HOLY CROSS R.C. CHURCH 61-21 56TH ROAD MASPETH, N.Y. 11378 THE PASTORAL STAFF Most Rev. Witold Mroziewski - Pastor Rev. Andrzej Salwowski - Administrator Rev. Karol Burda - Parochial Vicar Deacon Szymon Sliwa Rectory: Phone (718) 894-1387 Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Saturday Morning 9:00 to 12:00 only Emergencies - Anytime Mr. Adam Mikula - Music Director - Organist Religious Education - Phone (718) 894-1387 Mrs. Jolanta Neubauer - Coordinator Rel. Ed Office Hours: September thru June 6 to 8 PM - Tuesday and Wednesday 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM - Saturday Schedule of Services MASSES - MSZE ŚWIĘTE: Weekdays: Monday to Friday: 7:30 AM Polish 8:30 AM English Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:00 PM Polish Wednesday: 7:00 PM English Saturday Morning: 7:30 & 8:30 AM Polish Saturday Eve: 5:00 PM English 7:00 PM Polish Sundays: 8:00, 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM Polish 9:30 AM & 12:30 PM English Confessions - Spowiedź Saturdays: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM & at 6:30 PM - 7:00PM First Friday: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Devotions - Nabożeństwa Tuesday - Our Lady of Czestochowa, after 7:00 PM Mass. First Thursday - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 7 PM Mass. First Friday - Sacred Heart of Jesus after 7 PM Mass First Saturday - Marian Devotions at 6:30 PM. Third Sunday of the Month - Divine Mercy at 6:00 PM. October, May and Lent have special devotions - announced in the bulletin. Baptism: Second Sunday of every month 11:00 Polish & 12:30 English All Baptisms by appointment only. Instructions every first Monday of the month: 7:30 PM English, 8:00 PM Polish Marriages - by appointment only - 6 months in advance Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Every member should be properly registered. November 20, 2016 No marriages or Baptisms may be performed unless one is registered. Church Law requires this. November 20, 2016 Holy Cross Church 2 SATURDAY November 26 SOBOTA 26 listopada 7:30 † Teresa Stopa 8:30 † Józefa Piela 5 PM † Henry & Irene Lecznar (Annv) 7 PM † W intencji zmarłych z rodziny Zaczek SATURDAY November 19 SOBOTA 19 listopada i Gawiuk 5 PM † Deceased members of Lasis, Timko, † Ewa Grzywacz Mielnicki, and Jamilkowski families † Wanda Luboch 7 PM † Józef i Jadwiga Bielawiec i Helena Salwa † Wojciech Kalata Prośba o zdrowie i Boże Błogosławieństwo SUNDAY November 20 NIEDZIELA 20 listopada dla Bronisławy Młynarczyk w okazji urodzin 8:00 † Eugenia, Aleksander, Jerzy (Rocz) Czmielewski SUNDAY November 27 NIEDZIELA 27 listopada 9:30 Special Intention 8:00 † Franciszek Ciborowski 11:00 † Henryk Grabiński (Rocz) i Barbara Bezak 9:30 † Lech Bielawski 12:30 † Deaceased members of Dąbrowski and 11:00 † Władysław Jarzynka Góralczyk Family 12:30 For the People of the Parish 7 PM Prośba o zdrowie i Boże Błogosławieństwo dla Anety i Krzysztofa Konopko z okazji 7 PM † Zbigniew Wieteska 14 rocznicy ślubu MONDAY November 21 PONIEDZIAŁEK 21 listopada 7:30 † Katarzyna, Bronisław i Marian Pittner 8:30 † Wacław Gorzelski DONATIONS 7PM † Alfons Wiszowaty SANCTURY LAMP TUESDAY November 22 WTOREK 22 listopada The Sanctuary Lamp is in 7:30 † Agnieszka Rutkowski memory of my mother 8:30 † Helena Dabrowski Helen Mrowka. 7PM † Stefan Łaski WEDNESDAY November 23 ŚRODA 23 listopada YEAR OF MERCY 7:30 † Eugeniusza Langda (Rocz) DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN 8:30 † Edward Piela BLESSING OF 6 HOLY DOORS 7PM † Rev. Msgr. Peter Zendzian CLOSING CEREMONY, THURSDAY November 24 CZWARTEK 24 listopada NOVEMBER 20, 2016 THANKSGIVING DAY ŚWIĘTO DZIĘKCZYNIENIA 7:30 † Józef Bagiński Cathedral – Basilica of St. James 8:30 † Deceased memebrs of Ornas and Jaglinski Bishop Octavio Cisneros Families St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral 10:00 For the People of the Parish Bishop Witold Mroziewski Regina Pacis Basilica NO EVENING MASS Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio FRIDAY November 25 PIĄTEK 25 listopada St. Thomas Aquinas 7:30 † John Buturla Bishop James Massa 8:30 † Władyslaw Serafin Our Lady of Mount Carmel 7PM Msza dziękczynna z prośbę o Boże Bł. oraz Bishop Paul Sanchez potrzębne łaski dla Łucji i Józefa Jarzynka z St. Gerard Majella okazji 60 rocznicy ślubu Bishop Raymond Chappetto November 20, 2016 Holy Cross Church 3 FROM THE PASTOR NOVEMBER ALL SOULS MONTH The entire parish community continues to offer its prayers and CHRISTMAS HOUSE BLESSINGS Masses for all those (KOLĘDA) recommended to our prayers. PLEASE NOTE: In the packet of collection Let each one of us set aside a few envelopes the Koleda card is printed on a yellow moments each day this month card. Please indicate whether or not you want to remember our loved ones who have your home blessed during the Christmas season. been called to God. The card should be returned in the collection basket on Sunday, November 27th. If you do not receive envelopes, please, use the yellow cards in back of the Church. On this card you will be able to indicate whether you prefer the priest to come A reminder to our children that at the 10:00 AM in the afternoon or in the evening. Mass on Thanksgiving Day they are invited to Please make sure your name, address and phone number are on the card. be present and dressed as those who were at the first Thanksgiving dinner so many years There are a number of available weekday Masses during the coming weeks of November and ago. We will also have symbolic gifts of bread, December, that is, with no specifically requested salt, chocolate turkeys, etc., blessed and intentions. Although Saturday evenings and distributed after Mass to all who are present. We Sundays are the easiest for being able to attend and have so many blessings for which to be grateful, let hear one’s intention mentioned (since we all have to us especially pray together on Thanksgiving be at Mass in any case), the souls in Purgatory needing those graces obtained from Masses offered morning to God in gratitude for them. for them are waiting longer and longer when the weekday opportunities are not taken for them. It is BAPTISMAL CLASS wonderful to attend the Mass we request for our MONDAY, December 5 7:30 PM English deceased, but it is their need for these graces which 8:00 PM Polish is the most important thing. Every Mass gives the We ask that all families and/or godparents who same amount of grace. Please consider those loved need to attend Baptismal instructions, should call ones for whom we may have missed anniversaries the rectory to register that they will attend. and have Mass said for them in the coming weeks while there are these Masses available even if we This will make it easier to prepare enough chairs cannot attend in person. We ourselves may be one for everyone. day waiting in Purgatory for someone to have Mass said for us and be wondering what is taking so long for our loved ones to remember us. We will have our usual New Year’s Eve party of “Sylwester” Please note: on Saturday, December 31. Please plan to be with us. Holy Cross Rectory will be closed during As every year, tickets will be limited, so Thanksgiving weekend that there is sufficient space for everyone (24, 25 and 26 of November 2016) to celebrate comfortably. Price for a ticket is $125 per person and you can buy them in the Rectory. “Milano Next “ will play for us this year! November 20, 2016 Holy Cross Church 4 OGŁOSZENIA PARAFIALNE BROOKLYN CATHOLIC YOUTH DAYS INvITeS fOR: LISTOPAD “The Greatest of These is Love” MIESIĄCEM MODLITWY ZA ZMARŁYCH JANUARY 21, 2017 W tym miesiącu cała wspólnota Winter Brooklyn Catholic Youth Day parafialna powinna przez 9:00 - 4:00 PM modlitwę i częsty udział we Mszy św. polecać St. Margaret Parish Miłosierdziu Bożemu naszych bliskich 66-05 79th Place, Middle Village, NY 11379 zmarłych. Poświęćmy codziennie kilka minut Speaker: Colin Nykaza modlitwy tym, których Pan już odwołał Colin is currently the Director of Young Adult spośród nas. Outreach for the Archdiocese of New York Prior to his current ministry, Colin was a traveling missionary/speaker for Generation Life, speaking and presenting to thousands of teens around the country on respect life and prolife W Dzień Dziękczynienia o godzinie issues. 10:00 będziemy sprawować specjalną Mszę św. dziękczynną, na którą zapraszamy wszystkich, ANNUAL CATHOLIC a w szczególności dzieci ubrane w stroje na APPEAL podobieństwo pierwszego Dziękczynienia (1621r.) celebrowanego przez Indian i członków kolonii We encourage all to continue the nice tradition of Plymouth. W czasie Mszy św. błogosławić our parish in supporting the work of our Diocese będziemy symboliczne pokarmy (chleb, of Brooklyn by donating to the Annual Catholic czekoladowy indyk, sól i pieprz), które znajdą się Appeal. Our generosity makes a big difference. na naszym rodzinnym stole dziękczynienia. W Our goal this year is $64,601. So far, as of czasie tej Mszy św. chcemy podziękować Bogu za November 7, we have pledges of $21,631 from wszystkie dary jakie od Niego otrzymujemy. 123 donors which is 33.48 % of our goal, while we have already paid in $19,460 which is 30.12 % of PRe-CANA the goal. In November there will be a third W sobotę, 3 grudnia o godz. 10:00 odbędzie collection each Sunday and offerings can be made się w naszej parafii kurs przygotowawczy do (in an envelope or without). Please keep up the zawarcia związku małżeńskiego (pre-cana). good work and help our Parish & Diocese as much Zainteresowanie pary prosimy o kontakt z as you can. God Bless! naszą kancelarią parafialną tel: 718-894-1387 Z uwagi na obchody Święta Dziękczynienia Attendance November 12-13 1,507 Kancelaria Parafialna będzie First collection $1,138 Second collection $3,625 zamknięta Collection per capita $3.16 w następujące dni: 24, 25 i 26 listopada 2016 roku.
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