THE DAILY ENQUIRER~DEMOCRAT FOUND AT ENQUIRERDEMOCRAT.COM Stay locally informed for Macoupin County’s Dominant Newspaper $100 Macoupin County ~ Carlinville nquirer~Democrat OUR 167TH YEAR NO. 41 E THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2019 SIXTEEN PAGES, TWO SECTIONS INSIDE Carlinville "Stop the Bleed" campaign See page 2A All attendees at the Blackburn Solarbation event were invited for a group picture taken via drone to commemorate the historic event. This is the largest solar project, outside of utilities, in the state of Illinois. Enquirer-Democrat photos by Jordan Grucza. Class of 1954 celebrates 65th Anniversary Completion of Blackburn’s ground breaking solar project celebrated on campus See page 3A By: JORDAN GRUCZA promote solar projects. Jensen. “It is the largest solar proj- dents, whether they are in our science tion to our community and to our Enquirer Democrat Reporter After partnering with IL Solar in ect, outside of utilities, in the state programs or not, are going to be able world.” Saturday as part of homecom- May 2018, the work began in ear- of Illinois. to see the impact on a daily basis of After Illinois approved Blackburn ing weekend, Blackburn College nest, which included collaborat- “We at Blackburn College have our solar energy on our campus, how for renewable energy credits on April unveiled to the public a completed ing with Ameren, Our Sustainabil- an obligation and a responsibility it powers the campus, what the effi- 10, which funded over half the cost solar project three years in the mak- ity Committee, United Community to prepare future generations with ciency is and what the savings are. of the solar array, members of the ing. Plans began in Fall 2016 when Bank and the city of Carlinville. modeling and teaching that prepares “This is much more than a financial board at Blackburn broke ground at the state of Illinois announced its “It is an amazing project,” said them to confront big problems,” contribution to our campus,” Murray- a May 16 signing ceremony. renewable energy credit program to Blackburn president Julie Murray- Murray-Jensen said. “Blackburn stu- Jensen said. “It really is a contribu- See BLACKBURN on page 8A Gillespie Indians CUSD No. 1 base salaries available online advance to state By DANIEL WINNINGHAM $97,175.95 for the 2018-19 fiscal ary would have been $65,142.22. Enquirer~Democrat managing editor year. The 3 percent increase push- The state has been revising the See page 2B In August, the Carlinville Commu- es his base salary up $2915.28 to requirements of the Employment In- nity Unit School District No. 1 Board $100,091.23 for the 2019-2020 fiscal formation System over the past few of Education unanimously approved year. years and changing what fields pull 3 percent pay increases to building Carlinville Primary School Prin- on the report, DeNeve noted. “We principals, the transportation direc- cipal Elise Schwartz received a base have seen variances to what is pub- Saturday tor, business manager, network ad- salary of $94,817.89 the previous lished and I think they are making 10/5 ministrator and technology coordina- year. The approved three-percent improvements, but it’s not entirely 52 74 tor. increase, of $2,844.54, gives her a perfect yet,” DeNeve said. Sunday This adds 3 percent in salary com- salary of $97,662.43 for the 2019-20 The portion of her salary that is 10/6 47 71 pensation to what each individual re- fiscal year. considered Pre-K Coordinator does ceived for the 2018-2019 school year, Carlinville Intermediate/Middle not pull onto the EIS report, which which wrapped up June 30, 2019. School Principal Roy Kulenkamp called for $29,856.85. Her total sal- INDEX District salary information, com- collected a base salary of $92,117.63 ary for that year was $59,713.70. piled by the state’s educator infor- last year. That increases $2,763.53 Killam’s 2019-2020 salary is mation system, is now available at this year to $94,881.16. $67,337.78, for the full school year the Carlinville Community Unit In 2018-2019 Danley Killam be- (July 1 to June 30). In 2017-2018, News 2A School’s web site, at cusd1.com/ came an assistant principal and her Danley was a teacher and earned Business 3A apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ administrator salary was $59,713.70. $56,281. ID=1085270&type=d&pREC_ Her administrator position started in Business manager Heather DeNe- Editorial 4A ID=1378635, and clicking on the August that year (instead of July 1), ve noted half of Killam’s administra- Obituaries 5A “EIS Administration and Teach Sal- so she received a pro-rated amount tor salary for 2018-19 and 2019-20 ary and benefits report.pdf.” of her administrator salary that year. years is paid by the Early Childhood Court 7A Carlinville High School prin- Had she been hired to begin July 1, cipal Pat Drew’s base salary was 2018, her full-year administrator sal- See CUSD on page 7A Sports 1B Trades 3B Macoupin Valley Trail plans bike ride The Macoupin Valley Trail will host its second Annual Country Tour Bike Classified 4B Ride Saturday, Oct. 5, this event will start at Oak Hills Country Club and Winery in Girard. Registration is from 8-9 a.m. Register in advance at get- Church 6B meregistered. com or between 8- 9 a.m. at Oak Hills. Registration is $50 Calendar 6B and includes a long sleeve T-shirt and lunch. There are 10, 20, and 40 mile loops with SAG support provided by Wheelfast. After the ride, enjoy live School Zone 7B music by Ben Morgan, a 50/50 drawing and a silent auction. All proceeds go towards development of the trail. For more info visit the Macoupin Valley Trail Facebook page. From left, are Peggy Bulla, Julie Boente and Patty Loveless in front of a promotional painting from last year’s event. Contact us: advertising@ Pharmacist, administrator enquirerdemocrat.com Advertising needs. explain 340B discount program 217-854-2534, Ext. 20 info@ By: JORDAN GRUCZA kind of tough to do that. The third Enquirer Democrat Reporter party helps them with that also. enquirerdemocrat.com Those interested in the federal “The clinic is able to buy the General information and 340B Prescription Drug Discount medications at a deeply discounted print orders. Program will find a labyrinth of price,” Dyer said. “It’s pennies on 217-854-2534, Ext. 21 information that even those who the dollar. Sometimes it’s just a editorial@ work in health care, or pharma- penny. That’s the federal govern- enquirerdemocrat.com ceuticals in Michelle’s Pharmacy ment’s way of getting money back owner Michelle Dyer’s case, find for the drug companies. It’s com- News, obituaries, difficult to navigate. plicated the way it all works, but birth, engagement, “Since 340B contracts are so we dispense the drugs and we get wedding & anniversary confusing, most clinics work with a dispensing fee for that, and then announcements, etc. a third party to keep track of ev- the clinics get part of the cost of 217-854-2534, Ext. 23 erything,” Dyer said. “Then the the medication. It benefits them in ©2019 Macoupin County Fire destroys home on Seven Hills Lane government does come and audit a roundabout way. Enquirer Democrat The Carlinville Fire Department and four other fire departments responded to a fire call at 17212 Seven Hills Lane the clinics and those clinics have to “There’s a gentleman that we Sept. 24 at approximately 2:06 p.m. The house, built in 1996, was the residence of Sharon and Luke Behme. Sha- have all their ducks in a row. It’s ron Behme said the structure was not recognizable about 30 minutes after the blaze began. Photo contributed. See PHARMACIST on page 7A At the South Entrance Accidents Happen Carlinville Family Health Care Conveniently located inside Carlinville Family Health Care 20613 N. Broad Street, Carlinville, IL 217-854-3810 Walk-in Patient Clinic Walk-in weekend clinic for non-emergency medical care Open Saturday and Sunday 9am-3pm 2534 [email protected] News Interest is high in City to Carlinville for “Stop oil, chip the Bleed” campaign roadways By JORDAN GRUCZA sure and bleeding wound trainers, Enquirer Democrat Reporter which are devices that simulate a major bleed. Oct. 3 Interested members of the pub- “Stop the Bleed” is part of a The city of Carlinville has lic were given the opportunity to national campaign backed by the tentatively scheduled the oil learn basic techniques to stop major U.S. Department of Defense. The and chipping of roadway sur- bleeds Sept. 25 at Carlinville Area nurses, through a five-year con- faces Thursday, Oct. 3 for the Hospital. “Stop the Bleed” was met tract with the Department of De- following locations. with a high turnout from the com- fense, have trained 4,000 people • Oakland Avenue from East munity, packing the Community in Macoupin County, from fire Second South to end of city Room at the hospital. department and law enforcement “I think Carlinville has got to be to high school students since roadway; one of the prepared and equipped 2016. • Nicholas Street from Chiles towns with the amount of training The class has been taught at St. Street to Loomis Street; and supplies that they have,” said John’s Hospital in Springfield for • Minton Street from Nicho- Tina Molohon, who was in charge three years. las Street to West Main Street; of the training event. • Harrington Street from Molohon stated they went over Noah Sisson from St.
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