CANTON PREP BOOST PROTEIN WITH SOY, HOOPS ONE ACTS F00D,B8 GAMES FESTIVAL S P C ^ 5 , B1 ENTERTAINMENT, B6 Tree WAYNE-WESTLAND recycling A G A N N E T T COMPANV W elland's Christmas Tree Recycling Program is back. Residents can drop off their Christmas tree at the City of West- land Recycling Center at 37137 Marquette, east of Newburgh, through Wednesday, Jan. 16, PRICE:'$1 • THURSDAY, JANUARY 10. 2013 • hometownlife.com except Sunday. Trees wiil be accepted 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. * Trees should be free of lighting, tinsel and other decorations. All trees will be chipped Council OKs settlement in lawsuit and will be recycled for use at the City of West- iand Community Gar­ den and other locations. over flooding in 2010, 2011 For residents unable to drop their tree off By LeAnne Rogers approximately 55 homes were rate increase, Fausone said, add­ a d m issio n o f fa u lt b y th e c ity at the recycling center, staff Writer flooded in both incidents. in g th a t d o esn ’t m ea n th e r e w on ’t in th e flo o d in g w h ich fo llo w ed trees will be picked up “W e g e t a ce rta in a m ou n t o f b e a m te in c r e a se w h en D e tr o it e x c e s s iv e r a in fa ll. curbside, however, they A s e ttle m e n t o f $3.75 m il­ certainty through the settle­ r a is e s it s ra te s. “T h e b ig g e s t p ro b lem in ou r win not be recycled. lio n , p lu s $ 1 .2 5 m illio n in w a te r ment and were able to stretch it “I appreciate council moving v ie w w a s fo u r in c h e s o f rain , bill credits, has been approved o u t o v e r a p erio d o f tim e , w h ich fo rw a rd w ith th e c la s s a ctio n W - w h ich r e a lly is an a c t o f G od,” to resolve a class action lawsuit w e w ou ldn ’t h a v e b e e n a b le to do suit settlement,” said Mayor 1^ - said Fausone. “There is nothing over Westland flooding incidents with a judgment,” said City Attor­ liam l^ d . “It let us move for­ th e d t y ca n d o a b ou t thatj” TAG signups in 2010 a n d 2 0 1 1 . n e y J a m es F a u so n e. “W e lo o k ed w ard so w e c a n fo c u s on m ak in g \W thout a p rob lem w ith th e A p p roved b y th e W estlan d C ity a t th e ca sh flo w im p lic a tio n s— improvements to the system.” sewer system itself to correct, Intra-County schools Council Monday, the settlem ent n o b on d in g w ou ld b e n eed ed .” Set to be accepted in Wayne Fausone said the city has under- of choice applications addresses claii^ over an estimat­ 'The settlem ent w ill be paid County Circuit Court Friday, the for limited space within ed 810 homes. Of that number. without requiring a water-sewer settlem ent doesn’t include any Please see LAWSUIT, A2 all of the elementary school grades for the 2013-14 school year are being accepted for the Wayne-Westland Com­ Two men to munity Schools' Talented Vacant restaurant gets and Gifted Program. TAG will be to be housed at Walker- stand trial in Winter Elementary School (kindergarten new life as Hibachi Grill through fourth grade) U.S. 12 in Canton as well as Adams and Marshall Upper Elementary shooting schools (fifth and sixth grades) in Westland for By LeAnne Rogers nonresident families. Observer Staff Writer Applications, nomination forms, D e sp ite a d iffe r e n c e oi^ op in ­ and parent inventory io n a b o u t w h at co u ld b e S een o n a forms will be accepted siuweillance video, two men have through Feb. 1 at the b e e n o rd er ed to sta n d tr ia l on district's Administra­ multiple felonies stemming from tive Offices at 36745 an August shooting at a Wayne Marquette in Westiand. bar. Prospective students Devon Davis, 21, of Lansing will qualify after being and his cousin, Nathaniel Davis, tested during a testing 23, of M elvindale, are both window t h c l ends on charged with assault with intent March 13. Families of to murder, assault with intent qualified students wiil to do great bodily harm and two be notified during the counts of felonious assaidt. Dev­ month of May. on Davis is also charged with fel­ Applications are avail­ ony firearm. able to download on Tw o m en w e r e sh o t in th e e a r ly the district's website hours of Aug. 19,2012, following at wwcsd.net/icsoc- a large m elee at the U.S. 12 Bar tag/ and clicking on and Grill, 34824 M ichigan Ave. Intra-County Schools One of the injured men, Dela­ of Choice application no Tatum, testified that he had PHOTOS BY BILL BRESLER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER for Talented and Gifted joined twb friends at the bar for Patrons of the Hibachi Grill and Supreme Buffet find plenty of choices of 10 buffet tables filled with Chines, link under Resources. drink shortly after midnight. A Japanese, Italian and American food. For more information, fight broke out, he said, caus­ call the district at (734) ing bar security staff to put some 419-2083, or stop by the By Sue Mason people out of the establishm ent Instruction Department staff Writer “I went over to my two friends at the Administrative w h o w e r e b y th e d a n c e floor. Offices in Westland. Tony Dong worked in the res­ I h ea rd tw o sh o ts, so I sta rt­ taurant business for decades ed to ru n ,” sa id T htum . “J h eard until, in 2007, he ventured out three or four more shots. The on his own and opened his very next thing I knew, my aiin went Railroadiana first business. Five years later, n um b.” the Chinese native has 75 Hiba­ T atum te s tifie d th a t h e had Ss. Simon and Jude chi Grill and Supreme Buffets been shot through the arm with a Usher's Club will sponsor scattered around the country, b u lle t th a t co n tin u ed in to h is sid e . a Toys and Train Show including one of the newest in l\vo people applied pressure to noon-4 p.m. Sunday, W estlan d . th e w ou n d s u n til h e w a s tr a n s­ Feb. 3, at the church hall, “We’re very excited at the p o rted to a h o sp ita l b y am bu­ 32500 Palmer, west of r e s p o n s e o f A e p e o p le ,” sa id lance, said Tatum, who didn’t see Merriman, ip Westland. Sophie Weng, Dong’s daughter who had been shooting. Admission is $2 per and the restaurant’s manager. Neither Tatum or the second person, or $4 per family. “Some people come in and tell m an sh o t h ad b e e n in v o lv e d in Food and beverages are us it looks so different. AU the the fight. The second shboting available and parking is people say it is so com foitable victim , who was more seriously free. There will be about and clean and that when they injured, didn’t appear fqr the pre­ 130 dealer tables avail­ come back they will bring their liminary examination TJesday able at $10 each. To re­ fa m ily .” in W ayne’s 29th D is tr ic t C ourt serve a dealer table, call Dong spent almost six months rant seats 520 people and has a deliers and color-themed interi­ d e sp ite b e in g c a lle d to te stify . Norm at (734) 595-8327. remodeling and e^anding a 200-seat banquet room for spe­ ors. The W estland Old Country After unsuccessfully arguing Dealer setup is at 9 a.m. former restaimant in the shop­ cial events. Buffet was shuttered in Janu­ against allowing Wayne Police the day of the show. ping center at Wayne Road and Dong has picked the locations ary 2011 after its parent com­ Detective Kevin Schmidtke tes­ Hunter into the an internation­ of shuttered Old Coilntry Buf­ pany, Minnesota-based Buffets tify about the surveillance vid­ al style buffet restaurant, offer­ fets for his family-owned res­ Inc.
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