6084 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 5 May 7, 2012 Rose Utley; his maternal grandmother, Pauline Ellis Library and its current coordinator, Marie with dedicated parents and teachers. I rise Haynes; his parents-in-law, Chris and Peggy Concannon, on reaching this significant mile- today to congratulate and honor a number of Michael; his brother-in-law, Matthew Michael; stone. Here’s to another 150 years of Elmer outstanding high school artists from the 11th and many other friends and family members. Ellis Library’s chronicling this body’s steps and Congressional District of New Jersey. Each of I am saddened by this loss, but heartened missteps! these talented students participated in the at the enduring courage of those who serve in f 2012 Congressional Arts Competition, ‘‘An Ar- America’s Armed Forces. Kentucky is home to tistic Discovery.’’ Their works of art are excep- a great many families who have lost loved IN HONOR OF THE 68TH ANNIVER- tional! ones in the War on Terrorism and in previous SARY OF THE USS YF–415 TRAG- Sixty young men and women participated. conflicts in which our country has been en- EDY That is a wonderful response, and I would gaged. We mourn always for their loss, and very much like to build on that participation for remain eternally grateful for their sacrifice. HON. STEPHEN F. LYNCH future competitions. f OF MASSACHUSETTS Mr. Speaker, I would like to congratulate the three winners of our art competition. First HONORING ELMER ELLIS LIBRARY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES place was awarded to Jessica Menchon from AT THE UNIVERISTY OF MISSOURI Monday, May 7, 2012 Mt. Olive High School for her oil on canvas Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to re- entitled, ‘‘History of Waterloo Village.’’ Second HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER member and to honor the sacrifice of the men place was awarded to Vicki Liu from Ridge OF MISSOURI who lost their lives in a tragic accident on May High School for her acrylic entitled, ‘‘Shame- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 11, 1944, sixty-eight years ago. This tragedy less.’’ Third place was awarded to Rachel Monday, May 7, 2012 occurred just fourteen miles off the coast of Elias from Montville High School for her char- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Massachusetts. coal and chalk pastel entitled, ‘‘Looking Up.’’ today to honor Elmer Ellis Library at the Uni- On that fateful day, the nine member crew Honorable Mentions were awarded to: versity of Missouri on its 150th year of service of the USS YF–415 and twenty-one men from Marlaina Lutz from Roxbury High School for in the Federal Depository Library Program, a the Hingham, MA, Ammunition Depot were her photograph entitled, ‘‘Swallow and Hum- program whose origins date back to 1813, disposing of obsolete ammunition. The ship mingbird’’ and Nicolas McMillen from Parsip- when Congress first authorized the printing was loaded with one hundred fifty tons of am- pany Christian School for his photograph enti- and distribution of copies of the Journals of munition and explosives. While they were per- tled, ‘‘Brotherly Tree.’’ the House and Senate, and other documents forming their duties, the ammunition caught Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize each the chambers had ordered printed. One hun- fire. The resulting fire and subsequent explo- artist for their participation by indicating their dred and fifty years is a long time to do any- sions lasted for nearly forty minutes. The ship high school, their name and the title of their thing, especially, I would argue, to keep track went down and seventeen lives were lost. The contest entries for the official RECORD. of our government’s too-numerous-to-name USS Zircon, a weather observing ship, was Boonton High School; Emily DiLaura documents. Of course, I say that in jest—re- fortunately nearby, and rescued fourteen men ‘‘Spring Labor.’’ Franchesca LeBrun ‘‘Portrait (Self);’’ Sara tention and preservation of tangible and digital from the ocean. Leslie ‘‘When I Was a Little Girl;’’ Sabrina information is critical, and future generations From that day until July 20, 2003, the ship Noel ‘‘My Dog Trixie.’’ and scholars need an accurate record of the lay, undiscovered, at the bottom of the Atlantic Chatham High School; Zachary Blake ‘‘Job proceedings and actions of their government. Ocean. Amateur divers located the ship and Interview;’’ Laura Cheong ‘‘Boxful;’’ Megan Since 1813, depository libraries have safe- reported it to the United States Navy. Once Gesell ‘‘Autumn Change;’’ Natalie Smith ‘‘Unti- guarded the public’s right to know by col- the United States Navy properly identified the tled.’’ lecting, organizing, maintaining, preserving ship, Navy divers were dispatched to inves- Hopatcong High School; Katelyn Downey and assisting users with information from the tigate its remnants. Unfortunately, they were ‘‘Capitol Building;’’ Katlyn Garcia ‘‘The North federal government. Government documents unable to find any trace of the missing men. Tower;’’ Gregory P. Smyth III ‘‘Sussex span a wide range—from agency information, Mr. Speaker, it is fitting that today, we re- member those men who lost their lives in the Swans.’’ appropriations, census data and technical re- Livingston High School; Sharon Aliev ‘‘Gos- service of the United States of America sixty- ports to Supreme Court decisions and inser- sip Girls;’’ Andrea Cao ‘‘Another Plague;’’ eight years ago. Their courage and their devo- tions into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, such Laura Lin ‘‘Breath;’’ Christina Torrens ‘‘Frac- tion to their duty continue to inspire us today. as my remarks today. ture.’’ It is appropriate that we as a nation express I also would like to take this opportunity to Madison High School; Teri Minogue ‘‘Reflec- our condolences to their families who have recognize Elmer Ellis Library on its recent re- tion;’’ Kyle T. Smith ‘‘Falling Snow.’’ ceipt of the Federal Depository Library Pro- suffered and endured their loss all these many Millburn High School; Alexandra Bass ‘‘Sec- gram Spotlight Award, which highlights that years. tion of a Collection;’’ Zoe Denenberg ‘‘Liberty.’’ not only is the library one of the oldest partici- Mr. Speaker, I would like to add the names Millburn High School; Emily Draper pants of the program, starting its program in of these brave men into the RECORD so that ‘‘Roses.’’ 1862 in the midst of the Civil War, it also has all Americans may recognize their service and Montville High School; Alexa D’Arienzo one of the largest collections in the country, their sacrifice: William J. Bradley, Adell ‘‘Goddess in Despair;’’ Nicolette Russo ‘‘Drip- housing 1.5 million federal and Missouri state Braxton, Joseph F. Burke, Raymond N. Carr, ping;’’ Jesse Stathis ‘‘Apart of Me.’’ documents. Unbelievably, some of these doc- Truman S. Chittick, George M. Cook, James Morris Catholic High School; Austin Dimore uments date back to the founding of our na- Cox, Jr., Freddie Edwards, Jr., F.E. Federle, ‘‘Behind the Mask;’’ Lucas Milone ‘‘Swamp tion. James S. Griffin, Charles R. Harris, Raymond Tree;’’ Darius Osario ‘‘Koi Pond;’’ Diamante Since the Federal Depository Library Pro- L. Henry, Julian Jackson, Yee M. Jin, Mike Soto ‘‘The Dancer.’’ gram’s inception in 1813, much has changed. Peschunka, Vernon Smith, James B. Turner. Morris Knolls High School; Stefanie Fischer Depository libraries still act as the bridge be- f ‘‘Watchtower;’’ Emily Kovach ‘‘Venice;’’ Kath- tween our nation’s government and its serv- leen McGlynn ‘‘America.’’ Abigail Schaefer CONGRESSIONAL ARTS ices, offering free access and assistance to in- ‘‘King of Spades.’’ terested individuals. However, technology has COMPETITION Mt. Olive High School; Emily Coughlah transformed the way we create, process, store ‘‘Stasis;’’ Michael DiCola ‘‘Hidden Beneath;’’ and distribute information. This means deposi- HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN Lori Tatum ‘‘Autumn Glow.’’ tory libraries must face the challenge of mi- OF NEW JERSEY Parsippany Christian School; Troy Costa grating government information to newer for- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Reunion;’’ Elisee Jean-Pierre ‘‘The Lonely mats. Congress appreciates all of depository Bench;’’ Daniel McMillen ‘‘Root Life.’’ Monday, May 7, 2012 libraries’ hard work and hopes to help move Parsippany High School; Ashley Del Rio forward on these issues with them. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, once ‘‘Untitled.’’ In closing, Mr. Speaker, I ask all my col- again, I come to the floor to recognize the Pequannock High School; Emily Grimaldi leagues to join me in congratulating Elmer great success of strong local schools working ‘‘Great Apple Massacre;’’ Thomas Kozell VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:59 Apr 19, 2018 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E07MY2.000 E07MY2 jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with BOUND RECORD May 7, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 5 6085 ‘‘Lovely Agony;’’ James Quinn ‘‘Cosmos Hair;’’ was driving back home from a job in Tusca- of scrub desert and buildings projected on a Joaquin Roca ‘‘Bloody Mary.’’ loosa. Oscar started attending Harvest Church pull-down screen at the far end of the room. Pope John XXIII High School; Kelly King of God in 1985. Last year, South Sudan split from Sudan, ‘‘Government.’’ Mr. Speaker, I honor Mr. Kadle today and and the North African countries have tee- tered on the verge of war ever since. A day Ridge High School; Clair Chin ‘‘In This Day thank him for his outstanding service to our earlier, Card continues, the fragile cease-fire and Age;’’ Laura Cursi ‘‘Freedom’s Reflec- country. seemed to snap. It appeared that Sudan tion;’’ Sophie Harris ‘‘Modern World.’’ f Armed Forces (SAP) had bombed an oil field Roxbury High School; Brianna Krop ‘‘My 3rd in South Sudan; meanwhile, southern mili- Period Daydream;’’ Cara Resiak ‘‘One Fish, THE SATELLITE SENTINEL tias from the Sudan People’s liberation Two Fish, Me Fish, You Fish;’’ Elizabeth PROJECT: MONITORING WAR Army (SPLA) had apparently attacked an oil Synalovski ‘‘Madison.’’ CRIMES IN SUDAN field in the north.
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