,• )-;;\i.,- -.„•. -•! •.;]-.r 1 ;•••<.-\ :;•;•; iV(.ini i:h.: i.;en:.;iiiiii;f '.'•i. liio i'n.ject. l-Yii- tbr-ji-; L':;::::0!1-; t!i.-; ri:j:UiH; iY::1.ii;ni, f'.^s i'oc i'i''l!o',v >•*. !.-!c:i!y i.'iüriiria'V: jifiii'iiViiiif;^ i.'or I r'.'pvJL'U!';^. j lie n-povt Is ;'l::o !u!.^ii;j!ii:u^ '; ioi^e of \ha v.c.iW:\\i-:< i.ior^ \[TW rKv'i.iuily noo'ioii iri or^K;r io ;hf:ilitato in.e Anioot.li pruci^;; ut' tnuit üiri;!^ the di:tis:-s 10 rho pr^eci':; I^LJW C :p:Hri;ito p'\;^cnin:l. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I SïJMMAIiY • The organizational rearrangements in the Ministry of AjyiciJture, Water and Rural Development mado ail the objectives où he iirst 8ub-Prcjeci:"In/;titutionai and iî'uman P,e:sounos Development" irrelevant I and impossible to implement by the project. The planning of organising a new directorate ibr rural Witter sup'ply starte;] in 1092 by ihe Department of Waier Affairs. The new structure of rural watsr supply ujvirr (lie Depart m<ut of Water Aifairs w;.s finaily approved by (he Public Service O,.i"!nissiun I arid enc:or-;-d by ihe Cabine.:!, in July ].'£[)',]. i'iii;: develormoiic ;aci:ih>ted the revision of the project document -<;id chanre of i.!-,o impi^nienunr; authority from Directorate of Rural Development to the Directorate of Rural Weter Supply. Due to rhe oxisung set-up of the project with tiie .Directorate of Rural Development; ihe riosi-ibilitio-.s r\nd resource:") of the advisors v.o partii;ip;:ito in the develoijinent ef 11' ;he ne'.v ("rganiza.;.:( nal structure of the rural water supply with Di-pa.rtrnent ;>f Water Ai.Iai.rs \srere limited. Therefore ;!:e role ef tho [reject w.,s merely to follow-up (ho ongoing development without a.ctivo coniriijuticn. • hi ihe i;r::l; ;hiper\ ;:-ory .Hoard meeting in November, li;!.\2 it w;ia decided to extend tlio duriition et tee project with e:v; year 'viih the orijnnai buei-et unchanged. iOi-ipecially li.'.ck of Namibian counterpart rtaff and tiie planned ext.cnsive public service resrrucruring [programme had affected the project I implementaiion advt-rsely and led to situation where the personnel employed by Finnconsuit assumed düiies wiiich did not belong to them, in early 1993 it besame clear tliat the assumptions on which the original Project Document was based were ue.t ro;:ii-:tic. C1e:v;eque;Hiy it was agreed ;.]:ai tiie Revised I Project jjocumiait tliat ta.k*:s into account different changes in ihe project environment will be prepared.A/rordin^iy the .Guard approved t!~e Revised Project Document ;;s proposed and also decided to extend v.iie Project period with one year to the end of 190Ü without exceeding the original project m wabudgets don. e by incorporating the practical field experiences of the extension personnel and relevant informatioDuring J.Ü0n 3collecte the communitd througyh involvemen formal andt informaapproacl hmeeting developes witd inh 199locad2 anwads internationaadapted aridl refineddevelopmen. Thist workers. The relevruice and success of tho approach is evident from the increased involvement by the communities in tho project <irea in their own water and sanitation affairs and the fact that the approach is in line with the policy and strategics of DWA's newly established DRWS. The selectedV* philosophy and working approach augur well for the intended full incorporation of the project into the DRWS. During the report year the emphasis was on the establishment and the training of WPC members. During 1994 the members will be trained to train the community in issues of water and sanitation. Alternative solutions for sustainable water supply in the project area have been worked cut. Abo the fiGcio-culturi.il and financial feasibility of the alternatives has been in a drafting stage by the end of the year. The Environmental issues were postponed by the Steering Committee to 1994. The cost sharing was worked out for the Revised Project Document. Proposais for the design criteria as well as implementation costs were prepared for the drafting of the revised project document. The construction of the water points as well as sanitation facilities continued based on the order of received applications. The participation of the communities was given a liigh priority. Due to the serious drought, activities at some sites were postponed and priority was given to the areas affected most by the drought. Sanitation construction was mainly focused on institutions like schools and clinics. Several methods of latrine construction were tested and the designs were revised based on the experience gained from contractors and the communities. The total budget of the Finnish contribution for 1993 was FIM 7 300 000. Total disbursements paid by Finnida during 1993 were- FIM 7 161 392. The funds allocated for the project by Finnida during 1992-1993 were FIM 15 330 000. Total disbursements during the same period were FIM 15 063 000. About NS 64 000 (FIM 108 800; 1 N$ = 1,7 FIM) was paid by the Namibian Government during 1993. End of the year an extra sum of about N$ 236 000 (FIM 401 200) was in process for the payment by the Namibian Government during the fiscal year 1992-1993. I I 1. ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE REPORT PERIOD I 1.1 INSTITUTION BUILDING AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT '!•}111Ç^î:Ly*?i?_liiLt)j_9 DlI"inal DOCHrri^nI In the original Project Document the three immediate objectives were defined as follows: I i. " Z'o t.f,-.?. '.-. 1 : E h :>..".;i i-:.
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