Pate l ci 6 Stone, guests JFK slayers make plans for `found' on `JFK' premiere • grassy knoll By Jane Sumner By Mark Potok (t-14-?1 sir Write of The Wks Morning Fews OF THE TIMES HERALD STAFF 1FR, the film that Variety calls "an You may too sure political conspiracy not be incendiary what Tom Wilson is showing thriller," premieres in Dallas at a ben- you when he starts his video, efit screening Dec. 19 at General but it's hard to ignore the re- Cinema's NorthPark 1 and 11 theatres- tired engineer's words. Oscar-winning di rector Oliver "You are looking right now Stone and guests will attend a recap. into the eye of the assassin of President Kennedy," he says FILM evenly as the tape rolls. tion at Newport's in The Brewery, 703 "You're looking at a mole on McKinney Ave.. after the 7 p.m. his cheek. screening. Gary Oldinan, who plays "1 can tell you right now, Lee Harvey Oswald in the three-hour his eyes are brown." film, has been mentioned as one of the Using sophisticated tech- stars who may accompany Mr. Stone. nologies known as "image JFK, which filmed in Dallas in processing" and "spectral April and May, stars Kevin Costner as analysis," Wilson, 59, has Jim Garrison, the New Orleans district spent three years examining attorney who prosecuted the only some of the most famous criminal case connected with the mur- photographs and films of the der. Others in the all-star cast include world's most famous assassi- Sissy Spacek, Tommy Lee Jones, Joe nation. What he claims he's Pesci, Kevin Bacon and Donald found seems incredible - Sutherland. even to the conspiracy buffs he addressed Friday night in Proceeds from the premiere will Dallas. benefit the Dallas Children's Health Project and the Children's Health The real killer, he says, is Fund, which provide medical care for firing from the grassy knoll: homeless children and their families, on one side of him is another and the Film Commission of North sniper, on the other, a collab- Texas. orating photographer. The North Texas film commissioner Please see 1FK, A-13 Roger Burke says, "JFK is already the most eagerly awaited and talked-about motion picture of the year. With just word-of-mouth that Oliver will be here, we've already had many requests for invitations from a broad spectrum of people." Tickets, which include the recep- tion, cost S100. Call the North Texas Commission at 621-0400. Corporate sponsorships are available. (24p., 02 0 1,2 6 Dallas Times Herald it. So have many conspiracy the- Sometimes, watching Wilson's orists. video and listening to him ex- JFK But Wilson said he's different. plain its often indecipherable im- He worked, in some cases, ages is like watching the movie, From A-1 n-119 41 from copies of copies of photo- "The Fantastic Voyage," where -a graphs. His analysis of the fa- miniaturized submarine crew en- president's autopsy mous Zapruder film of the shoot- ters the human body. Except in photographs are faked; so is a fa- ing was done on a copy made on Wilson's case, zooming in on an mous photo of Lee Harvey Os- 'a $3 tape in a $150 VCR." But autopsy photo of the president, wald holding a sniper's rifle. Wilson said it doesn't matter. you enter the hole in his throat There's a bullet in the president's What he does, he said, is mea- where a tracheotomy was per- back never before reported; and sure frequencies of light that formed. there's unreported metal in his bounce off a photograph or film As you go down, Wilson points head. strip. The light is measured on out what he says is the bullet "Basic," Wilson says as his vid- 250,000 solid-state charge-cou- hole and its configuration — a eo plays. "Basic." pled devices using a 256-shade pattern he says proves the shot Hardly, retorted several au- gray scale; the human eye can came from the front, meaning it thorities who heard about Wil- perceive only 30 shades of gray. could not have been fired by Os- son's claims to the Dallas assassi- Then his computer program de- wald, who is supposed to have nation symposium. Said Robert velops a kind of layered picture, fired from above and behind. Blakey, chief counsel and staff sometimes adding lifelike colors. Similarly, Wilson made these claims: director of the House Select 'Nothing is speculation' Committee on Assassinations, • Looking at the president's which probed the killing in 1979: "Nothing is theory," he said. brain by examining one spot in -You know the saying among "Nothing is speculation." the Zapruder film shows that computer people, 'Garbage in, The process, he said, is like that shot also was fired from in garbage out?' looking at a photo of a darkened front Wilson also claimed to be This is garbage? door leading into a hallway, able to pick out pieces of scalp Agreeing was David Belin, which looks black to the human and brain matter as it flies counsel to the Warren Commis- eye. His method 'peels away" through the air in a backward sion, which concluded that the the layers of gray, going deeper arc. and deeper and picking up Nov. 22, 1963, assassination was ■ Probing several autopsy pho- shades invisible to the eye. In the the work of Oswald acting alone. tographs shows a shot in the low- end, with the computer enhanc- "It's a series of massive lies," er left back and also shows thata ing the grays to make them visi- he said. "The man is basically picture of the rear of the presi- ble, you will see the man who is making an outrageous claim." dent's head has been altered. standing at the end of the hall. Other conspiracy theorists have 'Hard evidence' offered "Yes, some of these things can maintained that the photos were But Wilson, a soft-spoken, be done," said Michael Bove, a faked to cover up the direction of hard-of-hearing former U.S. Steel Massachusetts Institute of Tech- the shots. engineer, will not be deterred. nology professor who has worked Before Friday night, he had nev- extensively on image enhance- U A photograph of Oswald at er gone public. He is doing so, he ment his home holding a sniper's gun said in an interview, "because I "But the point at which it is actually of another man with have the first real piece of hard starts getting to be a little bit less Oswald's face superimposed. Part evidence? certain technology is when some- of the Zapruder film also has The evidence, he said, is film one shows shows you a (blurry) been altered. — the same film that has been picture and says I can identify all • A "white puff" on a Polaroid probed for the 28 years since the cars, and worse, all the snapshot of the grassy knoll - Kennedy's death. Experts from Fords," he said. 'Fundamentally, long identified by some theorists NASA and the FBI, called by the all you've got to go with is what's as smoke from a gun — is just House committee that reexam- on the film. Anything else you that. Wilson's computer program ined the Warren Commission's pull out of there, you're making takes you through the halo of controversial conclusions, studied assumptions about." smoke, purportedly showing the racy .3 Saturday, November 16, 1991 A-13 Jesse 1-ternbucteeMailas Ttrnes Hrit?eld Dr. Cyril Wecht, left, says Torn Wilson has done "beautiful work" in delving Into the .1Fii assassinatlon,-; gunman's eye, a mole on his he said, "I could probably tell were authentic. cheek and a rifle's scope; a earn- you the name on the badge." era to the gunman's right, operat- Gary Mack, a Texas assassion- Cyril Wecht, a Pennsylvania Lion theorist who nevertheless ed by another conspirator, and forensic pathologist and one-time discounted many of the theories an adjacent puff of smoke, mark- president of the American Acad- ing where another sniper fired being espoused Friday, said he4.1 a emy or Forensic Sciences, has interviewed Wilson for hours. ;;,' fifth of a second earlier, but examined Wilson's results and on missed. Wilson also claimed he Friday called it "beautiful work." "He doesn't really know whit can see the killer's eagle-shaped Wecht — who gave a thunderous information the computer is pdt- badge — indicating the assassin speech at the conference refer- ting into the picture. The coni- puter is just reacting to 'noise,' wore the uniform of a federal of- ring to conspiracy theorists' at- adding material, altering ficial — and the outline of his tempts to get at the truth as "this name plate. glorious quest, this magnificent sharpening it. He doesn't really struggle' — said he endorsed know what it's doing." • Name on badge possible Wilson's work but was unsure if "It's like ink blot tests," ie 'If I had an original (photo}," the photographs he worked from said. "Magic is a polite term." i(p INI JGUING TALE tv Witness to slaying of JFK says she saw gunmen, gave chase By Todd Copilevitz S:alf Write of rat Dallas lionling Sews The truth be told, Jean Hill went to Dealey Plaza trying to attract the attention of a cute police officer. But that alone probably wouldn't have drawn 300 people to listen in- tently to her every word 28 years later.
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