~. ' •' ~ .._ ~ ' ,t + ' ~ • • • • • .~ ; • • ' .. .... Printed in the Spirit·of the Mid-Town Journal and Dedicated to Being the Collective Conscience of Urban Renewal and Eminent Domain in the City of Boston• VOLUME 22,'NO _4 December 2006 · James Campano, Editor/Publisher + Email: j. campano@worldnet. att.net + (617) 628-2479 The true story of the crash that took · Buf:Idy Clark's life, a~d injured five others on the twin Cessna by Frank E. Dee Buddy Clark was a _likable, versatile singer whose career was cut short at the age of37 by an air­ plane crash on October 2, 1949, at · 9 p.m. PST. In November of 1946, before his untimely death, every­ one was humming or singing Bud­ dy Clark's big hit song, "Linda." It was the number one hit song in · America at that era of time. Buddy Clark and five other the way back to Los Angeles, the friends rented a small plane to plane developed a sputteriflg en­ attend a 'Sanford vs. Michigan' gine problem, due to lack of gas, football game. After the game on. Continued on page 3 ANNUAL WEST ENDER MASS-Conversing outside St. Josephs Church before the Mass on Sunday, September 24 were: Nancy Paterna, Josephine Spinale Silvestro, Jennie Spinale Caccia, Margaret Passanisi Another West End hero honored DiMare, .Carlo Caccia, Frank Privitera and Peter Limone. More photos on page Jim, A tiny postcard with GIGANTIC ~_West End Museum's 2006 fundraiser ends successfully niANK YOU for all your help! I · · recently received a phone message and 2007 fundraiser seeks even more suppoxt . from Tom Mattarazzo (Boston Vet- On October 28th the fourth a $200 attendance prize, but you continue. So please support this erans Affairs) just in time for Veter­ drawing ·of the West End Museum must be present at.the time of the endeavor. You could benefit by an' Day saying there is an individual fundraiser was held. drawing to receive the prize. _ winning and· even if you lose, plaque honoring another WestEnder · Here are the winners: The West End Museum dire­ you benefit by supporting the mu­ on a Hero's Sq. at the comer of:New $1500- Frank Privitera ly needs your support if it is to seum. Chardon and Hawkins streets. (The $300 - Liebman Family plaque you initiated with the other piness about this happening because · $50 - Frank's BarberShop West Enders was all filled up.) of the· loss of your own brother. $?0 - Joe Ascolese William (Billy) Bastie died dur- THANK YOU! And bless you, Jim, $50 - Bruce Guarino ing the Korean War as a teenager. I for all you do. $50 - Marty Figueira know you can understand my hap- Love, Peace, Elise·Lockhart The West End Museum fund­ raiser will continue into 2007 with Look for information in .future editions of The the first drawing to be held Janu­ West Ender about a 50's dance next Oct. or Nov. ary 29, 2007.' For only $60 for the yea,r, you will be eligible to win $1500 four times during the year. There will be four separate drawings, each one has prizes of $1500, $300 and four $50 prizes. There is also bt P.O. BOX440-413 SOMERVILLE MA 02144 / " ~ .~ . .. .. PAGE2 DECEMBER 2006 West End Museum·donations Greb (Consolo) If you are a West Ender and your.name is not on ttie West End Museum's donation list-it should be. Fill out the donation form below and drop it in the mail. WEST END HERO- $10,000 or more Theresa lmbomone Tom MacDonald Frank Privitera Reginalcfo Raso · GOLD PHILANTHROPIST - $3,000 or more Virginia Rogalski John Rosato Bruce Guarino Barbara Ruchames . PHILANTHROPIST - $1 ,000 Mary Ann Russo -In memory of her parents Bernard & Sean Jackman-In honor of his Mother and Francesca Bettinelli Vincent J. Russo Father Jim and Claire Jackman Mr. Vincent Saraceno John 9. Sergei BENEFACTOR - $500 . Mark Skiffington. Jim Campano John DeMarco Richard Settipane Paul Joltki .Dominic Russo Jonathan Slate SPONSOR - $250 Dorothy and Leonard Sudenfield Beth & Marshall Arkin Kevin McGrath Richard and Lois Testa AI & Anna Cohen Leonard Nimoy Eleanor Venezia Boxer Tommy Greb (Consolo) entertaining some ofhis fans at the West Bill & Carolyn Wood End House. Shown in the front row (1-r) are Joe Ternullo, Bob Nico­ John Cucinotta Dorothea (Koresky) Pastore Nadine Zdanovich losi, Ed Langone, John Consolo and Lester Freeman, his manager and . PATRON- $100 FRIEND- $25 James (Jay) Almeida Beth and Marshall Arkin traineT. Pictured.in the back row are Peter Effenchuck, Guy Consolo, JoeAnnello Salvatore (Terry) Castro - James Mead and AI Lanza. Robert Bova. · Domenic Calabruso The West End Museum needs fund raiser wtlo has the Louis & Laura Caccia a Cecilia Dalessio ability to explore all ptlases and avenues of fu_ndraislng. Kevin Clifford -In memory of his Father. John Clifford Joe Dionne . Bernard Condelli Carol Downs If you know of anyone with-these skills please contact· Angie _Deluca Joseph Edmunds the museum: PO Box 8996, Boston, MA 02114. Tony DeMarco Mr. &Mrs. Gandolfi Joe DeSantis Florence Gillman The West End Museum is open. Mr. &Mrs. Joseph Franchina Agnes lwanow Herbert Gans Joe &Patrica Jackman For museum hours please call Arthur Geller In Memory of "Tur Johnson 617-723-2125 for up-to-date information. Conrad Geller Edwin Kaufman Alan Gropman Harold Kaufman Agnes lwanow· ·Cecelia A. Kelly W:be West Qfnber Joe Leece · '· • ·Theodore Kocyk . P;Q. BOX 440-413 - ~ _. SOMERVILLE, MA 02144 John Locatelli -In memory pf his brother Lee · Mary Lyons TEL 617-628-2479 William MacAuley · Josephine Maranto Staff· Joseph J. Matara Gerry Moscaritolo Richard Nedd Christopher Nikolla Editor ••••••.••••.•.••.•.•.••.••••.•.•.•..•.•.•• JA.MES CAMP.ANO JimNoe Adelle Bomstein Pechet Co-Founder •••••••.•.••.••••••••.•.•••••••• RAYMOND J. PAPA John Raso Alberta Raneri - In memory of Andrew Raneri All letters, articles and photos submitted to this publication Vincent Raso Anthony Sarno become the property of The West Ender. Mimi (Baker) Roberto - Remembering Vinnie Roberto Carmella Scott . Jim Campano is the only person authorized to accept City Councilor Mike Ross · Stanley Skeiber memorabilia for The West Ender. Judge Santo Ruma Frank & Margaret Spinale The West Ender will return pictures if you enclose a self-addressed, stamped AndrewSamo Sandra Stein envelope, but will retain all rights to publish them and to use the images Ms. Margaret Scimeca , In memory of her Husband, Cart & Betty Tedder Michaei"Mikey Shoo" Scimeca Dorothy Ventresca The West Ender is a quarteriy publication.- ~ William Sharrio Gloria Welch r-------------------, Spina & Delia Families Mary E. Wright William Tomczyk West End Museum Donation Corinne Zeman ~ In memory of her mother Ros;Jiie Warren Robert Vatalaro I wish to donate to The West End Museum to·hasten its progress so OTHER Zina Venezia Peart Brodsky the story of the West End will not ~e forgotten. Send donations to: Arthur Venditti Gertrude Batman ·poBox 8996, Boston, MA 02114: Malcom Zimmerman ' Loraine Carvalho Sponsor $250 SUPPORTER - $50 Camille Carter - In memory of Vincent J. Nigro West End Hero $10,000+ S. James Alberino Leo S. Cipriano Gold Philanthropist $3,000+ . Patron $100 Theresa Arria - In mem9ry of Isabel & Conatto Arria Irene Collyer Silver Philanthropist $2,000+ Supporter $50 Santo Aurelio Josephine Condelli Philanthropist . $1,000 Friend $25 Louis & Bebe Aurelio Kathleen Daloisio Bernard & Francesca Bettinelli Alfred Ferrara Benefactor $500 Other___ _ Mr. &Mrs . James Bramante Barbara lanchino . In Memory of Dominic J. Bruno Lillian Kawa - In memory of her husband Edward Kawa Name--------------------------------------------~------------------------~ Francis Cartolano Ann Minichiello Irene Collyer - In memory of her deceased parents Eileen Morrill Address __________________________________________________________________ ___ Salvatore Condelli . AngeloNoe Joe Difazio • Dino Papadakis Josephine Zizzo Dzygala - In loving memory of parents Myer Sherman Cizy ______~------------ Rose &Joe Zizzo LTC Stanley C. Skeiber USA (Ret) Mrs. Helen Feeney Lillian Spero State/Zip ----------------- Gloria Fernandez Michelle Turner Ed Fitzgerald William Hume Vance June Getchell Donations to The West End Museum do not support or in any way Eleanor Venezia Laurence.Goodman go to the West Ender Newsletter. .J L..: ------------------- ~ . DECEMBER 2006 - - ~be West ~nb~r PAGE 3 Clark-was on the vergeofbecominga.top'superstar vocalist Continued from pag_e 1 One parked truck was hit by music lessons for him and started of the radio stations that couldn't ery year he would return back to and lost altitude and crashed on a piece of the plane, but no one him off on a professional career as afford to have a live music pro~ the West End of Boston and per~ Beverfy Boulevard, in Califor- · was in the true~ at the time about a band vocalist and radio star. He gram of their own. form for friends, and fans alike. nia. Buddy was thrown from the · 9 p.m. PST. appeared for nine years on a Bos­ In fact, Buddy Clark's renowti Jacob Burnes at the tinie was an plane. He did not survive the Buddy Clark's real name ton radio show, sponsored by I.J. as a "Ghost Singer" was such official o~ the West End House crash. At that time, he was 37 · was "Samuel Goldberg," he was Fox, the company owned by Mr. that film producer Darryl F. Za­ on Blossom St in Boston, where years old reaching new heights born 1912 in Dorchester, Mass., -- David Lilienthal. nuck hired him to do the singing Clark was an _alumnus of the fa­ of popularity, when tragedy a suburban city of Boston, and Sam made two evening bt:oad­ for actor Jack Haley in "Wake mous West End House; Burnes struck. grew up in the West End of Bos~ casts, and sang six days a week Up And Live," a 1937 movie recalled: "The young singer was The strange part of this freaky ton.
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