![<R2PX] 2^]Rtstb <XRWXVP]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
M V 7>DB4>540AC7)Get a chic blueprint with no carbon footprint | 8]bXST A PUBLICATION OF | P L A N Y O U R N I G H T A T W W W. E X P R E S S N I G H T O U T. C O M | OCTOBER 3-5, 2008 | -- 5A44++ Weekend C74A>03F0AA8>AB --;Pbc]XVWc½bSTQPcTT]STSPUcTa C74A43B:8=B4G?42C0C>D675867C8=?78;;Hk ! 4g_aTbb½STPS[X]T5X]SX]ST_cW R^eTaPVTPcfPbWX]Vc^]_^bcR^\ <R2PX] 2^]RTSTb CHRIS O’MEARA/AP Evan Longoria hit two home runs in the Rays’ win. <XRWXVP] APhbA^[[)Longoria powers Losing ground, Republican Tampa to first playoff win | # writes off battleground state F0B78=6C>=k Republican presidential can- ATbRdT4UU^ac) Push to get didate John McCain conceded battleground Michigan to the Democrats on Thursday, GOP bailout passed gains steam | " officials said, a major retreat as he struggles to regain his footing in a campaign increas- 5^bbTcc2[dTb) Wreckage of ingly dominated by economic issues. These officials said McCain was pulling adventurer’s plane found | # staff and advertising out of the economically distressed Midwestern state. With 17 elec- 4=C4AC08=<4=C toral votes, Michigan voted for Democrat John Kerry in 2004, but Republicans had poured money into an effort to try to place it in their column this year. ?[PhX]V=XRT) The decision allows McCain’s resources Michael Cera acts to be sent to Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida and other more competitive states. But it also sweetly awk- means Obama can shift money to other ward ... again. states like Virginia, Colorado and North Plus, Bill ALTAFFER/AP MARY Carolina, where he is trying to eat into tra- ditional Republican territory. Maher’s The move underscored McCain’s troubles ‘Religulous.’ <dbTd\BWX_8]caT_XSATcda]b on the economy, which he has acknowledged is skewers the 102:7><4)The World War II aircraft carrier Intrepid, powered by tugs and accompanied by a not his strongest subject, as well as his strug- festive Hudson River procession, returns Thursday to the Manhattan pier where it has served for gle to beat an opponent who has the money faithful. 24 years as a museum. The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum had occupied the space until late to compete in states President Bush won four -- &" 2006, when it was moved for extensive repairs and improvements costing nearly $120 million. years ago. Polls show Obama has pulled ahead or tied McCain in many of those states. 0? 70E4H>D>A70BH>DA50<8;H144=05542C431H 5A830H B0CDA30H BD=30H _^[[RT]cTa >5C742>D=CAH½B42>=><82<4;C3>F=. H4B => & $! & $# & $" C>20BCH>DAE>C4E8B8C4G?A4BB=867C>DC2><>AC4GC05>A¼H4B½>A15>A¼=>½C>('(((5>AC7DAB30H½B?>;;A4BD;CBB44?064# C>30H)2^^[P]S_[TPbP]cfXcW_Pac[hbd]]hbZXTbP]S[XVWcQaTTiTbk#! !k4G?A4BBk "!'k5A830H ThTOpeners 50<8;HC84B ?;0H8=6F8C758A4 ATPb^]=^ c^7PeT 3^]½c<PZT¼8]cTa]P[ 5aXT]SbH^da>f]0VT 2^\QdbcX^]½9^ZTb Many brides-to-be pick best friends Police said a man in Mukwonago, Wis., to serve as their maids or matrons of was arrested after he used a cigarette honor. But Erica Schultz’s best buddy lighter while trying to siphon gasoline isn’t a high school friend or a college from a van. The man, who was visiting The ketchup thief is now running for a pal; it’s her 92-year-old grandmother. friends, was going to drive home early seat on the Santa Ana City Council. Angelene Schultz will stand beside her Saturday but realized that he didn’t granddaughter when the 26-year-old have enough gas in his SUV. Police 2>=38<4=CDB4 marries Mark James on Oct. 18 in Bay said the man tried to siphon the gas City, Mich. “She is my best friend,” said with help from another woman, but he FPb7Xb5PRTATS. Erica, who owns a Web design busi- couldn’t see how much gas was in the An Orange, Calif., school board ness with her fiance. “I still go over to container, so he used the lighter trustee known for his dark glasses, her house every day, to get her mail and to check. A blast of fire burned his knit cap and rants at meetings was prescriptions,” she told the Saginaw hands and led nearby residents suspected of condiment kidnapping. News. And the woman known to call police. Police said REGIN/AP RUTH BY WIGS DOG WIGGLES A Chapman University spokeswoman as Granny-Mae has been he and the woman were said the man was cited for petty theft on no bystander in the wed- located later in a C74B8=24A4BC5>A<>55;0CC4AH Saturday after he put a ketchup bottle ding planning process. She store parking lot. under his clothing and left the school’s helped choose the wedding He was arrested cafeteria. The man must appear in gown and will wear her own for theft and neg- 8bCWPc;X_bcXRZ. court, and if charges are filed, he could red dress to the ceremony. ligent use of burn- 8c½bcWPccX\T^UcWThTPaPVPX]¹cWTcX\Tc^SaX]ZW^cRXSTaRPaeT_d\_ face 45 days in jail. In 2005, the board “I feel it is a big honor for me ing materials. The ZX]bP]SUXch^daPfZfPaS[hb\P[[S^VU^aXcb7P[[^fTT]fXV>aXcbhTPa reprimanded the man after he rambled to be in the wedding party, woman was referred a^d]SfXV¹fT½aT]^cT]cXaT[hbdaTfWPccWT_aPRcXRTXbAdcWATVX]P about credit unions and his father’s and I’m happy to do it, even to authorities for \XVWcQTPQ[Tc^cT[[h^d\^aT*bWT½bcWTRaTPc^a^UFXVV[Tb3^VFXVbP]S death. He sued the district for violating if I do raise some eyebrows,” being party to theft. WT]RTcWTQaX[[XP]c\X]SQTWX]ScWTBPaPW?P[X]U^ah^da_^^RWR^XUUdaT his right to free speech, but the case said the woman who has five Formal charg- h^dbTTWTaT=^cWT\^ST[Xb]½cP_XcQd[[QdccWT[^^ZXbbcX[[PRRdaPcT was dismissed. The man’s school children and 15 grandchil- es haven’t been P]S\^aTX\_^acP]c[h_^[XcXRP[[haT[TeP]c4G?A4BB board tenure will be over in November dren.0? filed. 0? because of redistricting. 0? Dance With Our Stars...4 weeks only $49 APPRENDREAPPRENDRE CAR INSURANCE WITH ANGLAISANGLAIS PERSONAL SERVICE. Ballroom, Swing & Salsa with over 30 courses to choose from! NO EXTRA CHARGE. Youth & Teen classes also available! Kevin Gallagher Ins Agcy Inc 11(877)(877) 844-2505844-2505 KevinKevin Gallagher, Gallagher, Agent Agent Bus:Bus:703-525-9500 703-525-9500Fax: Fax: 703-525-3427703-525-3427 www.bowtieguy.net nine simple numbers you learned by age 3 play State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company P040203 ® 05/05 The fun addictive logic game—every day! XX141a 1x1 BOOKS/LITERARY BOOKS/LITERARY OVER 1/4 MILLION DANCERS REACHING THEIR GOALS SINCE 1976 Dance Factory • 703-528-9770 • dancefactory.com 954 N. Monroe Street, Arlington Virginia (next to the VA Square metro) 5A830Hk "!'k4G?A4BBk" >=4B7>CF0B=½C4=>D67)Authorities say a man in Fort Myers, Fla., shot himself in the arm early Wednesday morning after his girlfriend refused to have sex with him. The man was treated for two gunshot wounds to the arm and was taken to jail. =PcX^] 9dSVT;Tcb 7^dbT;TPSTab<PZT1PX[^dc2PbT BT]Pc^a½b Lawmakers hope they back and approve a massive rescue Bush pointed out — as if lawmakers approving the measure but stopped plan designed to stave off national needed reminding — and he argued short of predicting passage — or will have enough votes economic disaster. from the White House that the huge even promising a vote. Nonethe- CaXP[6^>] to pass bill on Friday Anything but reassured, inves- rescue measure was the best chance less, the vote was expected on Fri- Stevens’ defense sought tors sent the Dow Jones industri- to calm unnerved financial markets day. “I’m going to be pretty confi- F0B78=6C>=k Desperate to avoid als plunging another 348 points, and ease the credit crunch. dent that we have sufficient votes mistrial after learning another market-crushing defeat, suggesting Wall Street is expect- Democratic and Republican lead- to pass this before we put it on the of witness’ statement House leaders won key converts ing tougher economic times even if ers worked over wayward colleagues floor,” Hoyer said. Thursday to the $700 billion finan- the measure is rushed into law. The wherever they could find them. The top Republican vote-coun- 8=2>DACk A federal judge refused cial industry bailout on the eve of a Federal Reserve reported record Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer, the ter, Rep. Roy Blunt of Missouri, Thursday to declare a mistrial or make-or-break second vote. emergency lending to banks and second-ranking House Democrat, did predict the measure would be dismiss corruption charges against President Bush and congressio- investment firms, fresh evidence said there was a “good prospect” of approved. 9D;8478AB2754;330E8B0? Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, ruling nal leaders lobbied furiously for the of the credit troubles squeezing that his trial can proceed despite dozen or so supporters they’d need the country. CWT\T[cS^f])0QTWX]ScWTbRT]Tb[^^ZPccWTUX]P]RXP[SXbb^[dcX^]cWPcbW^^Z the prosecution’s belated disclo- to reverse Monday’s stunning set- “A lot of people are watching,” [TPSTab^]2P_Xc^[7X[[P]SVaX__TScWTT]cXaTf^a[SkC^SPh½b?^bc0BTRcX^] sure of information that could aid Stevens’ defense. The ruling came after a sur- B>DC7?03A48B;0=3C4G0Bk8:4½B05C4A<0C7 prise revelation late Wednesday <X[XcPah1^]dbTb night that Justice Department law- 5^a=TfATRadXcb yers had not dis- closed the poten- 6a^f!$?TaRT]c tially exculpatory F0B78=6C>=k The Army and information.
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